Breath of Fresh Air

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Mr. Jenkins smiled and nodded. "Mm. Yep, ain't had ice jelly in stock fer a while. I don't suppose . . .?"

Axle chuckled, popping open his briefcase and rummaging through the contents. "I rather thought I'd have to give this to Noah. I still might, later - I brought extra just in case. But luckily he's been getting hurt less often. I'm glad for that." He held up what looked like a blue ice cube, except it moved and behaved like jelly. "This is ice jelly," he told Jasper, offering it to him. "Tastes like candy. And it makes you feel numb for a few hours without the chill. Obviously, you've got to be careful about biting down on your lips or getting injured by stepping on a foot wrong. But it does wonders for deep set pain. Noah could tell you."


Thankfully, both dragons seemed to be experienced play fighters. Chaital never let her teeth make contact with scales, except once on accident when she turned her head too fast.

Noah was amazed. He held Lily's hand too, not wanting to accidentally wander too far forward, and watched the play fight with wide eyes. "Damn. And they're not even fighting for real," he murmured softly. He watched their claws tear chunks of earth out from under them, their tails occasionally crack a nearby small rock or thick tree branch. No wonder Lily and Jasper had a healthy respect for the creatures.
Jasper glanced between them and imagined question marks floating above his own head as Axle looked around in his briefcase. When the weird blue cube was presented to him, he only raised an eyebrow at it and refused to take it. "Yeah, I don't think I want to put that in my mouth. It's the outside of my face that hurts, not the inside." He didn't want his mouth to go numb, he just wanted his jaw not to swell. Maybe he'd inherited his grandfathers aversion to medication, but if it was something he was supposed to swallow and not something he was supposed to put on his skin, he didn't trust it.

"It's cool, isn't it?" Lily asked, with something almost like reverence in her voice as she watched them tussle, and gave his hand a little squeeze without much thought. "Even though it's a little scary sometimes, too. They're not as big as some other dragons, but they're still plenty strong." She turned and gave him a smile. "And yet, they still choose fragile little people like us to be their closest companions!" Dragons were amazing creatures, she really believed that with her whole heart.

"Real dragon fights, on the other hand," she said with a little shake of her head and a shudder. "I've only ever seen that once, and from a long way away, and it was the scariest thing I've ever seen." Not to mention just seeing them hurt each other had made her feel sad all the way down to her bones.
"Fair enough! Let me know if you change your mind later, or ever want some. Though I pray you'll never be injured enough to want to use this." Axle quietly set the ice jelly back into its case inside the briefcase, lowering his eyes. ". . . It's never fun seeing someone who needs ice jelly. I can tell you that." He cleared his throat and huffed. "Anyway, let me know if I can help in any other way. That's why I'm here, after all."


Noah nodded slowly, his gaze still locked on the dragons. ". . . Yeah, it is cool." He smiled and instinctively squeezed Lily's hand back. "And they know how fragile they are, too. There's really nothing like a dragon, huh?" He frowned, though, imagining a dragon fight, and even gave a shudder. "I hope I never have to see a dragon fight. That sounds terrifying. I've seen human fights and shit, but if dragons are already this loud when they're just playing . . ."

He swallowed and glanced at Lily. "Do you think a fight would happen if our dragons ran into wild dragons? I hope not, right?"
It was a nice thought, Jasper acknowledged to himself, but he really was not desperate enough to numb his whole face because a third of it hurt. When Axle quested for something else to do, it sort of reminded Jasper of Noah, and he couldn't help an amused little smile even though it sort of hurt to move his face. "You carry spare shirts in that briefcase?" He offered with humor in his voice, and just shook his head. "I'm a big boy. I can take care of myself."

"Sometimes they butt heads here," Lily admitted with a little shrug, eyes sparkling still at the sight of Infernus twisting and hopping around to evade Chaital's swipes, and their bodies colliding together as they wrestled, "when they think someone's trying to take what's theirs, but its never anything serious, and it can usually be broken up. . . I don't know, really. It depends on the wild dragons, I guess, and whether or not they think we're coming on to their territory, or taking their stuff. I've only ever encountered them in the air, from far away, and I think they tend to back off when they see me on Fern's back, like the saddle and the bags let them know he's not staying."

She supposed it was just that any wild dragons near enough to the mail corp's routes were used to seeing them, but she also liked to think that they were just smart enough to figure it out. She really didn't want to have to test that theory.
Mr. Harn chuckled. "Sorry, no spare shirts in there, unfortunately." His gaze softened as he tried to meet Jasper's eyes. "I know you can take care of yourself. But sometimes it's nice to feel cared for, even if you don't actually need it. And in our family, trying to take care of people is one of the ways we show them we care about them."

"Yup. Ya got that from my side of the family, all right," Mr. Jenkins said.

Axle snorted. "I'm your son in law."

"Eh, close enough."


Noah fell quiet for a moment, watching the dragons tussle across the hill and tear up the grass. "My parents used to say there were some dragons as big as mountains," he said at last. His eyes traveled up to Lily's, wide and slightly terrified. ". . . Is that true? How big do they get?"
It was too nice, too fast. Jasper's instinct to both hate rich people and to shove away anyone that tried to get too close flared up, telling him to say they were not family, in no uncertain terms. But he didn't want to hurt Mr. Jenkin's feelings, and the old man thankfully spoke up before the two conflicting feelings could get words out of Jasper's mouth, and managed even to make him smile just a little. Nobu, too, sensing the shift in his mood, popped up to paw at Jasper's legs like he wanted to be held.

"Jenkins genes are strong," he said agreeably instead, crouching down to get Nobu and stand up again with the dragon mostly settled in his arms, despite the hand still needing to hold ice to his face. "They don't care about bloodlines." It felt a little too true, once it was out of his mouth, but he didn't backtrack and make himself sound obviously flustered by the realization.


Lily gave Noah a big shrug, holding her free hand up in the air to indicate just how much she didn't know, but her tone was light so she didn't scare him. "Sometimes people say that, but I don't think they really mean it. Not that big. But we've got some pretty big dragons here, sometimes. One or two are as big as your house! Dragons can't get too big, or they can't support their own weight, or appetite. I'd say mountain sized is a little exaggerated."
Axle smiled, nodding to himself as he closed the briefcase. "Hm. Maybe I do have a few of the Jenkins' genes, after all." He stretched and arched his back, glancing towards the door. "Do you both think Noah will get back before nightfall?"

"Eh, hard to say. If he and Lily get too involved with the dragons, could be pretty late. 'Course, you're more than welcome to spend the night," Grandpa Jenkins added.

"I might, at that. Thank you." He paused for a moment, and then glanced back at Jasper. ". . . What can you tell me about Malia? I want to make a good second impression on her tomorrow."


Noah relaxed and smiled. "I guess you've got a point. Oh, hey! Maybe in a few days, do you and Infernus want to practice flying with me and Chaital? I should have her saddle by then, and we'll be ready to go!" He blinked when an unusually loud thud from Chaital shook the ground again. "Damn, Chaital, relax," he called with a laugh.
"I'll go bring 'em in soon," Jasper said almost absentmindedly, taking it as a given that it was his job to reign in the youngest two of the group. It was easier, focusing on watching over Lily instead of thinking that there was anyone in the world that might want to try taking care of him instead. "She's gonna have to be up early, so she shouldn't stay up late anyway."

When Malia came up, he blinked in surprise, then fought down a little chuckle. "I don't spend a whole lot of time around her," He admitted with a shrug, "but she's usually around for consultations on any work I do here, or any prosthetics that need making. She's a direct person, and she likes it when people are direct back. No pulling punches with this lady. Just be honest, I guess. Anything else is less important than solving the problem." To Malia, at least. Social standing, wealth, or power, they didn't mean much to her when there were bigger issues at hand.


"So soon?" Lily asked with a big smile, giving Noah's hand a squeeze and an excited little shake. "That sounds like fun! Chaital knows what she's doing, but I'd love to give you some pointers! Learning how to work together is always a cool experience!"

She looked over at the big thump, and afterwards laughed when Infernus let himself be bowled over onto his back, putting his forepaws around her muzzle like he was shushing her and just lying there without fighting back. She was sure they would probably be done playing soon. The ground could only take so much abuse.
"Ah. Well, that's easy enough to do," Axle decided, relaxing a bit and smiling. Malia had very much caught his attention for her complete disregard of his social standing, and he'd immediately wanted to make friends with her. She probably wouldn't appreciate gifts as an offer of friendship, but - "Do you suppose she'd like some pears? There are a few left in the box."


Sure enough, Chaital eventually hopped to her feet and shook herself, releasing any extra tension and announcing she was done playing. Then she ambled back to Noah and gave him a gentle nudge and rumble.

Noah smiled and hugged her muzzle as best he could. "Hey, Chaital! Did you both have fun?" he asked with a giggle. He glanced back at Lily and beamed. "Hell, yeah! I want to be able to actually help if anyone needs us in the sky. I know Chaital's already itching to get up there again."
Jasper shrugged a bit helplessly, at least as much as he could while holding Nobu and the ice, and made an uncertain sort of face. "Hell if I know. It's a nice gesture, I guess? I think she's gonna be more focused on doing what needs to be done than having a snack, though." It wasn't bad if Axle wanted to bring them, Jasper just didn't think it was going to help whatever the man thought it was helping with.


Lily smiled when Chaital came wandering back, only letting go of Noah's hand finally when Fern followed after so she could pull his muzzle gently down and get some stray grass off his scales. "I like your spirit," she said with a grin, "but let's make sure you can help you first. You can't help anyone if there's no you to do the helping." It was what she had to tell herself when she worked too hard, or when Jasper did, and they started to burn out. "'You can't serve from an empty vessel' and all that. But it'll be fun! If you liked riding with me and Fern, you're gonna love flying on your own!"
Axle smiled and nodded. "I'll bring them, then. I appreciate your input, Jasper. Thank you." He leaned back in his chair and smiled. "Anyone up for a card game while we wait?"


Noah chuckled a bit, his expression softening. "Don't worry, I'll be careful," he promised. "And I won't overwork myself. Or Chaital. Plus, the saddles have ankle slips on them - so even if I fall off, I won't fall very far."

Chaital squawked in delight and flapped her wings. An ankle slip! That would surely help keep Noah safe while up in the air. She rumbled and licked his face several times, sending him stumbling back and laughing.

"Chaital! Shit! I get it, you like the idea," he stammered. He wiped his face off with the corner of his shirt and smiled at Lily. "Should we start bringing these two back to the shelter?"
Jasper avoided eye contact without really meaning to, not one to take thanks, or even just focused attention, very gracefully. "Yeah, sure. . ." He mumbled, thinking he hadn't really done much at all, and only shrugged a little at the thought of a card game. "I'm a little short on hands, unless you want to hold the fat infant."

Nobu, innocent as ever, only gave a happy little rumble where he was cradled mostly in just one of Jasper's arms, looking up at the young man with peaceful adoration. He would take cuddles from anyone, but Jasper was obviously his favorite.


Lily gave Infernus a little pat on the jaw and let him go, smiling for Noah as she turned around to start walking. "Probably about time to settle in! Maybe we can play a game or chitchat a little before I have to go to bed." The more things they did, the less time she had to be nervous about her job in the morning.
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Mr. Harn burst out laughing and nodded. "I would very much love to hold the fat infant, thank you." He walked over and held his hands out to take Nobu, his eyes sparkling. "Come here, Nobu. Care for a cuddle?"

"Cards, eh? Deal me in. Ah need somethin' to keep me awake until I know Noah an' Lily are back safe n' sound," Grandpa Jenkins decided, sitting down at the table.


Noah smiled and reached out to hold her hand again. "Yeah! Hey, could you tell me the story of how you met Infernus? If you want to, I mean. I don't want to pry. But I bet it was really cool, right?"

As the group walked home, Chaital leaned over to preen Infernus' scales, rumbling happily. Rough housing had been a great way to get her nervous energy out. And with Noah wearing an ankle slip, she wouldn't have to worry about him falling.
Nobu only looked at Axle, not indicating anything in particular, but was content enough to be handed off. Once he was settled in with the other man sitting down, he relaxed and started to chew a a sentry on his own paws. Naga, full from dinner and pears, thankfully curled up at Jasper's feet to nap without destroying anything.

"I'm sure they'll be back soon," he murmured, and just settled in to play without much of a competitive nature to show. Je while have to ask Mr. Jenkins if he could leave the prosthetic in the house for the night, until he could get a wagon to take it home with the next day.


Lily was surprised, at first, when Noah held his hand out to her, but took it readily enough with a happy little smile on her face. She had always been one to want to be in physical contact with her friends, and it was nice to have someone around who didn't mind.

"It isn't so much 'cool' as it was terrifying for my mother," she explained with a laugh. "I was only ten when he found me, and he was only a year old, then. I was out playing with my friends, and I didn't know why they all started to scream and run away until I turned around and saw him behind me. I didn't see where he came from and I was a little afraid, too, if I'm honest - Fern's got a lotta teeth, you know? - but he had his wings and his tail down, and he was creeping up to me very slowly, and I thought he looked sorta scared. I didn't want him to feel afraid, so I let him smell my hand like I do with dogs, and I didn't know much about dragons then but he made noises I thought were happy, and he pushed his face into my hand like a cat, so I thought he liked me! Poor Mom almost died of fright when he followed me home like a lost puppy. He destroyed a lot of our furniture before we figured out he was too big to be inside."

She supposed it would have been a hilarious sight, if her poor parents hadn't been so surprised and afraid - slight, short statured little Lily coming home with a big grin and a toothy dragon trailing behind that was already as tall as she was and with large paws that said he would only get bigger. Infernus had scared some of her friends away, but they'd been inseparable ever since.

The dragon in question gave low, happy rumbles and nudged back at Chaital, cleaning her scales right back. They had been familiar with each other before, but it was good to play and rest together now. He would help make sure her new rider didn't fall to his death.
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Grandpa Jenkins and Axle were just as relaxed while playing cards, both clearly more interested in chatting than actually winning.

"So, Axle. How's business up top, eh?" Mr. Jenkins asked. "Anything exciting goin' on?"

Axle smiled. "Good, as usual. As for excitement - being reunited with you and meeting the rest of the family is enough excitement for the entire year. But besides that, my favorite theater's going to be putting on another play next month. Foxes and Hedges, it's called. I'm looking forward to it. What about you both?" he added, glancing between Jasper and Mr. Jenkins.


Noah giggled and glanced over at Infernus, beaming. "Yeah, I can't really imagine him inside a house." He didn't think it'd be polite to pry about her parents, so he kept the conversation focused on dragons. "That's a sweet way to meet, though. Have your friends gotten more used to him over the years?" he asked hopefully.
Jasper listened with only half his attention at first, expecting to be regaled with stories of big business that were either over his head or beyond his scope of interest. A play was an interesting thought. He hadn't gone to any sort of show since he'd been very little, though he was sure whatever he'd seen had much lower production value than whatever Axle was used to.

"No theater for me," he murmured distractedly while he played a couple cards, replacing the ice the second he was done. "Gotta get to work on fixing the next prototype." There was a long list of enhancements, sizing, and mistakes to deal with. Beyond the smaller commission works he got for smaller parts from locals, it would probably occupy most of his attention for a while. He held his tongue against the bitter thought that some of them had to work for a living. Even he knew it was uncalled for.


"Like a big dog that doesn't know how strong it's tail is!" Lily agreed with a laugh, shrugging a bit as they walked. "Mm, a lot of them got scared off, after a while," she said a bit more sedately, idly swinging Noah's hand back and forth. "Fern wasn't so well mannered, back then, and I started spending a lot of time at the Dragonry. I tried to get some of them to come with me, sometimes, but . . ." She shrugged. "Not everyone is meant for being around dragons. Theres still a few left, but we're all so busy with work and lives, i haven't seen them in a little while. I should try to ask them out to dinner, some day, so we can catch up." It was probably sad, she thought, that Fern and made a lot of her friends leave, but she insisted it wasn't his fault no matter how much anyone tried to convince her, and wouldn't give him up for the world.
Mr. Harn raised an eyebrow. "Oh. My apologies, I meant to ask what you both were looking forward to." He hadn't intended on inviting Jasper to the theater. It was in Upper Floaten, and Lily and Mr. Jenkins had warned him plenty of times how Jasper felt about the upper city. "Speaking of your prototypes, lad, I don't suppose there's any way I could help with those? Spare parts, extra funding, that sort of thing. I'd be happy to oblige."


Noah clicked his tongue and smiled sadly, patting Fern's shoulder. "Too bad," he said softly. "They're missing out. Fern and you are incredible friends to have. Aren't you, Infernus?" he added, glancing up at the dragon and beaming.

Chaital rumbled and nudged Noah's head with a huff.

"Yes, Chaital. You too," Noah said, laughing.
"That is what I'm looking forward to." Jasper said with a little shrug of his shoulders as he played another card. He liked the work he did. It was why he kept doing it, and why he sometimes took on more than he probably should. Still, when the man kept going, Jasper's brow began to furrow, and for a moment he had to clench his jaw just to make it hurt worse in an attempt to shut himself up. He was doing his best not to ruin Mr. Jenkin's evening by blowing up.

"Dragonry's paying me." He said after a pause that was too obviously long, voice tight but controlled, eyes on the cards in his hand. "I don't need handouts."


Lily smiled still, even though part of her was still sad. "It's okay - I made lots of friends here at the Dragonry over the years. They all understand what it's like, to love something so much you would change your whole life for it. There are good people here."

Infernus gave a low, guttural sound or two, mouth open and head held high for a moment before he stooped to give Noah's shoulder a very gentle, affectionate nudge, which made Lily laugh. "I think he agrees."
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Axle at least knew enough to catch the subtle sharp tone in Jasper's voice. "Ah. My apologies. I didn't mean to make it sound like a handout," he said softly. "It's just that you're family now, and a good family looks out for each other, and - " He paused for a moment, biting back the rest of his words. I'd like to be part of a good family for you.

He stood up quietly and cleared his throat. "Excuse me a moment. I'll go see if Noah and Lily have returned yet." He stepped outside and closed the door behind him, thinking quietly as he paced the front yard.

Jasper wasn't the first person he'd immediately latched onto and attempted to take care of. Especially with Noah leaving the house more and more often, and Pumpkin also living in Lower Floaten. Maybe he needed to find someone else to put his efforts into along with Noah and the others, someone who needed him. But who?


"Well, here's hoping you can meet up with some of your old friends again. Maybe you can even change their minds about dragons," Noah suggested, smiling. "In the meantime - you got me and Chaital, now, too!"
Jasper almost had to bite down on his own tongue to keep himself in check again. It was enough to send him immediately into shouting territory, hearing a virtual stranger call himself family, as if he had any right, as if he could possibly replace any of the people Jasper had lost. In his head, somewhere beneath his temper, he knew that Axel was trying to help in some bumbling, unwelcome way, but it didn't help.

When the man was gone, he threw his cards onto the table with an angry thwap and sat back in his chair hard enough to make it rock slightly under his weight. "He's not family." He growled, turning his head away from Mr. Jenkin's because he knew he was probably going to end up hurting the man's feelings. "You and Lily - that's family. He just met me."

It was an age old pain, born of loss and forced independence, and it burned too hot to let go. He didn't need Axle. He didn't need handouts like he couldn't take care of himself just because he wasn't born into wealth like the bastards that blocked his view of the sky. He was just fine on his own.


Lily's smile grew wider and she gave Noah's hand a squeeze and a little shake. "Yeah! Two new, amazing friends!" She had known Chaital before, but only in brief interactions, or from afar in the skies - but now she had two more friends than she'd had before, good ones. She didn't need the people that had decided they didn't need her. Real friends stuck together through thick and thin, after all.

As they got closer to the house, she saw Axle walking towards them and just raised her free hand to wave at him with a smile. "Nobody died!"