Bleach: A New Dawn

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"Wait, you followed me?" asked Hikari with widened eyes before he they returned to normal. He got on a single knee to be on level with her. "I-"he gave a sigh, "I'm sorry. I didn't know it'd go bad. I didn't want anyone to get hurt, but it looks like that resulted in failure on two ends." He ran a hand through his hair, eyes to the floor.

"I just thought it'd be a simple meet the family, clear the hollow. Never expected my first Cap-No, I'll tell you later, you're wounded. W-Where are your meds?" asked Hikari before his attention drifted to the doorway where Rin was peaking her head through.

"Hey sweetheart, you can come in here," Hikari told her.

She shook her head, sticking a hand in the office before quickly pulling it out. "Too cold," she told him. He gave a light smile walking up to her. Removing his Haori he put it around Rin who used it as a blanket. She grabbed his hand and they walked into the office together. He picked her up then sat her in his chair giving it a spin causing a giggle to erupt from her quietly. Walking over to Haruka, he got on his knee again. "So, the meds? Are they here?"
Haruka weakly smacked his chest, "Don't care. Take a partner." she said then took a deep sigh. The lieutenant watchers him interact with the kid. She watched the man care for her, it was heartwarming and very adorable. Hikari would make a great father, but it wasn't as if she didn't know that. Hikari was a good man, and would care greatly for his family.

A searing pain ripped through her chest, but she only winced so as not to alert the man. "Desk. Who's the cutie?'
Hikari nodded. Standing, he walked over to his desk and grabbed the bottle sitting there. Going over to Haruka, once again he got back on his knee and handed the bottle to her. He was willing to help her take them if she couldn't do so on her own. He looked back at Rin who was spinning the chair herself, letting out small giggles. She was adorable, and he was happy that she was laughing.

Attention going back to Haruka he let out a breath. "Her parents were the ones who sent the request. She uh--…Gave her father mercy we'll just say," he rubbed the back of his head. He spoke quietly. "I'm taking care of her now…It's better than out there."
Within the dead of night, all light within her family home switched off with the other soul, her son, presumably resting, Miwa took to stand dead in the middle of one of the manor's gardens. She chose the one with flat land, thinking this would be a good place for her to get to work.

Hair tied back into a pony tail and clad in a vest top, trousers from her Shinigami uniform, in which her vest was tucked into the elastic band at the top of the trousers while the bottom ends were tucked into the top of her socks, making them look like normal jogging bottoms with slipper pumps ending her outfit, Miwa stood in silence, holding her sheaved Asauchi. She closed her eyes, inhaling and exhaling calmly before taking off her glasses. Holding them out in front of her, she slowly opened her emerald eyes, adorning a relaxed but serious expression. Flinging her hand upwards with the flick of left her wrist to softly throw them into the air, not too far up, Miwa unsheathed her blade with speed, whipping it in front of her with one of the flat sides facing upwards, just in the nick of time to catch her glasses.

Clearly this was not her first time training in any sort of way, in fact she did so often even before Kurisa died. It was after Kurisu's fiancée had passed away, leading to other events in which Kurisu had no choice but to flee, and with Kurisa spending almost all of his time at the Seireitei working, Miwa was left all alone. She wanted to do something productive and useful, so at first she incorporated techniques to improve her speed and accuracy with everyday housework. Soon she felt that it wasn't enough, there was no point in being half-arsed with it and might as well of went all the way. This came to her researching and observing other's training within the Gotei 13, her Squad Twelve position helping her gain the information she wanted much easier now. It came to the point where she was trying to teach herself to control her spiritual energy and use it in certain ways, which obvious took a long amount of time and more time to come, however she wouldn't stop and never will. Not until she's laying on her death bed.

Tilting her sword slightly towards the left, her glasses slid gently drown the edge until they expectantly stopped as the right hinge of the frame, since the glasses were still open, caught on the sharp edge of Miwa's blade. Eyeing the apple-green coloured glasses, with a slight flick of her right wrist, the glasses jolted into the air about an inch away from the blade's cutting edge. At that precise moment, Miwa swung her blade upwards with not much effort but impressive speed, meeting the right hinge momentarily as the blade cleanly sliced through it. As the main part of her glasses continued to fall, aiming to reach the ground in a handful of seconds, Miwa twisted her body a touch before bringing her sword diagonally downwards, producing a clean cut straight through the bridge of the frame while displaying her speed once more. It was only then did Miwa return back to her original stance and let the her glasses hit the grassy floor in three pieces.

Since it was the middle of the night, Miwa's vision was worse than it usually would be, however it wasn't too bad, only a tinge blurry so she could still see enough for her. Looking down, she crouched to pick up the pieces. 'Mustn't let anybody hurt themselves due to me leaving these here. ' Turning around, she was reminded of something else she had been meaning to test for a while. 'Shunpo.'

Disappearing in the blink of an eye, Miwa reappeared near the door to the manor. Not too far from her previous position, but far another to smooth a small smile across her face from the noticeable improvement. 'Well, that went better than last time' Looking down at her left hand, Miwa decided to just place her broken glasses onto the floor near the door, she'll throw those away later. Turning back towards the flat land, she bent her knees and took a moment, the smile dripping off her face as her features slowly grew serious. A second later, she darted towards her previous spot, unsheathing her sword once again to hold it in her right hand while her sheathe in her left.

Once she had reached her spot, Miwa flung her body into the air and kicked the space in front of her a few times, imagining a faceless person's body in front of her to get a sense for where her kicks would land; one in the right side of their ribs, another on the left side of the neck before flicking another kick immediately after in the left side of the hand, and finally sending one last but forceful kick to the right shoulder. Tucking her legs in, she spun her body around, swinging her blade to slice whomever would be close, just before landing in a crouched position. Imagining that she was surround by a circle of people, she slid between one of their legs, swiftly turning back before slicing her sword upwards as she stood, effectively chopping that imagined person in half. The next four imaginary people dived towards her, in which she took a step back to create a little more distance and time to ready herself in, soon dodging and countering all of their imaginary attacks while thinking of all of her possible openings at all times and how to defend them if need be.

Due to her vision being blurry and the sky dark with any light scarce, it wasn't difficult for her to imagine her faceless enemies and in-vision them in front of her while engaging with them in a fight. That was one of the benefits of training at this time to her, but her main reason for doing so was because she didn't want Kurisu finding out what she was doing. This was why she tried hard to minimise her noise and hold her energy down. It proved to be a challenge for her, which she embraced.

Focusing on her speed and force, Miwa hardly made any noise at all, only breathing steadily as she became a moving blur in the night. The only sounds being of her sword slicing through air and her feet gliding softly across the grass.
Hikari nodded. Standing, he walked over to his desk and grabbed the bottle sitting there. Going over to Haruka, once again he got back on his knee and handed the bottle to her. He was willing to help her take them if she couldn't do so on her own. He looked back at Rin who was spinning the chair herself, letting out small giggles. She was adorable, and he was happy that she was laughing.

Attention going back to Haruka he let out a breath. "Her parents were the ones who sent the request. She uh--…Gave her father mercy we'll just say," he rubbed the back of his head. He spoke quietly. "I'm taking care of her now…It's better than out there."

The young woman frowned a little bit and glared at her medication. She just broke the cap, not caring about the stupid safety cap thing. She dry swallowed the prescribed amount then laid her head back down.

"Man...that really sucks." she looked over at Hikari, "If you need any help, lemme know." she closed her eyes , "I think these make me sleepy or of em. Alucard..." the dog grunted and waved at Hikari with a bandaged paw. "Damn Gillian was a b-ER...jerk." She murmured. "But it'd dead...just the way I like em."
"I appreciate it, but focus on getting better first. You're the one who should let me know if you need any help. If you aren't better by time we have to go meet your family, don't be afraid to call it off." Hikari moved some hair away from Haruka's face then gave Alucard a rub inbetween the ears. "You both get some rest now, that's an order." He gave Haruka a kiss on the forehead before standing and walking to his chair. Picking Rin up, he sat in the chair then sat her on his lap. He pulled out clean sheets on paper and colored pens letting her draw while he filled out reports.
"I appreciate it, but focus on getting better first. You're the one who should let me know if you need any help. If you aren't better by time we have to go meet your family, don't be afraid to call it off." Hikari moved some hair away from Haruka's face then gave Alucard a rub inbetween the ears. "You both get some rest now, that's an order." He gave Haruka a kiss on the forehead before standing and walking to his chair. Picking Rin up, he sat in the chair then sat her on his lap. He pulled out clean sheets on paper and colored pens letting her draw while he filled out reports.

Haruka groaned in acknowledgement before she finally fell asleep. The medication finally took effect and allowed her to sleep soundly for quite a few hours.
Hikari ran a hand through his hair. Looking behind him out the window, he noticed it had become lighter outside. It seemed he had been working all night. Looking at the reports on his desk, he pushed the completed ones aside. He then put them inside his desk.

Eyes running back up his desk he smiled at the various messy drawings; most of a happy family. He looked down at the little girl curled on his lap, sleeping. She had passed out in the midst of one of her drawings despite the claims that she wasn't tired. Throughout her sleep she had seemed to shiver in fear until Hikari placed a comforting hand on her back.

He let out a breath, looking up at Haruka sleeping. She seemed a bit more peaceful, though he couldn't imagine her pain. To say the least, he felt like shit. First he couldn't help Rin and her family, and then Haruka got hurt due to the Gillian. He should have thought it through more, despite what he had thought. Though what was done was done, all he could do was learn from it and move on.
Hikari ran a hand through his hair. Looking behind him out the window, he noticed it had become lighter outside. It seemed he had been working all night. Looking at the reports on his desk, he pushed the completed ones aside. He then put them inside his desk.

Eyes running back up his desk he smiled at the various messy drawings; most of a happy family. He looked down at the little girl curled on his lap, sleeping. She had passed out in the midst of one of her drawings despite the claims that she wasn't tired. Throughout her sleep she had seemed to shiver in fear until Hikari placed a comforting hand on her back.

He let out a breath, looking up at Haruka sleeping. She seemed a bit more peaceful, though he couldn't imagine her pain. To say the least, he felt like shit. First he couldn't help Rin and her family, and then Haruka got hurt due to the Gillian. He should have thought it through more, despite what he had thought. Though what was done was done, all he could do was learn from it and move on.

Haruka woke quietly not too long after she initially fell asleep. Her body hurt a fuck of alot, which sort of left her staring at her ceiling of her Captain's office. If she were honest, she was waiting to see if it was all a dream. However, the pain in her chest made it very obvious that wasn't the case.

Regardless, she sat up slowly to look around the office. She saw the girl and couldn't help the gentle smile. "Captain?" she called quietly so as not to disturb the girl. "Did you get any sleep?"
"............." Yu just remained silent as she told him, he just stood up and jumped outside where he grabbed a tree, and either with pure rage or natural strength, ripped it out of the ground where he then bashed it off the ground before throwing the tree into the distance where it easily vanished from sight within seconds. Yu then shunpoed back to his office where he sat down, and cracked his neck. "Okay...... well good job. Just note..... when every they start this war, you are taking whoever your opponent is, awayyyyyyyy from anyone that breaths air or bleeds or talks. Well carry on..... I expect I'm going to hear hell about this in a while."
Shizuka watched as Yu acted like a child about the situation, if he knew she would only cause more damage then he should have sent someone else...Shizuka did as she was ordered, she wasn't paid to think about anything other than killing her target...if innocents got caught in the fight that was just unfortunate for them. Shizuka rolled her eyes at Yu saying she had to take whoever she ends up fighting in this upcoming war away from everything...Then she'd do that...she'd drag them into her little piece of hell. Shizuka felt things were done here and so turned and walked out the office. That guy needed to take a chill pill once in awhile...he got far to angry over such pointless things, Surely he could just blame the destruction on the enemy and say that Shizuka was doing what she could to prevent it and if she hadn't it would of been worse...but then again....she didn't have pinned him as much of a thinker...more the kinda guy you'd throw into a fight rather than a guy you'd pay to think up even the most basic of strategies...
~Within Hueco Mundo~
Shinji sat on his throne, enjoying the last few days of peace before he turned this world into a battleground, the thought in itself brought a smile to his face...he couldn't wait....all he needed to do was cripple the Gotei 13 in order to proceed with his plan..."It's so close...the's almost here. Are you excited Ashido?...I hear your brother has become a Shinigami now...must be hard knowing you may have to kill your brother..."

Ashido stood next to Shinji's throne, gritting his teeth before he spoke "I don't think he will show...he's far to weak...The Gotei 13 would be stupid to send that lazy fool...." Ashido may have been on this side...but he didn't want to face his brother...that was the last thing he wanted "Dammit brother! Why couldn't you stay away from them!? I only needed a little more time...just a little longer!...I'll get revenge for our clan...I promise..."

Shinji chuckled a little at what Ashido said "Well what do you expect Ashido?...As far as he knows you're a dead have an even younger brother and sister do you not?...I wonder what happens to them when your brother's a cruel world isn't it Ashido? We will change that...with one final cruel act. After all...why do people fight in wars?...change...the victor changes history, they change the world..."

Ashido listened as Shinji spoke clenching his fists as he listened to him "...Why couldn't you of made these changes when you had the position of Head Captain? I don't understand why we have to to do all this just to change something...Unless there is something you aren't telling me..."

Shinji chuckled once again then spoke "Ashido...I despise the Gotei's their backward ways that destroy these worlds...they never change and even as a Head Captain...those changes cannot be made...The Gotei 13 must be crushed...something new must arise from it's ashes...and from this all Ashido...I will be known as a god amongst these worlds, that pitiful excuse of a king will fall and I will take reign over these worlds...I will change everything. No one will go hungry, no one will be alone, no blood will shed...We will manage things right...these things sound impossible but they wont be...Shinigami will no longer exist...don't you find it funny that souls live for a tiny fraction of a Shinigami's life?...Shinigami live many years longer than a normal Soul...they claim that they are the ones to balance the world when they are the very ones disrupting the innocent souls will need to be killed in the name of Balance. No more...Everyone will be able to live a good life...however in order to reach this we must shed blood one more the eyes of the Shinigami we are evil...but...are we really evil? When all we want is a world of peace and happiness...even these empty sands of Hueco Mundo may one day be filled with life...I only want a better world for those who come after us."

Ashido listened to Shinji...he knew this was the reason why he joined but...he couldn't help but think Shinji was living in a dream world...did he really think any world could be perfect? A world where pointless death's don't happen?...Shinji wasn't just changing something...he was trying to rewrite the rules of life, the rules of the worlds...and become the god of this new was a wild dream but if it helped Ashido to make a better life for his family then he would go along with it, it was all he had.
~Far in the deserts of Hueco Mundo~
A cloaked being walked through the sandy deserts of Hueco Mundo, behind them were thousands of dead swarm "You believe that pitiful creatures such as yourself can stop me? How laughable." The cloaked figure then flicked the blood of their sword as they then sheathed it "Prepare yourself're reign over this world will soon be over..." The cloaked figure continued to walk through the desert, their destination...Shinji's palace...
Haruka woke quietly not too long after she initially fell asleep. Her body hurt a fuck of alot, which sort of left her staring at her ceiling of her Captain's office. If she were honest, she was waiting to see if it was all a dream. However, the pain in her chest made it very obvious that wasn't the case.

Regardless, she sat up slowly to look around the office. She saw the girl and couldn't help the gentle smile. "Captain?" she called quietly so as not to disturb the girl. "Did you get any sleep?"
Hikari stood up, Rin his arms. He laid her on the chair which she curled up in, wrapping herself in the Haori like a burrito. He walked over to Haruka then sat in front of the couch, back to it as he looked at her. "Not much, no," Hikari said as he ran a hand through his hair. His eyes were low, and the usual brightness his face carried wasn't there; maybe because he was tired, or maybe because the guilt was getting to him? "I'm sorry," he whispered, "You were right about me taking a partner, regardless of how carefree I thought the mission was going to be. Maybe her family would have made it then…I just fell right into his trap."
Nadameru nodded at the recommendation of her older cousin. Exploring the majority of Soul Society was sure to be at least some fun, right? "No problem boss. I can explore, and I get some food, and...Oooh, I wanna try some Dango!" With a skip in her step, the younger, shorter Kuchiki quickly exited the Sixth division barracks: her new home away from home. The building was pretty easy to move around in, and she quickly found her way to the front exit from the sparring halls.

In truth, she was a little disappointed to be sent on her own way already. She had hoped for something to do: training; an actual mission; anything really. Instead of groaning or moaning about it, she just decided to ignore the annoying disappointment this time around. Her cousin probably had other stuff to do, after all...She also kinda fancied some Dango.

With that in mind, Nadameru picked a direction at random and simply began a leisurely Shunpo through the streets of Soul Society. She might run into something, she might not: Who knows? Let fate decide!
No way...his normal fighting tactics are not going to work against Togabito? Did Indra really leave him to die against this guy...? No! He couldn't let his judgement be impaired by this nutcase! There is always a way to beat someone. If his normal attacks weren't going to cut it then he would just improvise! Judging by the fact that saw that Togabito shoving his own blade into his liver Zheng understood that this guy had a stupidly high pain tolerance or got off on it so there goes shots at the liver or any other part like that. As well as pain tolerance this freak was fast and relied on that speed greatly. What played a big factor into this was the Togabito's confidence or rather his overconfidence that he would kill Zheng.

Zheng leaned back to avoid a serious slash to the head, but still received a cut along his temple, leaving a trail of blood running down his face. " You've made two mistakes Togabito." Activating Tempered Iron Will, his entire was suddenly covered in a thin yet compressed reaitsu that gave him greater durablity that protected him from attacks even from blade, but increase his physical damage. Pivoting on his left foot and leaning back, he swung his enhanced kick right towards the Togabito's kneecap. He already formulated a plan. It was to first focus on smashing one of his kneecaps in so that he wouldn't be able to move as fast as he currently was. The next was to when given the chance to smash his swordarm's elbow in to render his arm unable to bend then using that chance he would disarm him. If his plan made it that far then he would strike his heart, lungs, or brain in order to kill him.
The togabitos bones in his leg shattered, the noise echoing throughout the area. The Togabito screamed in agony, looking down at his leg "Y-YOU SHATTERED IT! You really shattered it!!! Thanks" His gone Immediatly changed back to his normal tone as his leg with the shattered bone extended and went to wrap around Zhengs leg. At the same time, all of the other bones in it's arms and legs snapped out of place and wrapped around Zhengs other body parts, the grip of it tightening in hope of breaking his bones. The two were now face to face. The Togabitos mask shattered, revealing his blue and gray face with pure white eyes. "Say Ahhh" he opened his mouth, a blade slowly coming out of it towards Zhengs neck.
The togabitos bones in his leg shattered, the noise echoing throughout the area. The Togabito screamed in agony, looking down at his leg "Y-YOU SHATTERED IT! You really shattered it!!! Thanks" His gone Immediatly changed back to his normal tone as his leg with the shattered bone extended and went to wrap around Zhengs leg. At the same time, all of the other bones in it's arms and legs snapped out of place and wrapped around Zhengs other body parts, the grip of it tightening in hope of breaking his bones. The two were now face to face. The Togabitos mask shattered, revealing his blue and gray face with pure white eyes. "Say Ahhh" he opened his mouth, a blade slowly coming out of it towards Zhengs neck.
Heh, phase one of his plan So this was the guy's true power? Manipulating his own bones' into whatever form he wants them to be, in this case they are like thick cable wires wrapped around him. Dammit they were squeezing tight enough that they would've broken his bones if not for Tempered Iron Will keeping them from squeezing them to that point. The Togabito's mask broke, revealing that hideous face to match that ugly personality. A blade came out of its mouth and was going to stab Zheng's neck, but didn't have the look of defeat. No, it was that fierce, beast-like bloodlust in his eyes again that roared with killing intent. "Tch, your first mistake was underestimating me Togabito!" His arms and legs seemed to have bulged with muscles for that moment and broke through the bones and he leaned to the side to avoid having metal lodged into throat. His right leg seemed to be glowing with a condensed mass reaitsu that had gathered onto it. "Your second mistake was assuming I was unarmed! Now die you fool! Tempest Autumn Dragon!" Zheng spun on his heel and slammed his leg against the Togabito with a round house kick to the stomach and from his leg bursted force a large serpentine dragon, obliterating him and leaving a pathway carved by the dragon's destruction.

Once the attack had finished, Zheng just stood there with his hands in his pockets. How long had it been since he had been in hell? Half a day, a whole day, a week? Time moved much slower here than in the Soul Society. He sighed and looked up at the sky, yelling loudly. "Did I prove myself yet to you?
Heh, phase one of his plan So this was the guy's true power? Manipulating his own bones' into whatever form he wants them to be, in this case they are like thick cable wires wrapped around him. Dammit they were squeezing tight enough that they would've broken his bones if not for Tempered Iron Will keeping them from squeezing them to that point. The Togabito's mask broke, revealing that hideous face to match that ugly personality. A blade came out of its mouth and was going to stab Zheng's neck, but didn't have the look of defeat. No, it was that fierce, beast-like bloodlust in his eyes again that roared with killing intent. "Tch, your first mistake was underestimating me Togabito!" His arms and legs seemed to have bulged with muscles for that moment and broke through the bones and he leaned to the side to avoid having metal lodged into throat. His right leg seemed to be glowing with a condensed mass reaitsu that had gathered onto it. "Your second mistake was assuming I was unarmed! Now die you fool! Tempest Autumn Dragon!" Zheng spun on his heel and slammed his leg against the Togabito with a round house kick to the stomach and from his leg bursted force a large serpentine dragon, obliterating him and leaving a pathway carved by the dragon's destruction.

Once the attack had finished, Zheng just stood there with his hands in his pockets. How long had it been since he had been in hell? Half a day, a whole day, a week? Time moved much slower here than in the Soul Society. He sighed and looked up at the sky, yelling loudly. "Did I prove myself yet to you?
The Togabito was blown to pieces by the attack. laughing til the very end until nothing but chunks of his body was left. As Zheng was yelling at the sky, Hozumi was sitting on the ground next to him, keeping his presence hidden. Throughout the battle, he covered himself in bakudo 26 to avoid any unwanted attention. "Yelling only draws attention" He stood up as the kido deactivated "You've proven yourself for now" With a slight motion of his hand, 2 blue discs formed on the ground. Hozumi jumped on one, turning to Zheng "Come on, its time for you to properly meet everyone else" The disc floated upwards back towards the first level of Hell. From there, Hozumi quickly made his way towards their base while also avoiding the few Kushanada remaining in the first level.


ty Expllo~

Once back in the base, Hozumi walked in the middle as everyone else eyed down Zheng. The demon with blonde hair and green eyes walked up "I see youre still alive, nice to see you passed" He chuckled afterwards, turning to Hozumi "You can explain things to him. I'm going to go find our lieutenant. they're finally making their move' Hozumi shunpoed out of the room and out of sight, leaving Zheng with the room full of Togabitos. But this time, they didn't have the urge to kill him or eat him. They were much more calm now that Hozumi had approved of him. "Well since Indra approved of you, it's about time we start explaining things to you. I'll introduce you to everyone afterwards" He motioned Zheng to follow him by moving his head in the direction he was walking in. They entered a dimly lit room with 2 stools. Soar sat on one as he waited for Zheng to sit on the other.
Hikari stood up, Rin his arms. He laid her on the chair which she curled up in, wrapping herself in the Haori like a burrito. He walked over to Haruka then sat in front of the couch, back to it as he looked at her. "Not much, no," Hikari said as he ran a hand through his hair. His eyes were low, and the usual brightness his face carried wasn't there; maybe because he was tired, or maybe because the guilt was getting to him? "I'm sorry," he whispered, "You were right about me taking a partner, regardless of how carefree I thought the mission was going to be. Maybe her family would have made it then…I just fell right into his trap."

"Yeah well...long as you realize that now." she looked to her Captain then sighed before she punched his shoulder. "None of that. Regrets aren't worth worry lines on your face." she pokes a thumb towards the little girl, "She's your responsibility now. Basically your kid now. You REALLY can't put yourself in unnecessary danger now." she gives the man a roguish grin, though pain tugged at the corner of her lips. "Congrats, you are a father now. How does it feel?"
The Togabito was blown to pieces by the attack. laughing til the very end until nothing but chunks of his body was left. As Zheng was yelling at the sky, Hozumi was sitting on the ground next to him, keeping his presence hidden. Throughout the battle, he covered himself in bakudo 26 to avoid any unwanted attention. "Yelling only draws attention" He stood up as the kido deactivated "You've proven yourself for now" With a slight motion of his hand, 2 blue discs formed on the ground. Hozumi jumped on one, turning to Zheng "Come on, its time for you to properly meet everyone else" The disc floated upwards back towards the first level of Hell. From there, Hozumi quickly made his way towards their base while also avoiding the few Kushanada remaining in the first level.


ty Expllo~

Once back in the base, Hozumi walked in the middle as everyone else eyed down Zheng. The demon with blonde hair and green eyes walked up "I see youre still alive, nice to see you passed" He chuckled afterwards, turning to Hozumi "You can explain things to him. I'm going to go find our lieutenant. they're finally making their move' Hozumi shunpoed out of the room and out of sight, leaving Zheng with the room full of Togabitos. But this time, they didn't have the urge to kill him or eat him. They were much more calm now that Hozumi had approved of him. "Well since Indra approved of you, it's about time we start explaining things to you. I'll introduce you to everyone afterwards" He motioned Zheng to follow him by moving his head in the direction he was walking in. They entered a dimly lit room with 2 stools. Soar sat on one as he waited for Zheng to sit on the other.
Zheng didn't say anything as they made their way back to hideout. At this point he didn't think that Indra would answer any of his questions yet, but at this point he was glad that he had proven himself worthy of living in Hell. It seemed like he was able to gain some very powerful allies, something that will keep him alive and hopefully sane in his time of Hell. This whole day has felt so long it was a wonder if he had been there for a whole day or more. He was so tired, tired of surprise after surprise of his new life. Even being tired he knew that he had to keep on going and adjust to this terrible place, or at least learn who Indra was and what the whole deal of him and his band of Togabito and lord knows what else here.

The stares of the Togabito were felt by Zheng though he ignored them, looking forward as he made each step. There was that blonde guy with the horns again, seeming to be amused at Zheng surviving against the Togabito he killed. "I'm alive though to be wounded by such a weak bastard hurts more." He wiped the cut on his forehead with his sleeve and then looking at the blood smeared on it. The white robes he was wearing were tattered and covered with smears of blood from his previous fights with the Togabito and the group of four Togabito, as well as his beatings in the Maggot's Nest. He followed the blonde haired guy, feeling that the Togabito in the room had finally calmed down thankfully. At last, someone was going to answer some questions! Zheng sat down on the stool across from the man.
Zheng didn't say anything as they made their way back to hideout. At this point he didn't think that Indra would answer any of his questions yet, but at this point he was glad that he had proven himself worthy of living in Hell. It seemed like he was able to gain some very powerful allies, something that will keep him alive and hopefully sane in his time of Hell. This whole day has felt so long it was a wonder if he had been there for a whole day or more. He was so tired, tired of surprise after surprise of his new life. Even being tired he knew that he had to keep on going and adjust to this terrible place, or at least learn who Indra was and what the whole deal of him and his band of Togabito and lord knows what else here.

The stares of the Togabito were felt by Zheng though he ignored them, looking forward as he made each step. There was that blonde guy with the horns again, seeming to be amused at Zheng surviving against the Togabito he killed. "I'm alive though to be wounded by such a weak bastard hurts more." He wiped the cut on his forehead with his sleeve and then looking at the blood smeared on it. The white robes he was wearing were tattered and covered with smears of blood from his previous fights with the Togabito and the group of four Togabito, as well as his beatings in the Maggot's Nest. He followed the blonde haired guy, feeling that the Togabito in the room had finally calmed down thankfully. At last, someone was going to answer some questions! Zheng sat down on the stool across from the man.
Soar scratched his head, wondering where to start off. There was so much to explain and he hated that Indra left him with this job. He sighed "Hmm, where to start off. Well I'm pretty sure you're curious about Hell am I right? So if you want me to explain anything, now's your chance to ask. Oh also, the names Soar. I've been in hell for a few centuries so I know enough about it to answer the basic questions. So ask away"
Soar scratched his head, wondering where to start off. There was so much to explain and he hated that Indra left him with this job. He sighed "Hmm, where to start off. Well I'm pretty sure you're curious about Hell am I right? So if you want me to explain anything, now's your chance to ask. Oh also, the names Soar. I've been in hell for a few centuries so I know enough about it to answer the basic questions. So ask away"
Curious? He's damn right that he's curious! There were many things that he wanted to ask, but he would have to pick the most important questions that he needed to know now, or at least he would like to know. He couldn't help himself from chuckling slightly out of relief that he would at least know something about hell. "Soar huh...? My name is, Chiyou Aizheng. Just call me Zheng." The best he could do was to smile politely at the horned man. "Well...what are you and Indra? You aren't a Togabito nor do you seem like a regular soul. And what's with the situation in hell? Indra told me that the Kushanada's numbers have decreased and then you all seem to have this place cut into turf like gangsters. That also leads to my next question; just what is this group of Togabito and whatever the hell you guys are? You have enough people here to have a small army." Zheng flooded him with questions, but he stopped at that to let Soar answer him at least.
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