Bushido - The Path of Honor (Sign up/OOC)

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I hate to say it, but with Dinorocket leaving and Parser banned I don't think I'll be playing either. The recent drama is kind of sapping my will to join new games, especially now that we can't really do the Four Horsemen thing. Sorry.
@Olissa Sorry about that was catching up with rps since I got my computer back :D
Hanaka is a hostess as well as a singer so either one is ok. Notowa still fights but you can label him a cook for now, since he doesn't want to draw much attention to himself.
To those that are feeling like they're at a point to quit, that's very unfortunate. But circumstances being as they are I do wish you guys the best in whatever you do next :) and thanks for showing interest at least. If you do end up staying, you're more than welcome to of course.

And Lucifers Sairen, got it :)
If you're in need a forth horseman I can make another char, just not a 5th who'd be like a recruit
Y'all, I hate to be a bringer of bad news, but I might place this RP on a hold for a little while.
Character Name: Jax Betancourt.
Gender: Male.
Age: 22.
Ranking: Not available.
Appearance: 5 foot 10, 150 pounds. Athletic build.

Family History: Jax was not born to two parents. He was conceived out of a one night stand, which his mother kept as a secret. On the day of his delivery, she abandoned him. He was left for dead, had a certain old man never found his body on that side of a familiar walkway. He took him in as one of his own; Jax was of British and Spanish decent, clearly not Japanese. For many years, his foster father and his sons spent a lot of time defending his right to exist, just like everyone else - obviously, ridicule often befell the household because of his inclusion. The old man ran a local dojo in town, teaching the ways of the samurai; Jax grew up within these ways. His siblings all grew up to do various things, but eventually moved away. Two out of the seven brothers he had, passed away before he turned eighteen, defending their home. When Jax's father died, he became a Ronin.
Job: Bushido.
Eating, sleeping, mind-altering substances, music.
Extra: Some personality traits - open-minded, spiritual, quiet, well-spoken, personable, wise, bold, serious, brave, courageous, adaptable, benevolent, adamant, compassionate, creative, insightful, strong, tolerant, intelligent, methodical, loyal, reverence for those who deserve it.
Obviously, much more will come to light during play.
Thanks, I like him, make sure to check the rules though.
At this moment I'm unfortunately at a point where I'm putting this roleplay on halt, so as lovely as he is, and accepted, the RP itself won't start for a time. Just so you know
For personal reasons I need to cancel all Group RPs I am in, sorry about that
Sad to hear that, hope you'll be fine wherever you might be off to/needing to focus on.
Character Name: Hideyoshi Taishō

Gender: Male

Age: 28

Ranking: Warrior/ Dojo Sensei (先生)

Appearance: It's not hard to miss Taishō he has remarably blood red hair trailing down his spine and even more remarkably violet shaded eyes that can be quite piercing and authorative as they can be gentle and kind and paitient. They ere the eyes of a man who has slain many, but wise enough to know when to draw his sword. As a samurai, he wears decidedly different clothing than most. A lavender colored kamishimo rests upon a golden inlaid kimono. A kamishimo is composed by the Hakama (the lower part) and the Katanugi (the upper part), a sleeveless jacket with very large shoulders. On these large plumed shoulders, is the family crest or Mon inlaid in gold of the lord he serves. He wears tabi and wargi (sandals)

Family History: Taishō was born from a long line of warriors that spanned generations. He is much the pure bred. Though both his father and grandfather were great pets of their times. Even the haiku's before their subsequent deaths by way of seppuku were really renowned. His mother was formally a geisha. An entertainer of music and the pouring of tea and sake.

Job: Bushi


Hobbies: Poetry, Calligraphy, Gardening, Meditation, tea ceremony, and sword preparation.


  • Personality: Taishō is undeniably hard to shake, he remains calm even under strenuous pressure. He can also read people very easily, which makes him all the more frightful an opponent because it seems to give him an inhuman ability to block or dodge attacks and counter without fail. He is a kid man, preferring to assist rather than fight but once he's engaged, he will be firm rather than yielding, and be authoritative rather than asking. He's a bright young man, a stout fighter he's also a clever tactician. Though he is not as great a fighter yet as his father was nor as good a tactician as his grandfather was. He also can be inhibited by certain things due impart to obsessive compulsions. He's protective of women and children, rather they know how to fight or not. He will immediately step in.
  • Weapons: Taishō carries with him a fully, hand-forged clay tempered and razor sharp tachi. A tachi held a deeper curver and was longer than your a typical katana. Use on horseback to make large sweeping motions at ground infantry, typically it was worn edge down where a katana was worn edge up when in the girdle of a hakama. He has no trouble drawing the sword swiftly and striking his opponent in similar fashion to those who wield katanas. Which in and of itself speaks for his handling of a sword in general. Taishō also trains extensively in the use of the ōdachi. A sword of exceptional length; longer even, than a tachi.
  • Training: Taishō has all formal training for a samurai of his caliber. This includes kenjutsu (Method of the sword) and Iaijutsu/ battōjutsu (Art of the quick draw), he is also versed in Naginatajusu, Kyūdō (Way of the bow, and Jujutsu a hand to hand artform. Outside of combat, he's excellent at calligraphy, poetry, gardening, tea ceremony and sword preparation.

Taishō's Tachi





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