Batman universe / DC Comics

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


[Impressive Title Here]
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
  2. One post per week
Online Availability
Varies incredibly
Writing Levels
  1. Elementary
  2. Intermediate
  3. Adept
  4. Advanced
  5. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Primarily Prefer Male
Modern/realistic. Low fantasy. Low Scifi. Supernatural. Future Dystopia (not post-apoc).
Closed for now. PM me with developed plot and I may be able to squeeze you in anyway.

- I RP in forum threads only, no exceptions.

- If you're under 18: No sexual relationships and preferably no romantic relationships.

- Posting ranges from one post per day to one post per week but I average one post every 2-3 days.

- Please, default text color in posts.

- I really don't want to do anything even remotely related to Superman.

- To me, plotting is more important than actual posts half the time. I want to be able to talk about the RP OOC with you. This is much easier if you have Skype but I am willing to do PMs or emails. Please don't respond to this partner request if you do not have an interest in talking about the RP in OOC at length

- If you don't want to rp anymore, please, just tell me. You don't have to explain why, just say you can't post anymore and I promise I'll let it go. I am just so tired of being left hanging when people ghost me.

- I do watch this thread, so feel free to reply here OR PM me to answer the partner request.

- Invites to small group RPs instead of 1x1s are cool too!

Roleplay Info - the stuff you're actually interested in (presumably)

I just want to RP something in the Batman universe. I'd like to RP Jason Todd / Red Hood or maybe Dick Grayson / Nightwing but I am open to RPing other characters and even doubling. I have trouble with females but I'm willing to give it a try. I really don't want to be Bruce Wayne / Batman or any take on the Joker (but you can do that if that's your thing!).

It doesn't have to be a romance plot (In fact I'd almost prefer it not being a romance plot). It can be about the batfamily doing batfamily things or it can be about Red Hood and the Outlaws or something totally off the wall and original but happens to occur somewhat related to the Batman universe.

I am most familiar with the New 52 comics, specifically RHATO and some Batman Eternal. I have general knowledge of most DC and Vertigo characters, but really specialize in Jason Todd. I have seen most the DC cartoon and live-action movies and also Teen Titans and Batman Beyond (I'm familiar with the other cartoons but lol I know it's stupid I haven't actually seen them, BTAS in particular [spoili][I know, it's criminal, I'm sorry.][/spoili]).

I've read the rebirth comics for Nightwing & the new RHATO but I might be a little behind. I'm willing to read other series for characters I'm unfamiliar with if you point me in the right direction for where to find it online.

While I do read some comics and watch stuff, and do make an attempt to be canon, if my past attempts at trying to RP DC things is any indication, what ends up happening is just "my interpretation of X character" so please don't expect me to be super correct with things. I am totally open to criticism, changing my posts and so on if it bothers you, however.
That said, I'm fairly lenient and easygoing myself so I won't expect 100% accuracy from you either!
I mean, I made this from my last DC RP attempt:

I try not to take things too seriously and would appreciate a partner who does the same. The main goal is just to have fun.
[Which also means IT IS TOTALLY COOL WITH ME if you want to RP with me but aren't as "invested" in DC as I am. I don't care if you've read zero or 1000 comics, if you want to RP with me in the DC universe, then I am willing.]

About Me
My skype username is q.bornes and the display name (for when you search it) is Vars.

I'm 29 years old, I try to be easy-going. I communicate. I would like someone who also communicates. Can't post for a few weeks? let me know. No longer interested? let me know. I do the same.
Over-excited and want to bug me about posting immediately? Feel free. If it bothers me I will tell you to cool it down. I might come off as rude sometimes. I'm blunt but working on the whole delivery situation. I take criticism pretty well, feel free to give it.

I really can't think of anything else. I hope this gets the point across. I have no specific plots in mind. My ideas are listed above. I'm not expecting you to have a whole plot either, but if you come at me with "Well I really want to play as Batman / Harley Quinn / Constantine" then I'm sure that... WITH OUR POWERS COMBINED... We'll come up with something. =]

Let me know!

PS: If you don't have any RP ideas but just want to hang out and chat or be friends or whatever, then that's cool too! I could always use more Batfriends to spread shitty batmemes with!

Also probably worth noting is that I totally hate Damian. So if you want to RP him or happen to like Damian, I am probably going to shit on him relentlessly so be prepared lol.[/spoili]

PPS: For samples of my personality and my RP posts, check my Post history.
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Are you specifically cannon characters or do you rp OCs?
Are you specifically cannon characters or do you rp OCs?
I don't mind if you play OCs.

I don't have any OCs of my own in mind but I could try to come up with one if you only want to do OCs?
I don't mind if you play OCs.

I don't have any OCs of my own in mind but I could try to come up with one if you only want to do OCs?

That's fine. I normally don't play canon characters. It doesn't matter to me if you play a canon chara or an OC. Send me a PM with some information about what you're planning and we can go from there.
Open again. =]

Aaaand closed again lol.
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