Bleach: A New Dawn (OOC/Sign-up)

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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Okay for gods sake, heres a solution, even if it drags on don't just end the interaction within a few posts, that will anger people. Even if they appear randomly they have a point with it being public, so unless its like a personal manor or the area is locked out by squad 12 inventions then its all fair game I say. Can we all agree on that? So even if time zones come into play, I think people will understand waiting a few hours for a reply, rather than saying hi then someone leaving. Can we all agree on this?
Oh look, productiveness.
Thanks Zane. Sure we will do that from now on. While we are at it want to take over the RP? I've got enough stuff to deal with in real life and you know kinda can't be dealing with this sort of stuff anymore. So yeah...congrats ya all got what you wanted =)
Kurisa isn't the one who controls interactions between characters, you lot do. You all are capable with interacting with someone else's character, Perhaps if you actually talk to the RP who you want to interact with and come up with your own bloody interaction to do and actually do it then none of you would have any friggin' issues.
Okay everyone knock it off now! Seriously, we reached a solution now drop it.
Kurisa isn't the one who controls interactions between characters, you lot do. You all are capable with interacting with someone else's character, Perhaps if you actually talk to the RP who you want to interact with and come up with your own bloody interaction to do and actually do it then none of you would have any friggin' issues.

You too are missing the point. It basically boils down to this:


On an open, public forum, we--as rp'ers--shouldn't HAVE to ask permission or set up stuff in the OOC for public interactions. You saying that YOU have no control over YOUR OWN interaction is not true at all.

OOC should NEVER interfere or determine IC interactions. Even plot wise, we should have a general idea and trust our fellow rp'ers to become their characters and interact in believable ways. As I've said before:

You want exclusive interactions? Do it in a PM and post it as a collab post (I.e. Hikari showing Haurka his familial grounds). Don't get mad at me because my character happened upon yours, initiated interaction, was ignored, then brushed aside then I called you both out on it.

If you were tired, all you needed to do was say in OOC: "Hey, it's late. I need to go to bed." Not bs your way out of interaction. If my character is locked, then she is locked.
Kurisa isn't the one who controls interactions between characters, you lot do. You all are capable with interacting with someone else's character, Perhaps if you actually talk to the RP who you want to interact with and come up with your own bloody interaction to do and actually do it then none of you would have any friggin' issues.
Abi, please. Zane got it all figured and we don't need any more patronizing, everyone is just trying to calm down from this. Obviously I can write paragraphs explaining why it wouldn't work, pull out Skype quotes of you telling me to do the opposite of what you literally just said, but what would that accomplish? Nothing. It'll just get everyone riled up once again, and just bring more chaos.

So...just drop it, alright? There's always talks about me not handling situations maturely, so can we follow through the one time I am? Please? Thank you!
Took about a year, but we got there.

Baby girl...just let him calm down. If sarcasm is how he gets it out, just ignore it and let him be. If you leave it alone, I'll throw another naked woman your way.
You need to stop with this fucking attitude. For fucks sake, if you have so much of a fucking issue interacting with others, might want to start fucking talking to other people outside of the small group you've made for yourself.

Honestly, quit putting so much pressure on Kurisa, he puts so much work and effort into the story and making this role-play fun and interesting yet you lost continue to find something to complain about.
Took about a year, but we got there.

Baby girl...just let him calm down. If sarcasm is how he gets it out, just ignore it and let him be. If you leave it alone, I'll throw another naked woman your way.

Fine. Fine. I'm done. I'm just...done. -goes back to IC to see if anything has happened-
Abi, please. Zane got it all figured and we don't need any more patronizing, everyone is just trying to calm down from this. Obviously I can write paragraphs explaining why it wouldn't work, pull out Skype quotes of you telling me to do the opposite of what you literally just said, but what would that accomplish? Nothing. It'll just get everyone riled up once again, and just bring more chaos.

So...just drop it, alright? There's always talks about me not handling situations maturely, so can we follow through the one time I am? Please? Thank you!
You too are missing the point. It basically boils down to this:


On an open, public forum, we--as rp'ers--shouldn't HAVE to ask permission or set up stuff in the OOC for public interactions. You saying that YOU have no control over YOUR OWN interaction is not true at all.

OOC should NEVER interfere or determine IC interactions. Even plot wise, we should have a general idea and trust our fellow rp'ers to become their characters and interact in believable ways. As I've said before:

You want exclusive interactions? Do it in a PM and post it as a collab post (I.e. Hikari showing Haurka his familial grounds). Don't get mad at me because my character happened upon yours, initiated interaction, was ignored, then brushed aside then I called you both out on it.

If you were tired, all you needed to do was say in OOC: "Hey, it's late. I need to go to bed." Not bs your way out of interaction. If my character is locked, then she is locked.
Yeah whatever.
You need to stop with this fucking attitude. For fucks sake, if you have so much of a fucking issue interacting with others, might want to start fucking talking to other people outside of the small group you've made for yourself.

Honestly, quit putting so much pressure on Kurisa, he puts so much work and effort into the story and making this role-play fun and interesting yet you lost continue to find something to complain about.

It isn't about Kurisa personally! Stop being a White Knight and actually read about our concerns without getting offended on his behalf!

The only pressure we are putting on Kurisa is as a GM. As a GM we wanted his assurance that he heard our concern and will implement Zane's idea to better guide sudden interactions. We got that assurance, now we will wait to see what happens.
It isn't about Kurisa personally! Stop being a White Knight and actually read about our concerns without getting offended on his behalf!

The only pressure we are putting on Kurisa is as a GM. As a GM we wanted his assurance that he heard our concern and will implement Zane's idea to better guide sudden interactions. We got that assurance, now we will wait to see what happens.
Well this RP has been going on for longe rthan you have been here, there's always a damn issue and Kurisa always gets barked at and expected to fix it and honestly I've had fucking enough.

Yeah, good on Zane for coming up with something that makes all you lot happy. And I've read your concerns, I've read how I was to blame at one point to, and honestly if you feel that you dislike how this RP has becoming split into groups, you could of expressed that in a way that didn't blame Kurisa or anyone else for that matter. There was no need to cause just a fuss and blow this all out of proportions when it could of easily been talked about in a calm matter. So you brought this on yourself. Kurisa just doesn't like to see arguments in the OOC so that when people come look over it, they don't feel tension. A PM would be a better way for everything to be expressed and resolved. But no.

But you know what? This situation proves my point. If we all talk, it turns into an argument, to avoid that argument, we stick to the people we get on well with. There. Not hard to see.
Also, I'll be honest, I avoid RPing with certain people I don't get on with, that's my reason for only sticking to RPing mainly with Kurisa.
You need to stop with this fucking attitude. For fucks sake, if you have so much of a fucking issue interacting with others, might want to start fucking talking to other people outside of the small group you've made for yourself.

Honestly, quit putting so much pressure on Kurisa, he puts so much work and effort into the story and making this role-play fun and interesting yet you lost continue to find something to complain about.
-Enters zen mode to keep Borderline personality disorder in control to keep me from snapping-

I guess despite my efforts to keep everything peaceful all I get in return are patronizing responses. Ok, to address the first bit, I have no idea what small group you're talking about. I've hardly been talking to anyone for months now, Abi. The person I talk to most is Hawke, and even she can tell you that it isn't very frequent. So you might have misunderstood something.

They're legit complaints, Abi. Not finding something to complain about. Read here, I suggested all the GMs come together to try and fix the problem, not once did I put it all on Kurisa. To be fair, there may have been miscommunication, so apologizes if there were any. Though, I would rather give constructive criticism over something rather than complain. Zane came up with a solution before I did though, so as long as we all follow through with it we're good, alright?
Also, I'll be honest, I avoid RPing with certain people I don't get on with, that's my reason for only sticking to RPing mainly with Kurisa.

And that is terribly sad...Why would you announce that for future role players to see...I have no idea.

Whether you like someone or not shouldn't cut off your characters and deprive the RP of future interactions. You shouldn't let how YOU feel color your characters. How does that help make this a safe place for people to be free of their problems, if only for an hour or two?
Also, I'll be honest, I avoid RPing with certain people I don't get on with, that's my reason for only sticking to RPing mainly with Kurisa.
Read here as well then.
Well this RP has been going on for longe rthan you have been here, there's always a damn issue and Kurisa always gets barked at and expected to fix it and honestly I've had fucking enough.
Most people expects that out of every GM though, Abi. It comes with the job.
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