Cafe Valdemar

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She blushed as he kissed her cheeks. "But Declan might get mad at me and to you." she said worried. "Let's just clean up here. What do you think?" she suggested.
She squeezed his back tighter than before hearing his words, which were comforting her somehow. Soon she did realised what she was doing and quickly tried to escape from his arms which were around her small figure.
Pandora's heart started to beat rapidly and could hear it. She was afraid that something will happen if she didn't do something right away.

" That's exactly what my brother... Told me to. That he won't hurt me but.. Hmmmm He did! Even if I cried .. Didn't matter to him. He.. Just .." She stopped there before her eyes were filled with tears and tried to push Declan away from her.


Sheyla sighed as she walked without a route, she looked tired. She was tired. Specially after everything that happened today, of course, it hasn't been her first time, but today she had crossed the lines. Innocents lives were almost lost because of her careless act. And today, it cost her distinctive, at least for two weeks. And her boss made himself very clear that there wouldn't be a third time. Ugh, she needed a drink. To her luck, she saw a bar not too far from there, and she didn't need to think twice.

Arriving there, Sheyla took a sit far from the others at the bat, she didn't really feel like sharing today. So she just raised her hand and called for the bartender.

"Bartender! I was wondering, do you have something really, really strong? Like, the type of strong that would make one to forget what happened that day? If so, I would like one of that." Her voice was almost a hiss by the end of her sentence, when suddenly her phone ringed. She quickly took it to see who was calling, making a promise to herself to beat that person later. "Ugh..." Was all she said when she looked who had called, her annoying partner, her overly sentimental-worried-rightful-partner. She let it ring. Sheyla would think of an excuse later, but not now.
Declan stepped back "I.. I didn't want to upset you.."
He looked down "I'm not like that.."
He gently lifted her chin and looked at her "Want me to hurt him? Because I will. He shouldn't have done that, especially not to family."

Max nodded "he won't get mad, he seems to be fine now anyway."

As someone asked for a drink Declan sighed "please sit down, Pandora.."
He got behind the bar and smiled "good afternoon, one drink, coming right up."
He started mixing some spirits and poured it in a glass "there you go, anything else?"
"Yeah. He seemed fine." she said leaning on to Max. "You'll stay right?" she asked him.
She rubbed hard her eyes whipping away the fallen tears and took a deep breath before taking her red coat and found herself a spot to sit down.
I can't believe myself that hugged him.. My hands are still shaking badly. Why my mouth spoke before.. ? I'll just get in trouble more at this state.

Pandora didn't knew what to do, definitely didn't want to go home now. He would be there. Also where she was supposed to go since that wasn't an option her new home. She begun to have mixed up feelings about her current situation, wanting to do something about it she tried to speak. The words couldn't come out.

Definitely today was a bad day for her, even if she met new people couldn't just yet let her guard down. However, Pandora decided to order one more drink.

She took out her phone and typed quickly a txt message before getting up, walking towards Declan.
" I would like another jack with ice and after .. I shall leave. I am sorry again for today.. I'm not myself lately."

Pandora showed the message because she couldn't bring herself to speak after what happened between them.
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Max nodded and smiled "of course I will. I'm not going anywhere, babe."
As their eyes met, Max decided to take a chance, leaning in slowly, leaving a small gap between their lips, as he cupped her cheek.

Declan looked at the message and nodded, as he started pouring her drink. As he put the glass down he looked at her "don't go.. Stay, please.."
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Pandora leaned over to the bar pressing her chest over, with a sad expression. She couldn't believe what she just heard from Declan.

Her right hand moved slowly to take the glass and gulped the brownish liquid squeezing her eyes to.

" uhmm.. Why do you want me to stay ?" She simply asked Declan looking directly at his eyes, folding her arms at her chest making her cleavage to be a little more visible. Not that she noticed it. It wasn't on purpose.

She didn't knew that her body figure might attract the wrong persons towards her. Still, Pandora just wanted to forget everything. Erase it all.
She gasped softly and unconsciously closed her eyes. "Max.." she whispered. "Thank you." she said while eyes still close. .
Sheyla took her drink and mumbled a quiet "Thanks" and "No, I'm good.". She stayed quiet as she listened to the talk that was going on. Bad timing, huh... She thought. It seems like she was not the only one on the shit, though she didn't really know what was going on. She just arrived. She took a big sip from her cup, the alcohol already burning her throat as it made its way down. She sighed relieved. But her relief didn't last as she saw the look on the girl's face, the one holding the phone. Maybe it was her cop's instinct going on, but she really didn't like that look. She opened her mouth to say something, but soon closed it. She remembered what happened today, how stupid she was, and suddenly she didn't trust herself in helping other people. Sheyla just sighed again and took another sip, turning her eyes to the glass in front of her.
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Declan sighed "because if you go back, you'll get hurt more, and I, forgive me for caring, don't want that."
Declan was confused about the sudden mood change, he knew what had happened, she didn't even have to tell him. And even though he kept his distance to make her feel comfortable, he still wanted to make sure she's okay.

Max slowly kissed Leila as a reply to her words, as he stepped closer to her, and hugging her tight.

Meanwhile Declan sighed "I just.. I don't think you should go home. Not when he's there.. He clearly has done something terrible, and that's why you are so afraid of me.. Because you feel like you can't trust guys."
This guy was no ordinary one. He could see right through her like an open book. Pandora was that obvious.

She looked at Declan surprised, her blue eyes slightly still sad found herself in a position of not turning back now.

Putting her phone back in the pocket, she sighed deeply but looking away towards the window.

" I.. Never thought that it was that obvious to other people. I just .. Uhmm wish I could erase it. But thank you for your concern." Said to him by holding her medallion once more, before she begin to walk towards the exit.

" I need a cigarette.. I will be back." Opening the door Pandora took out her last cigar and light it up. Soon the smoke rose in the air, after she inhale the contagious taste. Supporting her back by the window she continued to smoke looking over to the sky.

" Stupid me.. I can't change myself. I will always be scared.." Whispered to herself before throwing he cigarette away.
"It's not obvious.. But you kind of told me all by yourself, without any details.." He replied.
As she walked out he sighed "so.. Anyway, sorry about that, how are you today, ma'am?"
He turned to face the girl at the bar with a smile.
She didn't knew what to do at the moment, couldn't decide if she should stay here or find a hotel. But she remembered that her credit card was blocked by her mother and didn't have enough money cash.

Pandora sighed again, entering the bar once again looking to sit down somewhere, still with Declan's words in her head. She walked to the left side of the bar and sat down near the window, ignoring her vibrating phone.

However, she felt kind of safe in this bar and Declan seemed nice enough along with that girl Leila to. Deep down she felt caught in the middle. Leaning back her eyes slowly closing, her head spinning from the drinks she tried not to fall asleep.

I guess.. I could ask him just for tonight if I could sleep here somewhere. After that I'm sure he won't want to see my face around here.

" I know that I am small.. And a crybaby sometimes.. Uhmmm but I like it here" she said out loud before her head fall to one side of the chair sleeping softly.
Sheyla looked at the guy surprised, she wasn't expecting being addressed at all. So she put the cup that already was at mid air going to her mouth on the counter. She waved her hands in the air, in a signal of indifference.

"Nah, just the same crap as aways. Dealing with bosses are always so difficult, especially after you almost let innocent people die." Her voice was indifferent, but her choice of drink already told it all. "So yeah, I almost lost my job today, luckily, my boss is really...forgetful, so he gave me a second chance... At least after 2 weeks. Anyway, I'm not really that worried. My partner can handl..." And her iPhone started to ring. "Speaking of the devil... I'll be right back." Sheyla moved to the corner of the bar, with her phone already on her ear.

"The heck you want? Yes I'm fine. No. Look! This isn't the first time, ok? I know, dumbass! I know that you know that! Don't yell at me, or I will slit your throat! I might not have my gun right now, but in two weeks I'll have it back! What? Yeah fine, try that. As if he would listen. Ugh! You know what? I'll end this call. Bye bye dumbass, see you back at the delegacy in two weeks. No! Don't you even dare! Look, Daniel, I don't want your sympathy! I'm fine and I can handle this myself! WHAT? That was only one time! WHAAT? Now I'm a psychopath, yeah alri..." The voice of the red head started to fade away as she made her way out of the bar, just loud curses being understandable.
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Declan was a little confused "wait.. Wha.. What just even happened?" He mumbled as he scratched the back of his head. Did she just say she was going to kill someone? Oh well..
He looked over to find Pandora sleeping..
He walked over and tapped her shoulder gently "hey.. Let's get you comfortable, I'm pretty sure sleeping on a chair isn't all that nice."
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Breathing softly, she mumbled on a low tone while her hair covered her face.
" I .. Need two more minutes.. Uhmm.. " saying that, slowly tried to open her eyes using one hand to rub softly her left eye.
Pandora looked at the man before her eyes, still somehow felt really sleepy.

She tried to move from the chair only finding herself stumbling back, loosing her balance for a minute.

" uhmm ... I think I drink a bit to much. Shhh! It's a secret, but this was my first time drinking.. Hehe" with a giggling voice and half closed eyes, Pandora said to Declan.
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He took her arm and chuckled ''Wow, watch out, come on.. You can sleep in the office, it's much more comfortable. You can also stay at mine tonight, I have alot of spare rooms..'' he offered with a smile.
He helped her get to the office, and laid her down on the sofa.
He grabbed a blanket and covered her ''there, there, you can sleep now.''
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Pandora smiled at Declan as he helped her to stand up. They slowly walked into his office, where she laid down on this comfortable sofa. She put her hair aside, while her chest was moving in same motion with her heart beats. Up and down.

As he covered her tiny body, she moved her hand brushing over his bigger fingers and catch his pinky one with her own finger squeezing.

" Please can .. You stay a little longer? I don't want to be alone. Just.. For a .. While " Pandora mumbled to him still holding his finger tight.

" I ... Am scared of the dark.. So, don't leave me just yet.." Her eyes looking at him feeling warmth at her cheeks.

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Declan smiled and sat down next to the sofa, and put his arm on her arm.
''It's okay, I'll be right here.. just close your eyes.. the light will stay on, I promise.''

He was trying his best to comfort her, yet he tried to keep his distance as he didn't want to upset her.
He looked at her and smirked ''don't blush, it's all good.''
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