• So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
  2. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Speed of Light
  2. Multiple posts per day
  3. 1-3 posts per day
  4. One post per day
  5. Multiple posts per week
Writing Levels
  1. Give-No-Fucks
  2. Intermediate
  3. Adept
  4. Advanced
  5. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Nonbinary
  4. Primarily Prefer Female

  • The Beginning
    Many teenagers all around the world have been developing powers recently. There are some who can read mind, some who move things with their mind, and some who can see the future. Each and every power is unique and has its own little flaw, but the government is going crazy and trying to figure out why teenagers are developing these powers. They're poking teens with needles in hopes of finding some connection, but as far as they can see, they are random and there is no pattern.
    Seeing this as a good thing, the government welcomes the teens to a facility to learn more about them and offers them a place of safekeeping. They learn about a few different teenagers and began to stick them in on government jobs to use as a new weapon. That is until a huge star comes right for the earth and burst open, but instead of hurting anyone, it takes a few people. These people are random also, but the government targets the unique teens as a threat, and begins to worry.
    In confusion of this, they hurry to capture and/or kill any teenager who has or shows signs of developing odd or extraordinary abilities. Scared and confused, many teenagers, with and without abilities, began to flee and look somewhere safe. Somewhere where they will not only be accepted, but they will feel accepted. A place like Berkeley.

    Berkeley is a very unique place that not many people know about. That's because it only shows itself to the ones it wants. If it wants you there, you will be able to see the massive castle on each map you look at, and it is told that a trail will be shown to you to lead you there. Because Berkeley is not seen by many, the people who are inside are well protected and cared for. The only question is by who?
    Inside of Berkeley there are many different things going on, but the number one goal is to protect its people. Berkeley is not a house, but it is a city that has unique powers of its own. When it wants to be seen, it can show up wherever it is needed, whether it is in Japan or America. When it wants to be kept a secret, it makes itself disappear. For thousands of years, this city has lived off of the power of these teenagers who have been able to do and learn these unique abilities.
    The people inside of Berkeley is what makes it keep running, but recently it has been failing. The flowers are not growing back in the springtime, people without powers and who are not called to Berkeley have been able to see it, and the more it travels each day, the slower it gets. It's obvious to the members of Berkeley that something is obviously wrong, and it all started the same night as the star hit the earth and burt. Even the people who have lived in Berkeley their entire life have never seen anything like it, but it's up to the new set of teenagers to now save not only Berkeley, but the world too.

    The Story
    When the government officials begin to notice that the teenagers are disappearing and are nowhere to be seen, the forces become more powerful and no one will rest until they have the teenagers. While searching for the unique powered kids, one by one, each government official who ever came in contact with the teens are disappearing along with the ones already gone in the ball of light.
    The remaining government officials blame this on the kids too, and are convinced that they are working with a larger power. Whether it be some kind of god, the devil, or who knows what else, they believe that there is no hope for them and begin to push the human population into safekeeping, trying to save them from the enemy, not realizing that the enemy was really themselves.
    Each teenager who receives a new ability was visited in the night by none other than the future. They have a mission for them, but can't let them know who is giving them these abilities. Each ability would come in use for the future war that would break out against the government and then people of the world. At the end of the visit, each kids mind was swept and was left with only fragments of that night, including their new ability. Now they are stuck to decide which side they would be on.
    The bad side, or the good side. Whichever side they choose, they will be placed in classes and learn to work with the other students, while training for the upcoming war that will decide whether good always ends, or if bad is getting the side of it now.

    Dorms /Classes/Activities
    Each dorm is set up in such a way. There are four bedrooms, two bathrooms, one kitchen, one living room, and one dining room in each hall. The males and females will be split up into different halls and each gender has four halls.Each person who comes into Berkeley will be assigned a class and school based on their abilities. Each student will also be assigned a set schedule. There are many activities allowed, but you must have between two and three.
    New Members
    New Members are required to read each and every rule of the schools and of the creater's, MarilynFae. If you do not follow these rules, there are consequences. Rules can be found in the 'rule' tab.

  • RulesIC, CS, OOC
    1. [BCOLOR=transparent]All Iwaku rules apply, no exceptions. [/BCOLOR]
    2. [BCOLOR=transparent]This is a teen friendly roleplay, so anything more than PG, take it to the PM.[/BCOLOR]
    3. [BCOLOR=transparent]If you are going to be gone for an extended period of time let me know, please.[/BCOLOR]
    4. [BCOLOR=transparent]Everyone is expected to post at least once a week per character. If you don't post within a week we will move on without you, and after three weeks your character will be booted.[/BCOLOR]
    5. [BCOLOR=transparent]We are looking for dedicated roleplayers. The minimum posting length within the IC is one paragraph of at least seven sentences, though anyone is welcome to post as much as they would like.[/BCOLOR]
    6. [BCOLOR=transparent]Drama is welcomed in the roleplay, but not out of it. Do not be causing arguments, fights, or disputes. If there is a problem, I will be the judge of it and take it into account fairly.[/BCOLOR]
    7. [BCOLOR=transparent]As the GM, I can make or edit the rules as needed, along with any of the roleplay, though I will let everyone know and be reasonable.[/BCOLOR]
    8. [BCOLOR=transparent]Relationships are allowed, and encouraged. We love romance and drama, but you must talk to the other person before shoving it upon them in the IC. [/BCOLOR]
    9. [BCOLOR=transparent]Use third person in the IC. [/BCOLOR]
    10. [BCOLOR=transparent]If you have read all of these rules, please add your character's favorite color on their character sheet. [/BCOLOR]
    11. [BCOLOR=transparent]Realistic Face Claims only. You can reserve face claims, though I will not reserve them forever.[/BCOLOR]
    12. [BCOLOR=transparent]As you create relationships with other characters, please try to remember to add them to your characters CS so other people can reference it if need be.[/BCOLOR]
    13. [BCOLOR=transparent]Characters should be between the ages of 15-20 years old. [/BCOLOR]
    14. [BCOLOR=transparent]I will reserve spots for everyone, but I will only reserve your spot for 3 days, then you must post a WIP. After your WIP is posted, you will have 12 days until I give your spot up.[/BCOLOR]
    15. [BCOLOR=transparent]4 character limit per person.[/BCOLOR]
    16. [BCOLOR=transparent]We are only accepting 32 characters, half of them male and the other half female.[/BCOLOR]
    17. [BCOLOR=transparent]Feel free to add anything to the CS that you'd like, but everything that is already on it must be included. [/BCOLOR]
    18. [BCOLOR=transparent]Everyone is required to have one year-long activity, as well as one of the fall OR spring activities. [/BCOLOR]
    19. [BCOLOR=transparent]Each character is only allowed one high position in the activities though (president, VP, Captain, Co-Captain). [/BCOLOR]
    20. [BCOLOR=transparent]There are eight allowed spots in each activity, there will not be an extension, so it is first come-first serve.[/BCOLOR]

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  • Nice Execution!
  • Thank You
Reactions: Brea and PinkMilk
Is it bad to brag that codes rarely break for me? XD
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Reactions: CrystalTears
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Reactions: Justin
Is it bad to brag that codes rarely break for me? XD
GO AND- - - No it's not xD I think codes that break is like. . . bad luck? They don't break often and sometimes it's entirely my fault because I do something I think will work, but then it clashes with a different code and then it just goes all downhill xD
  • Love
Reactions: Justin
I'll have my two up tomorrow sometime tomorrow^^
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Reactions: CrystalTears
Literally, me. Literally oh my God I can't tell you how well this describes me!
Come and cry together with me xD My codes broke about 3 times and then chrome crashed and I had to re-do half of all of them because it didn't save xD Soo. . . Let us cry together while I work on the second CS and wonder how to murder my computer xD
GO AND- - - No it's not xD I think codes that break is like. . . bad luck? They don't break often and sometimes it's entirely my fault because I do something I think will work, but then it clashes with a different code and then it just goes all downhill xD
**Hugs** Come here XD lol. Bad luck Crystal.
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Reactions: CrystalTears
**Hugs** Come here XD lol. Bad luck Crystal.
I'm named "CrystalTears" for a reason now xD I cry because of these BBCodes every time xD <3 *gets ladder and snuggles tightly*
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Reactions: Justin
first character is done if anyone wants to check her out.
I feel like track and field members should be friends xD Feel free to read about my Oliver and see if you agree ^^!
Yeah, Elcie would definitely be his friend!
Woooooo! :D

I feel like they'd have a very good relationships ^^ Maybe Oliver sits and draws while she plays on the piano and stuff xD I can just imagine they have a good relationship :D

I can also imagine the two of them (being as kind as they are) fight over who to pay the bill if they go for lunch together xD They like have to switch who gets to treat the other xD
Woooooo! :D

I feel like they'd have a very good relationships ^^ Maybe Oliver sits and draws while she plays on the piano and stuff xD I can just imagine they have a good relationship :D

I can also imagine the two of them (being as kind as they are) fight over who to pay the bill if they go for lunch together xD They like have to switch who gets to treat the other xD
Yeah they'd rarely fight, but when they did it would destroy Elcie for days.
  • Love
Reactions: CrystalTears
Yeah they'd rarely fight, but when they did it would destroy Elcie for days.
I think they'd never fight xD And if they did, it was like a super childish fight that would be over in like. . . five minutes. . . Max xD Oliver would apologize so quickly xD
Alright, James is also done. Looking over everyone's now!
like who ate the last poptart or something.
Yeah exactly xD And then five minutes later X person would probably just buy one for the other and then they're even xD <3
I was going to take a small break from group rps but for you @MarilynFae I'd do anything. <3

Please reserve me three girls?

Annabeth Ledger ~ Barbara Palvin or Gigi Hadid
Power: Arc of Time

  • Captain of the Swim Team
    -Music Club
    -Writer of the newspaper
Eadlyn Chase ~ Shaline Woodley
Power: Advanced Ice Manipulation

  • Photographer
    Captain of the Track and Field Team
    Co-Captain of Martial Arts Club (if this is an activity. If not just drop it)
Adaline Lancaster ~ Kaya Scolderio
Power: Sense Manipulation

  • Captain of Volleyball
    Track and Field
    Co-Captain of the Dance Team
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hahaha I love it. And since he's pan and she's bi, they can check out hot people together.
Which will be hilarious xD

I was going to take a small break from group rps but for you @MarilynFae I'd do anything. <3

Please reserve me three girls?

Annabeth Ledger ~ Barbara Palvin or Gigi Hadid
  • Captain of the Swim Team
    -Music Club
    -Writer of the newspaper
Eadlyn Chase ~ Shaline Woodley
  • Photographer
    President of Student Council
    Co-Captain of Martial Arts Club
Adaline Lancaster ~ Kaya Scolderio

  • Memeber of Volleyball
    Co-Captain of Track and Field
    Captain of the Dance Team
I'm sorry to tell you that I have the President of the Student council ^^
Which will be hilarious xD

I'm sorry to tell you that I have the President of the Student council ^^
Oh sorry! Thanks for letting me know, I just did a quick skimming and stuff
  • Love
Reactions: CrystalTears
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