Brothers in Arms: The story of one tank crew in the face of extreme adversity (Closed)

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Name: Erick William Köhler
Gender: Male
Position: Loader
Short Biography: Raised in a farm by his grandparents where the daily routines of farm life conditioned his body he joined the german army in hopes of living up to his dad's legend as a commanding officer during WWI
Personality: Serious natured and loyal to his friends to the end erick is not one for politics. Always trying to prove himself around his peers but becomes very timid around woman.
Appearance: 6ft on the dot he has dark blond hair and light blue eyes and somewhat defined muscular body type. Erick is 18 years old

(Is that good?)
btw his last name means charcoal-maker :D
Name: Erick William Köhler
Gender: Male
Position: Loader
Short Biography: Raised in a farm by his grandparents where the daily routines of farm life conditioned his body he joined the german army in hopes of living up to his dad's legend as a commanding officer during WWI
Personality: Serious natured and loyal to his friends to the end erick is not one for politics. Always trying to prove himself around his peers but becomes very timid around woman.
Appearance: 6ft on the dot he has dark blond hair and light blue eyes and somewhat defined muscular body type. Erick is 18 years old

(Is that good?)
btw his last name means charcoal-maker :D
Oh, sorry I didn't saw anything. Yeah, this looks good.
Oh, sorry I didn't saw anything. Yeah, this looks good.
And with that, we have our driver, loader, gunner, radio operator and commander. Just waiting on the radio operator cs to be completed. Can't wait to start!
@Potatocat -- I plan on finishing it tonight! I finish my classes at 5 tonight, though I might leave early, because I might not have homework! I assure you, my profile will be up and running before you can say Schlachthof-Fünf!
Alright. I didn't mean to cause you any stress, just wanted to know when you could get that done so we can start. I'm sorry..... v_v
I've finished!
Excellent! I will have the IC up either tonight or tomorrow.
Dip, keep in mind that there was a major tobacco shortage in Germany during this time, so your character would be using his smokes sparingly.
I'll just save most of it for later, then. Maybe just one puff here and there. I'll edit that he rubbed out the ember as soon as he came into contact with his leader. Thank you for telling me! Ha, it could make for some great fights later on, though!
Yeah. I've been reading a book about OSS and what they did to infiltrate Germany and apparently they needed to remove tobacco stains from agents fingers because it could give their cover away.
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One thing that will be nice about this RP is that the German military was not that picky about uniform. As long as the uniform was authentic and it made sense that the guy would have it, they usually let them wear it. Often in pictures you'll see tank crews with each guy wearing a different type of uniform. lol
I would love to be the Radio Operator, can you reserve the slot for me while I write up a character bio?
Oh, sorry. We are full up. There are no open spots.. I need to make that obvious from afar....
@pwh25 @Hige.Akutski , hows it goin' guys? Ya'll working on posts or will I have to find you and beat you with a paddle? Not seriously upset or anything, just wondering what is going on. I don't want to stall out here before we even start. Oh, and yes, I am waiting to post until after all of you have made your first post.

Hint: I'll proably do this sort of thing a lot, but if my nagging for posts gets too much let me know so I can scale back.
Name: Johan Von Weingarten

Gender: Male

Position: Radio Operator

Short Biography: Born 1909, Johan lived a long life of war and poverty, in a low life district of Berlin, while his father was an Obersoldat in the German Army, his mother stayed at home to take care of Johan and his two younger brothers. Johan soon moved from Berlin into France at age 23, living in Paris for the remainder of his silent life. Once the beginning of The Great War, Johan moved back into Germany, joining the Third Reichs "Glorious" army, more for economical issues than anything. His current rank as a radio operator in the tank corps is Unteroffizier.

Personality: Serious in combat, Joking out of combat. A bit introverted, more so towards women, but has great communications skills.

Appearance: 5'11, Medium build, blonde hair with brown eyes.

// I chose Erwins look because it matches the description of my character, but in no way is that the rank Johan has.


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