Can't be Tamed

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"Doesn't it make it hard to make friends though because of that?" Tia asked, wondering how that works. "I mean surely you have some friends or colleagues that know you well enough to be considered a friend or even a childhood friend."
"I had a few childhood friends..But you see, when I was little, I would always feel sorry for the sick kids, so I would be their Best Friend, so they enjoyed life while they had it. I had only 2 or 3 kids that didn't have a lethal disease, but they moved. I do have a couple of friends. And yes, it does make it hard, but when they actually get to be a friend, it makes the bond stronger, if that makes sense."
"I see. Well then do you consider me a friend or an acquaintance?" Tia asked then took a sip of her iced tea and awaited Jae's answer since she was a bit curious as to how she saw her even though they just met not too long ago.
Caught by the question, she paused. "Well, most people I have only known for this long, I consider an acquaintance, but, you're different. I'd definitely call you a friend of mine."
"Hmm. What makes me so different from the others? I mean if you known them for generally the same amount of time and they stayed as an acquaintance then what makes me special enough to jump the gun to friend so quickly?" Tia asked, pretty much turning the question game from the cafe in her favor.
"You're not hiding anything, according to how you act. You don't seem to be all happy go lucky, and being around isn't like some people who just being in the same room makes you depressed or irritated because how they act." As she finished, she leaned back.
"Well you do have a point there." Tia then takes a moment to think then takes another sip of tea and finally says "So since you consider me a friend then why don't you tell me a bit about yourself. I think it's only fair that I know some things about you now."
She nodded. "Yes, but you have to tell me what you want to know other than my name, and how I make friends." She chuckled. "I don't know what to say, anything you want to know?" She tilted her head a little.
"Well do you have job? If so what do you do for a living?" Tia asked with a smile, slightly ignoring Jae's remark then leaned back.
Pausing, she thought. "Yes, and, well, I work for the government. I help them retrieve intel, hence the hesitation when giving information to people I meet."
"I see. Well that does make sense consideration the government is kinda strict when it comes to intel." Learning this made Tia wonder about Jae a little and if she gave the answers to those questions earlier to the government or secretly had them recorded. She was by no means paanoid but she did have her moments where her thoughts would get the better of her.
Realizing how she would have felt in the situation, sat up. "Don't worry, you're not in trouble or anything. I'm supposed to meet a friend to clear out my vacation plans." She chuckled a little at her mistake.
"Oh heh. Well alright then. I honestly thought you were giving the government information about me. I'd honestly have to kill you if you did since I've been like a shadow to them lately."
Pausing, she smiled. "Makes sense. If I were you, I would have done the same thing." She laughed a little.
Tia laughed with her then finished her tea. 'Honestly my line of work isn't something the government gives you a medal an a pat on the back for. Most of these weapons are stolen, most are from dangerous leaders in different countries thus making them outlawed here. I keep them as trophies of my previous jobs if it wasn't obvious."
Jae nodded. "Makes sense, but, I think something came across wrong. Yes, I work for the government, but I didn't exactly mean this government." She hid a sly smile.
"Wait if you don't work for this government then who do you work for exactly?" Tia asked, tilting her head slightly at this sudden revelation.
"Well, there's a new group here that are planning to reform the government and their super conciousness of everyone and taking their rights. They call themselves 'The Government'."
"Not very original when it came to thinking of a name for themselves huh?" Tia remarked with a slight chuckle then continued to listen to her, this whole reform the government thing peaking her interests.
"The name was mostly to hide themselves from the actual government..and yes, you are right." She smiled.
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