Black Manor

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Abigale frowned as she noticed him get nervous. She sighed, letting go of his arm and shaking her head. "If you have something to say, Ryan, then just say it. I can tell your eager to be away from me, and that is all fine.. I mean, I'm not planning on living at the house. It has five bedrooms, three baths, and it's view is magnificent.. But I want to live somewhere closer to the city." She shrugged, sitting down and looking away. "Sometimes I wish I was not cursed with this.. But I cannot change the past, so it is indeed a part of who I am." She looked over at him, frowning. "I already ate my share of blood today, Ryan. I'm not going to drain you dry."
Ryan hung his head, feeling ashamed. While he was afraid of her, he still didnt want to force her out of that house. He was willing to try to get used to her if she wished it. It would just take some time.

"I'm sorry... You should understand that I'm just not used to this. I dont want to push you away though. If Serena meant for us to live together, then there must be a reason for that... Hopefully a meaning not as sadistic as her challenges... I just need to get used to it. Forgive me for how i act and how I am likely to act. It's human nature to be afraid of what we don't know about... Hm... Maybe we could talk about you some time? That might help. Unless that doesnt sound good to you, of course. It's completely up to you how this plays out, but that house will be yours either way." Ryan said finally, giving her a genuine smile that may have been ever so slightly forced onto his face, but felt natural once it was there.
Abigale shrugged, leaning back in the chair and nodding. "You seem so calm for someone who knows nothing of our kind.. You saw how Georgio and Keith reacted. That is what our lives have become.. Fighting to live, yet wishing to die. Though none of us can, I envy Serena for being able to escape this world. Do you understand?" She reached into a cupboard, pulling out a long, thin cigarette and lighting it with a match. She inhaled deeply, frowning as she let the smoke out. "Even filling my body with harsh chemicals cannot kill me. It's very frustrating. I try so hard, yet I fail so miserably."
Keith smiled at Abigale as she conversed with Ryan, relieved that she had answered his unspoken question. He would have thanked her aloud, but he didn't want to interrupt either of them at the moment. In fact, what should he do? Was now a good time to bring up the fire? Well, not everyone was in the room to hear it, so some people would be left uninformed. If he went to go find them, he would be abandoning Miya while she was unconscious. But at the same time, Tabitha and their mother were surely becoming more certain of his death by the second. I could have sent them a letter and everything...but I didn't know then what I know now. Out of habit and apprehension, he waited for some sort of afterthought, but nothing eventuated. He sighed in relief.

Speaking of Miya, perhaps now would be a good time to help her wake up. Keith almost got the feeling that their current efforts for escape were going nowhere, and if they were going to start getting serious about this whole plot, everyone would have to work together. It seemed almost cruel to force Miya out of her slumber when she clearly needed it, but it was certainly better than leaving her behind. Putting a hand on her shoulder, he spoke in a gentle tone, hopefully enough to wake her without startling her. "Miya? Are you ready to wake up now?"


Georgio Van Lesse

Georgio sat down on the stairs. "Well once we get out of here, you won't have to worry about my attitude." Georgio looked back at Keith, who was waking up Miya. He went over to her, the only innocent one probably left in this house. "I think she's just exhausted from everything. I could watch over her, nothing else to do." From the first time Georgio saw Miya, he had said that he would make sure she got out. If he didn't, she would. Even though this place was changing him, he would keep his word no matter what.[/bg]
Ryan watched her with her cigarette and shivered. He had always hated the idea of smoking. It was a sickening act to him, and he tried to avoid anyone who did it. This made things slightly more awkward for him.
"Do... Do you think you could stop that? That's not really the way to go about things like this, if you dont mind me saying. Why would you wish to die? You have the whole world to discover..."
Abigale threw the ashtray, her eyes following it as it made a loud crash onto the floor. She snuffed out the cigarette in her palm, shaking her head as she laughed. "You're so silly! I cannot die, Ryan!" She stood, looking around the room. "Do not be so hasty. I have already saw the world. I've experienced many lovely and violent things. Except.. You. You're so odd. You speak your mind, even though you know full well I could snap your neck easily. You seem so calm, yet you are equally insane and quirky. How can you be so.. odd?" She giggled, looking down at her hands. "I should not be so judgmental.. I too am quirky. But I would not bite my own hand to declare sanity."
Ryan's eyes slightly widened at the thought of her snapping his neck. Then when she finished, he chuckled and looked at his hand. He could easily see where he had torn at the skin, leaving a wound that would probably stay with him for a lifetime. The blood had dried around the outside, but the inside was still fresh and tender.
"Hm, I guess I am a bit strange." He looked up at Abigale. "How is this affecting you?" He said, motioning to his hand. "Would you like me to go clean and bandage it?"
"Mmmmmm." Miya groaned when she felt someone touching her shoulder and telling her to wake up. If she wanted, she could go on a Hormonal rage. When she opened her eyes to see Keith. She then sat up, stretched and yawned before cradling her belly in a protective matter. "How long was I out?" she asked.


Georgio Van Lesse

Georgio was happy to see that Miya had finally woke up. He walked over to her. "Not that long, an hour or two." Georgio tipped off his top hat, "I don't think I ever told you my name. I'm Georgio Van Lesse, the French Debonair." Georgio forgot that the stake was in his hat, watching it hit the floor with a hard thud. He didn't care, the vampire demon already knew about it now. "Oops."[/bg]
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Abigale shrugged, waving as Julius and Elise walked toward them. "I'm quite fine with it. Like I said.. I ate my breakfast. I will be okay until tomorrow. One step at a time." Julius grinned, sitting down and pulling Elise onto his lap. "What doesn't kill you.. Makes you stranger." Abigale rolled her eyes, looking down at Ryan's hand with an grimace. "What would make you do such a thing to yourself? I mean.. Doesn't that hurt at all?" Elise looked into Ryan's eyes, her body shifting slightly. "Insanity can do awful things. When I was tied to the tree, I was delusional. I believed that Julius was right beside me; Trying to get me out."
Ryan brought the wound to eye level and examined it. "Well, it's better than falling back into the state I was in before. Now..." He pushed his clenched teeth against it, causing him to twitch slightly from the pain. "...I know I'm still here. That room was a little too much for me to handle, I'm afraid... Did you end up going in there? I can't really remember..."

He let his hand fall back to his side, still throbbing, and tilted his head to the side.
Abigale chuckled, nodding. "I went in there last season. She did not turn on the gas for Julius and I.. You see, the thirst is what makes us insane." Julius grinned, kissing Elise's shoulder. "Correct. The thirst is usually just a small bother for us.. That is, until we go very long periods without blood. The pain and thirst becomes unbearable and it burns our throats. The thoughts alone will drive anyone mad." Abigale raised an eyebrow, shaking her head. "Serena was pretty vindictive."
"So... you still require blood? Well... where do you plan on getting it from when you live with me?" Ryan asked, feeling unsure again. He had seen here drink something a while back, and he figured now what it was. But blood must basically be on tap here, however, he would be the only source alone with her in that house...
Keith was about to reply to Miya as she woke when Georgio piped up and answered her question. It was then that he realized that it had been a while since the last time he had looked at a clock, and so could not give Miya an exact time anyway. "You can rest a bit longer if you need to." Yes, he wanted to get started with the whole escape, but anything one would need to prepare was just as important as the actual plot. If Miya needed the extra sleep, then it simply wouldn't be right to deny her that much, and those were his final thoughts on the matter.

As Georgio introduced himself to Miya, Keith saw an odd piece of wood fall out of his hat. Georgio did not seem particularly surprised by it, leading Keith to believe that the wood belonged to Georgio. But what precisely was it for? It's wooden and pointed...Keith looked at Julius and Elise, feeling mildly nauseous. He tentatively picked the piece of wood up by the unsharpened end. "Ah, Georgio, if you don't mind my asking...what exactly is this?"


Georgio Van Lesse

Georgio turned around to Keith. "Keith, I think you know what that is. It was to kill, the demon over there but apparently that doesn't work." Georgio tied his hair back. "Once Miya feels up to it, we need to get Ryan and Sazael, and get the hell out of here." Georgio looked back at Miya. "We probably should hurry, all the stress could induce labor. I have heard that could happen."[/bg]
"Don't jinx it..." Miya took a deep breath before getting up from the chair and holding her back. She had another Month at least, or another six to eight weeks until it was time to deliver the baby. If she had the baby now, it wouldn't be so good. Premature births don't always work. Now if she was full-term, maybe things would be different. "Well, I just can't wait to go home. No more running around, no more being scared, I want to rest, nothing more." Miya was sick and tired and just wanted to go home. Never should have came, all this never should have happened. But it did.
Abigale and Julius laughed in sync, looking over at Ryan with narrowed eyes. Julius spoke up first, grinning. "You really are scared, huh?" He leaned closer, looking to Abigale and then back to Ryan. "We feast on animals. Not the preferred blood, but it settles our hunger and we're actually more lithe and strong. In a way feasting on animals is efficient." Abigale rolled her eyes, folding her arms over her chest. "You really need to stop being so scared of us, Ryan. You know.. There are a lot more worse creatures than us in this world. You humans just choose to see it as all fables."
Ryan raised an eyebrow. "There are worse creatures out there...? Well, from what I've seen, you can control yourself. I'll help you with gathering the animals if you would like. Now that I know this, I'm much more comfortable with it all... Well anyway, we still have to get out of here, right? What are we doing about these keys?" Ryan looked around for some reason, childishly hoping that one would be hanging on the wall next to him. He thought back to the diary entry but couldnt rememeber anything about where they would be.
Julius smiled, looking to Ryan with a shrug. I found mine hidden in the skeleton of mine.. Abigale found hers inside her pocket in her dress. Elise found hers inside the portrait of us. Serena hid the keys in places that resemble something you love, or something that resembles you." Elise stood, looking away. "In time I think we will all miss this place.. It's not the best place, but we all called it home for a short while." Abigale looked away, sighing. "We've been here for quite a while.. I'm not sure what I will do with myself after we depart here."
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