Breathe Me (Closed)

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He waited a moment, wondering wheter the men were gone, he held up 3 finger's to tell her 3 minute's, and counted down slowly in his head, now at 2 minute's, he looked gently at her face, wondering what to do if they were caught.
Terra stared worriedly at Jamal, whose eyes showed that he wasn't here. He was in the past. A look she'd worn often. Terra closed her own violet eyes and left her hand where it lied on his shoulder, hoping he would come back to her soon. And after a breath, he did, running his hands through his hair and averting his eyes from her. He held her hand on his shoulder for a moment before finally speaking. She gave him a soft smile for trying. What else could he say.The her brow furrowed when he pulled her hand down and held it with both of his coarse palms. Her tiny hand was invisible beneath his as her eyes met his, concerned. She hoped that he knew he wasn't alone anymore. He seemed like he'd been leading this sort of shelter for a long time, so surely he knew that he had support. After all, Terra was slowly starting to believe she had people to rely on.
Her eyes widened a bit when Jamal placed his soft lips on her hand and a buzz of warmth shot up her arm and to her heart, causing it to flutter. She blinked and blushed, looking down at her lap when he let go of her fingers and stood to get rid of the horrible box.
Jamal walked out the door quickly, even before she could tell him to be careful. She knew no neko in this society could truly be okay, but maybe if she tried hard enough, she could repay him enough for everything he'd ever done for her by keeping him in the present. By keeping him with her.
She nodded when he held up his fingers and waited with a pounding heart. She listened hard for the humans. "Are they gone?" She whispered almost silently.
The hallway was clear on both sides from any living creatures aside from Jamal as he stepped through the doorway, the bare strips of light that emitted from the ceiling flickering on and off as the filament began to die away from years of use. Night or day, the lights would be on, flickering, and it was a miracle that they hadn't worn out completely yet. Quickly double checking, he hurried down to the far left end where the nearest staircase waited for usage, the faster he was in his task, the less the chances of a human seeing him. He shifted the weight of the box under one arm as he ran on the balls of his feet, mind relaying the kiss and wondering if it was too much. He really was apologetic about having needed Terra's comfort, but neither did he want to simply say it for fear of her saying it wasn't his fault, because it was. It had to be on just this one thing. So he would rather simply show his apology and understanding, for a showing of feelings was a much harder thing to deny or refuse.

At the bottom of the stairs, he pushed open the wooden door with a metal bar across it in absence of a doorknob, a large, red sticker stating that the door not only was an easy entrance and exit point for nekos, but also doubled as a fire escape. Outside, it was a simple, freezing jog across the back parking lot before he reached the cover of a small woods, where he did not stop until the apartments were out of eyesight, even if they remained in earshot. Only then did he cease his movement, the sharp, deep inhalation of the icey air sending shots of pain through his lungs with each breath, but for the time being the exercise would keep his body warm.

There was an old, rusted shovel that he had found some months ago in the trash when he was scavenging in the city and since finding it, he had been using it to bury the contents of their mail, deciding it better off underground than in the trash where their senders would expect him to put it, turning it into a simple job of just placing it into a new box. That was what they had done. If some real labour was required to poison their minds though, outside of killing innocent creatures, then it was beyond their interest. Hole dug, Jamal reopened the box and threw in the tissue paper into the ground until only the parcel in the box was left, alongside a small index card that stated,
'Peek-a-boo, we found you,
won't be long 'till we find him, too,'

with the remnants of the card having been nibbled at by the rats. He flung the card into the hole and stared for just a moment at the thing left inside. It was a head, the head of the male neko who he had killed just yesterday. His lips were sown shut with staples and eyes missing, being replaced with two cameras that stared at him with their glassy, immaculately blood free, lenses, their occasional turning rotations showing that they were sending live feed to whoever had sent this, although he had quite the idea already. There objects had clearly been implanted into the neko shortly before he took his last breath, for their were claw marks across his mouth and cheeks from where he must have tried to scratch out the shards of metal. Jamal stopped the thoughts there, thwarting the images of how the cameras must have been implanted into his eye sockets. The dark side of the boy came out just then as a small, almost psychotic smile came to him. "I'm going to find you, too," he spoke to the cameras, "catch you and kill you, catch you and kill, catch you and kill you. All of you." Then he raised the shovel over his head and with a blow of finality, smashed the metal within the skull, shoving the entire box into the hole, and burying it flat.

He spun around suddenly as the hairs on the back of his neck stood up, the feeling of being watched in the air. Sure enough, there stood the teenage boy from earlier, leaning against a nearby tree, cleaning his nails with a pocket knife. He waited until Jamal left the shovel next to the mound of freshly dug dirt and was only a few paces away before stating in a very matter-of-fact voice, "Lovely day," which was only answered to with a grunt of agreement from the neko. "Just hope it doesn't pour later in the week."
Jamal froze. "That would be quite unpleasant. For everyone," he answered firmly. "Even those who have roofs over their heads have cracks up in the attic."
"Is that a threat, scum?"
"We're only talking about the weather."
There was a long pause before a smile broke out over the boy's impish face. "Indeed."
The warmth from his run was beginning to wear off and his standing still was not helping matters, but for safety reasons, he waited until the teenager headed off deeper into the woods before he continued on his way to the apartments, tracing his way back the way he came until he reached the front door, slowly pushing his way inside, nose and cheeks red. He smiled at Terra, hoping to bring back the light atmosphere. "All done," he said, sounding positive, despite the recent flow of events. He went over to the broken recliner and snagged his thin blanket, wrapping it around himself before sitting down on the couch.
Adint looked around the corner, worried slightly, then letting losse a sigh of relief, "Yeah they're gone ..." He said quietly, still unsure of the sorrounding's and whetehr there were more around somewhere else.
She relaxed with a sigh. "Come on." SHe replied quietly. "Let's just get home quick, before more show up."
He nodded, and took her hand, begging to run off, back toward the apartment, wanting to escape from this hell hole part of the city.
She was pulled along behind him once more as they quickly headed out of this part of town, back towards the apartment. She kept a wary eye out for more humans looking for a chase, but she didn't see any. She didn't know about Adint, but she was exhausted.
They were in front of the apartment, and he sighed gently, knocking on the door, he looked at the girl, they were exhausted and would probably fall asleep as soon as they got in their beds.
Kiki yawned and waited for Jamal to open the door. She wondered what they had done while she and Adint were gone.
Only a few moments after his sitting down on the couch beside Terra, a knock came from the opposite side of the front door. His brows momentarily furrowed in suspicion and curiosity at the sound, doubting that it would be the teenagers again back to swear some more, seeing as how the cat-calls hadn't started up immediately after the beckoning on the door. Standing, he let the sheet slide off his shoulders onto the couch as he then went to answer the door. He pressed his eye close to the peep hole and, seeing Adint and Kiki, immediately slid open the lock and door, allowing it to open all the way now that there was no longer a box to cut the opening short. Jamal ushered them in quickly, seeing their state of attire and not wanting what warmth they had in the house to leak to the hallways. Once safely inside, he closed the door and re-slid the lock home.
Adint made his way to his bed and laid back, passing out almost immediately, his legs hanging off the bed as he was facedown, his arms outstretched, welcoming rest.
Kiki slouched against the wall with a sigh and rested her head on her knees. She wanted to sleep, but she knew that Jamal would probably have questions. Both she and Adint were covered in dirt and blood; it made sense that he'd have questions. She glanced up at Jamal. "Ask away." She said with a crooked smile. "It's a long story, though." She realize that she was probably making the floor dirty and jumped to her feet. "Sorry." She said with a frown.
Jamal reached out to help Kiki to stand, both smelling and seeing the amount of blood and dirt that was caked into their skin, hair, nails and clothes. He shook his head. "It would be better if you both cleaned up a bit first, while I make some warm drinks, then we can talk," he suggested gently, not wanting to push for information, although he was curious as how they came to be so covered as they were now. Assured that she was all right and not too weak to stand on her own, he left Kiki to venture down the hall that led to the closet, bathroom and bedroom where Kiki slept, grabbing two fresh towels for his companions. "If we're lucky, the pipes may be clear enough to allow the hot water through," he thought aloud, pressing a towel into the girl's hands. He layed the other over the back of Adint's head in minor amusement at the boy's display of exhaustion. "Sh-ow-were," he repeated with slow emphasis next to the male's neko ears. He stood up straight with a small smile on his face and went off to the kitchen to make the mentioned drinks.
Adint shifted a little as the towel landed along his back, and then he heard Jamal's voice, "Sh-ow-were." He had said, Adint sat up, grogilly, and nodded slowly, not wanting one, but knowing he nedded it, he looked over to Kiki, she was still covered in blood an dirt, he figured he was as well, probably looked hideous actually, he stood up, holding onto the bed at first, and then letting go. He looked toward the bathroom, sighing softly.
Kiki thanked Jamal for the towels as he pushed one into her hands. A shower did sound pretty good, and the thought of a warm drink was heavenly. She glanced over at Adint. "You can go first, if you want." She offered. If there was any hot water, it would be limited and she' practically forced him to move the neko and help her bury him. He at least deserved a warm shower.
He shook his head, looking over her, "You need it more than I, I can live with the cold." He said, watching Kiki, trying to make her feel at least somewhat ood, "Afterall, there's an old saying, and code which I live by ..." He smiled softly, "So go ahead, alright? I can wait." He looked at the comfy bed, wanting to catch a few more quick z's, though he was afraid of accidentally falling asleep in the shower.
She hesitated for a moment, then nodded. "Alright." She agreed as she turned amd headed towards the bathroom. once the door was closed she pulled off the filthy clothes, beat the dirt out of them as best as she could, and then got in the shower. The water was a little warm at first, but soon faded to cold. She rushed as quickly as possible, but by the time she was sufficiently clean, she was trembling from the cold water. She quickly climbed out of the shower and wrapped the towel around her; drying herself before turning to her clothes. Though she'd managed to rid them of a lot of the dirt, they were still pretty sorry looking. She didn't have anything else to change into, so she shrugged and used the sink to try and scrub them clean. When they were somewhat clean she pulled the still wet clothes on and stepped out of the bathroom. "Your turn." She called to Adint.
Adint looked at her, she was soaking by the look of her clothe's, "Did you not take your clothe's off before you stepped in the shower?" He asked, chuckling a little, handing her an extra shirt, and pair of short's he had, "Here you can use thes for the night, is that okay?" He asked, softly.
She stuck her tongue out at him when he commented on her clothes. "I washed them." She replied. "They were dirty." She glanced down at the clothes he'd handed her. They looked like they'd probably be too big on her, but it shouldn't be too much of a problem. "Thanks." She replied.