Briarwood Academy: Grades Are The Least Of Your Problems

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Jake blushed lightly when he moved down to lay next to her, biting the inside of her cheek softly. "I lost my mom at the age of 9 due to a really bad car accident. Nico was in the car too, and I was with dad. And my dad...he decided he couldn't handle things on his own." She paused, looking away. "So he took away the responsibility with a single bullet when I was 10." Jake shivered slightly as she remembered the bloody scene she had walked in on after school one day. Her throat was a bit sore from holding back tears. She was not going to cry. She hadn't cried in such a long time, and she was determined to keep it that way. Crying was a sign of weakness, and she definitely wasn't about to show that.
When the bell rang Felix got up, the teacher was one that just let the kids go since she wasn't young enough to stop them. He grabbed his bag and wondered down to the library, it was where he normally slept or did work during the free period. He smiled to the librarian when he came down and glanced around. Normally he would of gone to the non-fiction section to nap but every since some English teacher decided that their students would have an essay on some sort of non-fiction book every once in awhile, it always felt like someone could just come by at any moment.

Since it was only the start of 3rd period, people were still coming in so it wasn't that loud yet. He needed to pick a place quickly before it did get loud. So he decided on the history section, people rarely ever went there. Walking around the corner he sat down, leaning against the bookshelf when he realized that there was someone else there. She was sitting there writing and didn't seem to notice him come in. She was probably a senior, since she wasn't in his homeroom and certainly didn't look younger then him. "Uh, hi" He said nervously

Skye, who was not normally one to stand up to people, especially people such as Lindsay, was glad to see her go. She wiped her shaking hands on her jeans, trying to get them to stop shaking. She checked her phone, and realized that she only had minutes until the bell. Dang it. She didn't want to get on the teachers bad side so soon...but it is the way it is.
Deciding to just use the rest of the time in the music room, she walked over to one of the guitars. After tuning it, she started strumming. Picking out the notes of an old favorite of hers. As her fingers danced across the fret board, Skye coaxed the most beautiful noise out of the old guitar. She let the music flow through her. She sung the lyrics with gusto, and her melodic voice echoed hauntingly in the large room. Just as she finished the song, the bell rang.
About time. she thought. Slipping out of the music room, she made her way to her locker. She decided to take a walk during break, she could do with the fresh air. After putting her stuff away and grabbing her jacket, she headed towards the school doors. Her thoughts were on the party tonight, and what she would wear. She would have to wear something she could meet Joe in, since she would likely go straight to him when she left the party. Something casual, yet something hot. She knew just the thing.
Still smiling, she ran right into a very attractive Asian guy coming out of the Physics classroom, causing him to drop everything in his hands onto the floor, and a loud squeak/squeal of surprise came from Skye's mouth. "Oh my gosh! I'm so s-s-sorry! I-I..." She stopped talking, she did not need the stammer to show in her speech. Bending down to help him pick the stuff up, she tried to hide a blush that was quickly rising to her cheeks. She put on a smile, and handed him his books. "I'm S-Skye. S-S-Sorry ab-bout that. I'm such a k-klutz." she said clearly nervous.

Anna heard a noise similar to footsteps and as soon as someone called out to her she slammed her book shut and glared at him. "Go away." She growled, turning back to her book and starting to write again. She didn't give him a second glance, knowing who it was full well. It was another one of those jocky and jerk type people, she didn't need him. She blew out a puff of air, lifting her blue hair into the air briefly as she waited for him to leave her alone.
Felix flinched at the harshness in the girl voice. "I don't see why we can't both be here" He said tiredly, he just wanted a place to nap and if all this girl was doing was writing then its not like that would interrupt him. He glanced up at her "I just want to take a nap. I don't snore or talk in my sleep or anything so its not like you wouldn't be able to concentrate on writing" He said with a shrug. This girl seemed pissed at the world, maybe she was one of the people that got a secret exposed or something.
Anna let out a growl that passed between her lips. "If you want to take a nap, find a big old tree and lie under it. The library is for quiet thoughts and currently you are disturbing mine. So beat it kid." She said, flashing him an angry glace, before leaning back into her spot and continuing to write, pulling more books in front of the spot where she was, so no one would find her here. She sighed and leaned back, pulling on her sleeves and waiting for him to go away.​
Quinton didn't really know what to say. So instead, he reached one arm around her and gave her a gentle squeeze. It definitely explained a lot. Losing a parent changes a person, and losing two? No wonder she wore such a tough shell. Anyone would.
"So, who do you and Nico live with now?" Quinton asked, pulling his arm away from Jake and resting it behind his head.

((I passed out last night with my laptop on my belly. xD Woops.))
Felix raised an eyebrow, he could either actually leave or stay and ignore this girl. Letting out a sigh, he shrugged. "You know, i think i'm just gonna stay here. It's kinda chilly outside so i would much rather not freeze" He said and pulled his backpack around so that he could use it as a pillow. He knew that he should probably be scared of this girl, he had no idea who she was or who she was friends with but at this point he really didn't care. He was exhausted and if he wanted to be ready for swim practice later he had to be somewhat rested. "By the way, I'm Felix. It's nice to meet you" He said with a small chuckle as he laid his head on the backpack.

But as he was about to close his eyes, he realized that this free period was for people to actually have fun and relax and by staying here, he was intruding on this girl's free time. He sighed and sat up. "You know, i changed my mind, you can have this corner back to yourself." he said and got up. He grabbed his bag and walked away. Now he had to find a new place to nap and the library was getting noisy. Sighing, he walked out of the library to try and find another place.
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Anna smiled as he walked away, glad to have been left alone for the rest of the class. She pulled on her sleeves, taking them back up to her elbows and exposing her precious scars. She sighed, looking at them before she continued to write her song, letting her scarred wrist move along the paper softly as she wrote poetic lines. She wondered how someone so broken could write so well, but she didn't ponder it for long enough to relish in it.​
After spending quite some time trying to fix her makeup and to make the red puffiness on her cheeks to go away, she eventually gave up and walked out of the bathroom. She really didn't feel like being around any other student, and decided to just go outside and sit somewhere until her mind cleared up a bit. Ashton flicked her golden hair behind her shoulder and walked down the hallway, avoiding almost every student's eyes who seemed to be burning holes into her. They pointed and whispered about how she looked like she just got done crying, and Ashton just knew rumors were sure to happen. Ticked off, she stopped walking abruptly and turned around. "If you all don't shut up, I will personally turn your life into a living hell!" She nearly screamed, flicking her head around and hurrying down the hallway. Students began to murmur again as she passed by the library door, almost bumping into some other teenager. Soon realizing it was Felix, she decided not to say anything rude and just continued walking quickly down the hallway.
Jake felt her stomach flutter lightly, and unintentionally, at the little hug Quinton gave her. When he pulled away she let out a soft sigh, looking back at him. "Well, the authorities gave us our own little house a few blocks away from here. They drop in 3 times a week to see how we're doing and managing, and help us out a lot. Yeah, we would be living with a distant relative or at a foster home, but they don't want to deal with us since we cause so much trouble." She smirked, looking at her hands. "It's kind of nice though, with just me and Nico, at times. But there's also times where it gets....hard." She put a lot of emphasis on the last word, making it resemble everything and every emotion it held. Jake idly bit her bottom lip, returning her gaze to the car's roof.
Felix was just about to head down the hall when he was almost run into by one of those really popular girls. He believed her name to be Ashton or something. Felix really only knew her because he was pretty sure they had gone to a few of the same parties. She looked upset and he could already hear a few students mumbling that she had just freaked out at them. Running his fingers through his hair he bit his lip before deciding to go after her. "Hey! Ashton! Slow down will you?" He asked walking quickly to catch up to her.
She tensed at his footsteps behind her and let out a sigh. "I really need to be alone right now, Felix, and I don't want to snap at you." She left out the venomous tone this time and continued to hurry down the hallway, then down the stairs. She was almost to the front doors and she could practically feel the cold air already from outside. She should have brought a jacket. Ashton pushed open the door and hurried out, the wind whipping at her blonde strands of hair, her cheeks turning a bit red from the chilly weather.
Felix fell back when she explained that she wanted to be alone. He shifted his bag slightly and started walking down a hallway, it seemed nobody wanted him around, though that wasn't much different then normal. Well if nobody wanted to talk to him then he could just go find somewhere warm to sleep. He wandered around a bit before finding one of those unused music rooms, nobody usually used them even when the normal classes were going on. Just to be safe, he lay down behind some boxes that were filled with music books. He used his bag as a pillow and closed his eyes.

Everything in his hands clattered to the floor and Tsena looked up, at first annoyed thinking it was one of the jocks playing around. Then he saw a face he'd never seen before. He knew everyone's General faces if not names. This was obviously someone new. She also had that I'm-New-Here thing going on for her. It was cute.

He stated his name, bending down to gather his things. When he stood He gave the girl an easy going smile. "Nice to meet you." He said, "Are you hurt?" He asked, a concerned wrinkle appearing on his forehead. He was now a bit worried about the girl, Tsena was a pretty firm guy because of how much he had to work out. Coach worked him and all the guys hard.​
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"Nice to m-meet you, Tsena." She said, trying hard to pronounce it right. Dang it, there was that stammer again! It always came when she was nervous. It was the dead give away. His smile brought out one of her own, causing her dimples to show. "Are you hurt?" he asked with a genuine look of concern on his face. Skye's blush only reddened further at this question. Chuckling softly she nodded. "Yeah, I-I'm fine. Should probably p-pay more attention t-to where I'm going in the future." she said. "You?" she asked, highly doubting that she could hurt him if she tried. But she wanted to make some sort of friends here, and Tsena seemed nice enough. Maybe he was going to the party, but her nerves got so high she couldn't even try to ask if he was going.

"I'm fine." He assured her. It seemed that she was a giant ball of nerves at the moment. "Hey, if you don't have anybody to sit with at lunch I'm sure everyone would love having you at our table. But I have to go right now. I'll see you later Sky, about two minutes left to get out the halls." He flashed her another smile.

He headed off to the library. He talked to the librarian for a second before starting to fix a bookshelf. He pulled about five books down from the shelf, not really paying much attention as he threw them into a bin to reshelve them later.​
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Anna sighed as she heard some books being taken off their shelves. She sucked in a large breath, pulling her sleeves up hastily. She could tell that one of the library assistants was starting to fix the levels of the bookshelf above her and she prayed that he didn't see her. If he started shelving any lower, he would come across the blue haired girl sitting there, and she didn't want to be discovered yet.​
Skye smiled, thankful for the invitation. "Thank you, see you later!" she said as he headed off.She prayed he didn't sit with the popular crowd, they almost always proved to be shallow and air headed. She headed outside to go for a walk, but found it too cold even with her jacket on. She headed back inside and headed towards the library. To her surprise, Tsena was there straightening the books. She asked where she could find the science fiction section and quickly worked her way there and began looking for a book to read. She found a book containing fan fiction on Doctor Who and pulled it out. Sitting down in the corner, she opened the book and started reading about Amy and Rory living in the 30's after the Weeping Angels sent them back in time.
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While he was reaching down his bracelet fell off. It was a simple thing, two black strings tied together with a couple beads on them. He'd gotten it from a fair the school once in freshman year. He bent down and moved the ones at the second shelf. Suddenly he was sitting there looking at a girl he really wasn't sure of her name. It was either Anna or Belle, he wasn't sure with.

"Hey, are you ok?" He asked, wondering why someone would be hiding there. He assumed she was sad. He then remembered her Twitter name, and realized that one of her secrets were released too.

A worried wrinkle, similar to the one with Skye, appeared on his forehead. He was genuinely concerned. Now that he was thinking of Skye, BriarBitches hadn't touched her and Tsena was happy about that. But Tsena would be sure to get Skye's Twitter name from her later.

But at the moment Tsena focused on the blue haired girl in front of him. She kind of looked like she didn't want to be found.​
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Anna sighed as he pulled out the book, and she waved her hands in a jazz hands motion. "Congratulations! You found me." She said in a sarcastic tone, looking away. She brushed her bangs gently away from her face, she let out a soft sigh. "Go ahead, make fun of me for being smart. Call me all the names you want." She said, looking ahead and bracing herself for the worst beat up of her lifetime.​
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