
  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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*Sighs And Accepts One More Person* Alright you made an awesome character, so you're accepted, but I really need to find the closed signups option and change this to that
Sorry if I caused any inconvenience. I just love the movie, and didn't notice you shut off applications before I posted it.
Hi guys! Will be posting this week. Weekends and holidays are when I usually unplug - I'll catch up this week. :}
Alright, doin' a quick role call
Barely around, but might be able to sneak in a post over the weekend. Sorry, guys. Work is taking up most of my time. Hope everyone's doing all right.
Well, I'm still here.

Issue is, I just don't want it to be a "hey, let's just post back and forth for 5 days with no other input" kind of thing.
*Nods* The reason I was doing a rolecall was for cleanup and then major story push. I'll wait for whoever wants to make a post, but then things are going to happen
I'm still around but just a lil inactive. Im prioritising my time for my studies. #lifeofastudent
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