Black Manor

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Can I join I know I might be a little late but my IC could be my char coming into the house late. Nothing big happen yet right?
, red



Georgio Van Lesse





Brief History:

Georgio is a French native, he is a solo act traveling performer. He has been on his own since he was 17, his mother and father both died of lung cancer when he was 16 going on 17. Georgio found his talent, it was entertaining and acrobats; he was born to bring joy and fun to people's lives.

Brief personality:

Georgio is a huge optimist, anything bad happens into his life he always knows something good is right around the corner. Georgio is also a great thinker and leader, in tense situation he is known to calm everyone down. Even though he is a great thinker most of the time he just goes with his guts, not always the best but he trusts his feelings over anything else.

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, red



Georgio Van Lesse





Brief History:

Georgio is a French native, he is a solo act traveling performer. He has been on his own since he was 17, his mother and father both died of lung cancer when he was 16 going on 17. Georgio found his talent, it was entertaining and acrobats; he was born to bring joy and fun to people's lives.

Brief personality:

Georgio is a huge optimist, anything bad happens into his life he always knows something good is right around the corner. Georgio is also a great thinker and leader, in tense situation he is known to calm everyone down. Even though he is a great thinker most of the time he just goes with his guts, not always the best but he trusts his feelings over anything else.

Oh my gosh~ I love him! :D
Thank you xD. Let's just hope Abbie does too lol.
Hehe, indeed~ ^^' I hope she does 'Cause I seriously want to see him in action!! -- Is totally not acting like a child right now. xD --
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Rofl. That's cool if you are.
I like him.. Let me see where I can place him.. Oh. Okay. Well, I'll have your character put in the cell in the middle of the night while the other characters are sleeping. That way no one can alert your character to what is really going on xD Hows that sound?
OK that's cool lol, then they wake up the next day asking wtf who are you rofl. So I can write me intro post coming to the mansion, I guess I can walked up with Shu since he's already there xD.

Andrew Christopher McLenne
Brief History
Grew up in an orphanage after being abandoned by his mom at the age of 3. His father had left his mother before she knew she'd been pregnant with him, as a result she had no way to care for him. He became an apprentice at 14 to a steam engineer, and now is one himself for all manner of vehicles from cars to ships to trains and is also a repairman for all current-day technology.
Brief Personality
kind, selfless, motivated, hard-headed, energetic. He enjoys helping others and loves adventure and new things. He will quite often rush into things head first without really assessing the situation, so he is often referred to as an air-head or bubble-brained. He's pretty much an all around handy man as well despite his tendencies.

(Sorry if that was too long -_-\\\ I got inspired)
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Going to get my started post up now been busy sorry.
Actually Casanova.. I'll have Serena just put you in a cell by using a secret door. :) That way you're already with everyone else. @PoisonCake your character cannot engineer planes because there are none in this time period yet.
OH well I should change my intro post, just put him at the door. Instead I could say he was waiting and was taken into a secret passage and now he's in a cage?
No it's fine xD I just posted for what Serena has done to Georgio.
I see it now xD. Lol now this is were it gets crazy rofl.
Actually Casanova.. I'll have Serena just put you in a cell by using a secret door. :) That way you're already with everyone else. @PoisonCake your character cannot engineer planes because there are none in this time period yet.
Okay, sorry, I changed it :) I didn't know if we were going with the kind of steampunk that has flying ships or not so I just added what I could

So how should I enter at this point

Name: Taniac Boucu

Age: 17

Sex: Female

Brief History: Taniac had a traumatizing childhood, as when she was younger, in primary school, she basically watched most of her classmates were slaughtered by their mentally ill instructor. She went mute after that and became obsessed with self defense. Sadly, though, she has a low immune system, so most of the time, she's hardly able to fight. When she can, though, thieves and molesters ought to run, as she's quick with a blade or fire arm. She communicates with a small notebook when people she meets don't know sign language.

Brief Personality: She's skiddish and brave all at once. Although she can't speak, she's quite intellectual and a fast thinker. However, the quickness doesn't always allow her to choose the best option for her and as a result, she rarely trusts people. The only exceptions would be medical professionals or other such important life saving individuals.
@AbbieNoel I know this might sound ridiculous, but would it be possible that Keith and Serena...have met before?
Barnabas Holstworth.

Age: 29

Sex: Male

History: Born to a rather normal childhood of a somewhat far distant relitave to some obscure nobility, Barnabas excelled in his philosophy and literature during his years at the academy. At 17 years old he left his home, traveling the world and gaining renown from cultural experiences in the sprawling wild forests, thick jungles, barren wastelands and the high mountains of foreign continents. Lately he has published tomes of his travels and experiences thereof, tales of grandeur and excitement that he weaves over several novels. He spends most of his time in his family abode, Holstworth Manor, and enjoys the simple life of taxidermy, pipe smoking, and imported drink.

Personality: A fine judge of whiskey, women and company according to his old mates from university, he is a true gentleman and scholar, through and through. He has a rather jovial air about him, kind and easy going. He projects seasoned wisdom, but despite his rather reserved looks, he has a serious streak to him should he decide to reveal it. Doubting his abilities would be a serious mistake.

I don't know if he would fit, or if there is even an opening, but i was just throwing him out there.
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Sorry I haven't replied! I've been busy with work. @Professor Objection that will be fine :) Serena is a human, after all.

Everyone else: I'll look over your character sheets as soon as possible! @Domotoro is there any way you could provide me with a full body picture of your character please? @PoisonCake: Start out that Serena has pushed you through the secret door and proceed like that :)
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