Ask the next person a question

  • Thread starter The Wandering Magus
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writing :3 so very useful.

what do you think the world will be like in 2050? flying cars, space elevators? or pretty much the same as right now?
With Obamacare boosting our economy... we'll probably be the same. xD

If everyone in the world was a brony, do you think it'd literally improve the standard of living on Earth?
most probably, although they would have to also act out the qualities that are admired by bronies.

what is truth?
Truth is a good batch of cookies shared in front of the fireplace with a friend.

What's a friend?
A friend is somepony who understands you and empathizes with you, who enjoys your presence and is enjoyable in turn, and is always willing to help you without asking for any favors when you need help

What is love?
Love is a willingness to set down anything and everything and devote one's attention and power to assist someone whenever they are in need. A common side-effect, though certainly not a defining one, is the act of showering said individual with favors.

Is my presence enjoyable?
Lord of the Rings Online ;)

ever tried it? It's free :3
Heh, still working on getting my own gaming computer. I won't be downloading games onto this PC. x3

...Most recommended computer platform?
well.... I prefer to use my Lenovo windows 7 laptop because that's what I've grown accustomed to... doesn't really take that much power to run LOTRO...

what sort of games are you planning to run on that? Crysis?
I don't really know what Crysis is...
I like the more creative types like Minecraft, Garry's Mod, Blender/GIMP(art programs), EV Nova(easy to run for just about any system), and perhaps Blockland. For the more first-person-shooter types, I like Halo Custom Edition. Lots of first-person roleplaying games there, and I find it fun to be a dropship pilot for them.

You ever tried RPing in an online first-person game?
ah, I see. I only ever play TF2 and LOTRO, or Civ 3. Don't touch most other games. Can't say I've ever RPed on anything besides a forum and a table.

Ever tried an MMO?
Got to around level 40 on Runescape, haven't played that in quite a while.
Let's see... no, I don't think there's anything other than that. Just those random other 16-player online games.

What's your favorite architecture?
hobbit :3 barring that, English cottage for homes, victorian/classical for expensive homes, modern/futuristic for office/hospital/public, whatever style they have at Oxford for university.

where in middle-earth would you want to live if you had to choose one place as "home"?
I'd have liked to live in Erebor in its better years.

Favorite genre of music?
oh I've got all sorts. Probably traditional something-or-another, I like traditional chinese/japanese/korean/irish/scottish/hebrew/celtic/norse/etc.

what's your favorite genre?
Still trying to find the names for 'em... x3 I like hardstyle, I like peaceful violins, I like some variations of rock n' roll, and I like Acapella. There's almost definitely a boundless number of other forms I like, too.

Where'd you get those really tall boots?!!
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