Berkeley: Seen by the Unseen

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Samuel Gibson Fletcher

Sam (Commonly); Sammy; Sammy-Boy; Fletch


Bisexual - Leans Towards Males


April 25th

12, Advanced Special Ability


Advantages - As long as he's looking someone in the eye, he can tell someone to do anything and they'd be compelled to do it.

Disadvantages - He has to be looking them in the eye, and they have to be able to hear him for it to fully work. If they have their eyes closed, he might be able to tempt them, but he can't full out 'control' them unless he's looking them in the eyes. If they can't hear him though, he's abilities do no work. The same would go if he were rendered without speech. It's also not mind control. He can't just fully control you, and he can't literally 'get in' your head. There is a chance you'd be able to fight it - but it's slim. It also doesn't matter if he meant it or not. If he says something to someone, and it even resembles a command, they'll do it. The person also has to understand what he's saying. He can't command a child to do something with large words, or tell a Russian person to do something while speaking English. At the moment, he can only control up to two people - which is still pretty taxing the longer he does it - and the more he uses his powers on someone, the more they build up an immunity, and the more force is needed until eventually he can't control that person at all.

(Like we talked about, it'll be obvious when he does use it - which will be rarely since he hates it, which will be explained lower down - and I'll make sure to ask first c;)


Sam stands at 5''10', with messy blonde hair and deep, dark brown eyes.

Distinguishing Features:
None, other than a small scar on his right ear from a fist fight with a cat.

¤ » Protective | Observant | Serious | Large-Hearted | 'Motherly' | Rational | Worry-Wart | Forgiving | Quiet | Amiable | Reliable | Tense | Careful « ¤​

Sam is a serious person, who isn't prone to crack jokes or sarcasm. He does know how to laugh, though it may not seem like it sometimes, since some jokes pass right over his head. He's an amazing friend, who's reliable and observant, forgiving - to a point, and protective. Once you become his friend, you 'fall under his wing' as his close family describes. He's a bit of a safety freak and a worry-wart, which extends to those that he cares about, making him 'motherly'. Being a very rational person, he usually thinks with his head, not his heart, and rarely makes an impulsive decision. Ever since his powers started up, he's had to be extremely careful with his words, forced to double-check what he's going to say, then triple-check, so that he doesn't hurt anyone. He normally stays quiet anyway, which is much easier. He's amiable, making friends easily. He's got a darkness though, one that he keeps hidden, and he hopes that if he denies it long enough, it'll go away. It doesn't come out often, and usually when it does, it comes out when he's alone. But overall, he's got a large heart who cares deeply about people - more so than himself sometimes. He'll do anything for the people he loves.

Samuel was born to a loving family of five, as the youngest child. All his life he had older brothers and sisters to look at for him, as well as at the same time be the ones to torment him. He had a a fairly uneventful childhood. Had a girl friend for a couple of years, but when she cheated on him for the captain of the football team, he turned to his best friend. Who then turned out to be gay. Who also had a crush on him. Which was when Sam realized he was bi. They started going out and they were really in love and they were happy. Sure they had some shaking times - such as when Sam had to convince his parents that it was not a phase he was going through and that he wasn't gay. While his parents were supportive, his boyfriend's were not, and there were times when he had to crash at Sam's house. Everything was perfect in Sam's life, he even had perfect grades! Until that night, the night his powers manifested. At first he didn't realize it - it wasn't that noticeable. Sam was never a very sarcastic person, so he didn't go around saying things he didn't mean. But there was one night he got in a fight with James, his boyfriend, and he did say something he didn't mean. And James was found dead the next morning. He drowned himself in the river. Apparently the government had been keeping tabs on him, and by that point, they contacted him. Sam, who was distraught,couldn't say no when they asked to do tests 'for the good of science' but when he was tipped off in an email, about what the government really wanted to use his powers for, and what was really going on, he left and joined Berkeley. After doing some digging around on his own of course. It's easy to get answers when you can just... tell them to tell the truth. After that though, he's only used his powers when he had to.

Dorm Room:
Moose Hall, Room Two

Member of the Student Council
Member of the Music Club - Has a knack for the piano

♥ Dark Chocolate
♥ Hugs
♥ Rational Thinking
♥ Cozy Things
♥ Holidays
♥ Crowds to Blend into
♥ Plans
♥ Journals
♥ Action Movies
♥ Thunderstorms
♥ Cuddles
♥ Staying Home
♥ Safety

❌ His Ability
❌ Hurting People
❌ Unfairness
❌ Fighting
❌ Impulsiveness
❌ Seeing Others in Danger
❌ Bananas
❌ Super Sunny Days
❌ Shopping
❌ Hating Others
❌ Broken Bones
❌ Movies with no Plot
❌ Glue
❌ Cameras
❌ Getting Wet

+ Words: He has to be extremely careful with them, and he often uses articulate ways to express himself.
+ Thinking Before Doing: He's not one to be reckless, and is good at being rational about doing things, rather than impulsive.
+ Slow to Anger: He's got a super long fuse and an ocean of patience. But know that if you do happen to piss him off, you'll be in for a world of hell.
+ Dependable: If he makes a promise, he'll keep it. If you need a shoulder to lean on, he'll be your rock. He's always there for the people he cares about, and if he's not, you've caught him in a very rare mood. He's like an inflatable best friend, who will always listen, always stand by your side, and be there to slap you upside the head when you're being an idiot.
+ Comforting: He's careful with his words, and he's always been good at choosing the right words for comforting others. He also likes hugs, so that's a plus.
− His Power: He has a burning hate for it, and has no intention to use it, or learn more about it. He only came to Berkeley so he'd be out of the hands of the government, who'd want to use him for his persuasive words.
− Dark Side: Whether it came with his powers or not, he's got a little nagging voice in the back of his head, always urging him to use his powers. It's addicting, that exhilaration of knowing he can get someone to do anything he wanted. The nagging voice always has a good reason for using his power, a good excuse, and he fears he'll cave one day, the the urge.
− Overprotective: He can be a bit overprotective when it comes to the people he cares about, sometimes to the point of being possessive.
− Sports: Sam has horrible aim and hand-eye coordination. Endurance and strength are totally out for him as well.
− Shy: He has a slight nervousness towards interacting with other people, and tends to hang back from conversations.

Squeals like a girl when he gets rained on, or otherwise wet with clothing on.
Stares at people creepily when he's thinking about them.
Hangs out with people, but during conversations, sometimes will just stand there, listening, while glancing back and forth between the people talking.
Bites his lip when he's trying not to smile, and when he's excited.

Love Interests
Briana Fletcher - Mother - 57
Donald Fletcher - Father - 60
Gianna Fletcher - Oldest Sister - 29
Konrad Fletcher - Oldest Brother - 25
Danielle Fletcher - Older Sister - 21
Henry Fletcher - Older Brother - 19
Dylan Fletcher - Older Brother - 18

~ He's learning Latin so that when he's angry he can just curse in a mostly dead language so that no one can really understand him.


He is accepted! Thank you!
@MarilynFae all four of my chars are finally done on Page 3^^ my nerdy Geokinesis guy will be up tomorrow... since it's getting late where I live and I have work early tomorrow.

His name for the rp is Bruce Braxton Bryce
He is Bambi's older brother. Thought it would be cool if she had Ecokinesis (Nature Manipulation) and he had Geokinesis(Earth Manipulation) just cool lol.
But tomorrow he will be up.

Can you reserve Member of Student Council and Member of the Newspaper for me as well^^

Is face claim is Jay Baruchel
I will add him. Thank you! Also, your other characters look great. Thank you!

I'm going to be changing Eadlyn and Annabeth's activities.

Eadlyn Chase: President of Student Council, Photographer, Member of the Martial Arts Club (she'd be great in it, let's be honest. XD )

Annabeth: I will be removing her from President of Student council (and moving it to Eadlyn)
Annabeth's activities:
Captain of the Swim Team
Music Club
Writer for newspaper

Thank you! I will edit them! Also, did you finish you other character? I might have missed it. I'm sure she looks good though!

Could I have Aaliyah also on the Swim team?

Yeah! Thank you!



[BCOLOR=#ff6600]Sebastian Keaton Coles[/BCOLOR]





[BCOLOR=#ff6600]November 2nd[/BCOLOR]


[BCOLOR=#ff6600]Electrokinesis - the ability to create, shape, and manipulate electricty. [/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=#ff6600]Bash has to focus hard or he loses control[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=#ff6600]Uses it too long, he lives burns on his hands. [/BCOLOR]


Distinguishing Features:
[BCOLOR=#ff6600]Piercings: None[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=#ff6600]Tattoos: Here[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=#ff6600]Birthmark: A blotch on his left elbow[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#ff6600]Bash is a pretty laid back guy that likes to have fun, whether it be at a party or a date. He loves fun. His kind to everyone unless he feels you deserve different then he can be a nightmare. Bash is also a trusting guy, but he makes sure you deserve his trust because once it's broken his never going to trust you again. His athletic and loves to play basketball and fight in a ring. He has been playing basketball since he was five and doing MMA since he was seven. His a dedicated individual that is very ambitious. Though he can be pretty closed and unwilling to share about himself, keeping his secrets close to him.[/BCOLOR]

Dorm Room:

[BCOLOR=#ff6600]Basketball team & MMA[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#ff6600]Steak, Hamburgers, Food, Excersiing, The gym, Keeping busy, Talking with people, Flirting, Partying, Dates, Basketball, Fighting, Sports, Gatorade, Cake, Licorice, Photography, [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#ff6600]People who are jerks to him, Coffee, Energy Drinks, Liars, Cheaters, Being drunk.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#ff6600]His athleticism, His ability to make friends, His loyalty, His strong-will.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#ff6600]Not-trusting easily, How quick he can turn into the world's biggest douche, Being distracted easy.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#ff6600]Running his hands through his hair, Biting his lip, Scratching his nose when bored, Staring around the room when he loses interest, Being blunt[/BCOLOR]

Love Interests
(Who do you hang out with and enjoy being around?)
(You neither care nor hate them.)
(You absolutely cannot stand them.)

Justin Coles - 16 - younger brother
Mason Coles - 24 - Older brother
Henry Coles - 49 - Father- Alive
Molly Coles - 40 - Mother - Deceased
(Anything I happened to miss.)

He looks great! Thank you!
He is accepted! Thank you!

I will add him. Thank you! Also, your other characters look great. Thank you!

Thank you! I will edit them! Also, did you finish you other character? I might have missed it. I'm sure she looks good though!

Yeah! Thank you!

He looks great! Thank you!
I'm so close to finishing her! I just have to put in history and bio and I'm good. Don't worry Hun, I'll tag ya. And I hope everything is alright! I'm always here if ya need to vent/rant or just chat.
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[fieldbox=Annabeth Stella Grace, #D1BBE0, dotted]
"I notice everything; I just don't say much."



Distinguishing Features:
"Normal I guess."


"Uhm...that's rather personal."


Body Type:

She has a very athletic build and while it almost seems like she's stick figure skinny, if you look closely, she has some muscle on her bones. Annabeth has swimmer's shoulders which is a very self conscious about but it's not too bad. Though she's a bit insecure about her shoulders, the rest of her body she's fine with, and when she's not swimming competitively, she's not afraid to wear a bikini or even tight fitting shirts (though she likes loose and flowing more)

Hair Color:
"Light brown?"

Light Brown to very dirty blonde, whichever way you want to look at it

Eye Color:

Ice Blue

Even More Distinguishing features:
"I have my ears pierced."

-Has a tiny scar on her upper lip from when she burnt her lip on a hot metal spoon
-Huge scar on her knee from when she fell and scraped it...then ran into a rock
-Both ears are double pierced
-Cartilage piercing on her left ear
-Has a small Tattoo

"It's really not that memorable."
Annabeth Stella Grace

"I'm not close enough to others for them to give me a nickname."
Anna || Grace

"Is it your job to make me feel uncomfortable?"

"I just turned 17 awhile ago."

"Most people tell me I'm a snow baby."
December 13

"I don't really know."
Advanced Special Ability

"It's really not much..."
Arc of Time

Annabeth's power revolves basically around the manipulation of time as well of objects of non-living things and non-sentient living things, like a tree. She can fast forward time or an object's time into the future, she can freeze time and she can also rewind time. Her power doesn't just affect time, but as stated before, non-sentient living things, take a tree fro example. She is able to fast forward time, making the tree either grow or decay rapidly, or she can freeze an object in mid place or she can restore it back to it's original state, such as turning ice back to water. It's quite a useful power and allows Annabeth to do as she pleases.

If she wants, she can speed time up, like say she doesnt wish to wait for cookies to finish, she can just skip time ahead so that they're already done within that time. Or say she plants a new flower or tree, she can speed up it's growing process and make it grow within a span of two seconds. It helps in battle cause she could basically make a tree grow on top of her enemy. If she needs to freeze time then she can do it or say a bullet is racing towards a comrade, then she can freeze the bullet in mid air and allow the comrade to move. Rewinding time, well of course that's a bit easy; for example if she split her water, she can go back and prevent herself from spilling it.

There are many disadvantages. One for fast forwarding time or an object, she can't speed up time far into the future, only a couple of minutes and her time does not work on living breathing things, for example a human. For freezing time, she can only freeze time for ten minutes. For sending things back in time, Annabeth cannot go back in time to revive or keep someone from dying. She can only go back in time to fix a small mistake.

"You make me feel uncomfortable."

Introverted || Kind || Patient || Awkward || Slightly anti-social || Friendly || Goofy

Annabeth is a very introverted girl and she tends to shy away from people which gives off the vibe that she is slightly anti-social (which she typically is). She is also a bit awkward and doesn't always know how to strike up a conversation with others, and sometimes she talks about things that most people are not interested in. Such as constellations. She has a hard time con-veiling her feelings to others as well as starting up a conversations. She much rather sit at home or in her dorm than be forced to go to party. Parties actually make her very anxious, almost to the point that she literally gets sick. However, once you get to know Annabeth though, and if she opens up to you, then she's really not that bad. She's a little more friendly and open, but not much. Do not be offended though, it's just that socializing, even with those that she's extremely close to, tires her out. However, she becomes a little more goofy, telling a few jokes here and there and with those she opens up to, she feels more comfortable around, and doesn't mind laughing with them, or even hanging out with them.

"I'm uncomfortable."

Born to a house wife and a man who is the President of a very important company, Annabeth has never really known what it means to relax and just have fun. Since she was little, her father expected perfection from her, perfection in sports, grades, academics, you name it. When she couldn't make it, just falling short, her father would give her a good beating, not enough to leave marks but enough to instill fear in her. Yeay, not really a pleasant home to live in, now is it?

Her father has instilled that she has to be absolutely perfect, if not than she earns a nice little beating, or she is no longer claimed as his daughter. Because of this pressure, Annabeth has come to believe that she has to be perfect or no one will love her, no one will like her, or even want to be around her. Because of this, she has dedicated her time to studying all the time and keeping herself in her room to make sure she reached perfection. However, she lacked social skills and became slightly awkward around others, not sure what to do to hold a conversation. What she gained in one skill, she lost in another.

When she was old enough, her father sent her to Manchester (a very prestigious school) and told her to not bother coming back if she couldn't do well. For awhile she made sure to ace every test, gain connections and she was getting really good at it, close to the point that she could be considered to be part of the popular clique, however after coming to realize that no matter what she did; her father would never be impressed she stopped trying. She still worked hard to get her grades, but the connections fell flat and soon Annabeth faded back into the shadows, moving to observe people and watch their quirks, habits, learn more about them from watching.

Dorm Room:
"Uhm, i-it's nice. Fits all my books."


"Activities help me feel calm."
-Captain of the Swim Team
-Music Club
-Writer for the Newspaper

"Could I please go?"

Books || Rain || Snow || Books || Greek Mythology || Understanding others || Books || Winter || Observing others || Being by herself || Reading || Movies || Stars || Constellations || Books || Photography || Writing

"I-I don't like a lot of things."

Kiwi || Social gatherings || Liars || Parties || Public Speaking || Snobs || Pressure || Herself sometimes || Hot summer days

"I'm good at a few things."

Swimming: She swims butterfly and piano
Instruments: Her parents forced her to learn a lot of them since she was five (piano, violin, cello)
Reading: She's a fast reader since she reads so many books
Keeping to herself: She's not good at interacting
Writing: She loves that she can let her imagination flow and express her feelings
Imagination: She's very imaginative

"My weaknesses are mine, and they are not to be shared."

Public speaking: Don't even ask about it, she hates it
Her mind: It's her own worst enemy; absolutely terrible
Introverted: Sometimes she wishes she could mingle but can't bring herself to
Drawing: She's not the best, her father told her it was a waste of time
Guitar: One of the few instruments she wasn't good at and had a hard time learning
Getting out of her shell: She tries but it's hard sometimes

"Are we done yet?"

-She runs a hand through her hair
-Chews on her lower lip when she's nervous
-Rubs her hands together when she feels uncomfortable
-Stutters when flustered
-Says Uhm a lot when she's unsure of what to talk about

"I-I have a hard time making friends."

[spoili]Love Interests:

Kylin Ryan Simmons




"T-They're alright."

Mother: Nicole Grace - Housewife
Father: Jason Grace - CEO in Apple

"There's nothing else to tell."

-She plays a lot of instruments
-Practically owns her own library
-She's a bibliophile
-Loves flowers but she's allergic to them
-She once got a tattoo out of an act of rebellion
-She gets really anxious in social events and at public speaking[/fieldbox]​
And I present to you Annabeth! Hope you like her!
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*****GM Update!*****
I guess I will go ahead and post this, though it may not be as organized and I'm not sure when it will be put up. Sorry for my absence again, a death in the family.. I may be slow for the next few days though I will be on as frequently as possible.

Accepted Characters
Mayoi Maekai ~ Karakui
Karen Black ~ Karakui
Tsuki Black ~ Karakui
Zaida Cooper ~ Wonderful Thing
Yasmine Beckett ~ Wonderful Thing
Aaliyah Scott ~ Gorgeous Chaos
Sebastion Coles[/URL ~ Gorgeous Chaos
[URL='']Dorian Chambers ~ King Shattered Heaventric Charming
Julian Fisher ~ King Shattered Heaventric Charming
Morgan Sharovski ~ King Shattered Heaventric Charming
Bambi Bryce ~ King Shattered Heaventric Charming
Isabel Johnson ~ MarilynFae
Tyler James ~ MarilynFae
Cassandra Jones ~ MarilynFae
Dylan Mathes ~ MarilynFae
Johnathan Andrews ~ MarilynFae
Bailey Grisham ~ MarilynFae
Kylin Simmons ~ MarilynFae
Zander Bishop ~ Lady With Class
Tobias Moss ~ Lady With Class
Reuben Wayland[/URL ~ Lady With Class
[URL=""]Samuel Fletcher ~ Lady With Class
Eadlyn Chase ~ Stargazer
Matthew Jackson ~ Stargazer
Adaline Lancaster ~ Stargazer
Annabeth Grace ~ Stargazer
Vanessa Abernathy ~ kimsim12
Erin Wilhelm ~ kimsim12
Fredrick Chandler ~ kimsim12
Devin Fennigan ~ kimsim12
Jennifer Hart[/URL ~ Brea
[URL=""]Kyler Stokes ~ Brea
Ryan Rincon ~ Brea
Braeden Roden ~ Brea[/URL][/URL][/URL]

Awaiting Characters
None! Good job guys!

W.I.P. Charactcers
[URL='']GunYeong Sol
~ Wonderful Thing

I don't have the energy to retype all of them, so just look at my last mini update, or look in the cast list. Even the W.I.P characters have been placed in a dorm. Please be sure to look back over it, most of them changed so you need to update it!

Again, it will be in the cast section. I have to update those who have just posted their sheets, so check again in about thirty minutes or so. Thanks.

For those who have recently changed, added, or just told me, I have to update these in the cast section. Check again in about thirty minutes and if it is not up there please let me know.
Again, these are on the cast list. There can always be more if you think of them though. Just let me know!

Other Notes
@Stargazer, I was just curious, I may have missed it, but are Eadlyn and Annabeth sisters? Aren't they both named Chase for a last name haha. They look great though and she is accepted. I have some greatrelationship propositions! I will post them in a minute. Also for you @Brea.

Relationship Propositions Will Come Soon From My Side. Thank you for your patients![/url][/url][/url]​
*****GM Update!*****
I guess I will go ahead and post this, though it may not be as organized and I'm not sure when it will be put up. Sorry for my absence again, a death in the family.. I may be slow for the next few days though I will be on as frequently as possible.

Accepted Characters
Mayoi Maekai ~ Karakui
Karen Black ~ Karakui
Tsuki Black ~ Karakui
Zaida Cooper ~ Wonderful Thing
Yasmine Beckett ~ Wonderful Thing
Aaliyah Scott ~ Gorgeous Chaos
Sebastion Coles[/URL ~ Gorgeous Chaos
Dorian Chambers ~ King Shattered Heaventric Charming
Julian Fisher ~ King Shattered Heaventric Charming
Morgan Sharovski ~ King Shattered Heaventric Charming
Bambi Bryce ~ King Shattered Heaventric Charming
Isabel Johnson ~ MarilynFae
Tyler James ~ MarilynFae
Cassandra Jones ~ MarilynFae
Dylan Mathes ~ MarilynFae
Johnathan Andrews ~ MarilynFae
Bailey Grisham ~ MarilynFae
Kylin Simmons ~ MarilynFae
Zander Bishop ~ Lady With Class
Tobias Moss ~ Lady With Class
Reuben Wayland[/URL ~ Lady With Class
Samuel Fletcher ~ Lady With Class
Eadlyn Chase ~ Stargazer
Matthew Jackson ~ Stargazer
Adaline Lancaster ~ Stargazer
Annabeth Grace ~ Stargazer
Vanessa Abernathy ~ kimsim12
Erin Wilhelm ~ kimsim12
Fredrick Chandler ~ kimsim12
Devin Fennigan ~ kimsim12
Jennifer Hart[/URL ~ Brea
Kyler Stokes ~ Brea
Ryan Rincon ~ Brea
Braeden Roden ~ Brea

Awaiting Characters
None! Good job guys!

W.I.P. Charactcers

GunYeong Sol ~ Wonderful Thing

I don't have the energy to retype all of them, so just look at my last mini update, or look in the cast list. Even the W.I.P characters have been placed in a dorm. Please be sure to look back over it, most of them changed so you need to update it!

Again, it will be in the cast section. I have to update those who have just posted their sheets, so check again in about thirty minutes or so. Thanks.

For those who have recently changed, added, or just told me, I have to update these in the cast section. Check again in about thirty minutes and if it is not up there please let me know.
Again, these are on the cast list. There can always be more if you think of them though. Just let me know!

Other Notes
@Stargazer, I was just curious, I may have missed it, but are Eadlyn and Annabeth sisters? Aren't they both named Chase for a last name haha. They look great though and she is accepted. I have some greatrelationship propositions! I will post them in a minute. Also for you @Brea.

Relationship Propositions Will Come Soon From My Side. Thank you for your patients!
Haha it gets confusing but one is Chase and another of Grace.
And I look forward to your relationship propositions but take your time dear
Haha it gets confusing but one is Chase and another of Grace.
And I look forward to your relationship propositions but take your time dear
Ohh woops. Haha I must have just missed that. Haha sorry dear. I think I am just going to message people. Haha.
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Reactions: Stargazer
*****GM Update!*****
I guess I will go ahead and post this, though it may not be as organized and I'm not sure when it will be put up. Sorry for my absence again, a death in the family.. I may be slow for the next few days though I will be on as frequently as possible.

Accepted Characters
Mayoi Maekai ~ Karakui
Karen Black ~ Karakui
Tsuki Black ~ Karakui
Zaida Cooper ~ Wonderful Thing
Yasmine Beckett ~ Wonderful Thing
Aaliyah Scott ~ Gorgeous Chaos
Sebastion Coles[/URL ~ Gorgeous Chaos
Dorian Chambers ~ King Shattered Heaventric Charming
Julian Fisher ~ King Shattered Heaventric Charming
Morgan Sharovski ~ King Shattered Heaventric Charming
Bambi Bryce ~ King Shattered Heaventric Charming
Isabel Johnson ~ MarilynFae
Tyler James ~ MarilynFae
Cassandra Jones ~ MarilynFae
Dylan Mathes ~ MarilynFae
Johnathan Andrews ~ MarilynFae
Bailey Grisham ~ MarilynFae
Kylin Simmons ~ MarilynFae
Zander Bishop ~ Lady With Class
Tobias Moss ~ Lady With Class
Reuben Wayland[/URL ~ Lady With Class
Samuel Fletcher ~ Lady With Class
Eadlyn Chase ~ Stargazer
Matthew Jackson ~ Stargazer
Adaline Lancaster ~ Stargazer
Annabeth Grace ~ Stargazer
Vanessa Abernathy ~ kimsim12
Erin Wilhelm ~ kimsim12
Fredrick Chandler ~ kimsim12
Devin Fennigan ~ kimsim12
Jennifer Hart[/URL ~ Brea
Kyler Stokes ~ Brea
Ryan Rincon ~ Brea
Braeden Roden ~ Brea

Awaiting Characters
None! Good job guys!

W.I.P. Charactcers

GunYeong Sol ~ Wonderful Thing

I don't have the energy to retype all of them, so just look at my last mini update, or look in the cast list. Even the W.I.P characters have been placed in a dorm. Please be sure to look back over it, most of them changed so you need to update it!

Again, it will be in the cast section. I have to update those who have just posted their sheets, so check again in about thirty minutes or so. Thanks.

For those who have recently changed, added, or just told me, I have to update these in the cast section. Check again in about thirty minutes and if it is not up there please let me know.
Again, these are on the cast list. There can always be more if you think of them though. Just let me know!

Other Notes
@Stargazer, I was just curious, I may have missed it, but are Eadlyn and Annabeth sisters? Aren't they both named Chase for a last name haha. They look great though and she is accepted. I have some greatrelationship propositions! I will post them in a minute. Also for you @Brea.

Relationship Propositions Will Come Soon From My Side. Thank you for your patients!
Morgan's last name is Swarovski like the Crystal Company lol.
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Haha I put that. My computer must have corrected it. I'll make sure it is right in the cast list though. Thank you.
No Prob. Going to be now. My other dude Bambi's older brother will be up tomorrow and than I will be ready to do relationship things and what not lol. Night
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***I will not be posting a full update tonight because everyone has been accepted and put into dorms. This is just to go over things.***

The only character we are waiting for is @King★Shattered★Heaventric★Charming's third male and @Wonderful Thing's male. Take your time though dear. I will have this post for partners, maybe it can help relationships. Speaking of, those who I have not messaged, I will message either tonight or tomorrow morning.

Before I post partners, I was looking and there are some that really don't need partners, for example, water powers. So if you could all tag/ PM me for each of your characters and tell me which you think need or could have a partner and which shouldn't, that would be great. I will then make the list tomorrow! Thanks guys! :)
(Just kidding, well not about the part that it's not new years for me yet. Anywho, I'm rambling. Thanks for the Happy new years! Happy New Years to you too! Make it a great one!)​
Changed name for the new years... it's flashy but simple, like me^^
Changed name for the new years... it's flashy but simple, like me^^
*curls under the covers* why is your icon so scary?
(haha I"m such a big baby. I get scared so easily. Okay well I shall now be avoiding you~ *goes into hiding*)​
*curls under the covers* why is your icon so scary?
(haha I"m such a big baby. I get scared so easily. Okay well I shall now be avoiding you~ *goes into hiding*)​
I love clowns... the scarier the better (I am just Twisted that way xD)

I slowly went through here and liked them all...
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