Black Manor

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In response to Jarrett's voice calling to her, Sazael turned over in the bed, debating whether or not she should get up or say something. In the end, she stood up quietly and opened the door a crack to indicate that she was in there. The lights were off in the room as she went back to the bed, once again burying her face into the pillow. Her body began to ache, especially her cheek and neck. Finally getting time to really rest, all of her pains seemed to hurt even more now that she was fully aware of them.
Keith read the entry, a couple of his tears staining the page. So Serena had truly wanted to die after all. And who was this voice that had convinced her to begin this "game" in the first place? Considering her description of the voice, it was either a ghost (potentially, but unlikely) or schizophrenia. Even she seemed to acknowledge that her sanity was not at its best. Wait...a voice? I've been hearing a voice, haven't I? ...Not really. It's more like I'm talking to myself. I know there is no voice in my mind other than my own, but I pretend that there is another. In a way, it's comforting; I'm holding a conversation with someone who knows all of my secrets before I could possibly tell them. That's right. This entry added that Serena's belongings, including her fortune, would go to Julius and Abigale. It was a shame that Jarrett was not also included on that list after everything he had gone through, but it was nice to see that Serena was indeed grateful to the others for their help. It was just as he had thought.

But what was this portion addressed to him? How had she always been with him? Did she mean this metaphorically or physically or some other way? It was nice of her to consider him in what almost seemed to be her will, but how could she know that he would eventually receive this message? However, it wasn't until he read the last line that his mind completely broke down. "No! No! Why, Serena, why? What other secret could you possibly have?!" Though the room was comfortably warm, he could feel chills going down his spine. I...I can't let anyone else see this! If they do, they'll ask what it means, and I'll have to respond! He stood up and ran over to the bookshelves, switching the diary with a nearly identical book on the third shelf. No one has to know about this but me. I was merely reading to pass the time. Nothing special, of course. Just a book on... He skimmed the table of contents. ...human psychology. That's all! Humming tunelessly, he walked back to the desk and stared at the pages, concentrating too heavily on keeping calm to actually read a single word.
Jarrett saw Sazael lay on the bed; He sighed, walking away from the door in a desperate attempt to find the keys. He began to cry silently as he realized there was probably no way out. Don't talk like that, Jarr. Get out of here. C'mon... Just wait for Elise to find the keys. He scowled, looking through a book in a desperate attempt to ease his mind.

Abigale returned to the room that she had locked Keith in, unlocking it and stepping in slowly. She surveyed the room, clicking her tongue. "Something is amiss here, Keith.." She walked towards the bookshelf, nodding as she grabbed Serena's diary. "Surely you read an entry?" She grinned, grabbing the note addressed for Julius and shaking her head. "What a pity.. You could have read the rest of the entries. Why stop at one? You were very close to Serena, no?" She walked to the door again, shaking her head. "I'll give you one more hour to make sure you're fully calmed down.. If you need something, feel free to yell." She locked the door again, handing the note to Julius. "Serena left this for you."
Keith remained where he was, unsure of what exactly had just happened. How could she tell what I'd done so quickly? Was I just that noisy? Whether or not that was the case, it seems she either didn't fully read it or just didn't care. Most likely the former, though. That's a relief...but I have to be more careful from now on. Indeed. Seeing no further point in his facade, he closed the book and put it back on the shelf. Another hour to myself, hm? He looked over at the diary, Abigale's suggestion clear in her mind. I would, but...I shouldn't. She might have written her secret on the next page or something, for all I know. I'll just forget about it. Forget I ever saw it.

But of course, the option other than "risk" was "boredom". Keith looked out of the barred window behind the desk, studying the street he hadn't seen in a very long time. He wanted to be out there once more, but of course, it wouldn't be that easy. Nevertheless, the view was not discouraging, but comforting. Surely he would be outside again someday. Then a woman walking by the street caught his eye. She looked like she had spent many nights crying herself to sleep, and she was constantly looking about, occasionally shouting something. With a sudden start, Keith realized something that nearly made his heart stop. It was his sister.

"Keith! Keith, please! You have to be out here somewhere; you just have to be!" His sister collapsed on her knees in the street, her shoulders shaking as she sobbed. "T-Tabby?" Keith called out. "Tabitha! I'm over here! Can you see me?" He had no idea how she could be alive, but he could save the logic for later. "Please, Tabby, please tell me you can hear me!" By now, Keith was also crying, but not nearly as hard as his sister. Despite his cries, his sister seemed to hear none of it, sighing despondently as she wiped her tears away and walked off. "Tabby! Tabby, wait! TABBY!" Keith gripped the bars, feeling the tears fall at full force now. "I don't want to be here! Save me! Please save me! Please...!" His words soon dissolved into unintelligible cries as he sat there, completely and truly alone.
Diary Entry Two:

It is with my rightful claim to say that if you see these words, then you did indeed read on. This page is partially about my secret; But a lot of this is confessions poured onto this page in a desperate attempt to make some sort of meaning out of my life.. I'm not sure where I am headed; Or what is after life, for that matter.. But I do know that sometimes you have to make the best of it. If you're stuck somewhere.. Well, then you're stuck until you find a way out. But the answer to the way out isn't through any living object; It's through searching deep inside yourself. I wonder if anyone realizes how bad my life once was; I cannot help but ponder this question as I lay here in my bed. I feel the need to try and sew my soul back together; But sadly, there will never be a way to sew what was always broken. So, instead.. I'll help. Yes.. That's what I'll do. I was once locked in this manor. It was years before meeting Julius or Abigale. Hell.. I didn't meet them until I killed myself and was revived. My neck still hurts when I think about my short time with death.

Never the less, I was locked here. This, in fact, is the manor that Julius helped me restore. This is where I was sent away when Keith told his parents of what happened. I don't blame him. I would have told the truth, too.. If I weren't this way. Actually.. No. I would have done more than told the truth.. I would have tried to stop it from happening in the first place. So. On to what I was talking about. A secret, hmm? Well.. Yes, I do have a deep secret. I hid notes in gemstones. They will be used for a task for the next prisoners. When you break open the gemstones, the notes will give you small clues about where I hid the keys. These keys lead to unlocking certain doors and places within this manor. To anyone reading.. Think of this as my final puzzle. I'm sure I will end my life sooner or later; The voice is getting worse. I have now figured out that it is indeed a 'he', and he keeps whispering to me... To help me, I guess. But whenever I finally rid the world of myself, I'll indeed go out with a 'bang' with this puzzle. Think hard and long about the clues. Help each other escape. The voice doesn't want any of you to leave. But I'm begging you.. Please, Escape.

If in fact this is Keith reading: I always knew you were nosy. That's what I liked the most about you. Maybe my vain attempt to swoon you never worked; I hope in time you can forgive me, as well as yourself. I hope you do not cause violence to anyone.. You know as much as I do that you hate violence. Don't let that part of you go.

As Keith cried, his thoughts began to roar at him. Keith! Stop crying; it's okay! Your sister can't be alive. Otherwise, she'd be in pain worrying about you, like the girl you just saw. But there's no way that wasn't her! I'd recognize my own sister. That was clearly her! But she couldn't be alive, so it must be a hallucination. Pay it no mind. A hallucination? From what?! What would cause me to hallucinate that out of the blue? Your fear, of course. When Serena said what she did in that entry, you instinctively thought of those who had been harmed by you before. Obviously, your sister was one of them. But why haven't I hallucinated any other time I thought about my fear? It was never truly prevalent until that moment. That doesn't make sense! Surely it would take more than that for me to hallucinate something so...

Keith stopped. Hallucinate...hallucinate...why did that word feel so familiar, like it was tugging on his brain, trying to get him to remember something? Then the words, as if waiting for their opportunity, fell into his vision: ωнєη єηтєяιηg тнє яσσм, уσυ ωιℓℓ нανє тσ ƒα¢є уσυя ωσяѕт ƒєαя. ѕєяєηα нαѕ яιggє∂ тнє яσσм ωιтн α gαѕ тнαт ιη∂υ¢єѕ нαℓℓυ¢ιηαтισηѕ. Keith's eyes widened. I...that was...that was all a hallucination. I...I never actually killed anyone! But I did, not too long ago. Mom and Tabby...and almost Elise as well. No, that's wrong! I was in that room with my worst fear, but none of it was real! Yes, it was real! I can't ignore reality like this! I killed Mother and Tabitha to make them happy. I tried to kill Elise because she killed Serena. Why is that so hard to understand? I think the one truly ignoring you. What?

Now Keith understood the truth. You made me think I did what I did for a reason...but you just did that to blackmail me into being happy! If I hadn't been happy in that moment–You would've died. No, that bayonet wasn't any more real than the rest of the room. I would've been fine, and I would've realized it! Really? Did you see how Ryan looked after his turn? Do you want to end up the way he did? Well, do you? The other thought was starting to sound angry. It had never sounded angry before. But Keith wouldn't let that deter him now. He at least knew that what I was doing to Elise was wrong! Serena wouldn't have wanted me to do that. I know that now. She liked me for who I was, and she wanted me to never change. She was using you! Of course she would say that; she wanted you to remain gullible. Why are you being so cruel to her? I thought you liked her, just as much as I did! know what? Forget it. I'm done with this "buddy-buddy" charade, and I'm done trying to keep you happy.

Keith could actually feel the voice turn around and look at him for the first time. I knew that if you died, I'd die, and happiness seemed to be the key to preventing that. Especially with that whole "hallucinating your worst fear" challenge. Honestly, I had no choice but to start dragging you onto the right path. But now I don't care. Neither of us are getting out of here anytime soon, and your sickening obsession with keeping a smile on your face is just too much. So I'm going to make you read that whole diary, and I'm going to make you take in that secret, and I'm going to make you tell everyone about it. No, wait–I am done waiting, so shut up and let me finish! ...When everyone else has somehow gotten hurt from the secrets you've told, I'll make you so unhappy...that you'll have no choice but to kill us both. Even if I can live no longer, it's worth it just to see you disappear. Please stop! You can't do this to me! Can...and will.
Abigale hummed to herself, pulling petals from a flower. She looked over her own diary, frowning as she opened it up to the last page. It was blank. Of course, Abi. You never finished it. How about now? It's a good time as any. She shrugged, taking out a quill and beginning to write in her elaborate cursive. She felt her eyes drift towards a recent entry she had posted, unable to keep her mind off of it. It was a reminder to drink blood or else she would get sick. She scoffed at the reminder, shaking her head before beginning to write.

I find myself stuck in a daze, so to speak. I cannot say I have a life, because I am a vampire. Humans have lives; Not vampires. Furthermore, I realized that Serena's death should not be in vain, even if Julius was instructed to kill her. I couldn't imagine that Serena would want it any other way. She.. Was a great friend when she wasn't being horribly mean. I miss that part of her. Heh.. You should have seen it when we revived her in the forest. She was so grateful. But slowly her mind changed... I can't explain it, but I'm sure she wasn't herself anymore. At least not her normal self. But none the less, she managed and ran this house alone; She somehow knew how to do everything on her own. That's why, you see, I cannot let her death be in vain, especially when she has kept her true self hidden from everyone else. She always looked so wonderful and happy. But deep down, she was precisely what she despised: Alone and sad. I do not think she is sad anymore.. I think she's here, around us in spirit. I'm not sure who else would believe in the supernatural.. I found a gypsy years ago that was able to tell me who I was before becoming a vampire. It seemed to soothe my aching heart for a while. I'd like to believe that someone can live outside of a body; That they could survive without blood or a heart. Maybe they can comprehend things, too. Serena would have wanted it that way. She would have wanted me to remember her.. To write her in a book, where the ink will not wash away her memory. I will never forget; I will not grow old, so I will never forget. Maybe someone else will see this one day. Maybe they will know that I did indeed try to help Serena until the end. I feel so lost without things the way they used to be.. Dammit. Why, Serena?! Why did you have to start these 'games'? What importance or significance did all these prisoners have for you? Sid.. Spirit.. Eli.. They're all dead! DAMN YOU, SERENA! WHY?! YOU... YOU LEFT US HERE, AND YOU DIDN'T GIVE ME AN EXPLANATION AS TO WHY! ........ Why? Did you not care? We needed answers. Maybe I can find your journal that houses your deepest secrets, 'Rena. And I will know what caused you to act like this. As I write this, tears fall from my heavy eyes. I miss you, friend. I hope you find solace, wherever you are.

After a moment of wondering if Jarrett would come or not, Sazael raised her head slowly from the pillow, her blue hair falling over her shoulders. She got out of bed and sweeped her bangs aside, walking out the room cautiously to look for Jarrett. Unsure of how she would find him, she figured the only way would to be if she said something. "J-Jarrett..?" She called out somewhat quietly, yet audible.
Jarrett had found himself in a small hallway alone, his blonde hair falling over his face as he ran down the hallway. He yanked on a door, leaning against a book case with a hefty sigh. The book case moved, sending him backwards. He fell on his backside on the floor, looking around as he dusted himself off. He growled, walking around the massive room that stood before him. A giant pile of gold coins were scattered in the room. Jarrett grinned, picking up as many coins as he could and shoving them in a satchel inside his coat. He realized this must have been Serena's fortune. He shrugged, figuring that Julius would indeed get the rest and live rich. These gold coins would ensure that he and whatever spouse he would acquire in the future would be living happily for the rest of their life. He moved a lever, watching as the book case slowly moved once more. He walked with the book case, smiling in relief as he was once more in the hallway. He heard Sazael yell for him, and he ran, searching for her. "Sazael?" He soon found her wandering around, his blue eyes a lapis color. "Sorry.. I was exploring. Did you need something?"
That accursed smile was back, and Keith learned at last that it hadn't been his own at all. "Keith" stood up and walked to the diary, while Keith grabbed the corner of the table. "Keith's" smile got bigger. "What's the matter, Keith? Scared, are we? Well, isn't that just too bad." Keith didn't respond, only tightening his grip. Who...who are you? What are you?! "Keith" laughed. "I'm sure you agree that 'what' I am isn't all that important. But as for 'who' I me Ishmael." I-Ishmael? This is no time for jokes! And the 'what' is important to me! "Should I bother? It's not as if you deserve it. ...But if you're going to die anyway, I might as well give you that much. I'm a ghost, and my name is...Lyle." Keith nearly let go in his surprise, but he managed to hold on, albeit weakly. D...Dad?

"Yes, Keith. I am the man whose life was ruined by you. I lost both of the women I loved, and my children as well. Bet you didn't know I jumped off of a bridge after that. It was a tall bridge, and the water was dark and cold. It didn't take long for my life to fade away. When I found out I had become a ghost, I began to follow you and Tabitha around. I wanted to tell you I was sorry."
The word 'sorry' came out in a hiss, as if Lyle regretted every second he had believed in his son's innocence. "But then I saw your mother write the most interesting thing in her diary about what you had told her. I realized that you had killed me. I invaded your mind and waited patiently for my chance. Why didn't I try to make you kill yourself right then and there, you ask? Because you were so content with your life. If you died then, you would have died with the knowledge that you were deeply loved. In fact, if I had been able to, I would have killed you in that room. The gas, of course, couldn't and didn't affect me. But by being a part of you, I could see what you saw, and I knew how you felt. If you believed you died in that room, you would have merely been comatose. I wanted you dead!"

Lyle ripped Keith's fingers off of the desk and grabbed the diary. "This is the perfect show you what you have done wrong by continuing to exist. So goodbye...Keith." Keith felt himself growing cold and tired, but he couldn't give up now. have lost any of the chances you once had. Prepare to die. With a flourish, Lyle opened the book. "W-what? What is this?!" The diary page seemed to contain no true secret, but Serena's true feelings and the instructions to her last puzzle. And the last paragraph...Keith could just barely see it, almost surrounded by a cold darkness. to...stay me...and to...hold..on... Strength he didn't know he had opened his eyes once more. Keith found that he could force Lyle to let go of his fingers, and then his hands. "How? How are you...?!" Keith did not respond, continuing to push against Lyle's resistance. For the longest time, father and son fought their battle for supremacy, but Keith could soon feel control returning to him. The mouth was the last part to retrieve.

"NO! After everything you've done to me, I deserve this! Let me...just let me kill you!"
Oddly enough, Lyle did not seem angry. He seemed sad and afraid, as if he knew but couldn't accept that he was going to lose. Father...even if you hate me now, I will always love you for who you have been. Thank you for raising me...and for trying to keep me happy. I'm sorry, and goodbye. And just like that, Lyle seemed to fade into the air. How Keith knew his father had left was a mystery even to him, but he could feel tears of relief and joy on his face. "Now then...if this is what you truly want, Serena, I'll read the whole book. And maybe I'll able to face your last secret." Keith turned the page.
Diary Entry Number Three:

Time seems to flow on endlessly here. I find myself often thinking about Keith. Could he live without me in the world? Maybe when my soul leaves my body.. Maybe then I will visit him. In a spirit-like body, I suppose. Death seems to lurk around me. I can see death staring at me as I write. You may think I'm crazy, but it's true; He sits there for hours, watching me from the corner of the room. My secret isn't something horrid; In fact, it's a rather odd secret that I'd rather touch bases on shortly. No sense in wasting space, right? Keith. You must search within yourself. Relay that message to the others, too. Those keys were hidden in very odd places, understand? I cannot tell you where.. The voice doesn't allow that. He cannot stop me from telling you to search and not stop. If I have guessed correctly, you probably have attacked and/or hurt someone mentally or physically already. Please, apologize to them. They may not accept your apology.. But I know deep down that when you grabbed my throat, you did not mean it. I know I've never got the apology. Though that apology will never happen.. I forgive you. For everything.

Seeing as I see death staring me down, urging me to realize that the voice is indeed myself, I would like to reveal the secret. I will write a few more entries before my death; Something tells me that I will be okay in the end. I pray no one forgets me. I could not handle that, even in the afterlife. Back on track: My secret is very important, so read this carefully and remember to figure out my puzzle.... I lit a fire in one of the chimneys inside the room. I used a new substance that was recently recalled to light it. It makes the flame unable to go out. Inside the fire, underneath some ash is a key. This will open a big box; The box houses many other notes I have written that will help you all get the keys to open the manor. BUT: Someone has to stick his/her hand in the fire. Think long and hard about this... I dropped the key in there and was not able to get it out. Julius and Abigale are the only ones who have small enough hands to obtain other keys where I have hidden them.. It must be Keith, Ryan, Georgio, Sazael, or Jarrett. Good luck. Keep reading to find out more.

With love,

Sazael saw Jarrett and went to him, looking at him slightly worried. A part of his coat seemed to be bulging more so than the rest, but she paid little mind to it. She felt a bit uneasy when she couldn't see him, but seemed to just be exploring the manor. Now that she thought about it, what would she do when she got out? Just thinking about it made her unsure if she wanted to go back out in the world. She shook her head in response to him, not needing anything. "Nothing... sorry. I was just..... a bit worried," she said softly.
Jarrett smiled, hugging Sazael softly. "Oh.. Okay. I'm just searching for the keys.. I haven't gotten far yet, though. I'm worried there really isn't keys and Serena threw them away or something." He frowned, remembering the house fire that Serena had started at his house. He could see his family catching on fire; Their skin melted off as if it was ice cream. He shivered slightly, shaking himself out of the memories. They were too painful to remember. A part of him wished that he would forget, but he knew full well that no matter how long it had been, he'd never forget that gruesome night. He didn't blame Serena; He knew she was mentally ill. He blamed himself for trusting and believing her.
Ryan had blanked out again and was leaning up against the hallway wall, staring at the wall opposite him. He had watched as Keith was dragged out, and was now thinking about what could have possibly happened to him to cause him to be like this. He had thought the Keith had hated Serena. He had thought everyone did. Why was Keith getting angry at the thought of her not being there any more? And then there was the case with Julius, Abigale and Not Serena being vampires. He never imagined them to be real before. He had always avoided the thought of the supernatural. Now he was questioning everything.
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In the silence that followed, Keith almost felt lonely, but it was a feeling just as enjoyable as it was painful. After wiping his eyes, he went back to the desk and continued to read. He hadn't had any idea that she had wondered about him like this, or that she had felt the unwavering gaze of Death upon her, and he couldn't help wishing that he had been able to help her at some point. But if he couldn't learn to accept the past, he could hardly find joy in embracing the future. Lyle had made that all too clear. Then Serena mentioned searching for the answers within the self again, and Keith got the impression that this phrase was important, particularly when she asked him to tell everyone else. It was almost certainly related to the gemstones mentioned in the last entry. "How on Earth did you even come up with all of this...?" Keith whispered to himself.

When Serena predicted what Keith had done, he shook his head in awe. He could never get over her amazing understanding of the interpersonal. An apology certainly was in order for what he had done, not just to Elise, but to everyone. And she...his eyes moistened again, and it took a while for him to be able to see the words once more. She forgave him for all of it. Did she even forgive him for what had happened all those years ago? "Thank you so much." He had no idea if she could hear him from wherever she was now, but he needed to say it anyway. Looking at the next paragraph, he could see the concerns she felt when considering death. "No one could possibly forget you, Serena. I'm sure all of us will keep you in our hearts forever." He had no idea why he was stating his thoughts aloud, but if it made his message clearer, it didn't seem like a bad thing to do.

Then Keith read the last portion of the entry. A material that could cause an everlasting flame? Considering that it had been recalled, it made sense that he had never heard of it before. An important key lay within that flame, and only five people could retrieve it: Keith, Ryan, Sazael, Jarrett, or Georgio. Keith knew he was going to volunteer, but he had to wonder if it wouldn't be simpler to just use a fire poker to sort through the kindling. Then again, he had no clue if this place actually had fire pokers. In any case, Keith began to wonder how much time had actually passed since Abigale had locked him in here. If he was going to help the others escape, he wanted to do it sooner rather than later.
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A ghostly image of Serena appeared near the window; Her blue hair cascaded down her body in thick waves, creating the illusion of wind, when in fact there was none. She smiled softly, putting a hand on Keith's shoulder before hugging him. She was dressed in a tight black dress, accentuating her figure subtly. As she wrapped her arms around him, the air began to grow warm, creating the illusion that she was a real human again. She kissed him once, looking down at the journal. "I knew you'd figure the puzzle out. You always were smart. Don't ever forget me, Keith. I'll always be listening. Take that journal with you. Read the final entries! Hurry; Go!" The door flew open suddenly, no longer locked as it had been before. She kissed him once more, waving before the sight of her disappeared.
Ryan looked up, hearing the slam of the a door. Broken from his trance once more, he walked down the hallway and found the room open that they had put Keith in. He poked his head inside the door and saw Keith's figure in the slightly dark room.

"...Keith? Did you open this door? How are you feeling?" Ryan stepped in uneasily, but not far enough that the door could close behind him. Something was at work here, and considering what he had seen earlier, he wasnt going to take any chances.
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Keith sat paralyzed throughout the entire encounter with Serena. There were so many things he wanted to say or do, but he felt like he was watching the events rather than living them. Even as she told him to hurry and disappeared, shock overwhelmed him and he merely sat there. The door swung open soon after, not improving matters. Ryan looked into the room, undoubtedly to figure out what exactly had happened, and asked about him as he walked in. Keith touched his lips, reliving the final kiss Serena had given him, and looked up at Ryan as he put his hand back down. "No, I didn't. But it doesn't matter who did." He noticed Ryan's discomfort and tried to reassure him. "And I have come to my senses. I need to apologize to you and the others for what I did to Elise. I can promise you that it will never happen again." He stood up and grabbed the journal, closing it gently. "But right now, my first priority is to talk to the others. I think I've found some clues that will help us get out of here."
Ryan's eyes brightened and his defenses went back down as he stepped forward, away from the door. The idea of a way out was like a drink of water after a day stuck in the heat. He looked at the journal and connected the dots.

"That's Serena's journal, right? Does it explain how to get out?" He held out his hand. "Will you let me read it?"
" did you know?" Keith took a step back; something about Ryan suddenly struck him as suspicious. "Yes, that's right." But should Ryan read it? It was one thing for Keith to read it; Serena had already acknowledged that it was all right. Ryan, however, had no relation to Serena prior to entering this manor. It just didn't seem like the right thing to do. "There's no need, Ryan. I can just read it to you. Anyway, do you know where everyone else is? I'd like to get the group together as soon as possible." Keith decided that he should save the explanations for the moment where everyone was in the same room, so as to avoid confusion and perceived ostracism.
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