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HEY IM BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sorry for leaving I had term SH*T to do I hated it But I have Passsed everything. *mutter to herself* SUCK IT Teachers for thinking I am un wise. You two math teacher.
Haha yay!! Post post!! I finally got us out of hell. This time lets hope she thanks him and everything we talked about in the pm
She'll warm up to it haha. Lets hope before Vilan does. It's a battle now haha Vi out of the picture, Liam crushed...trying to deal with it. Haha, post post post!
lol. Don't worry, big huge surprise coming!! XD

I said nothing.
Why?? Good shit is about to happen. If you are, wait till actions happen which won't take long then get killed. Your notnon much anyways..
*hugs him and hold on to him then starts crying* DONT LEAVE
You think I'm just going to let my character die? No he is much stronger than you think. And if action is coming then I will stay, I felt like dropping out before because we were literally doing nothin.
Me and Dark have set this up to the way it needs too be. And secondly weather or not he is strong, he can still die. This is part II of the story, this isn't a nothing but action and action, this a story not some war show. The action will take place regardless of the matter, you can stay or not it's up too you. Be patient, impatient people miss out a lot. Remember that.
Well I'm just use to action after action since I'm normally in the start of the rp and all I've been able to do so far is walk around blindly so to make my character still known in the rp
Then why not stick with the group? I mean seriously, we are suppose to be a team, not a circus, stick with the team and you might get entertained and post more often. Think of this as The Lord of the Rings trilogy. The first one was a lot of action then, the second one didn't have the much action and the third one had action and action and then drama and what not, think of it as that.
Akuma, there is some fun action coming up..hehe. Once Liam decides what to do with his feelings, we'll see what concoctions can be mixed to make interesting, fiery fun. haha
It's your choice whether to stay though, I don't want to make you do something you don't want to

BTW: Slovak is the main language of the demons, some speak Latin, and some speak yet other languages, but like for example, Falco and Caleb (trust me, Caleb is part demon, long explanation I am willing to give) both speak Slovak.
YES. This DOES take place 2 years after Ashes to Flames One
so is vi and osi going to kiss soon cause i would totally find that funny
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