Briarwood Academy: Grades Are The Least Of Your Problems

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Fiona smiled lightly, her cheeks turning a darker shade of red as she clutched her books closer to her chest. "W-Well it's kind of a romance book, and the two intended lovers are at quite and awkward scene, but everything is just coming out wrong." She stuttered, her tongue faltering slightly. Normally people didn't ask about her books, or anything about her so she was pretty shocked.​
"Well if you need any help, I'm good with awkward, I'm plenty of awkward" The boy started tapping his foot trying to think of an idea. "So what is the awkward scene about, are they at a special location?" Lincoln was very creative and imaginative, he would be very good with ideas and you would need to be creative to know how to write lyrics.
Fiona smiled happily, a little bit of honey glow still left on her cheeks as he offered to help. She opened the book and took her pencil, leaning against the locker as she tapped her pencil on her lips. "Well, the two of them are locked in a small supply closet, and they keep falling all over each other, but it keeps coming out too set up, to perfect. Read it if you want." She said to him, passing the journal to him softly.​

He was highly unhappy about the idea of it. Someone had tried that before, tracing Briar_Bitches to the phone. Then that person and all involved were gone. "I really don't feel comfortable letting you do that... unless you're absolutely sure that-" He started handing her his phone before a Twitter notification popped up.

Do it if you dare your highness @ThatOneAsian. But I think everyone would be interested to know about more of the blue haired girls secrets. Including the one involving caffeine this afternoon.

It was a haunting message from @Briar_Bitches.

Tsena stuck his phone in his pocket and crossed his arms. Briar found out what ever she (Tsena knew a guy wouldn't be so petty) wanted and fast. It hadn't been long ago he was inviting Anna to coffee. He wasn't going to let Briar release anything else about Anna just to find out who this chick was. But whoever she was she did NOT want Skye on her trail. Tsena guessed it meant Skye had the skills to track her down.


He checked his messages and headed to the music room. He at first didn't see AJ, but then he looked again and saw her. He pulled a seat up right in front of her. "Hey! What's going on?" He asked, expecting she had something to talk about. Even if it wasn't a crisis Joseph was still interested.​
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Anna saw his face and she got a confused look for a second. She pulled out her phone like lightning, her unpainted nails tapping across the screen furiously as she pulled up her twitter. As soon as she had, she regretted it. Swallowing hard, she looked down and put her phone away, pulling her hood over her head. "I got to go." She said softly before darting out of the room. She could already feel the anger boiling in her skin and she just wanted to cry, rip off the bandage, punch a wall, do something, but she couldn't. Not without hurting others. And that was not something she was willing to do to Tsnea, who had extended a hand to her when she needed it most.​
As Fiona leaned against the locker he stood listening to her, he then heard her explaining the book and walked over to her. He put his arm on the red locker with his elbow leaning against it, he then moved his head to see the book having his head close to hers. "Hmm...When I write lyrics I take it from my own life, so maybe it would be cool to interact it, see if it would be awkward enough so we should exam a closet"
Fiona blinked up at him for a few seconds before turning beet red. She blinked for a few seconds, stunned into silence before she nodded hesitantly. "I guess we could." She said softly, her cheeks aflame with heat. She looked around, raising up and down on her toes as she looked back at the journal just to keep her face away from his, hiding her blush.​
(( I'll just do them without laptop and formation. So I apologize now if it's short! ))

Jake merely scoffed, laughing afterwards and closing her eyes before saying anything else. She couldn't deny the fact that she felt a pang of jealousy when the two girls in the car winked at Quinton, and anger flare when Lindsay made goo goo eyes at Nico. "You make me sick." She hissed, opening her eyes and staring that Bitch Ashton in the eyes, ignoring every nerve that told her to look away. She then looked at Lindsay and smiled a sickly sweet smile. "I look forward to seeing you lovely young ladies there." The smile faded, her face emotionless. Jake could be really scary if she wanted to be.

Ashton smirked, sending a sweet smile at Quinton and twirling her hair around her finger. Ashton just knew Jake was jealous, sending her a quick smirk and returning her eyes to Quinton. It wasn't like she had any feelings for Quinton, but she as hell knew she could easily make Jake jealous at the party by merely flirting with him. Ashton laughed and rolled her eyes at Jake. "Stop being such a wannabe bad ass bitch and go home crying to your mom already." Nico tensed. And Jake merely stared.

((That's actually just as long as your usual posts! I seriously cannot type stuff out like that on my phone. Zero patience.))

Quinton narrowed his eyes at Lindsay and Ashton. The way that they talked down to Jake infuriated him, and he didn't particularly care for the way they eyed Nico or himself, either. Several nasty insults bubbled around in his mind, but he didn't want to further aggravate the situation. Instead, Quinton grabbed Jake by the hand and gave her a gentle tug.
"C'mon, Jake. We're gonna be late for class," he said softly before redirecting his gaze toward Ashton. "See you tonight, ladies!" Quinton smirked at them for a second before breaking eye contact. He turned away pulling Jake with him and gesturing for Nico to follow.

"Ugh," she moaned watching them walk away. "How dare that little witch put her paws on him like that." She looked at Ashton. "I can't wait for you to break up that little party tonight." Lindsay's phone vibrated in her lap and she glanced down. It was Tsena.

Hey Lindsay. What's going on with Ashton? The cheerleaders think I got her pregnant and a couple chicks said you freaked out on them in the bathroom for talking about it. I told them it wasn't true.

Lindsay frowned. The rumor was still spreading --- not good. She held the phone away so Ash couldn't see the screen and quickly typed her reply.

I dunno what happened w/ ash, she wont tell me. I heard the same rumor tho, and ive been trying 2 stop it. Keep me posted, ash is pretty upset.

She send before quickly slipping her phone back into her bag.
"Alright, now that those losers are out of our way," Lindsay said grinning at Ashton, "it's time for some caffeine therapy."

@Tart @Brøken_Serenity
(( Ah, really? I'm glad haha! And yeah, laptop is far easier, but I didn't want to get too far behind :) ))

Jake couldn't really think. It's like she blanked out and couldn't show emotion. Usually things like this didn't affect her, with the useless insults from bitchy popular girls, it never affected her. And yet there she was, freezing up and merely staring blankly ahead, looking at Ashton. She didn't say anything when Quinton pulled her in to a gentle hug, just stood there with her arms at her sides. As they walked away, Jake finally came to her senses and frowned at herself, placing her hand on her cheek. It was wet. Why would she cry over something Ashton said? Jake wiped it away quickly.

Ashton laughed with Lindsay and leaned back into the leather seat. "Oh, it's sooo going to happen tonight. Quinton won't even want to be around her once I'm done with him. Jake is going to be sooo jealous~" Ashton said in a sing song voice, smirking. "Alright, coffee is needed right now." She noticed that Lindsay had kind of pulled her phone closer to her and turned away, as if secretly texting someone. She decided not to pry.
Quinton noticed that Jake was crying, but didn't say anything. In this situation, he didn't really want to embarrass her any further. When they reached the entrance, Quinton held the door for Jake and Nico. Ashton and Lindsay sure knew how to kill a nice time.
"Hey, so I'll see you guys at lunch, right?" Quinton asked, glancing down at his schedule again to locate the room number for his calc class.

Lindsay liked driving fast. Really fast. She whipped out of the school parking lot, and pushed the gas pedal to the floor. Her car had quite the kick, and they reached 80 mph in a few seconds. Lindsay slowed down again as they approached the intersection at which they needed to turn to reach Starbucks, and she let out a slightly winded laugh. Her hair was a tangled mess from all of the wind, and she shot Ashton an almost sheepish smile. "We def need to fix this mess before we go back," she said gesturing to her head and laughing. "Anyway, what do you think of the acceleration on my baby? Daddy only buys the best, you know."

"Hmm, there is a janitor's closet down the hall, guess that will work." Link had no idea why he wanted to help her so much with Fiona's story, he just guessed that he just found it cool that somebody besides himself likes music and can enjoy it rather then act cool with it. Lincoln walked down the hall with Fiona till he got to the closet, Link opened the door and started looking through it, he then tripped on a broom which made a clatter. Link quickly stood up off the ground and acted like nothing happened.

Chad walked down the hall with his posse, he then took out his phone and texted his girl Lindsay. 'Hey bae where are you?' He then put away his phone and continued down the hall until he got to his locker. "I can't wait for our first game of the semester, can't wait to pound those badgers into the fucking ground. Go Panthers!" He said to his friends who immediately said 'hell yeah!'

@Celestialis @IceQueen
Jake was thankful for Quinton not saying anything, for she was already embarrassed enough for crying over something so dumb. She continued to wipe away tears that just would not stop falling, and walked in with her brother following in behind her. He was frowning slightly, looking at his sister as his eyebrows creased. She...never cried. "Hey, so I'll see you guys at lunch, right?" Jake looked up, nodding and giving a small smile although her face was a bit red and tears still stained her cheeks. "Yeah, definitely. And I'll also see you in orchestra." Nico gave Quinton a pat on the back, giving a slight smile. "Yeah, see you at lunch man." He put an arm around his sister, pulling her away and down the hallway, giving Quinton one last wave.

Ashton squealed as her best friend sped down the road, laughing loudly as her hair blew through the chilly wind. By the time she slowed down, her long hair was windblown and her cheeks were tinted with a light red. "Oh, my god, you're nuts!" Ashton laughed, running a hand through her wind blown hair and leaning into the seat. "And she can speed, that's for sure. Damn we're going to get in a lot of trouble in this car." Ashton chuckled, looking over at Lindsay.
Quinton waved goodbye to Jake and Nico, and began hunting for his AP Calc classroom. He finally found it with only a couple of minutes to spare before the start of fourth period, and chose a seat toward the mid-back part of the room.

Lindsay cackled. "I don't know about that, Ash, we'd have to get caught to get into trouble." Just as she pulled through the intersection, however, a police officer pulled out behind her from one of the adjoining side roads and turned his siren on.
"Damn," Lindsay mumbled, pulling over to the shoulder and reaching for her wallet.
Ashton laughed and nodded, "Well, I guess you're right about that." She stopped, internally groaning when a cop pulled behind them with their sirens blaring. "And I guess we've just gotten caught. You drive so reckless, Lindsay!" Ashton playfully smacked her on her shoulder, laughing as she grabbed her purse from the back seat. "Just sweet talk him up, offer some cash, and we'll probably be on our merry ole way." Ashton winked, smirking.

Nico lead Jake to her class, dropping her off by her door and running a thumb under her cheek to wipe away a tear. "Don't think about it. She doesn't know what she's saying. She's just the big bitchy blonde, right?" Nico smirked at his sister, glad to get a smile out of her. "Yeah....yeah, you're right. I'll be okay. Just....don't worry about me." Jake half heartedly smiled, giving her brother a light punch on his shoulder and walking into class. Nico smiled and walked down the hallway, and into his own class as the bell rang.

Fiona slowly followed Lincoln down the hall, being very aware of her steps. She could still feel blazing heat falling over Her cheeks as she walked with him to the janitors closet. She stood back as he entered the small cabinet first, tripping over a broom almost instantly. She let out a small laugh, which effectively dispelled her own nerves as she joined him in the closet.
At first, Skye didn't understand why he was so reluctant. But then her phone buzzed as well. She saw what the chick posted and moaned softly. But cut it off short. The witch was scared. She parted as Anna left giving her a short "Sorry." As the blue haired girl headed out the door. "I understand." She said right as the bell rang. She gathered her stuff and headed to her next class.

She couldn't get her mind off it. Briar was scared, which meant she had a real possibility of shutting her down. But in order to do that, she needed the person to tag her, so she could get a fix. She got her phone out and opened her Twitter app. "@Briar_Britches, why not try picking on people your own size? You scared?" She was about to hit send when She remembered a secret of her own that she didn't want shared. She pursed her lips. Was she really ready to risk exposure for people she didn't know? She deleted the message and started to prepare for class.
"So maybe the girl could try to climb the shelves when they see a vent at the top of the closet, so the girl is climbing but the shelf accidentally breaks and the girl almost falls to the ground when the boy catches her. Is that the type of awkward you need?" When Lincoln was explaining he started pointing to the airshaft located above the closet, the shelves and different things located in the closet they were in. The boy smiled but then heard a door bang so he immediately changed his direction to the door, somebody had locked them in but he didn't know until he heard the voice. "Hey let us out!"
Chad had been walking around with all of the jocks when Christian (his football friend) noticed Link and Fiona walking in the closet, ever since Chad and Link got to highschool, he had been bullying him. Chad waited a bit till the two were properly inside the closet where he shut the door and grabbed a wooden chair to block them from getting out. "Hey let us out!" He heard Link say to him, from their he replied. "What about you two love birds get It on already." Chad knew they weren't going in the closet for that, but still joked about it.

Felix felt his phone buzz at the same time as everyone else and when he saw what it was he raised a eyebrow at Tsena and Anna. Anna walked away from the group quickly and while Felix could of gotten on Tsena's case about going out for coffee or whatever with a misfit, he didn't. He merely shrugged and grabbed his bag before heading to his next class. He walked past Chad, who looked like he was trapping people in the supply closet but didn't stop him. Chad was way bigger then Felix and also stronger, there was no point in going up against him or getting on his bad side. He walked into his classroom and sat in the middle.
Fiona smiled and looked up. "Yep," she said softly, "That's the kind I need." She squeaked out before the door shut with a bang, causing her to jump out of fright. She looked at Lincoln with genuine fear in her eyes as she begun to shake lightly. Ever since that fateful night, she hated being locked it a closet, or any small space. She started to panic, her breaths becoming labored.
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