Bleach: A New Dawn

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Curious? He's damn right that he's curious! There were many things that he wanted to ask, but he would have to pick the most important questions that he needed to know now, or at least he would like to know. He couldn't help himself from chuckling slightly out of relief that he would at least know something about hell. "Soar huh...? My name is, Chiyou Aizheng. Just call me Zheng." The best he could do was to smile politely at the horned man. "Well...what are you and Indra? You aren't a Togabito nor do you seem like a regular soul. And what's with the situation in hell? Indra told me that the Kushanada's numbers have decreased and then you all seem to have this place cut into turf like gangsters. That also leads to my next question; just what is this group of Togabito and whatever the hell you guys are? You have enough people here to have a small army." Zheng flooded him with questions, but he stopped at that to let Soar answer him at least.
Soar kept a straight face the entire time as Zheng asked many questions So...many...questions He cursed Hozumi in his mind since he made him answer all these questions. He sighed, rubbing the back of his head "No mercy huh" He chuckled "Me, well you're right when you say I'm not a Togabito. I'm a demon, another race that dwells within Hell. I'm not a top tier demon, but my strength lies elsewhere" He said with a grin "As for Indra, well he's...completely different than us. He's a demon, along with a shinigami. That's right. He was born in the Soul Society, the same place you came from...But I'm sure you've noticed it, but there's also something else about him...more than just that. I can't tell you what that is, due to the fact that not even Indra knows what he is. And as for the situation in Hell...its madness. Previously, Hell had some order due to Togabitos and Demons fearing a certain individual, the Ruler of Hell and commander of the Kushanada. However, a year or two ago, both him and his 13 subordinates vanished from Hell. As if they never existed here in the first place. With their disappearance, a massive number of Kushanada vanished as well. It's an anomaly we are trying to figure out. Due to their disappearance, many residents in Hell have risen in order to become Hell's new ruler. For 2 years, it has been constant war in Hell. Indra realized facing these opponents alone would be suicide. So he recruited hand selected few and formed a gang. In 2 years, he gained control over both the 1st and 2nd levels of Hell. But to Indra, those are just stepping stones. He knows that the true Ruler of Hell is still here, preparing for something that wont only affect Hell, but most likely the Human World, Soul Society, Hueco Mundo and probably more. No one knows what that monster is really doing" He looked down at the ground, as if he was remembering horrible memories. He took a deep breath and exhaled, looking back at Zheng "Hope that answered those questions, anything else you'd like to know?"
As Gio was receiving a debrief from Rainer, the support group arrived. The mission was supposed to be simple, and given the parameters the right group of people were sent. It should have been a rather simple extermination but it wasn't and Gio still couldn't figure out why. Even with the regeneration the shinigami should have been able to handle them but they were bogged down still. Maybe he was just over thinking it. a full report would be on his desk in the morning, and the remaning members of the team were being treated. For now it was a successful mission, for now it wasn't worth worring about. As a unit they returned to the squad 5 barracks and Gio returned to his office.

Sinai couldn't get comfortable in her tree. She couldn't stop thinking about Zheng. Why would he be arrested, why would he break out. How the hell did he get out. The maggots nest was supposed to be the best prison..well not really but it was pretty damn close. All the questions kept piling up but there were absolutely no answers what so ever. She wanted to search his room, find clues, tear everything apart but chances were others from her squad had probably already done that. Anything she thought of was probably already done by someone else but it couldn't stop her from thinking about it.
Quietly Sinai dropped from her perch andwent inside the barracks to a training room. She tried to fall into a group to train but she was often rebuked in one way shape or form because of her size. She never realy threw around her rank. It was tempting at times. Just as tempting as wanting to knock the largest man down on his ass but she often refrained. Not today, she asked the one question that was garunteed to set the big man off. "are you scared of a little girl?" boom. Ring the bell round 1.
"Yeah well...long as you realize that now." she looked to her Captain then sighed before she punched his shoulder. "None of that. Regrets aren't worth worry lines on your face." she pokes a thumb towards the little girl, "She's your responsibility now. Basically your kid now. You REALLY can't put yourself in unnecessary danger now." she gives the man a roguish grin, though pain tugged at the corner of her lips. "Congrats, you are a father now. How does it feel?"
Hikari gave a smirk once her fist lightly hit his shoulder. "I won't let it keep hold of me, just needed to let it soak in a little bit." He followed her thumb with his eyes, looking over at Rin as she spoke. He looked at Haruka. "I know I can't. I'm technically all she has now, and I don't want her to worry about me, or worse…lose me. As for how it feels, well, I never expected my first child," Hikari gave quotation marks with his fingers, "to be a take in. Well, I don't like the word take in, but you know….I guess I'll just have to do it though, regardless if I'm mature enough or not. I'm willing to learn, and grow as I take care of her." Hikari let out a breath, rubbing the back of his head. He laid his head back on one of the cushions, looking up at Haruka. "And how are you feeling, pumpkin?"
Soar kept a straight face the entire time as Zheng asked many questions So...many...questions He cursed Hozumi in his mind since he made him answer all these questions. He sighed, rubbing the back of his head "No mercy huh" He chuckled "Me, well you're right when you say I'm not a Togabito. I'm a demon, another race that dwells within Hell. I'm not a top tier demon, but my strength lies elsewhere" He said with a grin "As for Indra, well he's...completely different than us. He's a demon, along with a shinigami. That's right. He was born in the Soul Society, the same place you came from...But I'm sure you've noticed it, but there's also something else about him...more than just that. I can't tell you what that is, due to the fact that not even Indra knows what he is. And as for the situation in Hell...its madness. Previously, Hell had some order due to Togabitos and Demons fearing a certain individual, the Ruler of Hell and commander of the Kushanada. However, a year or two ago, both him and his 13 subordinates vanished from Hell. As if they never existed here in the first place. With their disappearance, a massive number of Kushanada vanished as well. It's an anomaly we are trying to figure out. Due to their disappearance, many residents in Hell have risen in order to become Hell's new ruler. For 2 years, it has been constant war in Hell. Indra realized facing these opponents alone would be suicide. So he recruited hand selected few and formed a gang. In 2 years, he gained control over both the 1st and 2nd levels of Hell. But to Indra, those are just stepping stones. He knows that the true Ruler of Hell is still here, preparing for something that wont only affect Hell, but most likely the Human World, Soul Society, Hueco Mundo and probably more. No one knows what that monster is really doing" He looked down at the ground, as if he was remembering horrible memories. He took a deep breath and exhaled, looking back at Zheng "Hope that answered those questions, anything else you'd like to know?"
Well his questions were answered, but it seemed like his situation is even more crazy than he had even anticipated. Not only did he had to come to hell, he had to enter it in a power struggle for dominance while the true Ruler of Hell was lurking in the shadows, scheming and biding for time until he could wreak havoc again. Jeez just how bad could his luck possibly be? Zheng sighed and closed his eyes as he processed it, only to come to the terrifying realization that the Soul Society was completely unaware of what was going on in hell. Hell is a forbidden place that no shinigami is allowed to enter unless the circumstances are extreme enough for it. The Soul Society was completely blind to the situation! Although...Head Captain Juki seemed to know something was going on when the four Togabito arrived in the Soul Society. He couldn't possibly know....could he? The doubt on his face soon turned into conviction and he stood up. "I don't have a question, but a request. Please, help me become strong so I can take part in this war! I can't stand here and idle about when there is so much at stake here!"
Kai was a strong man, but simple as well. Prideful, arrogant and physically strong. At 6'4 he towered over Sinai as he threatened her "I ain't scared a no one ya Priss."

"Prove it punk" Sinai taunted him blandly which made him step toward her. Then, with a shunpo he was gone, appearing beside her attempting to back hand her. Sinai swung her arm out in a similar motion, halting his swing mid swing. He was shocked, so much so that when she moved he didn't have enough time to react. With a simple joint lock Kai was face down on the ground. Sinai took a step back to let him up. He charged her as her rose but she flipped over him, bating him like a matador would a bull. When he turned around he found her running at him. He swung a fist at her but she ducked low, sliding through his legs while knocking them out from under him. Again he fell on his face and she allowed him to get up. Now he was calm, deathly focused but that was what she was waiting for. There is no merit in beating a brute, especially not one blind with anger. Now he was focused and knew better than to underestimate this little girl.

Sinai made the first move this time moving forward with a flurry of punches, but the man took a defensive stance. With his guard up her attacks did little to him, but they weren't intended to. They were just to keep her close to him. She let up, and feigned a kick to his side. He dropped his guard for a second to counter her kick with a low block but the kick stopped and changed direction. With a spin of her body the would-be side kick turned into a powerful spinning high back kick that launched him spinning off his feet. But he was too big to go down that easily, slowly he got back up rubbing his jaw. "get her"

Suddenly Sinai found herself surrounded. It was a peculiar situation given that they were supposed to be her squad mates, and debatably her subordinates but she didn't really care. These were people who spent more time practicing hakuda than she had, though she had years of martial arts under her belt as well. It gave her the opportunity to test her skills against theirs. They moved in synch, clearly a practiced maneuver that drew them closer to her at once. But this was squad two, she knew they would attack from her blind spot, so she moved left and avoided a strike from behind. 4 on 1 was hardly fair but they would be real upset after being beat up by a little girl.

Again she ducked, but this time jumped into the air, flipping into an axe kick. Her kick missed but gave her enough space to flip to her right and engage one of Kai's friends. She grabbed on to his arms and jumped, kicking him square in the chest with both feet, sending him skidding backwards. She landed and spun around with a sweep kick, knocking Kai off his feet. with a Side step she moved so that she could see all of her assailants. Then She shunpo'd in an obvious course of action. So obvious that one of the men caught her by her arm. She waited a single heart beat to place her free hand on top of his and twist out of his grip, causing him to lean into his incoming partners causing an humorous collision.

They recovered quickly enough and surrounded her again, this time their formation was tighter. At the same time, they shunpo'd toward her In a lateral assault. But she shunpo'd as well. Avoiding the blow that would have resulted in four simultaneous strikes, she stood in a handstand, balancing on two of the attackers arms. She flung her leg down, bringing her weight with it, onto the third assailants head while flipping the two arms she held. For a moment only Kai was left standing and she turn to him instantly, getting under his guard with her small size and punching him square in the gut. She keeled over as the two she flipped rose to their feet. She looked back at them but they backed off, calling it quits and helping their friends instead.
"who the hell are you?" Kai groaned out.
With a mix of sadness and pride Sinai answered "I am Sinai. 7th​ seat of squad 2"
Hikari gave a smirk once her fist lightly hit his shoulder. "I won't let it keep hold of me, just needed to let it soak in a little bit." He followed her thumb with his eyes, looking over at Rin as she spoke. He looked at Haruka. "I know I can't. I'm technically all she has now, and I don't want her to worry about me, or worse…lose me. As for how it feels, well, I never expected my first child," Hikari gave quotation marks with his fingers, "to be a take in. Well, I don't like the word take in, but you know….I guess I'll just have to do it though, regardless if I'm mature enough or not. I'm willing to learn, and grow as I take care of her." Hikari let out a breath, rubbing the back of his head. He laid his head back on one of the cushions, looking up at Haruka. "And how are you feeling, pumpkin?"

"Mn." she grunted and held her ribs a little bit. "That's life though, isn't it? Regardless, I think the squad will take to her. She'll be spoiled rotten within the week. Maybe month if we are lucky." she laughed a little then coughed and groaned in pain. She laid back down, coincidentally in his lap near the knee.

"Considering you're in my spot, I'm dead tired and will be confined to bed rest and no exercise for the next two weeks...I'm just peachy, Pookie." she closed her eyes. "I managed to get Mirja's info filled out and the paperwork signed. All you need to do is review it then send it in." she gave a hearty yawn, faced away from the man. "Try not to get a woody while I'm sleeping yeah? That would be incredibly awkward to wake up to." she murmured sleepily.
"Hopefully she'll enjoy the attention," replied Hikari, chuckling along with her laugh. He gave a concern face once she coughed and groaned in pain, noting that he shouldn't attempt to make her laugh. With her lying in his lap, his hand reached down to gently grab hold of hers. He smiled at her cheeky comments. "Even when injured, your mind is focused on the job. You're one of a kind," he told her before kissing her forehead, "And I'll try my best not to. I'll wait until our marriage." He gave a poke to her nose after he joked.
"Hopefully she'll enjoy the attention," replied Hikari, chuckling along with her laugh. He gave a concern face once she coughed and groaned in pain, noting that he shouldn't attempt to make her laugh. With her lying in his lap, his hand reached down to gently grab hold of hers. He smiled at her cheeky comments. "Even when injured, your mind is focused on the job. You're one of a kind," he told her before kissing her forehead, "And I'll try my best not to. I'll wait until our marriage." He gave a poke to her nose after he joked.

"Ha, what kid wouldn't? I'm sure even Hype would melt for her." her breaths evened out slowly. She played with his fingers idly, "My mind is always on work in some form. If it isn't with Yuurei anyway" she snorts a little. "That is one way to put it." she said to his "one of a kind" remark. She poked his nose, but her coordination was off and she ended up poking his adam's apple, "You're pretty damn cocky. What makes you so sure I'd say yes?" she asked him after yawning.
Hikari chuckled. "Hype playing dolls with a child, I would pay to see that." His eyes trailed down to their hand before running back up to her face. "I've taken notice to that, I like it. But work isn't always important." He raised an eyebrow once her finger touched his adams apple, but figured it was because of her fatigue. He was rather beat himself, the only thing keeping him awake being the voice of Haruka. "Well, is there is something that'd make you say no?" Hikari asked as his face hovered over hers, notably closer.
Hikari chuckled. "Hype playing dolls with a child, I would pay to see that." His eyes trailed down to their hand before running back up to her face. "I've taken notice to that, I like it. But work isn't always important." He raised an eyebrow once her finger touched his adams apple, but figured it was because of her fatigue. He was rather beat himself, the only thing keeping him awake being the voice of Haruka. "Well, is there is something that'd make you say no?" Hikari asked as his face hovered over hers, notably closer.

"Ha, that would be funny." she murmured to the man. Her lips were barely moving at this point. "One of us has to think about work. Heck, my family is work on its own." she said then yawned. "As for the "saying no" part...lots of things would. steadily getting closer to my face. No kissing attempts while I'm half-asleep. I can still punch you through the roof." she said. "My ribs may be broken, but my abs are still amazingly fabulous. My core is all I need to punch you to Squad Three."
Hikari immediately backed up. Truthfully he hadn't noticed how close they were. Well, he knew they were close, but not that close. He gave a chuckle nonetheless, hands in the air, "Hey, if you weren't talking then I'd fall asleep immediately. And your abs makes mine seem puny. But I surrender; I don't want to get punched into my previous Squad."
Hikari immediately backed up. Truthfully he hadn't noticed how close they were. Well, he knew they were close, but not that close. He gave a chuckle nonetheless, hands in the air, "Hey, if you weren't talking then I'd fall asleep immediately. And your abs makes mine seem puny. But I surrender; I don't want to get punched into my previous Squad."

"Hah, flatterer. My abs were naturally gorgeous and have only become more beautiful with training." she said quietly. "Naptime...hopefully the little one will wake us up in time for breakfast." she said with a sleepy smile. "You were in squad 3?"
"I'm truly jealous," commented Hikari. His eyes trailed up to Rin who was still in her Haori burrito, only hear head popping out of the Haori. She looked pretty comfortable there. "Yeah, I wouldn't bank on her waking up before either of us. She'll probably sleep most of the day away right there." He looked down at Haruka. "Yeah, I was. When I first joined the Gotei Thirteen the Squad I joined was Three. Shiro, the current Kenpachi, was there as well. Those were simple days, spying on naked women, ripping away Chie's towel." Hikari seemed to stop for a few seconds, thinking about that moment before shaking his head. "Uh—I mean, yeah, was there before I was transferred here. Was told my skills were best suited here since I was decent at battle planning and such. I guess here or twelve I would have been best suited for, but I have no interest in creating things. Nor do I find monitoring all day a good job for me, unless of course it's for battle…Um, apologizes, I rambled."
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"I'm truly jealous," commented Hikari. His eyes trailed up to Rin who was still in her Haori burrito, only hear head popping out of the Haori. She looked pretty comfortable there. "Yeah, I wouldn't bank on her waking up before either of us. She'll probably sleep most of the day away right there." He looked down at Haruka. "Yeah, I was. When I first joined the Gotei Thirteen the Squad I joined was Three. Shiro, the current Kenpachi, was there as well. Those were simple days, spying on naked women, ripping away Chie's towel." Hikari seemed to stop for a few seconds, thinking about that moment before shaking his head. "Uh—I mean, yeah, was there before I was transferred here. Was told my skills were best suited here since I was decent at battle planning and such. I guess here or twelve I would have been best suited for, but I have no interest in creating things. Nor do I find monitoring all day a good job for me, unless of course it's for battle…Um, apologizes, I rambled."

The man's voice settled the young woman into a slumber. She managed to keep conscious long enough to hear his history. She'd have to ask the man about that the Naked woman thing. That sounded both hilarious and creepy.
Kame was glad that Hioshimi had explained to her what this Shizuoka city would look like but at the same time she felt a little disappointed in knowing. Some of her books had mentioned such places like the Arctic, where the snow fell almost year-round and people lived in ice huts. It know that they were basically going from the Seireitei to a human world version of the Seireitei numbed the excitement slightly.

They made their way to the Senkaimon, Hioshimi and Kagiko talking while Kame remained silent. She wondered if this was how all their missions would be like. It was a melancholy thought and Kame found it much harder to stick to her silent persona than in the academy. It was a different thing when she was forced to stay with people. In the academy she had the option to shirk away from everyone - it wasn't the case in Squad 12.

Kame had her opportunity to speak however once Kagiko brought up his deal. There was an unexpected silence that made Kame turn towards Hioshimi. This was her type of thing, was it not? Instead she found her looking straight back at her, almost as if she wanted her to speak. Kame paused and thought over the deal. Information on the hollow could save their lives... but the reward of a trip in the human world was tempting as well.

"... I obey what you wish, sir. Since you want us to handle the hollow without any additional information, that is the option I will choose, sir." It was a good thing Kagiko had said what he had. This way Kame could give in to her own selfish desire without the guilt of straying from her ideas of loyalty and their potential deaths. Besides, they had a captain with them. As depraved as the Soul Society was, one thing was clear - they wouldn't sacrifice their own. With this knowledge Kame felt relatively safe with her decision and she felt a small glow of pride inside her as she felt she had done what Hioshimi had wanted.

And on top of everything else, they wouldn't have to fill out any reports.
(@RainyDays Sorry this took so long. For some reason I thought it was Rainy's turn to reply ^.^; if this ever happens again just message me telling me to wake the hell up!)

Whilst still walking towards the Senkaimon Kagiko listened to them both, it seemed Hioshimi was going to let Kame decide on what they'd do. In truth Kagiko was pleased they chose that was much more real that way. Finally they had arrived at the Senkaimon, that was when three hell butterflies greeted them "Are you both ready? It wont take us long to find this'll probably be able to sense it from miles away." Kagiko waited as the doors to the Senkaimon then opened to which he then stepped into "Well on we go." Kagiko stepped into the Senkaimon, expecting the other two to follow.

The second they stepped in they'd notice themselves in a rather odd and...dark place, Yet the liquid like walls were frozen completely "I'm sure you both know this already but this place is known as the serves as a..pathway to the human world I guess you could say...If I'm to put it simply that is. I'm also sure that you know that we must have these hell butterflies accompany us otherwise we'd be facing the cleaner right now...and the last thing we want is to be sucked up by that thing." Eventually they arrived at a bright light, Kagiko stepped into it without worry, once again expecting the other two to follow. High in the air over the city of Shizuoka a senkaimon formed, the doors opening slowly as Kagiko then stepped out onto the air as if it was a platform. Kagiko then took in a deep breath before exhaling and giving a small smile "It's good to be back's been awhile"
Shizuka had left the Squad 3 barracks as she made her way to a public spa for what one would assume to relax, however Shizuka wanted to try something different...something she hadn't tried in awhile. Once Shizuka arrived at the spa she simply looked at the other women in there, clearly that was enough for them to get the hint that she didn't want them there. The other women stood up from the water then wrapped their towels around them as they then walked out, muttering things under their breath as they did. Shizuka then stepped into the water, fully clothed...if someone were to see this it'd surely be seen as very odd.

Shizuka made her way into the middle of the spa before lifting her right arm out of the water, her Zanpakuto in hand. Black fire then erupted from the Zanpakuto and surrounded Shizuka completely in a dome of black fire, the water drying up instantly. Shizuka then sat down, crossing her legs as she stabbed her Zanpakuto into the ground infront of her. Shizuka then closed her eyes...sitting there for a few minutes before she felt herself falling.

as she fell she kept her eyes closed before she felt herself land in a large pool of blood. Shizuka's eyes then shot open as she stood up from the pool of blood, her hair, skin and clothes now dripped with blood as it ran down her body. Shizuka then slowly stepped out of the pool of blood as she looked up to see her Zanpakuto spirit sitting on a boulder "Finally you've come back...And I suppose it's to learn more?...or should I say take more...seeing as you never give me the option now do you?" Shizuka looked at her Zanpakuto spirit as he spoke, not saying a word to him

Kekishiku...Her Zanpakuto spirit just rubbed the back of his head as he sighed and stood up "Just as silent as always...So...what way do you want to do this?" Shizuka listened as her Kekishiku asked her how she wanted to go about learning these new skills...however he should of already knew this and him not knowing meant Shizuka would have to punish him for being idiotic. Shizuka reached to her right side as she then gripped a black Katana that was stabbed into the ground, She then slowly removed it as all the black fire around them began to go towards the Katana and wrap around the blade, this caused Kekishiku's eyes to widen.

"Fine! I'll tell you how to do them! Just not that crap again...I'm sure this isn't normal..." Kekishiku held his left arm with his right as he remembered the time when Shizuka tore his arm off because he made a stupid joke...he was able to reform it but still...even though he should of been considered stronger than her he hardly felt it at this world this girl got what she wanted...that is if she wanted it. However Kekishiku knew his time would come when she'd come in here asking about Bankai...that was when the tables would turn...but that time wasn't as close as he'd like...she could have mastered her Shikai by now if she wanted but it almost seemed like she was purposely holding herself back...probably to make her fights more exciting...

Within a few minutes Kekishiku had explained to her a variety of new things she could try...things that'd make fighting her enemies perhaps a bit more interesting. He had given in to her threat just so he didn't have to go through pain again...despite being a Zanpakuto spirit it was still painful. Shizuka soon awoke within the spa once again, the black fire around her disappearing as she looked down at her Zanpakuto. Gripping it with her right hand she then tore it out the ground and stood to her feet...she needed to get something from Squad 12 again soon....and have her knives upgraded so they could withstand her own Shikai...but that'd have to wait for now...right now...she had something she needed to test.
"You really, really, really got super messed up, didn't you?" The radically different looking zanpakuto spirit looked at her partner. The two of them were laid on one of the many ruined skyscrapers Yuurei Mamoru was so fond of. Haruka looked over to the blonde haired, amethyst eyes beauty before she sighed. "What is it?"

"It is just...odd. You used to be a giant, very male robot thing. And just changing your name from Knight to Guardian turned you know." Haruka motioned towards the feminine spirit whom laughed heartily. Haruka huffed in slight irritation but let her laugh.

"Well, if it helps can always see me as a guy. I change with your perception."

"No. I'll get used to it. Just...don't change your name again? Or...lie to me...?" Cerulean met amethyst as Haruka displayed how much that had hurt. Yuurei's face fell with guilt before she nodded.

"You still have one name to learn. aren't ready for it yet. You're strong, but you have yet to really learn what I can do. As an apology, I will teach you three things for your shikai use. You've gotten very good at creating solid constructs with your spiritual energy. Now... Yuurei Mamoru laid back down, her head on Haruka's chest and body perpendicular to Haruka's. They both stared at the sky. "Now it is time for you learn how to create effects."[/i]


"Yes. The first of which is a blade. Using this symbol..." Yuurei showered Haruka the correct symbol over her gauntlet. Haruka studied it carefully as Yuurei Mamoru materialized it in seconds.

"This allows you to form blades from your spiritual energy and/or pressure. This is basically you harnessing my sealed appearance, and allows you to call this blade. Yuurei Mamoru demonstrated and materialized a sword as black as midnight.

"This is the embodiment of us. As strong as we are united, this blade is just as strong. You can use this in shikai, should a sword be more beneficial that the gauntlet embedded ones or my sealed state." Yuurei allowed the sword to dissipate then showed her a different symbol. "This symbol represents energy in its most chaotic form. This symbol is closest to my heart, because it is the symbol I use most often."
"This is simply known as 'Explode'. When you hit things, and explosion of spiritual energy will happen. You can use it to propel you forward, or to dodge. But it will take some getting used to. Try not to kill yourself with it, yeah?" The spirit joked. Haruka's eyes narrowed. "Ok. Bad Joke. My bad. The last symbol I want to show you is this one." The symbol changed again.
"This will allow you to speed yourself and surrounding allies up. The speed is dependant on you." She said before she clapped. "Alright. Lesson is over for today. Once you master those three, I'll start teaching you more symbols, one by one."

Haruka nodded in understanding, then played with her spirit's hair while they watched the clouds. "I understand. Thanks, Yuurei."

"Anytime, Haruka. Anytime."
Well his questions were answered, but it seemed like his situation is even more crazy than he had even anticipated. Not only did he had to come to hell, he had to enter it in a power struggle for dominance while the true Ruler of Hell was lurking in the shadows, scheming and biding for time until he could wreak havoc again. Jeez just how bad could his luck possibly be? Zheng sighed and closed his eyes as he processed it, only to come to the terrifying realization that the Soul Society was completely unaware of what was going on in hell. Hell is a forbidden place that no shinigami is allowed to enter unless the circumstances are extreme enough for it. The Soul Society was completely blind to the situation! Although...Head Captain Juki seemed to know something was going on when the four Togabito arrived in the Soul Society. He couldn't possibly know....could he? The doubt on his face soon turned into conviction and he stood up. "I don't have a question, but a request. Please, help me become strong so I can take part in this war! I can't stand here and idle about when there is so much at stake here!"
Soar let out a sigh of relief when Zheng said he had no more questions. However, Zheng continued to ask for a request, to make him stronger so he could take part in the war. A wide grin formed on his face "Two things Zheng, don't you underestimate this war. If you die, then it's game over for you. Youll be tied to Hell til you lose your spirit to live and second. We were gonna make you strong to begin with. Weak people aren't allowed in our gang. Weak people in Hell aren't allowed, they get swallowed up by the stronger people. However, before all of that, you must cut your connection to the Soul Society for now. Indra noticed, the fact that someone is watching over you and us. We've given them enough information, but we won't show them how we do things. Do you agree to this?"
Soar let out a sigh of relief when Zheng said he had no more questions. However, Zheng continued to ask for a request, to make him stronger so he could take part in the war. A wide grin formed on his face "Two things Zheng, don't you underestimate this war. If you die, then it's game over for you. Youll be tied to Hell til you lose your spirit to live and second. We were gonna make you strong to begin with. Weak people aren't allowed in our gang. Weak people in Hell aren't allowed, they get swallowed up by the stronger people. However, before all of that, you must cut your connection to the Soul Society for now. Indra noticed, the fact that someone is watching over you and us. We've given them enough information, but we won't show them how we do things. Do you agree to this?"
He already knew that this war was going to be dangerous. If he died then he will be forever bound to hell until he finally gave in and become nothing. However this wasn't enough to deter him from wanting to fight in the war, the thought of being trapped in hell for eternity didn't even phase him for a moment. It seemed like he didn't even need to make this request to begin with if they were already planning to make him stronger to begin with. What Juki told him before and what Soar was telling him was true, only the strong thrive in hell when only the weak perish. However he would have to cut his one connection to the Soul Society; the kido that Juki placed on him that would keep track of his location. If he were to give it up then he would have no way of getting back to the Soul Society, but if he didn't then he wouldn't be able to become stronger. With a resigning sigh, he nodded. "Yes, I agree to this. I'm surprised you guys even noticed, but I understand. Do whatever needs to be done."
Sachi had graduated the Academy and was now living in some public barracks for Shinigami who had yet to find a Squad, it wasn't exactly the nicest of places but Sachi had made it home till he could find a Squad that'd take him in. He wasn't all that worried as to what Squad it was...he was a capable fighter and was willing to pursue nearly any path. Sachi didn't let the thoughts and pressure of getting into a Squad phase him right now though...for now he'd relax...which could be seen by the fact that he was asleep on his water bed.

Namazu watched as Sachi slept, sitting on it's little bed raised just above where Sachi slept. Right now Namazu was growing hungry and Sachi had been sleeping for so was just getting annoying now with how lazy he was. Namazu let out a little meow and stretched before leaning down over it's platform and getting a claw out as it then poked a hole in Sachi's water bed causing it to burst and wake Sachi suddenly

Sachi's eyes shot open as he dropped to the floor and became soaked with water, this caused Sachi to narrow his eyes at Namazu who was looking down at him "Ha Ha...very funny Namazu...but these things cost money! They aren't free ya know!...Uhh...this is the second one this week!" Sachi sat up and rubbed the back of his head, feeling his damp hair "Aww come on!...Now I'm soaked!..." Sachi let out a sigh then stood to his feet as he looked down at his uniform that was sagging at the back due to being soaked "AHH! My ass looks like it's aged a thousand years with the way this thing is sagging!" Sachi turned and then pointed at Namazu "You gave me old man ass! I'ma get you for this ya little bugger!"

From Sachi's room was then heard a load of rumbling and crashing of things, a few meows and hisses were in there alongside Sachi's shouting before one more hiss was heard and then an oww coming from Sachi. Moments later Sachi emerged from the room, Namazu laying on his head and a cat claw mark across Sachi's left cheek. Sachi pouted then looked to his right and crossed his arms as he stepped out his room "You win this round! time I'll get you ya sneaky bugger!" Sachi then uncrossed his arms and closed his door behind him as he made his way down the halls of the public barracks, other Shinigami snickering at him due to his uniform making it look like he had a sagging ass.

Sachi just narrowed his eyes and pouted whilst Namazu continued to lay on his head. Soon Sachi made it to the exit of the public barracks. Sachi then took in a deep breath as he looked up at the blue sky, watching the clouds cross over the land slowly "Well atleast with this sun my uniform should dry off really need to quit that stuff though! I aint got that much money and now I'm going to have to work like hell before I can afford another water bed...probably going to have to see if I can get some part time work at a bar or something..." Sachi sighed at this but knew it had to be done. That however had to wait...Sachi and Namazu needed food...and thankfully Sachi was pretty resourceful.

Sachi took a stroll through the Seireitei with Namazu now curled up on his head sleeping. Sachi made his way to the Squad 6 barracks and then stacked up a few boxes and climbed up on them as he peeped over the wall seeing a small garden area with a Koi wasn't the famous Kuchiki one but it surely had some nice and big Koi. Sachi then whispered to Namazu "Look Namazu!...Those Koi in there seem pretty decent, I'ma have a go at catching one...seeing as no one is is the time to strike!"

Sachi took in a deep breath then leaped over the wall, Namazu somehow managing to stay on his head as Sachi ran towards the Koi pond, placing his left hand on his sheath as he placed the right hand on the hilt of his Zanpakuto, unsheathing it and spinning it in his hand so he was holding it in a reverse way, he then stopped abruptly, pulling the Zanpakuto back over his head, as if he was going to throw it like a spear...and that's just what he did! Sachi threw the Zanpakuto forwards toward the Koi pond at great speed and managed to pierce one of the Koi. Sachi grinned then ran up to the pond and quickly pulled his Zanpakuto out, the Koi still on it as he then bolted for the wall and leaped over it.

Sachi grinned then sat down with his back against the wall as he looked up at the Koi impaled on his Zanpakuto. Both Sachi's and Namazu's eyes were wide and wobbly at the excitement of catching such a decent sized Koi! "We did it Namazu! We get to eat tonight!!" Sachi's celebration however was cut short by a figure blocking out the sun, Sachi then noticed the Haori then pouted "Aww crap..." Kurisu looked down at Sachi then pulled the Koi of Sachi's Zanpakuto "What the hell do you think you're doing killing my Koi! More so what the hell were you doing within the Squad 6 grounds! explain yourself!"

Sachi blinked a few times, his eyes still following the Koi as Kurisu moved it around as he spoke. Sachi then shook his head and spoke "Uhh...umm...w-well you see Captain...umm...well...I've got no money for food and Namazu here and myself needed to eat...So...yeah...kinda...stole one of your many Koi" Kurisu grit his teeth hearing what this guy was saying then let out a deep breath as he calmed himself down "I'll tell you can have this Koi and a little money if you clean some of the empty cells within the barracks....they've gotten a little dirty and Squad 4 haven't been around as often as that sound like a good deal?"

Sachi listened as the Captain spoke and really it wasn't like he had much of a choice...Sachi sighed then spoke "Sure...I guess I can do that Captain..." Kurisu nodded then spoke "Well then follow me" Kurisu then began walking off as Sachi stood up and followed Kurisu into the barracks and then to the cells which...already Sachi could tell were dirty by the way they stank. Kurisu then stopped and then pointed to a closet "You will find the mop and bucket in get to work. Come to my office after you're done" Kurisu then walked off, making his way back to his office.

Sachi looked at the cells and saw what a bad state they were in "...Well...told you I'd get a part time job! see things worked out!" Sachi tried to play this off as if it was his plan all along but Namazu just looked down at Sachi then curled up in a ball on the top of Sachi's head and went to sleep "Yeah...that's sleep...I'll do all the work!...lazy little bugger!" Sachi then walked over to the closet and opened it, grabbing the mop and bucket before turning around and making his way back to the cells as he then began to clean them. "Man this sucks...these cells are disgusting!! What do they do in here?...someone needs to tell them how to use a toilet and bath...this is nasty!"

After sometime of cleaning Sachi finally finished, he put the mop and bucket back in the closet then began the next quest...finding the Captains office. After a little more time of getting lost and such he finally found it. Sachi knocked on the door twice then spoke "I finished cleaning the cells...can I get my food and money please?" Kurisu looked up at the door then spoke "Enter..." Sachi sighed and opened the door as he walked up to Kurisu's desk "Well it's all done...took me forever but it's done..." Kurisu nodded then pointed to the left where a small table was with the Koi and the money "Good...your food and money are there. Now take it out of's beginning to stink the office up. Oh and if you want money then you could always clean the cells here...or something like that...however if I find you near my Koi pond again I'll cut your damn hands off! You're dismissed!"

Sachi grit his teeth then picked up his Koi and money and left the office, closing the door behind him he began walking down the halls cursing the Captain under his breath "Who does he think he is? just cause he is a damn Captain he thinks he can treat me like I'm nothing!?...tch...I thought those Kuchiki's would be polite...turns out they're just a bunch of stuck up jackasses!" Sachi then left the Squad 6 barracks and made his way to a local spa to relax.

Sachi soon arrived at the Spa and as expected got weird looks as he showed up holding a dead fish. Sachi then walked into the male's changing rooms then put the fish down on a bench and then took Namazu off his head and placed him on the bench also as Sachi then got undressed and then grabbed a towel and wrapped it around his waist before picking Namazu back up and placing him back on the top of his head and then picking up the Koi before entering the spa area. Instantly guys started looking at Sachi since he had a dead fish with him "Woah! Woah! hold it there! you aint bringing that thing in here!...Same with that cat! I'm here to relax not get some weird fish disease or some weird cat disease!"

Sachi had a pretty crappy day...he woke up only to be soaked, he had people laughing at him, he got clawed in the face, had to work for a stuck up jackass just to get some food and a pretty crappy amount of money and now he was getting hassled by some random guy. Sachi clenched his left hand into a fist as his hair fell infront of his eyes "I will bring this damn thing where I want! Unless you want to make something out of it!!" The guy stood up from the water then grinned "Well looks like we got a cocky one! I'm from the 11th Division kid! You better show me some respect before I put you in your place!"

Sachi then smirked a little before speaking and cocking his head back a little, Namazu gripping on tightly trying to not fall off "You're in the 11th Division? You look like you belong in the 4th! I'm surprised the Kenpachi even has weaklings like you around!" The guy grit his teeth then clenched his fists as he stepped out of the water and walked up to Sachi, the man towering over him "I'm giving you one last chance to silence yourself before you get hurt kid!" Sachi chuckled at this threat then spoke "You know I don't think you got the've threatened me twice now yet haven't done jack all about it...That just makes you look weak!" Sachi then slammed his left palm into the mans stomach sending him flying back and into a wall. "Damn for a big guy you're pretty pathetic...Perhaps next time when you make threats, make sure you can back them up!"

The other men in the Spa then looked at the guy who got slammed into the wall then at Sachi and frowned "GET HIM!" Sachi's eyes widened a little as he watched the men get up from out the water "Namazu...take the fish and run!!" Sachi lifted the fish up to Namazu's mouth as Namazu bit into it and leaped off Sachi's head to go run and hide behind a plant pot with it. Sachi then prepared himself to fight as the men got closer. Sachi threw a good few punches and kicks however the numbers game became to much for him and he ended up getting his ass handed to him.

Sachi laid on his back on the floor sprawled out as the men picked up the other guy and carried him out the spa. Sachi was now covered in bruises and cuts, his right eye was swelling up now and blood ran down from his nose. Sachi let out a groan as he sat up "Tch!...Worth it..." Sachi then spat blood onto the floor as he then shouted out to Namazu "Hey Namazu! you can come out now!" Namazu walked out from behind the plant pot with just the skeleton of the Koi in his mouth, this caused Sachi to facepalm and sigh as he then spoke "How...the hell...did you manage to consume a Koi...twice your a matter of minutes?"

Sachi was cursing his luck just wasn't going his way. Sachi let out one more sigh then stood to his feet and then climbed into the spa and sat down "Well at least I get to relax...I think I deserve it after this damn day..." Sachi rested his head back a bit as Namazu then leaped up onto Sachi's head and curled up in a ball to go to sleep as Sachi rolled his eyes before closing his own as he began relaxing
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