Name: Rhonwen Agrona Godo
Age: 28
Physical Extras: Rhonwen is a short and skinny young woman, at 5'3" and 129 lbs. Her blonde hair is usually kept in a braid, and reaches to the bottom of her shoulders while braided. Being Celtic, Rhonwen is fair-skinned, and has a few light freckles scattered over her whole body. She has no tattoos or piercings. She has a burn scar on her left palm, under her thumb.
Sexuality: Homosexual
Three Good Traits:
Loyal - Rhonwen is loyal to almost no end. She will stick with someone if the whole town is against them, up until the point of a fête. Anything short of that and she is either with you or against you, and if the former, little will sway her from her stance.
Intelligent - She can remember all sorts of information that she's read, and knows when to share those tidbits or not. She's also clever enough to find a solution to most every day problems.
Straightforward - The woman won't dance around questions or issues; if something is bothering her, Rhonwen will get right to it, though not necessarily in a brash manner.
Three Flaws:
Dishonest - Rhonwen has no qualms lying to get what she wants. She'll tell a lie to avoid trouble; she'll tell a lie to avoid so much as a suspicion of trouble, if she has to.
Petty - Little things can drive Rhonwen crazy. Not being invited to a social gathering, or being ignored, or even a comment against her can infuriate her.
Ruthless - She shows little mercy for others. It didn't take her long to adjust to the justice of Cascade Falls, and she rarely feels that the punishments are out of proportion.
Place of Residence: New York City, New York
Marital Status: Unmarried (In a serious relationship)
Family/Children: Mother, Anita Godo, 62; Father, Ronald Godo, 65; Brother, Finnegan Godo, 31; Sister, Caitria Godo, 25; Sister, Maeve Godo, 21; Partner, Emma Dumont, 27 -
ages all current, assuming everyone is still alive, as they were in 2012
Occupation: Marine Biologist
Who was president when you came to Cascade Falls?: Barack Obama
Marital Status: Unmarried
Occupation: Teacher
Family Children:
How long have you lived in Cascade Falls?: 3 Years
Have you ever tried to leave?: No
Have you ever been to the fence?: Once, when she first arrived.
In-Character Writing Sample:
Rain pittered against the window and the walls, and if Rhonwen turned her head the right way, she could see the grey sky turn Emma into a monochrome sculpture. White back in the storm's bright light, black hair, charcoal shadows on her side, her breasts, her stomach, her face against Rhonwen's shoulder.
The rain made the woman think of home. She'd woken up to more mornings like this than not, as a girl, and looked at it nostalgically. New York had sporadic weather- sun for three days, temperature all at different sides of the spectrum, without a cloud in sight, then the scare of a storm, then clouds for a week, with the sun teasing its way through every few hours, only to risk rain with a few drops a moment later. Not like home; there, she could feel the weather, and predict the rains. Perhaps that was just small-town know how talking. Perhaps it was just that it rained a lot in Ireland, though that was the less romantic version.
She swiveled her head and looked at the clock. 5:36. She wasn't much of a late sleeper anyways, but even this was early for her. Still, lying in bed was, well, boring, even as Emma's pillow. Careful not to disturb her lover, Rhonwen lifted herself from the bed, tugged at the white tank top she slept in, and crossed the apartment to the small kitchen. Rhonwen turned the front burner on, then took the kettle and filled it in the sink. She and Emma had both succumb to the recent trend of tea, and had fully incorporated it into their routines.
Soft swishes in the sheets made Rhonwen turn around. Emma was sitting up and running her eye. Rhonwen set the kettle down in the sink and shut off the water. "You're up early," the blonde remarked. Even after several years in the states, her Irish accent was still noticeable.
"So are you." Slowly, Emma rose, and grabbed a sweater on her way towards the kitchen. She slipped it on, then leaned against the table that served as a dining room.
"Couldn't sleep."
"Thinking about your family?"
Rhonwen just frowned. The subject had crossed her mind, but now that Emma brought it up, she thought only of the invariable, following argument: marriage. Only a couple of months ago had it been legally recognized statewide. Before that, Rhonwen never had to face this issue; but now, marriage meant telling her catholic family that they had a lesbian for a daughter.
Not that Rhonwen didn't love Emma- not that she didn't want to marry her- but that did make her hesitant to move forward.
Emma sighed. "Alright. Sorry."
Rhonwen leaned back. "We need to save up money for the ceremony, an-" she had put her hands behind her, on the counter, but one had landed on the stove. Hard. The woman cursed and drew her hand away, then turned to the sink, turned the cold water on, and jammed her hand under it. A steady stream of swears was coming from Rhonwen's mouth.
She heard Emma's footsteps approaching rapidly. "Here, I've got some burn stuff." Rhonwen turned around and offered her injured hand to her girlfriend, who promptly started to work at it. Such were the benefits of having a girlfriend in medical school. The curses slowed to a trickle, and Rhonwen glanced at the clock to distract herself. 5:52.