Briarwood Academy: Grades Are The Least Of Your Problems

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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((Suuuuuuuuuuuper dead at work today, so I'm on my mobile. I apologize in advance for any typos. My autocorrect is a whole different level of stupid.))


"Unbelievable," Lindsay moaned.
"License and registration," the cop said flatly as he reached the window.
Batting her eyes, Lindsay slipped three hundred dollar bills between the loose leaves of paper and handed them through the window.
"Ma'am," the officer said sternly, "you do realize its a felony to bribe an officer of the law, right?"
The smile fell from Lindsay's face. Was her luck seriously bad enough to find the only straight cop in this town?

AJ looked up at Joseph and sighed. "Okay so you know Ashton Emmins, right? Really blond, rude, preppy girl that always hangs out with Lindsay, refers to herself as the princess and barely talks to you unless you're wearing something Gucci?" Alexa didn't really know how else to describe her. Ash was a little bit on the rude side most of the time; and no one really got to see a sweet side of her. Except AJ until today. AJ chewed on her bottom lip, trying to find a way to say this without telling Joseph her secret. "Well, has she ever been particularly nice to you or have you seen her be nice to anyone other than Lindsay. And I'm not talking about the kind of nice for Ashton where she doesn't tweet about someone wearing the same shoes two days in a row. We're talking freaking Martha Stewart nice."
"It's okay, we are going to get out of here." Lincoln started looking around trying to find an exit, but to the best of his knowledge, he only knew the door and the airvent. Link walked over to the door and began pushing at it trying to get out, but the door wouldn't budge. The boy then sighed and sat on the ground. "Well I guess we'll be here for a while." The boy took out his notepad and began thinking of more lyrics.
Fiona was less than calm at the moment. She was in mid freak out, and the fact that the door was locked shut didn't help. She let out a weak half moan as she clutched at her head, sliding down the wall and onto the floor. She could feel the walls closing in and she wanted to scream, do something, but she felt weak, useless.
"Are-Are you okay?" Link looked up from his journal, he saw that Fiona was breathing heavy. He then came to his conclusion that she could be claustrophobic, well that's what he thought. "Are you Claustrophobic?" Lincoln asked as he knew his mother was claustrophobic and probably Fiona was too. "Well if you are I could try to get out again."
Fiona groaned, clutching her head. "You could call it that." She grumbled, keeping her eyes firmly shut and her head tucked tight against her body. She was starting to shake more as time went on. "If you could get me out of here that would be great." She added weakly, before another groan escaped her lips.
"Okay, i'll keep trying." Lincoln stood up from the cold, hard floor and walked over to the door. Link kept pushing at the metal door trying to open it, but Link tried his hardest with all his weight but the door wouldn't budge. He sighed and leaned against the door. "Well there is only one way and you may not like it." Link pointed to the air vent.
Fiona kept her hands placed firmly on the back of her head as she tried to keep calm, slow and steady tears coming down her face as she kept her gaze pressed to the floor. As he mentioned not budging, she looked up to where he pointed, rubbing her eye with her sleeve. She paled considerably and let out a high pitched moan. "Nooo...." She said weakly, curling up into a ball on the floor.​
"Okay then I'll try, dammit" Lincoln muttered the last word of the sentence under his lips, he then walked over to the shelves and examined them. He then inhaled and exhaled, the boy began to climb the shelves over to the vent. Once he was about to reach the last shelf, his weight was too much and the shelves broke causing him to fall and hit his head on a container, but wasn't passed out.
Fiona made a mental reminded to thank him a lot when this was over, when she was not shaking like a leaf in the wind. But as soon as she heard a crash, she looked up, her eyes still stained with a few tears as she slowly crawled towards Lincoln. "Hey, are you alright?" She asked weakly, shaking him softly.​
Lincoln was really dizzy until he started to regain his conciseness. "Uh yeah I'm fine, but that-" Lincoln noticed when he was on the ground, that a wooden chair was blocking it, but could only see the legs of the chair which had him thinking it was a chair. He crawled over to a broom and pushed it underneath the door to make the chair fall and for them to finally exit the closet. He then opened the door and saw that the bell hadn't rung yet. "Okay let's get outta here"
Fiona was looking at him, still shaking as she scrambled for something to hold other than Lincoln. She found her journal and pulled it into her arms tightly, her bun having come undone a bit in this process. As Lincoln opened the door, blinding light and relief washed over Fiona's face. Now someone could see just how pale she was and she scrambled out of the closet, shooting towards the closest wall and leaning against it.
"You alright?" Link asked as his he had his arms over his chest, he then noticed everyone getting their books out of their locker then looked back at Fiona. "Well that was something, it was probably Chad since he has been bullying me everyday since high school." The boy sighed and noticed Fiona really pale. "Are you okay? Do you need to use the washroom?"
Fiona nodded weakly at Lincoln. "I'm fine, I think." She said softly, still panting lightly. She let out a half groan as she heeled over, leaning down as she tried to keep from fainting. "Nope, never mind." She said to him, letting out a long breath. She could feel her head spinning and she gripped it lightly.​

Free period ended so as much as he wanted to he really couldn't chase Anna. He had five minutes to get to class, Psychology. Then later he'd get a million texts from Joseph asking on a scale of one to ten how hot did Greg look in class. Tsena of course couldn't answer that question. Guys weren't hot to him....they were just people. So that was something he would need to avoid.

He headed to Phsych which was on the opposite end of the school. Way opposite end. He pulled out his phone when he realized he didn't have Anna's number. That was annoying. Especially when he wanted to call to make sure she was okay and not freaking out over Briar's clear threat having to do with her.

Wait... Anna... nonono it's Annabelle! That makes more sense!

"Ashton and nice aren't two words you hear together very often." Joseph joked good naturedly. He had nothing against Ashton personally. He just wasn't going to lie about her personality. "I've never seen her be nice to random people." Joseph tilted his head in thought. It was true though. He'd seen Ashton help someone if it benefited her but never for no reason. Ashton just wasn't that person. Neither was Lindsay for that matter. But Joseph didn't hold it against them.

"Why, did something happen?" He asked, now very curios. But then the bell rang right after that statement. He stayed put however. He had fashion design and illustration next and it was literally right next door.​
Anna was starting to regret that bandage, because now her arms stung with antiseptic. She felt like hurting something, so she decided to skip class, again. She knew she couldn't keep doing this but she didn't want to hear all the nasty shit the cheerleaders had to throw at her. As the bell rang and the hallways filled with kids, Anna hurried to the exit, leaving the school building. She found a corner away from view of the staff and teachers, and sat down behind some bushes, curling into a ball. She was pale, shaking, and her breath didn't come up as steam in the cold air. She could feel the dizyness kicking in and she let out a soft groan, putting her head on her knees and trying to wait it out.
"Okay, well...Oh here sit down so you don't faint or something." Lincoln grabbed the wooden chair he pushed over before and set it beside Fiona and set her down on it, 'hopefully she won't throw up on me' Link thought. Link noticed again that everyone was headed for class and knew he would get detention if he was late again. "Okay well I have to get to class, I will see you later." He waved to her and walked over to his locker down the hall, grabbed his books for Psychology and walked down the hall to the classroom.

"See you boys after English." Chadwick said goodbye to his other jock friends, then made his way down the hall to his locker, still didn't get any alerts from Lindsay. Chad grabbed his books for English and walked to the next class. He then noticed his phone go off of another threat or secret, so Chad decided to send a tweet back. 'How about you grow a backbone and tell us who you really are'
[ Alphonse ]
{Symbols: "..." Speech
*...* Thinking}

Alphonse was walking down the hall, when he noticed a girl. He looked at the girl before looking around, before he studied her realizing she was really pale... "Are you okay?" He asked as he approached the girl and knelled down to look at her face. Her breath was jagged and inconstant which was something not normal as he looked at her. She was sweating a little as if she was fighting off something, meaning she was sick or maybe tired whatever it was, it was not certainly making this girl sick. Maybe something happen that was causing this, he didn't know much but from what he could see she was terrified and looked quite faint if anything else.

He after looking at her symptoms he finally notice that this girl was Fiona, although they talked a few times that he can remember it was nothing serious. At least he knew her name, so it wouldn't be that weird. He looked around before handing her a bottle of water, he always carried one around for after school when he was at practice.
Fiona could feel waves of nausea and dizzyness pass over her as she sat in the chai, and she heaved a groan. How was she supposed to make it to class now? She let out a long hard sigh before someone asked if she was alright. She looked up to see the familiar face of Alphose staring back at her. "Thank god." She mumbled, leaning forward a bit and accepting the bottle of water.
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