Banished From Equestria (Roleplay)

  • Thread starter The Wandering Magus
  • Start date
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~ At the Wall ~
[Note: Paigus is a red coat, he will die. But not today! I'm going to ask Magus for permission to make him a steady antagonist.]​

Paigus cursed at the shadow as he watched one of his best archers, which wasn't really wasn't saying much since they were practically bandits off the streets, fall to the stones in agony. He quickly looks over the edge of the wall, shouting. "Go find the group that just left through the gate. Bring them all back, preferably alive, but I'm not picky! Just make sure you leave the blue pegasus unharmed!" With that command, it seems as if the entire camp begins to stir. They obviously had seen the action upon the wall, and were much more motivated to find the pegasus - and leave the fighting scene.

Paigus twists to the left, and then to the right, releasing the sockets in his armor that allow his blood red energy wings to break free, a gift from Trixie for his loyalty. Twisted loyalty, but survival was the only option. He roars, taking to the air with his gold-gilded iron sword. He points his free hoof at Nocte. "You will learn to fall before your new masters. Strip your armor and leave, before I decide old ties must be cut; permanently." Paigus shouts, beginning to inch closer to Nocte.

~ Back at the group ~

Fatal Flight's ears prick up, and she can hear rustled, hurried marching. Not orderly. A group in hot pursuit, but of who? Fatal has her question answered as one of the soldiers shouts to the others. "That's them! And the blue pegasus is still with them!" he yells to the others, quickly drawing his sword to rush the group. Five others follow suit. There is one in the back, though, an archer. The same archer that fired at Fatal earlier.

Fatal takes flight once more, leaving the cart behind. She moves to intercept the approaching group, unknowingly placing herself in the line of bow fire. She spreads her wings, the spines slowly ejecting themselves and preparing to launch out. Fatal winces from a little pain, but stay resilient. "Stay behind me, I don't want to harm anypony with my attack." she says, closing her eyes and awaiting the first attack.
Farsight's armor and a sword appears next to him. It was a claymore, extra reach added to extra reach. When Fatal told him to stay behind her, he did, waiting for the initiation before he charged in. Farsight would try to take the brunt of the damage, if he could, his dream armor being a bit more sturdy than what it normally would of been if it had been real.
Nocte let out another high pitched scream, causing paigus to drop to the floor, placing his hooves to over his now bleeding ears. Nocte then grabbed his own sword and swung it across his face leaving a lage gash. "Next time we meet, you will pay for your treason." He growled then spread his wings taking off into flight, in pursuit of the hoard of ragtag soldiers.
Night fall had heard everything. With the sense of hearing Luna had blessed him with how could he not? He had started flying since his cart would no longer move on the ground. He set down, and quietly undid his harness. he heard the mob of "soldiers" Approach, and heard their yells as they charged in. what an embarrassment they were. An embarrassment to Equestria, and Embarrassment to Ponykind, an embarrassment to the whole idea of soldiers. How could those fools disband the Lunar and Solar guards for these thugs? Night Fall rose to the air once again, and came in behind the strange blue pegasus. He kept his distance. More out of habit than her warning. he had no idea what she was going to do, but after she did it he would teach these fools why he had been called the midnight storm.
((Amoroth, be careful with god modding. Post only your intentions and let the consequences for the GM to decide.))

"Wha... What?"
- Tian got startled by the sight of the pursuing group of guards. They didn't seem to come in peace, and she was still injured. But thankfully, for her, they went past her, as if they haven't even noticed her presence, in the direction of the group in front of her. It seems they were after the blue pegasus. - "What is it with this guards? It wasn't enough just banishing us, now they are hunting us? Was that supposed to be a game of hunter and prey? - She asked furiously to herself. - I need to help them, but... - She glanced at the downed unicorn. She wasn't caring much about her own injuries, as depending on the guards' level, she could still take down one or two, but she couldn't do it carrying an injured pony.

She walked silently toward a nearby three and gently put down the unicorn under it, hidden from the guards' sight. If she could have brought her emergency supplies, she could use take better care of him, but after her struggle against the guards, they didn't let her take anything to the banishment. She stood there at the pony's side, hiding and observing the confront, ready to help if she notice the group needs it.
Nocte had quickly caught up, being able to fly and shadow walk, and was now ahead of the hoard. he then stopped in surprise as he spotted a friend and a brother of his. "Night fall... The Midnight Storm..." He said with a smile as he quickly hovered above the hoard and let out another high pitched scream, straining his vocal cords to get the pitch higher. The Midnight Storm and the banshee Lord are back He thought as a vein in his neck started to bulge from the strain of his scream. My voise is gonna be hoars after this...
~ At the Group ~

Fatal opens her eyes as she notices movement. She turns slightly, glad that the group has taken her advice. She looks back to the guards, who begin to push forward. She closes her eyes once again, the spines now at the ready for ejection. She can never quite get used to using this attack, but it's all she has for the most part. "I'm warning you now, I harbor no anger for you, but I will kill you if you act against these ponies." she says, only just loud enough where the soldiers can hear.

The archer in the back scoffs at her words, and notches his arrow. He pulls back on the string and fires it at Fatal Flight, who then opens her eyes and growls. "I warned you." she says softly, her voice almost full of a kind of sorrow. She releases the spines from under her wings, spreading them evenly among the soldiers. She counts the bodies as they're pierced by the spines, each taking their own fair share of hits. Some spines hit harder than others, some are completely reflected. In the end, though, only two remain; one soldiers and the archer, who is now wide eyed. Fatal holds a hover for a few moments, blood trickling down from her wings and dripping to the ground. She holds herself there as long as she can, and then falls to the ground. She doesn't faint, but she's in a lot of pain.

The archers eyes squint as he prepares his next arrow, intending to take advantage of the situation.

~ At the Wall ~
(I agree with the godmoding thing. It was kind of a step out of line to just cut Paigus up like that, but it does give him more reason to hunt the group down. As long as it serves a purpose. Just be careful about it next time.)
Paigus falls to his side, his hooves pressing tightly against his new wound. It cut straight across both his eyes, rendering him blind. He screams in pain of his wound and of his loss. "I will kill you! I will kill all of you! You'll have Trixie herself executing you before this is over!" he yells, his voice filled with a pure rage that few are capable of harboring. He will have his revenge, or his death. Whichever he has the pleasure of reaching first.
As soon as the pegasus had done........whatever it was she did night fall bolted into action. He streaked towards one of the final soldiers. His fore hooves smashed into the ponies face. Night Fall used the momentum to push the pony to the ground, and stood on him hind hooves up in the air. He bent his forelegs, and launched himself upwards again, this time smashing his hind hooves into the back of the remaining soldier. Again he launched himself away from the fight leaving two very injured "soldiers." He landed clear of the scene. Looking back he noticed Nocte. A smile tugged at the side of his mouth, threatening to betray his stoic appearance. This fight sure was getting interesting.
Tian got really impressed by the pegasus' attack, and even smiled - "Wow, it seems I worried myself for nothing. That mare is good." - But then, she noticed it wasn't really like that. The mare fell to the ground in pain, and the archer was already getting his bow ready for an attack. There were others there who could help the blue pegasus, but she wouldn't risk. She grabbed a medium-size stone nearby and, with great accuracy, threw at the archer's hoof direction, trying to make him lose the grip of his bow and maybe even drop it.
Nocte landed next to one of the wounded soldiers and Shadow stepped next to Night Fall. "Good to see you Brother" He said, his voice raspy from the sonic scream he had preformed. Night Fall was banished from what he could remember was for his concern over how their traitor brothers treated the prisoners. "So what's the Plan Midnight Storm?" Nocte asked before pulling out his sword and holding it in he teeth.
Farsight simple stands there. "I guess we have enough skilled ponies here to take care of any bandits we come across..." He says, looking over at the downed Pegasus mare. He trots over to her, and sees she is still awake. "Are you alright?" Farsight asks, noticing the blood seeping from her wings.
Physics fires a fireball at the archer, finding him the more important target to take down. The fire ball started small at the tip of his horn, growing at rapid rate, already a foot in diameter within a micro-second, and within the next, fired at the archer, hurling at him ready to burst at burn him to ash, even if they were already injured, Physics was going for the kill.
"Y-yes." Fatal Flight responds to Farsight, her wings beginning to heal, and the blood ceasing. It will still be some time before her spines are replaced, and until then she's basically reliant upon her hoof fighting skills. Thankfully, the pain is quick to subside after so many times having to deal with it. She recomposes herself, turning to the dark red unicorn. She bows in thanks for his concern, and moves back to the cart and Morning, his offer still standing despite the events that had just transpired. Everything seems okay with Fatal, which is what makes things seem quite the opposite. How can somepony go from being so thoroughly hurt to just carrying on?

Both soldiers pass away, and Fatal can feel it happening. She's just realized that she doesn't like hurting other ponies. She almost wishes she was still lost in ID.
Physics rushes to the corpses of the guards, and starts removing anything he finds useful, be it armor, weapons, food, anything. Hooves move to loot the bodies of his now fallen enemies.
Lets see what good ol Physics can find... Physics says, his old criminal instincts coming back to him, they'd need to hide the bodies after this, the longer the other guards didn't know these ones died, the longer it'd take for them to think they'ed need reinforcements.
The guards were defeated and the group was still by now, so Tian found herself the chance to approach. She lifted the black unicorn gently and put him on her back again. Trotting at a faster pace than before, she went toward the group, waving a hoof and trying to catch any attention. - "Hey! Are you all okay? I need some help here!" - She said out loud when she was still at a certain distance from the group.
Physics does not face the new-comer to busy looting the body.
Not now, stealing from the dead! Physics shouts, as he goes through any pouches, bags, or saddles the guards where carrying, trying to find more valuables and useful goods.
Night Fall Looked up to his old comrade. "Nocte! I must Admit i am surprised to see you. It's good to know not all of our people decided to accept the tyrants." Night Fall walked back towards the group of ponies. " We should get moving. The guard won't just let us be now. They'll be back soon enough." He walked back to his cart and strapped himself back in.
In that case we better hide the bodies... Physics says, levitating all the food the guards carried on them into his saddle. If they don't see the bodies....they wont think we're as dangerous...and they're send less guard at as... Physics says, rolling one of the now looted and armorless bodies into one of the bushes to hide it from any searching eyes.
I suggest you take some armor if you think you need it... Physics says, feeling the weight of the food on his back...the weight was comfortable... reassuring...warm...
"Hey, aren't you seeing me? - Tian frowned due to the lack of attention she was getting. She was injured and had a passed out pony on her back, so she expected a little more of their help. Their indifference made her think if it was really a good idea to follow this group, but she didn't have another option. She kept trotting, and she was almost reaching them.
"Agreed... there should head to Talonoplis, capital of the Griffons" Nocte replied walking beside his friend