Bleach: A New Dawn

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The Togabito snickered after she spoke "Whys that girly? Can't handle you're not the scariest being out there?" He jumped out of the way, evading Sokatsui as she landed not too far behind him. He was slightly irritated, he hadn't finished the seal and the woman made him stop. She continued to use Bakudo 21 to encase the area in a reddish smoke. "Kido huh? Ohh, i wonder what will happen next" He said sarcastically. From the smoke, many knives came flying out. The Togabito chuckled as he dodged and deflected all of them with his left spike hand. He had to make sure not to get the slightest tear in his clothes or that would result in him being sent back to Hell. He fired small spikes at the ground where he was before, not worrying about Shizuka at all. Instead, he waited for her to come attack her from behind as most people would.
Shizuka remained in the smoke her Zanpakuto then wrapped itself in black flames as black spiritual energy formed from either of her shoulder blades, two large demonic arms then formed as the right one formed a large sword of black fire and the left a large black shield of fire. The from out the smoke tore the large sword, flying towards the Masked man from left to right at immense speed. Shizuka had surprisingly good sensory skills which made her used of Bakudo 21 even more effective. Shizuka wanted to end this fool and so she would use the best technique she had right now...if not then she'd have to fall back to her other skills...knowing full well this ability was far from easy to maintain
Nishiki stood straight after she had knocked Widow back, once again using her fingers to move the hilt of her Zanpakuto between the index and middle fingers of her right hand while resting her left hand on her left hip. She watched Widow with a devious grin. "Oh I don't think you'd want that~ My Captain isn't one to be trifled with~ And don't worry your pretty little head about that, there's no way in hell that you'd ever be able to achieve that~ Especially since I'm going to be last person you'll ever be able to lay your eyes upon" As Nishiki spoke, her hair seemed to lift and wave in the air, her invisible aura growing, thus her spiritual energy. As Widow charged for her, Nishiki simply held the hilt of her blade up before it began emitting a glow. "Time for something new~ Rein Hokori~" As she spoke these words, the glow that her Katana emitted grew into the shape of a different type of Scythe than the one she used previously.


Nishiki kept still, even as Widow disappeared. With her smirk still held, Nishiki swiftly twisted her body away from Widow's blade in time with Widow's movements before thrusting the top of her Scythe upwards, aiming to hit a spot exactly in the middle of the blade in bid to force not only the blade but Widow's forearm upwards. Meanwhile, Nishiki made sure her Scythe was in between both her and Widow. Glancing at the woman, Nishiki spoke with slight amusement. "I'm superior to you in ever way. I would say give up, but you deserve to be punished for challenging such a skilful being such as myself. That punishment will be death." Her voice, along with how she spoke, seemed to of changed, sounding deeper with a noticeable cocky. The smile she held turned into more of a mocking one instead of a devious one.
"Tch" Widow was annoyed how Niki was overpowering her and was overwhelming her. She was right, she was outclassed. Perhaps it would of been a better idea to take on the weaker opponent rather than this Lieutenant. But this wasn't how she fought, Widow wasn't much of a head on fighter nor was she at full strength. She jumped back, gaining some distance between her and Niki "Don't get cocky. Just cause you're winning since my powers are limited doesn't mean shit. I think it's about time I wrap this up. Fuck this, I don't care what happens to me anymore. I'm gonna scalp your head bitch, then I'm gonna show it to your captain" Her tone was darker and sounded distorted, as if it was a giant insect talking. She reached for her mask to remove it before she felt the ground shaking and a beam of light shooting up. "Rok....guess things didn't go as planned. Bastards gave us wrong information. Oh well, all good things must come to an end" Her threads then began to come out in much larger quantities, wrapping around her body and making it larger. The threads tightly wrapped around her body, becoming more compact now. Her blades were smaller and sleeker, but much more durable and faster. She was covered in a purple like layer of the threads, using it as an armor. She looked down at her own body "Not much but this is the best I can do as of now. Also, to your previous comment. I promise you one thing, whether I die or live. This won't be the last thing I see. But for you on the other hand, it just might be!"Widow quickly appeared in front of Nishiki, swinging down her right blade at hers. Her strength and durability was more impressive than before, but her speed remained the same.
"Tch" Widow was annoyed how Niki was overpowering her and was overwhelming her. She was right, she was outclassed. Perhaps it would of been a better idea to take on the weaker opponent rather than this Lieutenant. But this wasn't how she fought, Widow wasn't much of a head on fighter nor was she at full strength. She jumped back, gaining some distance between her and Niki "Don't get cocky. Just cause you're winning since my powers are limited doesn't mean shit. I think it's about time I wrap this up. Fuck this, I don't care what happens to me anymore. I'm gonna scalp your head bitch, then I'm gonna show it to your captain" Her tone was darker and sounded distorted, as if it was a giant insect talking. She reached for her mask to remove it before she felt the ground shaking and a beam of light shooting up. "Rok....guess things didn't go as planned. Bastards gave us wrong information. Oh well, all good things must come to an end" Her threads then began to come out in much larger quantities, wrapping around her body and making it larger. The threads tightly wrapped around her body, becoming more compact now. Her blades were smaller and sleeker, but much more durable and faster. She was covered in a purple like layer of the threads, using it as an armor. She looked down at her own body "Not much but this is the best I can do as of now. Also, to your previous comment. I promise you one thing, whether I die or live. This won't be the last thing I see. But for you on the other hand, it just might be!"Widow quickly appeared in front of Nishiki, swinging down her right blade at hers. Her strength and durability was more impressive than before, but her speed remained the same.
Nishiki continued to smirk with amusement as Widow jumped back. "Hehehehahahmhm~ I'm not getting cocky, I'm being deadly honest, truthful if you will. And I believe my 'Captain' has nothing to do with this. He's not as important as me, or more, my fabulous Scythe~ Just look at this masterpiece, so refined, so magnificent~" Nishiki gazed at her Scythe, giving it a prideful grin before her eyes laid back on Widow and her transformation. The moment her eyes reached the woman, her face dropped into a bored expression. "Having to look at you makes me want to gouge my eyes out of my head. However if I did that, I wouldn't be able to marvel at my masterpiece of a Scythe. And is that so? Hmhm~ Silly girl. You can come back once or even a million times. Each time I'll show you why I'm more superior than you and why I always will be no matter what you do." Her eyes showed nothing but disinterest as Widow appeared in front of her. The latter swung her right blade down, which was met with the none-bladed end of Nishiki's Scythe, causing a CHING!. Another mocking smirk jumped onto Nishiki's face as she watched Widow condescendingly, her hair waving once more as she increased her energy in order to equal Widow's force. "After I kill you, have fun in hell. Hmhm~"
Mirja pulled her lips tight as Haruka insinuated that she couldn't keep up.
"May be a Lieutenant.." she started, before Haruka promptly Flash Stepped, so Mirja set off after her. The take off was roughly, less graceful than the average Soul Reaper, but the propellent was of a higher caliber, as if displaying the denser reiatsu that Mirja possessed though the technique. "The only reason we are not miles apart already is because I don't know where to go" she told Haruka after catching up to her. There where few things that Mirja was proud or defensive about, but her proficiency in Hoho was one of them.

"Please, try not to build yourself past your actual ability." she said as she effortlessly flash stepped. Even with her own dense reiatsu, her hoho technique was fluid. No wasted movement, no waste of energy. "Lesson number one: When you are given a mission brief, commit the mission location to memory first. As a division that prides itself on battle strategies, Intel on the battleground or recon area is more valuable than gold. So, should you pass, your first lessons will be understanding the surrounding area within a ten mile diameter."
Nishiki continued to smirk with amusement as Widow jumped back. "Hehehehahahmhm~ I'm not getting cocky, I'm being deadly honest, truthful if you will. And I believe my 'Captain' has nothing to do with this. He's not as important as me, or more, my fabulous Scythe~ Just look at this masterpiece, so refined, so magnificent~" Nishiki gazed at her Scythe, giving it a prideful grin before her eyes laid back on Widow and her transformation. The moment her eyes reached the woman, her face dropped into a bored expression. "Having to look at you makes me want to gouge my eyes out of my head. However if I did that, I wouldn't be able to marvel at my masterpiece of a Scythe. And is that so? Hmhm~ Silly girl. You can come back once or even a million times. Each time I'll show you why I'm more superior than you and why I always will be no matter what you do." Her eyes showed nothing but disinterest as Widow appeared in front of her. The latter swung her right blade down, which was met with the none-bladed end of Nishiki's Scythe, causing a CHING!. Another mocking smirk jumped onto Nishiki's face as she watched Widow condescendingly, her hair waving once more as she increased her energy in order to equal Widow's force. "After I kill you, have fun in hell. Hmhm~"
Widow swung her other blade as Nishiki was in the middle of talking about herself, hoping to cut her across her stomach or atleast do some damage. "You talk too much" She immediatly jumped back away from Nishiki. The air around her had turned much more darker and demonic "Is that so? Interesting. I would warn you not to be so cocky, but there's no reason to. Our mission is already done. One day, you will realize the consequences of failing to stop us today. When that day comes, and your whole Society is dying. Let's see you keep that smile. Can't wait to see you that day" She sped towards Nishiki, her blade extending in length I see now, we were just pawns for them. They didn't expect us to win or to even live. DAMN THEM She swung her extended blade at Niki, hoping to cleave her in two. However, she knew this was the end for her. She didn't have the strength to defeat this woman, atleast not being bound by these garbs and masks. She could only hope that one day they would meet again, with no restrictions.
Shizuka remained in the smoke her Zanpakuto then wrapped itself in black flames as black spiritual energy formed from either of her shoulder blades, two large demonic arms then formed as the right one formed a large sword of black fire and the left a large black shield of fire. The from out the smoke tore the large sword, flying towards the Masked man from left to right at immense speed. Shizuka had surprisingly good sensory skills which made her used of Bakudo 21 even more effective. Shizuka wanted to end this fool and so she would use the best technique she had right now...if not then she'd have to fall back to her other skills...knowing full well this ability was far from easy to maintain
The Togabito's eyes quickly widened, seeing the blade coming from the smoke. Attempting to use a backflip to avoid it, his hands were cleanly cleaved off with ease. "Gaaaah, you bitch!!!" He yelled, landing on his feet as blood came out of his wounds. He quickly turned around on the ground and saw his drawings. Surprisingly, he vanished and appeared in front of it with quick speeds. A spike came out of his mouth as he continued to draw, his back facing towards Shizuka. "Dammit, if it wasn't for these missing arms I would have this finished already!!" Despite being in much pain, he was fully capable of functioning properly. It was something etched into his being due to living in Hell. He waited for Shizuka to come from behind, hoping that she would. For the instant she did, he planned onto extending multiple spikes from his back to stab the girl.
The Togabito's eyes quickly widened, seeing the blade coming from the smoke. Attempting to use a backflip to avoid it, his hands were cleanly cleaved off with ease. "Gaaaah, you bitch!!!" He yelled, landing on his feet as blood came out of his wounds. He quickly turned around on the ground and saw his drawings. Surprisingly, he vanished and appeared in front of it with quick speeds. A spike came out of his mouth as he continued to draw, his back facing towards Shizuka. "Dammit, if it wasn't for these missing arms I would have this finished already!!" Despite being in much pain, he was fully capable of functioning properly. It was something etched into his being due to living in Hell. He waited for Shizuka to come from behind, hoping that she would. For the instant she did, he planned onto extending multiple spikes from his back to stab the girl.
The smoke around Shizuka cleared suddenly as the shield the large left arm held batted it away acting like a fan, Shizuka then approached the man walking slowly as using shunpo with this was much more difficult than usual. The giant sword of black fire in the large right hand then changed as it formed into a large axe. Shizuka then stopped walking as the right arm from her back lifted the axe high into the sky, the shield then moved to block infront of her, Shizuka then used the additional large right arm to bring down the axe towards the masked man, aiming to cleave him in two but if least destroy whatever he was trying to carve in the dirt
The Togabito confidently watched as his torrent was heading towards Zheng, but out of the blue he managed to move around in mid air and appeared in front of him. The Togabito crossed his arms but Zhengs attack shattered them and hit his mask, shards of ice flying everywhere due to the attack. The Togabito went flying back and skidded across the ground, his body rather limp due to the attack. He got up, his arms forming again from the water behind him. His mask had a large diagonal crack across it. He quickly moved his hand once it formed over it and froze the crack to slightly reinforce it "Y-you fucking bastard. I thought shinigamis couldn't move around in the Soul Society, so what the hell just was that. No matter. I'll make you pay for that" The Togabito quickly jumped into the water, his body quickly vanishing and only leaving the mask. Afterwards, a giant creature with no features rose from the river, the mask in the middle of the giant glob of water. It swung it's arm, multiple blades of water flying towards Zheng
If there was anything was to be the most satisfying it would've been the complete shock that this Togabito; to knock someone off their high horse and make them eat horse shit. After being ridiculed by this masked freak it felt so amazing to get ram his foot into that stupid skull mask. It seemed that this being didn't understand how he was able to move around in the air with ease, but that's okay. He wasn't some dumb anime character that had to explain his abilities to his opponent that in the end would just give them an edge. While the Togabito was surprise by the attack he was more concerned over the mask. It's normal to protect one's face when being attacked, but he repaired the mask's crack. Whatever it is it's important and he figured that he would strike there to defeat him.

"Good luck with that.~" He saw that it jumped into the water and then to come out as a giant water glob monster. "....Oh this should be fun." To avoid the blades of water he leapt to his right, rolling on his back and getting back onto his feet. This guy's entire body was made of water and his mask is so small. Just how was he going to damage him? This though raced through his mind. If he tried using kido or other long range attacks they would just be useless against him. Unless...Wait he's a giant glob of water. This shouldn't be that hard to hurt him then. Zheng held his index finger out and blue electricity crackled at the tip of it. "Hado 4: Byakurai!" A compressed bolt of lightning was shot at the blob of water. He figured since it is electricity it should damage that giant mass of water that the Togabito turned himself into.
The smoke around Shizuka cleared suddenly as the shield the large left arm held batted it away acting like a fan, Shizuka then approached the man walking slowly as using shunpo with this was much more difficult than usual. The giant sword of black fire in the large right hand then changed as it formed into a large axe. Shizuka then stopped walking as the right arm from her back lifted the axe high into the sky, the shield then moved to block infront of her, Shizuka then used the additional large right arm to bring down the axe towards the masked man, aiming to cleave him in two but if least destroy whatever he was trying to carve in the dirt
The man could feel her walking towards him, but paid no attention. Once close enough, he fired off multiple spikes from his back but all of which were blocked by a giant shield which seemed to be made of fire. A smirk formed on his face as he turned around to face Shizuka. He saw a giant axe raised in the ground, his executioner. "Too slow" Before he could finish, the axe had cleaved him in two, his blood spilling and filling in the strange looking symbol which was on the ground. As her axe came down to hit it, it was repelled by a black barrier which had formed on the symbol. Right afterwards, a giant beam of black light fired up into the sky. It quickly faded as the Togabito's body turned into the lava and the symbol faded away as well. The Gates of Hell formed behind him, a powerful vortex sucking in the lava. It was strange, Shizuka would see things being sucked in and could see the vortex, but she would feel nothing. The lava was sucked in, the doors vanishing into thin air.
Widow swung her other blade as Nishiki was in the middle of talking about herself, hoping to cut her across her stomach or atleast do some damage. "You talk too much" She immediatly jumped back away from Nishiki. The air around her had turned much more darker and demonic "Is that so? Interesting. I would warn you not to be so cocky, but there's no reason to. Our mission is already done. One day, you will realize the consequences of failing to stop us today. When that day comes, and your whole Society is dying. Let's see you keep that smile. Can't wait to see you that day" She sped towards Nishiki, her blade extending in length I see now, we were just pawns for them. They didn't expect us to win or to even live. DAMN THEM She swung her extended blade at Niki, hoping to cleave her in two. However, she knew this was the end for her. She didn't have the strength to defeat this woman, atleast not being bound by these garbs and masks. She could only hope that one day they would meet again, with no restrictions.
Nishiki spun her Scythe the second Widow tried to attack once again. Her reflexes had clearly become quite crisp, allowing her to react extremely quickly to any sudden attack. After Widow had jumped back, Nishiki began polishing the sides of her Scythe with her sleeve, not even showing any reaction to Widow's comment. The air around Widow started to feel darker and demonic, but this didn't hinder Nishiki at all, she was still as confident as ever. "Hmhm, I feel that your time has finally come, thus I'm not going to waste anymore more of my wise words on you. However, I will tell you this. You'll fail at everything and anything you'll try because you're weak. You're nothing but a mere rock, just as the rest of this wretched society is, surrounding a lone, single diamond. That diamond is me." Nishiki watched Widow get closer and extend her blade. Just as the blade was close enough, Nishiki held her Scythe up so that the bladed edge faced the tip of Widow's blade. Once it was close to touching, Nishiki's energy spiked up a drastic amount before forcing her blade to hit Widow's. Nishiki's Scythe hit exactly in the middle of the tip of Widow's blade before she forced it forward, splitting Widow's blade straight down the middle. Nishiki didn't stop there though, she continued to push herself and her Scythe forward, completely cleaving Widow's blade in half before reaching the woman's hand, continuing to slice right through her arm.

Nishik stood behind Widow after the slice before raising the back end of her Scythe and piercing it through Widow's back, precisely through the middle of her heart and out the front of her torso.

(Btw, Shoske agreed to this Auto-hit o3o He asked for it)
If there was anything was to be the most satisfying it would've been the complete shock that this Togabito; to knock someone off their high horse and make them eat horse shit. After being ridiculed by this masked freak it felt so amazing to get ram his foot into that stupid skull mask. It seemed that this being didn't understand how he was able to move around in the air with ease, but that's okay. He wasn't some dumb anime character that had to explain his abilities to his opponent that in the end would just give them an edge. While the Togabito was surprise by the attack he was more concerned over the mask. It's normal to protect one's face when being attacked, but he repaired the mask's crack. Whatever it is it's important and he figured that he would strike there to defeat him.

"Good luck with that.~" He saw that it jumped into the water and then to come out as a giant water glob monster. "....Oh this should be fun." To avoid the blades of water he leapt to his right, rolling on his back and getting back onto his feet. This guy's entire body was made of water and his mask is so small. Just how was he going to damage him? This though raced through his mind. If he tried using kido or other long range attacks they would just be useless against him. Unless...Wait he's a giant glob of water. This shouldn't be that hard to hurt him then. Zheng held his index finger out and blue electricity crackled at the tip of it. "Hado 4: Byakurai!" A compressed bolt of lightning was shot at the blob of water. He figured since it is electricity it should damage that giant mass of water that the Togabito turned himself into.
The Togabito was shocked, the current running throughout the water as he screamed in pain, only to stop halfway and chuckle "Was that what you were expecting? Weak electricity to me is nothing!! We've played long enough, it's about time to finish this!!" The Togabito froze the entire glob and even the river. He came crashing down, his mask inside of the giant ice creature but near the front. "DIE SHINIGAMI" The Togabito came out of the ice, his body and garb fully formed and made out of highly hardened ice. He speed towards Zheng, his body still connected to the ice which had crashed down in front of Zheng. His fist grew into a giant frozen fist and threw a surprisingly quick punch at Zheng. However, the Togabito was distracted, feeling the earth shake and looking to the right to see a beam of light shooting up.
The man could feel her walking towards him, but paid no attention. Once close enough, he fired off multiple spikes from his back but all of which were blocked by a giant shield which seemed to be made of fire. A smirk formed on his face as he turned around to face Shizuka. He saw a giant axe raised in the ground, his executioner. "Too slow" Before he could finish, the axe had cleaved him in two, his blood spilling and filling in the strange looking symbol which was on the ground. As her axe came down to hit it, it was repelled by a black barrier which had formed on the symbol. Right afterwards, a giant beam of black light fired up into the sky. It quickly faded as the Togabito's body turned into the lava and the symbol faded away as well. The Gates of Hell formed behind him, a powerful vortex sucking in the lava. It was strange, Shizuka would see things being sucked in and could see the vortex, but she would feel nothing. The lava was sucked in, the doors vanishing into thin air.
Shizuka brought her axe down on the masked man as it cleaved him in two yet she was far from satisfied by this, however her axe was stopped by an odd barrier around the symbol on the ground, her axe was then repelled yet she let the fire that formed the weapons fade along with the additional arms. Using them for even a short amount had tired her out yet she refused to show it as she then sealed her Zanpakuto, watching on as the gates of hell appeared before her, sucking what remained of the masked man in...clearly he would live still...and be reborn in hell. Yet one thing became apparent to her...this being from hell hadn't gotten close to fulfilling her bloodlust...and he made this worse by letting himself be defeated...this came as a shallow victory for Shizuka, if a victory at all. The doors to hell then closed and vanished, this caused Shizuka to then look down at her left palm as she raised it then she stabbed her knife through her hand...yet another long would she have to go without a kill...Shizuka then pulled the knife out from her hand and turned as she then began walking away...disappointed by the outcome of this fight...
Nishiki spun her Scythe the second Widow tried to attack once again. Her reflexes had clearly become quite crisp, allowing her to react extremely quickly to any sudden attack. After Widow had jumped back, Nishiki began polishing the sides of her Scythe with her sleeve, not even showing any reaction to Widow's comment. The air around Widow started to feel darker and demonic, but this didn't hinder Nishiki at all, she was still as confident as ever. "Hmhm, I feel that your time has finally come, thus I'm not going to waste anymore more of my wise words on you. However, I will tell you this. You'll fail at everything and anything you'll try because you're weak. You're nothing but a mere rock, just as the rest of this wretched society is, surrounding a lone, single diamond. That diamond is me." Nishiki watched Widow get closer and extend her blade. Just as the blade was close enough, Nishiki held her Scythe up so that the bladed edge faced the tip of Widow's blade. Once it was close to touching, Nishiki's energy spiked up a drastic amount before forcing her blade to hit Widow's. Nishiki's Scythe hit exactly in the middle of the tip of Widow's blade before she forced it forward, splitting Widow's blade straight down the middle. Nishiki didn't stop there though, she continued to push herself and her Scythe forward, completely cleaving Widow's blade in half before reaching the woman's hand, continuing to slice right through her arm.

Nishik stood behind Widow after the slice before raising the back end of her Scythe and piercing it through Widow's back, precisely through the middle of her heart and out the front of her torso.

(Btw, Shoske agreed to this Auto-hit o3o He asked for it)
(I did )
Shortly after, Widow's body became a hot liquid magma, spreading throughout the floor. The Gates of Hell appeared before her, the doors slowly opening and a powerful vortex sucking in the lava. However, Nishiki would feel no wind pressure or current around her, she could only see the wind's powerful strength. Once all traces of the lava was gone, the doors slowly closed again as the doors faded away, without a trace.
The Togabito was shocked, the current running throughout the water as he screamed in pain, only to stop halfway and chuckle "Was that what you were expecting? Weak electricity to me is nothing!! We've played long enough, it's about time to finish this!!" The Togabito froze the entire glob and even the river. He came crashing down, his mask inside of the giant ice creature but near the front. "DIE SHINIGAMI" The Togabito came out of the ice, his body and garb fully formed and made out of highly hardened ice. He speed towards Zheng, his body still connected to the ice which had crashed down in front of Zheng. His fist grew into a giant frozen fist and threw a surprisingly quick punch at Zheng. However, the Togabito was distracted, feeling the earth shake and looking to the right to see a beam of light shooting up.
Just when he thought his attack did any damage it seemed like this freak was faking it or putting up a front. Whatever the case was it didn't matter; they were about to settle this fight with one strike. The Togabito froze its liquid body and even the river before it came out of the body garbed like a walking glacier. Zheng didn't have anything else to say to this being. This thing can keep spewing as much crap as it wanted to, but Zheng was focused, not letting himself get distracted or derailed by the words of the Togabito. It came at him with a giant punch of ice that came swiftly towards him, but the Togabito was distracted by an earth tremor and turned its head to look at something. This was his chance! Swinging his left arm outward, his forearm pushed the punch away and with as much strength he had he threw a straight jab into its mask.
Just when he thought his attack did any damage it seemed like this freak was faking it or putting up a front. Whatever the case was it didn't matter; they were about to settle this fight with one strike. The Togabito froze its liquid body and even the river before it came out of the body garbed like a walking glacier. Zheng didn't have anything else to say to this being. This thing can keep spewing as much crap as it wanted to, but Zheng was focused, not letting himself get distracted or derailed by the words of the Togabito. It came at him with a giant punch of ice that came swiftly towards him, but the Togabito was distracted by an earth tremor and turned its head to look at something. This was his chance! Swinging his left arm outward, his forearm pushed the punch away and with as much strength he had he threw a straight jab into its mask.
The Togabito faced forward, but it was too late to react. He hardened the ice in front of the mask but it wasn't enough to stop it. Zhengs fist shattered the ice to pieces and made it to the mask, shattering it into shards. Right afterwards, all of the ice surrounding his body turned into water and fell onto the ground, his real body behind the now shattered mask. His skin was a light blue and his eyes were a pitch, fish like black. He went down to the shards of his mask on the floor, grabbing them and trying to make the mask again "Y-you bastard, I'll make you pay!!" Before he could finish, the Gates of Hell appeared in behind him. His eyes were wide, shocked as he turned to face the gates. He turned to Zheng " think this is the end? No. This is far from it. You got lucky this time, since I was limited to this cursed clothes and mask." A massive skeletal hand began to emerge through the gates "If you want to fight me seriously, come fight me in Hell. That's where the true demons lie. But that's if you're not scared" He grinned as the massive hand grabbed chains which appeared in the mans chest, yanking him towards a massive blade which came out of the gates. He screamed in pain as flames came out of every hole in his body and sucked him back through in the gates. Shortly afterwards, they closed and vanished without a trace.
Shoske skidded to a stop, looking around to see that the Togabito had vanished "What's wrong? Can't keep up with me huh? Maybe I should of chosen a stronger opponent" A flash appeared behind Shoske, a lightning bolt striking him and sending him skidding across the ground. He landed on his feet and surveyed the area, only to see nothing again. Damn, he's fast. Too fast for me to follow Shoske unsheathed both of his zanpakutos, readying himself for the next attack. He would have to rely on his senses to react to the Togabito's attacks. "Going on the defense huh? Not bad, but also not good" The Togabito was behind Shoske, his arms crossed. Shoske spun around, swinging his zanpakuto but before he could reach him, a flash of light appeared and the Togabito vanished. Flashes of light appeared around Shoske, circling him. The Togabito's voice echoed as he circled him "I feel bad for you, to be honest out of all of us, I'd say I'm by far the fastest. I was hoping you'd be fast but seems like I was wrong" The flash vanished and suddenly Shoske was hit by an attack to the face. Before he could react again, he felt another hit from the back of his head. "Dammit" Shoske quickly looked around, seeing the flashes going around him again.

"Gah, this is so boring. Atleast use your shikai, use something atleast. Or this will be over before you even know it. For example" Shoske was suddenly hit by 4 consecutive hits, knocked over on the ground. He quickly got up, the Togabito in his normal form. Shoske gritted his teeth He's mocking me. I was hoping not to have to rely on this, but seems like I have to. Shoske's reiatsu began to rise "Ohoho, finally getting serious now huh?! Great, this should make things more fun" "Rise and Fall Tsutaiyou Kengetsu" Shoske was enveloped in a golden reiatsu, spreading around his body like wild fire. His two blades had transformed into his shikais, his hand tightly gripped on the hilt of one while he spun the other using a chain. The Togabito chuckled but before he could speak, Shoske threw his shikai at him "Is that it? Kinda boring don't ya think?" The Togabito bent his body backwards and dodged the shikai as it spun over him. Suddenly, Shoske appeared above him, his zanpakuto in hand. The Togabito's eyes widened as Shoske swung his shikai down to cleave the Togabito's head off. The Togabito turned into lightning and dodged the attack "What the hell you bastard?! How long have you been hiding this speed?!" A cut formed across his cheek as he quickly synged it shut with his lightning. "Fine then, I'll make your death quick and painfu-" Before he could finish, Shoske had vanished, only his shikai in sight. The Togabito's eyes widened and felt a blade slashing through his back. He gritted his teeth, taking a few steps forward and turning around to see Shoske. Shoske followed up by swinging his zanpakuto but the Togabito turned into lightning and evaded the attack. "The hell is this?! Since when were you so fast?" Shoske didn't respond, only spinning his shikai with it's chain. Behind the Togabito, Shoske's other shikai raised off the ground and floated towards the back of the Togabito.

The Togabito chuckled "Doesn't matter!!" His body began to emit lightning violently. Shoske quickly raised his blade as the Togabito went flying past him and struck him with a lightning bolt. Shoske skidded back but held his ground. The Togabito hit him from behind again and hit him again and again. The Togabito, moving at his immense speed, hit Shoske a numerous amount of times. But none were direct hits. Each time, Shoske would slightly move his body to recieve the minimal amount of damage. I can do this, his moves. I'm starting to see them. If I just let the attacks slide off my body, I could react in time to- Shoske was struck again, but stood the entire time. The Togabito formed a small distance away from Shoske, annoyed that the man didn't drop "Dammit, I have to say you're pretty damn durable. It was fun and all, but it seems like I have to end this already. Our mission is done" The Togabito noticed the giant beam of light. The Togabito then began to focus his lightning around his hand, a small and condensed ball of raw and powerful lightning. He shaped it into a thin lance "I could kill you from a distance, but I'd much rather kill you up close!!" With his quick speeds, the Togabito approached Shoske. Shoske widened his eyes, not due to shock but to focus on his opponent. He placed the tip of his zanpakuto on the ground, waiting for the right moment. His heart pounded and his body shook. But instead of fear, it was of pure excitement. It had been a while since he had been in a battle to the death, and it came as a rush to him. His heart rate picked up, rapidly pounding as the Togabito approached. Too soon and the Togabito would jump back. Too late and Shoske would be dead. The Togabito reached the perfect spot, a strange feeling of euphoria going through Shoske's body and mind. Everything felt clear to him but yet so calm. He drew a line with his zanpakuto tip and spoke with a relaxed tone "Tenpisen Demizu" From the glowing line, a flood of pure white light came firing out and covering the ground. Not having enough time, the Togabito stepped on it and yelled in pain. It immediatly melted his feet to ashes, no longer able to rely on them.

The Togabito threw his spear at Shoske, Shoske moving barely in time to evade the spear. However, it skinned the side of his face and left a burnt mark. Immediatly after, Shoske's 2nd shikai appeared in his other hand. He swung it in the air, a black glowing line forming in the air "Return to the Hell hole you came froma and face oblvion. Museigetsu Nami" From the line, a massive black wave of energy came firing out on it. It covered the air above the Togabito as he watched in shock, stuck between a floor of pure heat and a wave of pure coldness. He chuckled "Not ba-" Before he could finish, the black wave crashed down on him and forced him between the two different techniques, obliterating his body. Shoske collapsed to a knee, heavily panting as his shikai's reverted back to their sealed forms and his techinque vanished. He laughed "Heh, that was actually pretty exciting." He stood up as the Gates of Hell appeared, sucking what it appeared to be bits of lava. Immediatly after, the gates vanished. Shoske sheathed his zanpakutos and rubbed the burnt mark on his cheek. Although his body was covered in scars from the lightning, this one strangely hurt the most. Shoske turned around, his back facing where his opponent once lied "Thank you, for some feels like you've awaken something in me that I've forgotten." He shunpoed away and headed towards where the group was at.

Kagiko listened as Hioshimi spoke then nodded and placed his right hand on his chin then rubbed it with his index finger "Well then shall we just skip the tour for now? I'll let you two get settled in then I shall give you a tour perhaps tomorrow. As for finding my office...well...Ask around, the Squad is filled with very knowledgeable people so they should tell you. As for a Lieutenant...well...we don't have one...I'm being patient and waiting to see if someone suitable comes along to take that spot. Who knows...may even be one of you two...or both" Kagiko then chuckled as he rubbed the back of his head with his right hand, a smile stretching on his face.

Kagiko then stopped then spoke "Well...we're here. This is where the magic happens..." Kagiko then let out a nervous chuckle knowing that most the time it was far from magical but still, he was trying to keep things light so he could bond with his new Squad members. "Let's head inside then!" Kagiko then resumed walking, entering the Squad barracks and upon first inspection of the place it was surprisingly clean...and empty...but this wasn't due to a lack of members, more they were shut away working hard as usual...that or they were in the main lab monitoring things. "I like to make sure the barracks stay as clean as possible...last thing I want is to be tripping over cables and other random junk...probably a good thing for you to Hio" Kagiko said followed with a chuckle.

After walking for some small while Kagiko stopped then looked to his left "Well these will be your rooms" Kagiko pointed to one then spoke "Room 117 Shall be yours Kame" Kagiko then moved his hand and pointed to the room next to it "And room 118 Shall be your Hio...Is this fine with you? or would you like to request your rooms a bit apart from eachother? I just figured it'd be a bit more convenient for you two and also for me to so I don't have to walk as far to get you both" Kagiko then chuckled once again then smiled at them both hoping this would be okay for them
Had she been too obvious about her displeasure? Either way, Kame was fine with Kagiko's decision. It wasn't like she was trying to make personal connections with anyone here either. She snapped out of her heat induced haze when she heard that the Lieutenant seat was not filled in the division. It explained Kagiko's fatigue - with no one to shoulder the burden of the research heavy squad, his state was understandable. Kame was confused when he brought up the idea of two Lieutenants though, as she'd never heard of such a thing.

However this was the Twelfth Division where rules were known to be bent beyond recognition. Anything was possible... and the notion of her becoming Lieutenant had been something Kame had toyed around with in her mind. It'd mean gaining access to confidential files after all and that was something that could help her immensely with her own personal quest. She stole a glance at Hioshimi but couldn't garner much of a reaction from her face.

When they finally arrived at the barracks however, Kame began to see why the Lieutenant position was left empty - there seemed to be barely anyone left to fill the barracks itself. It was cleaner than one would imagine from a group of deranged scientists and it held an empty feel to it. It was a ghost town of a dormitory. Kame wasn't exactly estatic to be roomed right next to Hioshimi but it beat being in the same room together.

Room 117 then. This would be where she would spend the next five years hammering out the flaws in her plans. Kame took in a deep breath, ready for her first official night as a member of the Twelfth Division. She turned to face Kagiko and bowed stiffly. "With your leave then sir, I will retreat to my room. Thank you for accepting me into the Twelth Division." After hearing his response, Kame then shoved her door open before leaving Hioshimi and Kagiko outside.

It was a very sparsely decorated room which pleased Kame. Not too different from the one she'd stayed in at the Academy really. She set down her belongings gently onto the bed to sort. The clothes she tucked away neatly into the closet while the supplements she placed on the floor near the foot of her bed. Placing her helmet on the bed brought up the question of her armour.

She began by plucking at the leather strips tying the bracers and leg armour onto her. It hurt her fingernails but eventually they lay on her bed, along with the weights she'd strapped onto herself to carry. However after a few failed attempts to reach the back knots Kame realized it had been easier to put on than take off. Red in the face, she strained her fingers to no avail - in her earlier attempt to make the armour fit she'd tied the knots too tight to un-knot even if she could reach them.

"Tcshh." She hissed, too proud to ask for help. After a few minutes of contemplating, Kame reached down and began sturggling her way out of the armour. She sincerely hoped no one would walk in at this moment to see her stuck like a mouse in a trap. She grunted and twisted, feeling ridiculous. A couple minutes later Kame emerged victorious with nothing more than a few scrapes and a tomato red face. The armour was definitely something more sentimental than it was practical, at least until she learnt how to don it properly.

After placing it carefully away into a corner, Kame plopped down onto the floor to rest. She felt light now with all the extra weight dropped off her. She'd worked up quite a sweat again through squeezing out of the armour, something her sticky clothes reminded her of. Which in turn reminded her that she'd forgotten to ask Kagiko if the twelfth division had a bath. It would have done nicely to end the day.

Jinzen would have to do instead. She unsheathed her sword, noting the rusty blade with distaste. Kame shivered slightly as the cold steel rested on her inner thighs. Due to the nature of her Zanpakuto, Kame knew it'd be long before she could merge their minds - some days it'd taken hours. This made her Jinzen sessions not only about connecting with her Zanpakuto but a chance to calm her mind. Leaning against the wall, Kame closed her eyes, loosened her kimono, and waited.

One minute she'd been slumped against her dorm room wall and the next she was in free fall in her inner world. She gasped involuntarily as a wrenching feeling in her stomach grapped her guts. She'd never get used to this - even though it was her inner world, it just felt so real. She slipped through the clouds for minutes with no sign of Tenkujira, her Zanpakuto spirit. The skies were painted scarlet with the sun's dying rays, like someone had taken their head and smashed it against the sky, their brains forming the clouds and their blood forming the light. Kame took in a deep breath as the ground rapidly approached her. "Show yourself, Tenkujira!" It was to no avail - the winds ripped the words right out of her mouth as soon as she even thought about them. The great whale was nowhere to be seen. At the rate of her fall, Kame knew she'd have to stop her Jinzen session.

With a start Kame heaved upright in her room. She pressed both hands against her chest to stop her beating heart. Her mouth a downward slash, she cursed Tenkujira for its disrespect. How long had her session been this time? Kame rubbed her brow in frustration before squirming in her seat. Although Kame had planned for the Jinzen session to take the place of a bath, she found it highly uncomfortable to stay in her sweaty state and do nothing about it. The meditating had also had the reverse effect on her and Kame was even more stressed out than before.

She rapped lightly on the wall. They seemed thin enough for communication and although she suspected Hioshimi to be long asleep by now, Kame spoke on the off-chance she wasn't. Hioshimi also might've been able to squeeze out a bit more information from the captain with her chatty personality as well. "Hioshimi?" Kame called out softly. "Are you awake? Do you know where the baths are by any chance?" Kame however didn't know how late it was - she never could time her Jinzen sessions. The few seconds she'd just had could have easily translated to a few hours in real time.
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Amayi Cho

Briefly Ayami glanced at her hand, at the the wrapped candy. She wasn't sure what to think of it, but decided that it was a sign that she had managed to pull off a success. Odd, but she wouldn't start to tore down her own success as she closed her hand into a fist and return her gaze back on Hikari. Making another bow, she walked a few steps backwards before straighten her back and turning around on her heels. ''I bid you a good day, Hikari, sir.'' She said before she would leave his office. While she walked a bit, Ayami glanced at the candy again. Remembering the words of Hikari, she mentally shrugged. Though she was troubled she had sliced and killed probably innocent people, the rush and feeling of doing so had been something else. It was both a bit morbid as exciting and Ayami closed her eyes for a moment.

Not wanting to dwell further on trying to remember the specific feeling, she walked first to her own small room. There she would throw the candy on her bed. She had no desire to eat it now and thought of it as a token of success. Her own success, she thought with a little smile as she would turn back. Thinking about it, she had the day off, but she was eager to head off on a mission again. To continue to prove her worth. To strive to become better. Of course for her own gain as she was sure that it was the only valid reason to become better.

Heading not towards the training fields of the squad, Ayami decided to do something on her own. Something more risky. Placing her left hand on the scabbard of her zanpakuto, she was sure that it would suit a better training than just Jinzen or practice the incantation of her Kidõ spells. Something she often did before she would head to bed in her own room. No, she had tasted a bit of the hunt and wanted more. Or was it perhaps the whispers she had heard? The whispers of her blade, yearning for more violence. More blood and a desire of the chaos that could happen in a fight.

Heading towards the outer districts, she kept a close watch of her surroundings. For a moment Ayami was a bit afraid that she would encounter another shingami. In the worst case her own captain, but she wasn't going to be fond of encountering another shinigami. The thought of gaining help would make her feel that she had to endure a failure of trying to seek and hunt down a hollow on her own. That she needed help with a training of her own. But so far she didn't notice any shinigami.

After she had reached the perimeter of the outskirts, Ayami came to a halt. Frowning, she looked around. It was evident that she had to lure either out a hollow or try to hunt one down. Sadly she couldn't raise her own reiatsu to such a level as she had seen Captain Hikari done and if she would raise it, then the chances were bigger somebody of the Shinigami could track her down.

But thinking of a way to track them down, Ayami wavered. Then she had an idea. The village that had been overrun by hollows during her first mission! That would be a good location to scout for any hollows. Using this time Shunpo jumps to increase her speed, Ayami managed to reach the place within a hour or two. Skidding to a halt, she quickly looked around. There was nothing but silence and she suspected half that Hikari had really through out killed every single one of them. Not very surprising, she thought to herself as she didn't want to go back without killing a few hollows.

Walking through the abandoned village, Ayami looked with a cold look around. The desolated village made her think of the people that had died cause she had cut through them. Narrowing her eyes, she came slowly to a stop. ''I thought that I would have to head back without killing something.'' She said with a cold tone as she slowly turned her head to glance over her shoulder.

She saw how a hollow had taken a position near a house. It just stood there, staring at her. The sickle appendages were raised as if the creature wanted to charge at her and slice through her. Slowly a small grin appeared upon Ayami's lips as she turned around to face the hollow. As the creature took a few steps, she pulled out her Zanpakuto out of the scabbard. A faint whisper was what she heard instead of the typical sound when the steel left the scabbard.

Like if the creature had heard the whisper, the one that desired for violence, as well it charged towards Ayami. She readied herself with taking a stance and raised her weapon with her right hand.

With quick swings, the hollow tried to slice through her, but with quick parries and dodges Ayami managed to defend herself. Though she was losing ground, being forced backwards, she still grinned a bit. The rush was slowly coming back as she had to defend herself while the hollow was death bent on trying to take her down. With another quick parry, her zanpakuto was locked with the right arm of the hollow. Quickly, the creature raised his free arm and tried to slash through her.

Managing to duck, Ayami had let go of her zanpakuto in order to press her hands against the ground. Keeping her cold eyes focused on her opponent, she would mutter a few words. ''''Bakudō #21. Sekienton'' Instantly a red smoke erupted from the ground and obscuring both Ayami and the hollow. The latter started to slash wildly around itself in hope to catch the shinigami as it couldn't see her anymore.

Then blood splattered around as one of the legs was cut off. Unleashing a roar of pain the creature tried to slash at what was nearby it's lost leg. But nothing but air. A second later as the hollow wondered where his prey was, another leg was cut off. ''Don't disappoint me now.'' Ayami whispered as she kept torturing the hollow with the little hide and seek. With the middle legs cut off, the hollow had a hard time to keep itself standing. Most of the red smoke was also driven away by the wild slashes of the savage creature and due that Ayami decided to do a few back flips to get out of the smoke.

Coming to a halt, she noticed how the hollow couldn't really place a step or two or risk to fall. Resting her zanpakuto against her shoulder, Ayami scoffed. The whispers became weaker as she knew that this wasn't a challenge. ''A shame. I was hoping for a more stronger foe to test out tactics.'' She mumbled, frowning. Sighing, she decided to end it. Calmly walking towards the hollow who was too busy with trying to balance itself, she had no hard time of finishing off the creature. With a quick shunpo step, she managed to thrust her zanpakuto into the center of the mask. Pressing her feet against the mask, she twisted the blade before she would use her own weight to drag herself and the blade down, carving a deep gash in the mask.

Landing gracefully on the ground, Ayami closed her eyes as she let out a sigh. Sheathing her zanpakuto back in the scabbard, she already turned around as the hollow fellt on the ground. Deciding to head back, Ayami felt a bit disappointed. She would soon need to learn how to raise her own reiatsu or improving her sensing ability. But that was for later.
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"Please, try not to build yourself past your actual ability." she said as she effortlessly flash stepped. Even with her own dense reiatsu, her hoho technique was fluid. No wasted movement, no waste of energy. "Lesson number one: When you are given a mission brief, commit the mission location to memory first. As a division that prides itself on battle strategies, Intel on the battleground or recon area is more valuable than gold. So, should you pass, your first lessons will be understanding the surrounding area within a ten mile diameter."
Mirja pouted as Haruka showed off her Flash Steps, which where better than her own. There was only so far pure force could launch a person before abundance of spiritual energy won.
'Tsk, look at her. All showing off her Lieutenantness and being irritating. I could do that as well' she thought to herself.
'But you can't yet, so you have to deal with what you have' Mirja replied, and then listened to the lesson.
"Wait, there was a location on that thing?" She asked, searching her uniform for where she put it. It was the first time she had ever been going somewhere in a particular direction, so she was kind of new to it.
Had she been too obvious about her displeasure? Either way, Kame was fine with Kagiko's decision. It wasn't like she was trying to make personal connections with anyone here either. She snapped out of her heat induced haze when she heard that the Lieutenant seat was not filled in the division. It explained Kagiko's fatigue - with no one to shoulder the burden of the research heavy squad, his state was understandable. Kame was confused when he brought up the idea of two Lieutenants though, as she'd never heard of such a thing.

However this was the Twelfth Division where rules were known to be bent beyond recognition. Anything was possible... and the notion of her becoming Lieutenant had been something Kame had toyed around with in her mind. It'd mean gaining access to confidential files after all and that was something that could help her immensely with her own personal quest. She stole a glance at Hioshimi but couldn't garner much of a reaction from her face.

When they finally arrived at the barracks however, Kame began to see why the Lieutenant position was left empty - there seemed to be barely anyone left to fill the barracks itself. It was cleaner than one would imagine from a group of deranged scientists and it held an empty feel to it. It was a ghost town of a dormitory. Kame wasn't exactly estatic to be roomed right next to Hioshimi but it beat being in the same room together.

Room 117 then. This would be where she would spend the next five years hammering out the flaws in her plans. Kame took in a deep breath, ready for her first official night as a member of the Twelfth Division. She turned to face Kagiko and bowed stiffly. "With your leave then sir, I will retreat to my room. Thank you for accepting me into the Twelth Division." After hearing his response, Kame then shoved her door open before leaving Hioshimi and Kagiko outside.

It was a very sparsely decorated room which pleased Kame. Not too different from the one she'd stayed in at the Academy really. She set down her belongings gently onto the bed to sort. The clothes she tucked away neatly into the closet while the supplements she placed on the floor near the foot of her bed. Placing her helmet on the bed brought up the question of her armour.

She began by plucking at the leather strips tying the bracers and leg armour onto her. It hurt her fingernails but eventually they lay on her bed, along with the weights she'd strapped onto herself to carry. However after a few failed attempts to reach the back knots Kame realized it had been easier to put on than take off. Red in the face, she strained her fingers to no avail - in her earlier attempt to make the armour fit she'd tied the knots too tight to un-knot even if she could reach them.

"Tcshh." She hissed, too proud to ask for help. After a few minutes of contemplating, Kame reached down and began sturggling her way out of the armour. She sincerely hoped no one would walk in at this moment to see her stuck like a mouse in a trap. She grunted and twisted, feeling ridiculous. A couple minutes later Kame emerged victorious with nothing more than a few scrapes and a tomato red face. The armour was definitely something more sentimental than it was practical, at least until she learnt how to don it properly.

After placing it carefully away into a corner, Kame plopped down onto the floor to rest. She felt light now with all the extra weight dropped off her. She'd worked up quite a sweat again through squeezing out of the armour, something her sticky clothes reminded her of. Which in turn reminded her that she'd forgotten to ask Kagiko if the twelfth division had a bath. It would have done nicely to end the day.

Jinzen would have to do instead. She unsheathed her sword, noting the rusty blade with distaste. Kame shivered slightly as the cold steel rested on her inner thighs. Due to the nature of her Zanpakuto, Kame knew it'd be long before she could merge their minds - some days it'd taken hours. This made her Jinzen sessions not only about connecting with her Zanpakuto but a chance to calm her mind. Leaning against the wall, Kame closed her eyes, loosened her kimono, and waited.

One minute she'd been slumped against her dorm room wall and the next she was in free fall in her inner world. She gasped involuntarily as a wrenching feeling in her stomach grapped her guts. She'd never get used to this - even though it was her inner world, it just felt so real. She slipped through the clouds for minutes with no sign of Tenkujira, her Zanpakuto spirit. The skies were painted scarlet with the sun's dying rays, like someone had taken their head and smashed it against the sky, their brains forming the clouds and their blood forming the light. Kame took in a deep breath as the ground rapidly approached her. "Show yourself, Tenkujira!" It was to no avail - the winds ripped the words right out of her mouth as soon as she even thought about them. The great whale was nowhere to be seen. At the rate of her fall, Kame knew she'd have to stop her Jinzen session.

With a start Kame heaved upright in her room. She pressed both hands against her chest to stop her beating heart. Her mouth a downward slash, she cursed Tenkujira for its disrespect. How long had her session been this time? Kame rubbed her brow in frustration before squirming in her seat. Although Kame had planned for the Jinzen session to take the place of a bath, she found it highly uncomfortable to stay in her sweaty state and do nothing about it. The meditating had also had the reverse effect on her and Kame was even more stressed out than before.

She rapped lightly on the wall. They seemed thin enough for communication and although she suspected Hioshimi to be long asleep by now, Kame spoke on the off-chance she wasn't. Hioshimi also might've been able to squeeze out a bit more information from the captain with her chatty personality as well. "Hioshimi?" Kame called out softly. "Are you awake? Do you know where the baths are by any chance?" Kame however didn't know how late it was - she never could time her Jinzen sessions. The few seconds she'd just had could have easily translated to a few hours in real time.
Two lieutenants?

Hioshimi sent a glance at Kame. She could see her ulterior motives, or at least she could sense that she was planning something big which would need a position of high authority, but Hioshimi's own expression was unreadable; purely because she didn't know how she thought about it. At the moment, she was hardly lieutenant material and knew that the Captain only really said they had a chance as a mere show of manners. She'd rather prefer to be useful instead of powerful, was nice to have goals, right?

The first thing Hioshimi liked about the Barracks was how nice and clean it was. The second thing she liked was the space; she needed work on her shunpo that wouldn't leave her with a broken leg if she tripped over something. "It's such a beautiful place...and you're right about the clutter! I need a nice place to work on my flash-stepping. This will be perfect!" she breathed, clutching at something under her uniform around her collarbone area. A necklace?

When they reached the rooms, Hioshimi stared at the number "118" for a while. "I feel like a power-nap is in order..." she mused, tapping her chin. She carefully twisted around, flashing a warm and friendly smile at Captain Kagiko. For an unseated, Hioshimi really did lack a sense of discipline and respect for her superiors - or perhaps she kept forgetting? Of course, when she noticed Kame's bowing and quick dismissal, Hioshimi arched a brow in what would be surprise, except it wasn't surprising at all. Hioshimi was sure she had Kame's personality nailed down to a T. Hioshimi bowed her head to the captain, however, as one should. "Thank you so much, Captain. If you need the two of us, we'll be around."

Hioshimi raised a hand, disappearing into the room where she took a quick look around. It was depressingly empty, with thin walls and only the barest essentials. Hioshimi pouted, getting a feeling that the spartan accommodation felt right at home with her neighbour, but it wouldn't do for her. At the very least, the bed looked incredibly inviting...

Once Hioshimi had the door shut, she slumped forward, taking a deep breath in and sighing quietly as she fell to her knees and rubbed at her eyes. She was so was quite a strain to keep up the cheery demeanour through all of that, especially since half the time she was using most of her brainpower to keep track of the conversation. It was a miracle she didn't flop over too many times during the walk to the barracks.

Immediately, Hioshimi set to work personalising the place. She pulled at a cord around her neck, dragging out the wooden dream-catcher on its loop of rope and hanging it over the top of her bed. Then she shoved the bed into the corner of the room, and moved the empty drawers to be right next to the door. She's heard...rumours about the squad 12 members, and didn't want anything funny to jump out at her whilst she slept. At the moment, there wasn't much she could do to personalise the place, and made a mental note to go out on a slow day and try to find some nice things to decorate her new home with.

She made for the bed right away, after having locked her dorm door; she didn't feel it was necessary to shunt the drawers over the top of the door just yet, it seemed a bit of an overkill until she had a proper reason. Hioshimi collapsed onto the sheets, her spiritual pressure peaking and then starting to ebb away. She was tired, so tired that she never noticed that she still had her Asauchi at her hip as she drifted off...

...And opened her eyes to find herself in a snowy town square, lit by gaudy neon lights from the shops and nightclub around her. She was stumbling around with a group of friends, all of which were laughing over a joke that had just been said. Hioshimi, meanwhile, was bewildered. How did she get here from her dorm room?

Ah, right. She knew what was going to happen. "G-guys...Imiki, where's-, she's gonna get..." stammered Hioshimi, raising an arm and pushing through the throng to find a young girl in a yellow parka. She was clearly a bit tipsy since she was laughing loudest, leaning on another woman for support. "Imiki! Just get out of here, go!" hollered Hioshimi, waving her arms in an attempt to shoo the girl, but it was as if none of them could hear her.

"I'm gonna call it a night, guys!" called Imiki, tottering down the snowy square whilst throwing her hand up and flapping it around in the air as a sign of farewell. Hioshimi rubbed at her arms, feeling nauseous. She couldn't look away...

Hioshimi heard the bang before she saw the blood. Her stomach heaved as she ran towards her long-dead friend and grabbed at the slick waterproof material. Even now, she knew there was nothing that she could do. "Call an ambulance! Call a bloody ambulance!" she shrieked, but her voice was lost in the noise of the screaming, terrified drunks. Her stomach lurched again as the light was blocked out. She looked up to see the falling neon sign, headed straight for her skull-

Hioshimi's eyes snapped open as she rolled over, face-down in the pillow, and let loose a few muffled, terrified sobs.

It never goes away, thought Hioshimi mournfully as she shuddered and curled up in on herself. For once, she was really happy she was completely alone, because snivelling like a wreck must look really unprofessional. The worst part about it was that she knew that the murderer, whoever he was, was clearly long dead and that whilst she never did get the closure she wanted, she couldn't do anything about it. It was perhaps this exact reason that she relived the same few minutes, day in, day out, for the past 300-or-so years.

And every night, it reduced her to a terrified little girl again, leaving her in the aftershocks of trauma that was nigh-ancient and should have been long forgotten. But it didn't matter what she did or how she did it, she was doomed to this fate.

For a moment or two, Hioshimi thought she was listening to the dull thud of her heart, until she heard Kame's voice softly call out her name. Hioshimi sniffled, lifting her head and wiping at her eyes. She heard about the baths, and for a while Hioshimi was confused. She didn't know what time it was, but she really, really needed something to distract her, and a bath-hunt might work...

"I-...I'unno," she replied with a slur, sitting up. Her hand was wrapped around the Asauchi, which was unusually warm in her palm. She squinted at it, leaving it at the foot of her bed. "If you're not too self-conscious about your appearance, I can come too and we can go find one...?" she asked, her voice cracking a bit; it would be easy for Kame to hear that she had been crying. Not that Hioshimi really cared too much; usually by this point she was out and trying to find a book to read, or training, to keep her mind off the nightmare.
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