Banished From Equestria (Sign-up and OOC)

  • Thread starter The Wandering Magus
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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
no problem. I'll see if I'm on sometime around... 9pm, later, or tomorrow morning.
Hmm, I'm not sure Doom. What would you want me to do?
Doesn't really matter to me. I've already gone over what I wanted to. Was there anything you wanted to do?
Hmm... I guess we could have Luna introduce the two to each other, since Farsight did work for her. He may not be a Night Pony, but he was close to the Princess.
Alrighty then, posted. I'll let you control Luna, since you were already doing such.
I'm a little leery about the conversation to come. I need to contact Magus, and ask some questions, so we may need to wait a little bit before continuing too much.
Fine by me... I'm actually incredibly tired currently...
I'll post when Farsight wakes up or needs to be moved. I'm kinda clinging to his body right now, just chillin' and thinkin'.
Hmm pondering logic scince you are not currently under attack and not in any imidiate trouble, Do you think it would be safe enough to insert myself somehow?
I PM'd DoomOtter with some of the information I PM'd Explicit. For those of you who know my style and previous RPs, think Wanderer's methods coupled with a WDF backstory and a P&SA world.
"We are all doomed then" Ryo hides under a magicly spawing desk

Nah im just messing Im more than aware of your RP style Magus and you know it
"I have no idea but spawning desks is actuly quite fun" Ryo spawns in another desk "Time to build me a desk fort"
Wavelength sprayed his fire extinguisher at the progressing desk fort, covering it in foam. Silly Ryo.
Ryo Grumbles now covered in foam "im not the one who spawned in a fire extinguisher" Ryo then despawns the other desks "Next time Im making somthing foam proof"
Several new worlds spawn, each with complete nations and politics and economic systems and unique animals and plants. The stars and the moon reorganize themselves into a face, which smiles. "Guess who spawned a universe? :3"
Oh, let me guess... the ever-anonymous wandering magus. Wavelength dug at the ground impatiently. When are you gonna come down here in your own form so we can give you a confounded hug?!!
"Zelos? is he making worlds again honestly last time he did that, The human race had no thumbs and the cats ruled the world" "Bah I got bored of that world after I found out the cat overlords didnt want to play Jazz"
Ryo Rants about Magus's cat world. Right now. xD