Cascade Falls

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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chill <3
*thoughtful chin tap* Mmm... Nyah, don't wanna be all chill *lalalalalalalala cannot HEAR you!* <3 <3 <3

u thought.

This OOC is a mess, tbh and I love it.
Hehe, all the gifs~ I hope to get this baby wrapped up soon, I've been a little buys with assignments this weekend so I haven't had a chance. ^.^ But I should hopefully soon.
There's no rush. I know people get busy this time of year.
Hey guys. Just letting you all know that Alison will be out of play for a little while as I finish studying for the CPA exam. I'm taking the exam on the 21st. I'll be pretty swamped with work until then. Feel free to continue. I'll jump in when I can.
Thanks for the heads up. Now that I think of it, we're also going to be without Alekto from the 4th to the 16th. Ideally, I'd like the pace to move faster than it has been, but I know things come up RL with everyone and it's getting to be the holidays, so. I've never had a problem holding a spot or anything, but it's up to the players to refresh themselves with IC happenings once they get back.
I'll make sure to read all the posts before jumping in. ;-) Can't wait for this damn test to be over!
I can always do an update but people should be reading the IC to catch up, haha.

And yes, good luck! <3 appears I have missed a lot of OOC chatter (somehow the alerts system didn't alert me)! Good luck @La Reina for your test! And yes, I have another vacation coming up, but this time I'll likely have good wifi so I'll try and check in. Also, welcome @QueenOfHearts ~
So after more days then it should have took, constant OCD double checks, just being done with my own writing, and much from the fantastic neptune I finally got my first post done. I hope it's okay, if not please tell me so. Though yeah *collapses* First post, woot! Always the hardest part.

Also thank you @Alekto for the welcome! Hope you have a fun vacation!
Just curious, is anyone in this group participating in nanowrimo?
-flailwave- Oohmemememe! -more flailing-

...I mean you know that but.. -EXCITED FLAILING ANYWAYS-
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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Well, duh c: I know you are.
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I considered doing it, I've successfully managed to do so in the past, but realized I had too much on my plate with work, school, the RPs I have now and the novel I'm writing at a slower, more steady pace.

I'm starting to chip away at a Jean post, but I won't get it done before class tonight so it might not be posted until tomorrow, but no later than that.
With my work schedule, spending what time I can with my family and still writing for the RPs I already have? Oh my goodness "no" on the NanoWriMo. November is a horrible month for trying to plan extraneous stuff for me anyway, with two close family birthdays this month, plus Thanksgiving (and hosting the in-laws this year too).

So tl;dr, nope...
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