Black Manor

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Sazael was a bit surprised by the hug, but she simply let it happen. He seemed to be worried about finding the keys, but she didn't care as much. After all, if they escaped the manor, they'd probably never see each other again. She met some nice people here, some who she'd like to keep close, but it was only temporary for mosy of them. Feeling him shiver, she wondered if he was cold. As if to warm him up, she pulled him into a deep hug.

"Are you cold? Maybe you should take a rest for the day, " she said softly against his neck, wondering if he was worrying too much about finding the keys. As her body pressed up against his, she felt a bulge in his jacket. She couldn't help but wonder what it was. "Your jacket.....?"
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Georgio Van Lesse

Georgio couldn't believe that Julius found out about the stake. How the hell did he know? Vampires! Maybe there was another way to kill the bastard. For now Georgio would keep his distance from the asshole. When he heard a door swing open, Georgio shook with a fright. He wondered if anyone else noticed it. Maybe that's where Abigale had put Keith. Georgio ran to the sound not caring if the demons saw him. When he got there he saw Keith and Ryan. "Keith what the hell?" Georgio was confused at what he saw. Who book was Keith holding anyway? Georgio started to mutter in french, confused and freaked out.

Julius and Abigale followed the sound of the door with Elise clinging behind Julius. As they entered the room, Abigale frowned. "That's.. weird. I distinctly remember locking this. With my key.." Julius shrugged, walking up to Keith with a frown. He grabbed the journal out of his hands, smiling. "Serena's journal. She always told me to look for it.. Just as she told me to read the note she addressed to me." Elise inched closer to Keith, her facial feature's mirroring that of Serena's. "I-I can see the bond they shared.. It's as if Serena is telling me that Keith should be okay with Julius reading the journal. B-but the rest of us.. We should not." Abigale scowled, shaking her head as she raised a finger. "No. That's highly unfair. I want to know how the hell to get out." Elise shushed her, shaking her head. Her black hair fell around her body; She looked identical to Serena, give or take a few oddities. Abigale was taken aback by this for a moment; It was as if she had seen the true Serena for a fraction of a moment. "Elise.. How can you communicate with Serena?" Elise shrugged, looking down at her hands. "I see her out of the corner of my eye. A black shadow keeps urging her to leave.. But in reality, she cannot leave yet. When Keith hit me.. She was there. She was right in his face; Yelling at him to stop." Abigale looked to Julius, raising an eyebrow. "Can you believe this?" Julius shrugged, nodding. "I can and will. Elise has never been known to lie."
"If it is Elise..." Ryan said under his breath, mainly to himself. He took a step towards Julius and looked at the book longingly.

"That doesnt matter now, whether or not Serena wants us to read it. She's gone, and this is a chance for us to finally get out. Open it, Julius. Read it. Figure out how to get us all out of here, and if you dont want to, I will." His hand left his side partially, wanting to take the book, but being help back by Ryan's conscience and fear of what the man was and could do.
"Yes, please go ahead and read it," Keith said to Julius, relieved that Ryan's attention had been shifted away from him. He decided to talk to the others while Julius read the entries. After all, once they began searching for the answers to the clues, nobody would be in the mood for light conversation. There were two people he wanted to talk to in particular, but who should he talk to first? The first seemed very nervous, but his words would mean more to the second. That, and he wasn't exactly looking forward to conversing with the first; his mind was not necessarily in the right place at the moment.

So he walked over to Elise, struck again by how similar yet different she looked in comparison to Serena. "Hello, Elise. I have to apologize for what I did to you. I wasn't wrong when I said no one deserves to die, but I was wrong in thinking that you were an exception. And I have to thank you for freeing Serena from...her troubles. She expressed her gratitude for it to me, so I know she feels the same way. So I...thank you."
Julius instinctively wrapped an arm around Elise, opening the letter first. Elise looked beside Keith, nodding as she hugged him. "Serena is smiling now. Don't thank me; Julius was the one that helped me restore my soul." Julius cleared his throat, nodding. "Don't worry about it, Elise. Serena knows you are meant to be here. She said so herself. As for the letter.." He opened up the envelope, looking around at the group. "Everyone get close and read it."

Dear Julius,

Thank you for what you have said to me. "Living is not worth it if you cannot die." I value that, as well as value that I am able to die. Though I'm scared, I know death is quick and painless and that it will never be something I can get out of.. Unless I was a vampire, of course. But I am not, so I can accept my fate. I'm so sorry to everyone I have locked in here; Including the two-hundred people before this last group. I want you all to know that I value you all in many different ways.

So let's get started on what my will leaves to you all.

Julius will receive all of my fortune, as well as my treasured quill and notebook. He will also receive all of my belongings for Elise; This is sort of like a gift to her. He will receive any and all of my silk ties and men's clothes.

Keith. I will leave in your possession this Manor and all notes and portraits of you and I before I was sent away. You will also receive my favorite necklace; It is a locket with out photographs inside.

I have enclosed in my desk a large jar of gold coins for each member of the manor. Each jar is estimated and valued to be millions of dollars; You all will never want for anything after you leave this manor.

Ryan. You will receive my treasured pocket watch that my father gave me, as well as a home a couple of blocks down that you and Abigale will share. This is a home that is already purchased; You will not need to pay a dime to live there. Ryan... Think long and hard before you turn that offer down.

Georgio. I leave with you my treasured top hat and my favorite tux; I received these from the famous Motley Grayson, the best magician and entertainer that has walked this land.

Abigale.. On top of the house that you and Ryan will share, I leave you with the precious hair pins I own.

Miya. You will receive a vast amount of savings bonds for your child, as well as clothes for you and your family, including your husband. I ran a charity that donated these all towards you. The savings bonds will be in a safety deposit box that requires a key. I have enclosed the key within the jar of gold coins that is left unto you.

Jarrett and Sazael: Seeing as you two are shy, I will leave my treasured home that is located seven blocks from here. All addresses and keys to the homes will be listed in letters inside envelops that are located on my desk. You two will share this property; May you both find happiness I never could.

I bid you all good faith and fortune; I wish for love and happiness. Please, do not mourn my death. I will always check in once and a while. Love often, be merry. Live, as I could not. With love, Serena. Ps: Keith. Please bury a yellow rose seed in the garden of the manor; It will be a symbol of my love for you.
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After the will was read out, Ryan looked over at Abigale. He was unsure as to why he would be living with her, and was unsure what she thought of it too. He still felt anxious around her though, considering her... gift... and the fact that she was one of the people to stand guard over them while they were in their cells, and one of the people who conducted the challenges they all went through. The pocketwatch, however, sounded like something that he would keep close to him forever, as a constant reminder of the ordeal he has been through. He looked back at Julius, in case there was any more to be read out.
Although she and Serena never really saw eye to eye, Miya didn't get why she was held captive. But now Serena was apologizing through her actions in a will? Did she foresee her death? Possibly. However, an apology was enough for Miya. But what was left behind for her...Savings bond for her son? Clothing for her Husband and herself...Though she will most likely be unable to wear them until after she gives birth, which was only four weeks away. For someone supposedly so cruel, Sarena was quite generous. Her expression was a bit blank after the will was read out loud. She rubbed her stomach a bit before continuing to hold it. Too bad the baby wasn't a girl, otherwise Miya would name her daughter after Serena. Because of all the stress she had faced throughout a horrid nightmare, Miya would probably want to rest. Exhausted, she felt like fainting, and it didn't help that she felt light-headed. 'Carrying a child around with you, especially one this big...sure is tiring...' she thought. She would then pass out, leaning towards whoever was next to her, but not like she could tell.
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Jarrett had led Sazael to the room that Julius and the rest were in, shaking his head. "Wow.. It looks as if we own a home now, Sazael. I'm not too cold.. Just really tired today." He leaned in closer as she asked about his jacket, pulling out a small bag full of coins. "I found them when wandering around. There are millions in there!" He grinned, hugging her before looking to Julius. "Anything else?"

Julius smiled, watching Abigale grab hold of Miya who had just fainted. He opened the journal, flipping it to the last page. "Ah.. I now understand it all." Elise grabbed the book, looking to the others. "I.. I can't begin to explain. But.. I feel the same things she used to. But I feel them in a different way. Instead of loving Keith, as Serena had, I love Julius.. That is due to my soul being in Serena's body.. B-But I can feel her memories and feelings. I think it'd be best if I read this.. Especially since Serena and I now share the same voice."

"Seeing as I am now dead and you all are stuck here, Keith will be able to tell you the dilemma about the key. This key will unlock a drawer that contains other notes and clues to where the rest of the keys are. Please, think long and hard about what you will be told. Also.. Please. Take a time for each of you who own a home now to sit down and discuss what will happen. If that is all I can do to ensure you all will be okay... Then please do this. You will all make it out. I promise. The last, final note is located in a different safety deposit box outside of the manor at my bank. Have Elise request this; I knew Julius would resurrect her. This last note is very important. I left the key to the safety deposit box in Julius' envelope. Stay safe."

Georgio Van Lesse

Georgio was stunned by Serena's letter and will. He didn't even think about that. Now that he knew that Serena wasn't a vampire demon, he kind of felt bad for her. Kind of. Georgio taught about what she gave him. "I'm going to look real nice, The Top Hat is probably magnificent." Georgio grinned, fixing his collar. "So...shall we go find those letters and keys?" Georgio said ushering everyone towards the desk with the letters.
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She...she's leaving me...the manor? Keith could barely believe it; this entire place was being given to him. It was such a kind gesture, but how would he take care of it? It wasn't exactly on the usual path from home to work, which was one of the reasons he had come here in the first place. He could let his mother live in it since she worked from home as a seamstress, but she might find some of the more undesirable parts of the manor, so he would have to either destroy those parts or block the entrances to prevent that from happening. Yes, he wouldn't mind doing it if necessary, but he was sure that there was a better way to do this. As the letter had recommended, this would require further discussion. Thankfully, planting the yellow rose would not be nearly as problematic.

Suddenly, Miya fainted onto him, the summation of everything she had been through seeming to affect her now. He did his best to catch her, and though he almost didn't, he managed to grab her in what was almost like an embrace. Georgio seemed to be pushing everyone else toward the clues, and everyone had yet to talk about what had just happened to Miya. "Um, excuse me. Could someone help me find a place for Miya to rest? I think she might need it."
Abigale helped Keith lay Miya down on the chair, her eyes looking him over. "How do you feel about receiving the manor? Once we are able to get out of here, I'll help pack all of our things." She smiled, looking over at Ryan. "Do you.. Know much about him, Keith? What he does for a living.. Anything? I'd like to get to know him more.. But I'm afraid he is terrified of me." Julius smirked as he listened to Abigale speak to Keith; Was it that hard to talk to someone now? Surely she knew that all she needed to do was speak to Ryan herself.
A house? Jarrett and herself? Sazael couldn't really understand, seeing as how she just got there, but apparently it was Serena's will. The home was appreciated silently by Sazael, but she didn't see why she and Jarrett had to both share it. If anything, she'd probably just let him have it to himself. "Did you... want the house? I don't really need it and it'd be weird for us to live in it together, right?" she asked quietly right after being hugged. He certainly was touchy, even more so than Julius, who she had turned her eyes to briefly before looking back to Jarrett.
Jarrett scowled, stepping away from Sazael. "No, I'm okay. I have somewhere I can go." He walked away, sitting down in a chair and sighing. Man. This woman is so distant.. You'd think she'd appreciate having someone around so that she's not alone, right? Guess not. Best to avoid her for a while and see what happens, right? Right.

Julius looked over at Jarrett, smirking slightly. The boy seemed to be deep in thought, though he sensed that it had something to do with Sazael. Julius looked over at the young woman, frowning before looking over Elise. This was the one true woman that had stolen his heart so many years ago; Though he was unsure if she knew, he had a feeling that she felt exactly the same way. Elise looked up into Julius' eyes, her body moving closer towards him. "I love you."
Sazael hadn't exactly expected Jarrett's reaction to be like that, which left her at a loss for words. Had she said something wrong? She felt the need to apologize to him, even depsite not knowing the cause, but she couldn't. Not after seeing such an expression on her face. She then began to walk out of the room, nodding slightly to Julius before the room. After walking a bit, she found herself in the room she had been in previously. When she sat down on the edge of the bed, her hand lifted to her wounded cheek, which was still painful and throbbing. Quietly, she said to herself, "It hurts..." as small streams of tears flowed from her eyes. This was her way of relieving all the tension, stress, and inner emotions from before, something she wouldn't dare to do in front of another human being.
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Georgio Van Lesse

Georgio started to smirk. He saw the whole Jarrett and Sazael "interaction" go down. Georgio thought it was funny, Jarrett out of all the people might be the nicest. Even though he is a wack-o non the less. Georgio went over to Jarrett. "Tough break my friend, maybe next time." Georgio walked away from him, laughing the whole time. This whole ordeal was changing Georgio, maybe not for the better.[/bg]
Keith thanked Abigale for the help and thought about the best way to answer her questions. "The's an honor to receive it," Keith answered sincerely. "I don't entirely know what I plan to be doing with it, though. At least, not until things like the cells and the pool of blood are destroyed or blocked." Keith had actually been thinking about asking Abigale if she would take care of the manor for him, but he didn't want to impose upon her. After spending all of her time in this manor to take care of Serena, she deserved to have whatever freedom she could get.

As for the yellow rose, I hope Serena doesn't mind if I plant a dark pink rose beside it. The library had that book about flower arrangements with a chapter solely about roses. It said that yellow roses represent friendship. Well, our relationship is a little too convoluted to call it "true love", representable by a red rose, so that makes sense. Dark pink roses, on the other hand, signify gratitude. I feel like that would express a fraction of my own feelings. Keith was interrupted from his thoughts by Abigale's question about Ryan. "Sorry, but...I only know his first name, nothing more. Well, I think he implied that he had a family, but he didn't give any details. I actually thought you knew more about him than I did." Indeed, that was one of the two things he knew about most of the inhabitants of this place.

The other thing he knew (or more accurately, believed to be true) was who was safe to be around and who was questionable. Ryan seemed almost dangerously desperate to leave, and Georgio's newfound joy looked oddly akin to Keith's former feelings, so they were both the most unpredictable. Julius, Abigale, and Elise seemed determined to leave, but they were calm enough for him to trust them easily. Jarrett and Miya were the same, only slightly less so. Sazael appeared to be most ambivalent, or perhaps she just didn't seem to mind either way. Keith trusted her implicitly, perhaps due to her evident fragility. Looking at all of them, he wondered when to bring up the fire. Soon, but not now, it seemed.
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Ryan heard part of what Keith had said to Abigale, and approached them cautiously, not certain what he should say. "I don't live with anyone... Before this, I was on my own, renting a small house." He turned to Abigale, unsure of how she felt about all of this to do with Serena's inheritance. "I can imagine that you would want to leave here as much as any of us, but I can also imagine that you wouldn't want to live with me. If you wanted, we could simply go our separate ways. I'd gladly give you the house, and I could go back to my old one. After all... why would a vampire want to live around a mortal, especially one as pathetic as me..." He looked at the floor, feeling slightly humbled.
Abigale shook her head, looking over at Ryan. "Actually I wouldn't mind living with someone.. Now that Julius has Elise again, I'm afraid I'm all alone. There's not much to do when you are alone." She turned to Keith, nodding. "If you need help with the manor I could help.. I had to drain the pool of blood before. I once tore down the cells too. I'll always be here if you need the help." She wrapped an around around Ryan's, smiling. "Let's go to the living room so I can write down our plans for the house. I just might use some of my funds to fix up the property; It's a gorgeous place, but needs some work.. I had to help Serena move things to that house before."

Jarrett glared at Georgio, rolling his eyes as he scoffed. "You know.. Maybe you should have drowned in that pool of blood. You have a very bad attitude, and frankly no one likes it." Julius chuckled at this remark, nodding as he held Elise. "That is correct, Jarrett."
Ryan shivered at Abigale's touch, still feeling wary of her. She hadn't yet gained his trust and now, walking beside her, he couldn't help but feel a need to tilt his head towards her. Not out of affection, but to keep his neck safe and protected. He knew that how he was thinking could come across as insulting, but he couldnt help it. He was just paranoid. If she wanted him to live with her, he wouldnt argue (Partly out of fear), but he knew that this would take some getting used to.

"You've been to the house before? What's it like? I'm fine with doing a bit of renovating if I have to. I'm pretty good with my hands when it comes down to that kind of thing, if I remember correctly..."
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