Batman: Legacy of the Dark Knight (OoC and Sign-Ups)

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I like the couch okay... XD



I was hoping for a better reaction as a 50s domestic Working wife with a husband like you

//vigorously thinking.

But then again.... We are like al and Peggy bundy. (100 pts if you understand 8D but you probably don't)

@EMajyyks LETS LEAVE THIS ALL BEHIND //glomps apologetically.

Exactly what happens after every argument ^ exact reactions too.

(Yes. Me and Em are a good half problematic couple >8D. I is like the domestic wife, Em is the working husband 8D. And like, I don't like to apologize, none of us do trololol. And 60% of the time Em always wins arguments duejejejsj ok maybe 99.8D but that little shit cheats with me by playing a I don't care or give a shit reaction then I lose.)
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"So, what's this then? Some kind of interview? Examination tapes? Sheesh, Arkham's really gone to the dogs if they're resorting to basic questionnaires to collect information. Alright, may as well get this over with while I'm here. Who knows, maybe I'll get a laugh out of it. Okay, Doc, let'em rip!"


"That would just ruin the mystery, now wouldn't it?"


"Wouldn't you like to know?"

Super hero/villain Alias:

"The Joker, The Clown Prince of Crime, Harlequin of Havoc, Smiling Boy, "The Clown", and sometimes, Puddin! Although I've always liked Jeff for some reason.."

Hero, Villain, Walking the Line, or Undecided:

"Do we even need to go over this, or are you just stupid enough to not know who I am?" (Villain)

Gender and Sexuality:

"Well, I've always had a way with the ladies and a certain buff Bat-dressed freak... Wait, does that make me bi? Ho boy, I've gotta think this through a bit.. Next question. We'll double back and do this again later."


"Well lets see.. Hmm, I don't seem to really have any that leap out.. I mean, I have a high intelligence, I'm great at planning parties, I'm as nutty as squirrel poo, and~.... OH! OH! I lit my own fart once! Does that count as a power?... Actually that was more like a "feat" anyways. Either way, it burnt down Gotham General and killed thousands, so I'm not complaining. Quite the opposite actually, Hahahaha."

Distinctive Items/Tools:

"Crowbars, Pipes, Joker Gas (my special brew), a Whoopee Cushion, Chomping Teeth, about half a pack of Dental Floss, Knives, Pocket Lint, my "Bang!" Gun, my ACTUAL "Bang! Gun, Pies, Grenades.. And assorted nic-knacks. You know, the essential "don't leave the house without it" Kit."

Brief History:

"Well, let's see.. I had a moderate childhood. Good parents, a nice farmstead for a home, and even a dog. Ol'Yelller, he was called. Good dog.. Had to put him down though after he was bitten by a radioactive spider, transforming him into the "Incredible Spider-Hound".. From then on, things went as usual. Same old shit, different day. Skinning and torturing animals, stuffing dead chickens and making action figured out of them.. Then Mom and Dad had to go and find out. They were such spoil sports, so the only natural thing to do was burn the barn down to the ground. They were still inside, of course.

Things went as normally as they could have from then. I started out acting as a comedian to pay my bills. Eventually, I met a nice girl, Denise. We were quite the pair, the two of us. Just as my career failed, we found out she was pregnant. I was pressured into committing crime as the Red Hood to support her... Then, the Bat's interference caused me to leap into a chemical vat, which disfigures me. Or, should I say "perfected my already gorgeous looks". This, combined with the trauma of my wife's earlier murder thanks to the mobsters I was robbing with, caused me to go insane and become the Joker..

Although, now that I think about it, that could all be just made up. I could never really figure out my past since a certain point.. Sometimes I remember it one way, sometimes another... But hey, If I'm going to have a past, I prefer it to be multiple choice!"

What's Happened in the Past 6 Years:

"Well, thanks to Bat-brain showing up dead, I've been tossed down a remorseful path with no hope of escape! I mean, tell me the truth, Doc. Is Batman gone? That loathsome son of a bitch was supposed to die at my hand! All I wanted to do was see him smile... And now, I'll die knowing that somebody took that all away! (Boohoohoohoo)... But, that doesn't mean I'm out of commission. You'll see soon enough.. The Boy Blunder and all the rest of those goodie-goodies are gonna realize pretty soon that I always have the last laugh... Seems like the only reasonable thing left to do. Who doesn't want to go out... With a BANG!"

Relationship Status:

"Harley'll come to her senses sooner or later.. But if not, there's a dozen other women out there who are just as crazy as I am!"


"Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na BATMAAAN!!"

"You know, this is really dragging on too long. Can we possibly speed this up? I've got to go meet with Two Face. Turns out, my dogs have been crapping on his doorstep for weeks now and he's sick of it. Funny... I can't recall ever owning a dog. Sorry, Harvey."

Sample Post:

"Oh come now! We don't want to spoil the surprise! Lets get out of here, Doc. If you ask me, this entire thing has been like one massive character rant. I feel like we've really gotten to know each other in such a short amount of time.. Pity it has to end. But I guess like all good things, everything has it's time. Even us. So come now, lets have a bit of fun before this all blows sky high! I've got a few barrels of Laughing Gas laying around the Steel Mill.. Perhaps you'd like to come over and we'll have a giggle or two? Been a while since I last had a proper laugh.. Thinking about it makes me feel, odd. Incomplete, almost. Oh well, what're you gonna do, huh? Well, thanks for having me anyways, Doc. We should do this again sometime.."

click, swurrrrr-BANG!

"Whoops! Hehe, wrong gun."

Bam, mothafuckers
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I know, I spent a lot of time working on it. I took some of those lines and ideas from "The Killing Joke" (mostly his origins), but I hope it was good. Its the first time I played Joker, so I tried to do him Justice.
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I can't wait for the post
When will he make his debut>8}

I've been waiting
What do you mean?
Plan things for your character the joker with the person who's playing batman.
Oooooh.. Not yet, but there will be things :3
I have a question can Alfred know what REALLY happend to batman but chose to keep it a secret to everyone for the better?

Sorry i havne't posted its not that i have forgotten its just that well Alfred isnt really needed atthe moment.
I'm trying to get the fight over with so others can post //sad.

It's a long fight.
Huntress will be down then there's Slade vs robin

We're just waiting for sora the whole time OTL
Sorry @Mei Kazama
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