Balloons (A Five Nights At Freddy's RP)

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That....Is actually an excellent point. @AHeartlessNobody Counter argument?
To be honest I just made that hall way so that there could be a left side entrance like in the first game. I can go back in and edit a couple of party rooms to the side later.
Well I purposely made it that when she died her mind broke, so shes now this twisted creature hell bent on making herself new friends so she'll never be alone again
Aww, poor girl. Don't worry, Sky, Connie could be a perfectly good friend for you if you don't kill her, in fact she might even become a better friend that way if you actually try to talk to her before she's dead. Just ask Nora in a little while. lol
To be honest I just made that hall way so that there could be a left side entrance like in the first game. I can go back in and edit a couple of party rooms to the side later.
Better yet why not one party room and a game room! Like the one in Chuck E Cheese? Imagine falling into the ball pit and feeling tiny ghost hands pulling you down XDDDD
In the end she just really really needs a hug lol
Well Connie would gladly give her that hug once she figures out the story behind what's going on. Also, I just had to rate that post with 'You need a hug'.

I'm sorry, I had to...
Better yet why not one party room and a game room! Like the one in Chuck E Cheese? Imagine falling into the ball pit and feeling tiny ghost hands pulling you down XDDDD

Umm... how about no?...
But in all honesty, a game room would be a great idea, but the visions of that feeling were ones I could do without bouncing around in my head...
Better yet why not one party room and a game room! Like the one in Chuck E Cheese? Imagine falling into the ball pit and feeling tiny ghost hands pulling you down XDDDD
OMG YES!!!!!! Hahahahha imagine a character death like that. Death by ball pit.
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OMG YES!!!!!! Hahahahha imagine a character death like that. Death by ball pit.
Please, no more of that kind of talk...

I'd rather fancy sleeping at some point tonight... XD
Shhhh Connie just accept Bonnies passive aggressive love/hate for you as she drags you into the ball pit ^~^
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Connie: -_- Umm... how about... fuck that? I came into this world kicking and screaming, blue in the face, and covered in someone else's blood. I envision myself going out the same way, not being smothered in a ball bit at nineteen, thank you very much!
That would be pretty badass to have a game, and have the arade games go on and off every now then. Like in the second game with Ballon Boy -glares at him and hits him a hammer-
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*Drags Connie into the ball pit anyway* Shhhh there's no need for screaming yet, this is just the fun part not the scary part .3.
Oh come on Connie >:3 You can go out kicking and screaming, blue in the face and covered in blood. Just while in a ball pit.
Connie: *not amused at all* But I don't wanna die at nineteen is the main point, especially since I'm just starting to really enjoy my life! I love my job, I'm gonna be starting college before too long, I'm still a virgin (which is really saying something if you ask me) Come on, guys, seriously? Smother Xander in the ball pit, that guy's totally who you should be going for!
Bonnie: You mean the slippery son of a butt that none of us can seem to get our hands on? No thanks you're much easier to get at
Xander: "Woah, woah , woah, now wait a minute. I am the hot one in this rp! You can't take me out yet! If you do you'll be stuck with the less hot newbie guard!"

Lol, I just realized that Xander is a total narcissist.
Bonnie: You mean the slippery son of a butt that none of us can seem to get our hands on? No thanks you're much easier to get at
Connie: But wouldn't the challenge of getting him be much more fun than murdering an innocent girl? You were one once, just a bit younger.
Xander: "Woah, woah , woah, now wait a minute. I am the hot one in this rp! You can't take me out yet! If you do you'll be stuck with the less hot newbie guard!"

Lol, I just realized that Xander is a total narcissist.
Connie: SEE!? He's a prick, get him, not me! Christ on a horsing bicycle, people!
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