Banished From Equestria (Sign-up and OOC)

  • Thread starter The Wandering Magus
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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
"Greetings everyone Ryo D Disk here and its time for another Ryo Rants today's subject is The Illustrious Cat worlds created by The Wandering Magus"
A world of cat-playing overlords spawns nearby as the stars smile. "Always fun dancing amid the forest of worldtrees, snapping off branches of infinite possibilities and surfing the tides of the ocean of truth, wasn't it, Zelos? And poking the Seraphim in one of their eyes to see whether they were REALLY made of fire or just pretending."
Wavelength pulled up a chair and sat down with a loud clank. Dis gonna be good~
Zelos just grones "oh whats the fun if you just make them do it, honestly your like a foal with to many toys with a carrer with a universal walet" Zelos smiles "Oh but why waste your now pointless toy care to dance my Little Annomaly"
Ooh, rant about how upset it makes you when OCs are used all the time but they never have a thread describing themselves(like me)! xD
I would but one Ive already done a rant on OC's and two im currently doing the same thing I never have a true background mostly to allow for space for them to be edited if need be
I reject your universes and substitute my own! #ShamelessQuoteStealing

"Just.... Uhhhh... Give me some time to come up with something..."
Eh Ive been alright overly busy recently with work and I still have a ton of project stuff to work on, and thats exactly why im stalling here and atemting to enter Rp at some point
why create them as I like? why NOT create them as I like? :3 although I suppose a bit of free will is fun too, every now and then. I'm not all for the "chaos for the sake of chaos" stuff you demons like to have around.
Zelos rolls his eyes "And they call me the demon at least i give the fools free rain before I end there worlds, though Demons for demons sake oh how basic besides its you immortal fools who gave me that title Not that im compaining"
*shrug* you're the ones who insist on breaking just about every rule in the book, or that's how All-Highest's followers put it. me, I just go on my own wandering way. I enjoy creating for the art of it, and I collect my art pieces. never could understand why your kind likes destroying the things you make so much.
"But there so much fun to break I mean why would they write a book of things to do then tell you not to, Bah those old ones need to retire, besides I can tell the look in your eyes even you dont agree with those Ancient rules , those worlds dragging on in there endless existence of mundane lives, living every day and every night without conflict, oh all I do is give them the space for a reset a do over, now whats so wrong with that, surely even you have the desire to want to do things over and neglect the old worlds you've pushed your egotistical Influence on right Wonderer "

"Ryo fun fact Ive actuly done more Roleplaying in the OOC than this entire forums"
Hardly, the old rules make it possible to interact without constantly trying to figure out the lies within lies and riddles within riddles that not having them would end up creating. So much hassle, so little reward. And I happen to enjoy the mundane of worlds; what passes as mundane for one world is extraordinarily complex if you look deep enough. Quite rewarding, in fact, to observe these creatures, and how they change over time and evolve their little civilizations on those specks of dusts they call worlds. Perhaps not as thrilling as a supernova or as tragic as a plague, but intricate and beautiful in its fractal complexity, in my opinion.
My head... it can't brain. I must have the dumb.
Give it a sec.
Tisk "oh how Hypocritical of the one who just created an entire existance based on proving me wrong, face it Wonderer your as bad as I am deep down, you just choose not to admit it, Hidding in your rules and privlages, never accepting that a being such as myself could be anything but evil, titleing me a demon, rejecting my power as destructive, but do you not think it strainge, even without my input these worlds are often filled with hate, Disire, war and why is that is it the way of mortals no It the reflection of we the creators, and you cannot calim that I am single minded in that beleif when your subjects just fell prey to an assult of beasts from exile" Zelos just grins "So tell me oh Magus of the mundain worlds why did you create conflift if you are not in the same mind as me"
Creating a universe with its own culture and its own ways, each level as intricate as the next, and the deeper you look the more beautiful the intricacy, with jazz as much a part of life as breathing and eating, so much so that even the very rhythm of the universe and its electromagnetic waves is based around the tunes of jazz. Is that not beauty? Is that not fascinating? And as I let go and let the creation run free, to see the infinite variety and newness springing forth from the minds of these cats, is that not inspiring? Look at the birds of the air, and their rhythmic singing! Look at the lilies of the field, how they pulse and change color with the beat of the universe! Is this not beautiful? A history stretching back eons, springing to life in an instant, wrapped around and looping about, with time just another string to play a melody with; is this not music and perfection?

I create worlds and fill them with parts of myself, teaching these mortals the idea of greyness, that not all is that seems good is fully good and not all that seems evil is fully evil. Even the enemy may be redeemed, and the worst of circumstances used for good. Do you think I bring forth war and oppression for nothing? All things work together for good, even bad intentions and actions, all being shaped and guided towards the ultimate goal of perfection and harmony. To mortals, certainly, the events I bring forth seem chaotic and incomprehensible, sometimes even cruel, but I would think one such as yourself can step back and see the portrait I am painting with every dab of paint, the story I craft with each stroke of the pen, the sculpture I shape with each painful scrape of the chisel.

From mundane comes forth beauty; from war comes forth wisdom and song and glory and honor; from plague comes forth hope; from death comes forth life. Is this not true beauty? A potter's craft may seem incomprehensible; how can such ugly lumps become a pot, or a sculpture? Yet with each harsh, savage carving, with each squeezing, constricting, suffocating push and shove, the clay is molded into a form of beauty! Can you not see it, Zelos?
"All I see are the Lies and excuses you yourself have created to refrain yourself my world, then again, Nether of us know the full truth to our existence, the lies and corruption of the worlds doesn't just extend to the mortals oh my dear Wonderer, have you ever considered it, ever felt it, something not quite right, that life seems to easy, ether in creation or destruction that its far more simple than it should be, The game Is not ENTERTAINING, when I see the end So why Why is it that it exists , For what purpose are we gods in our right allowed to create to lead to end, oh but the pain must be worse for you, an ethereal being unable to interact with the worlds you lead, to powerful to be seen to be noticed and to those who can comprehend you only there own fate awaits oh the curse of being a god and the pains of seeing a mortal"
Wavelength chimed in like a moron. I felt it! he said to Wanderer.