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nivek goes off on his own roaming the streets to see what today brings him this time.
Alys waited a few moments, hearing the voices inside, and walked in, Taking up a seat by the table in the kitchen, bowing before she Sat down to the two men. "Good morning, Lord Rion." She smiled politely, then greeted Kurian, then Zanna. "I apologize for the small joke last night, just a bit of fun. And also for not properly introducing myself. My name is Alyseth." She removed the large hood that draped over her face and pushed her waist length dark ponytail back behind her shoulder before leaning forward, politely extending a hand to the girl. She flashed a friendly smile to her, showing off her feline like fangs again. Her pale, porcelain complexion seemed to glow, along with her blue eyes that seemed brighter than the last they saw each other.
"morning alice." he said half-heartedly. "want something to eat?"
She shook her head at him "Happy to see you too. No thank you, Kurian." Her eyes barely moved away from Zanna's when she answered.
Desdemona stretched out on the floor near Isabelle's bed. When they arrived the night prior, she bathed and allowed Isabelle to fix her hair, though that wasn't their most interesting activity during their visit to her mortal home, and it certainly called for another brushing. She stood up and rubbed her eyes, attempting to remember if she had gotten permission to borrow the clothes she now wore. "Isabelle." The fox lightly prodded the Goddess on her cheek.
Zanna reached out her hand to shake Alyseth's. "Your fine I had the wrong idea. I'll try not to jump to conclusions next time. It's nice to meet you Alyseth." Zanna smiled at her trying to show that there were no hard feelings.
"Lovely to meet you. And it's quite alright. Besides, we all know who he fancies. And I see why, you are adorably awkward, and quite pretty." She took her hand back, placing them both neatly into her lap as she winked at Zanna.
Zanna put her's back as well. She could feel her checks stating to burn once more for they started turning a little pink. "R-right...Nice to meet you too."
"See?" She smiled. "Though I'm sure I'm not the first to ask, I must. What brings you here, exactly? It's relatively simple to figure you're not from this dimension." Alyseth's face grew more serious as she spoke, focusing her attention on this new girl. She removed her cloak, resting it on her wings, revealing a slender, yet soft curvaceous body adorned with tight fitting clothes, some small, but elegant and flattering black jewelry, and long black gloves. She placed her elbows on the table and propped up her head, visiting her legs to express her full interest.
"Well my parents and a man said for me to begin some journey. And fine my true self. I'm not sure what they mean by finding my true self but I listened them. And went to a portal and well ended up here. I'm still piecing some of what they told me together." Zanna didn't know if she should say anything about the box so she just keep that part quiet for now. 'I wonder when I'll be able to open it.'
"They must have given you something. You can't just send someone out on their own like that without giving them some sort of meaning or clue, or help. Well maybe we can help you despite everything. Do you know how to fight? That's a good way to discover powers, is in the heart of combat. I already train and spar with Kur, I wouldn't mind at all helping you out with that if you'd like. We could find something out with it, who knows. "
"I can. I'm good with a sword or hand to hand combat. And... Well my mom did give me something. But I'm not sure it's a clue. And it came with a note which was no help." Zanna said because she thought maybe Alyseth was right that it was some sort of clue she just didn't understand how. Or at least not on her own.
no sure where he should go nivek just jumped off the roof and roamed the streets shifting back to human form and walking around. as nivek was roaming he entedered a local bar to see if he could get a drink.
kurian sits quietly seemingly zoned out not having listened to the girls at all. he shakes his head and focuses back on the people before him. the red again having advanced in his eyes. "sorry training?" looking at alyseth un amused. "im not sure training her in real combat is the best to start alice."

smiles opening her eyes and quickly pulling des close. "morning gorgeous." she gently moves a strand of your raven hair from your face. "all that effort and its already a mess, and I didn't even get to mess it up." pouts. "such a pretty girl in my room and she wont let me touch her."
She tensed up, not quite use to the sudden touches of other beings. Des wrapped her arms around Isabelle's neck nonetheless with a motive in mind and pressed her lips to the hinge of the woman's jaw, concealing the small, mischievous smile that crawled on her face. "You only assume that I wouldn't let you touch me," The words were spoken in a hushed tone, her lips grazing upward to Isabelle's temple where she placed a second kiss before pulling away, stroking the top of the Goddess's head once. "But, you're right. For the moment anyway." The playful vixen was the one to give a wink this morning. "Good morning to you, too. I suppose I'll be abiding by your schedule now, so what do you have in mind for the day?"
lets herself fall back. "I think kurian deserves a break from training for a day... the only thing I really need to do is eat but I'm sure you can help me with that." puts her hands behind her head with a happy sigh. "why do you tease me? I'm not used to waiting." pulls you over top of her so your face is an inch from hers, however the blanket still between us.
"Kurian would beee... the Ice Reaper, correct?" She hoped she was right that was the only other Reaper that had been mentioned other than Isabelle herself and Rion out of the eight. A faint crimson pulsed to the fox's cheeks. Aren't you a lively little thing? She nearly laughed at her thought, only to have herself drawn down onto the female. "I tease you because it's fun. I suppose you usually get your way when it comes to this sort of thing?" Des idly twirled a golden lock of hair around her forefinger.
"yes very good. and yes I do usually but your special so I respect that." closes her eyes as you play with her hair. "but I will ask to do one thing to you if I may. a neck bite is sexual and feels very good never painful and I am hungry. if that would be okay with you, I promise to be gentle." she runs the back of her hand gently over your neck.
"Mind if I ask about this clue? And I asked her, it was just an option, and if she would like to, I see no problem with it, it could help, actually... it's up to her, though." Alice sat back in her chair, pulling her ponytail from behind her shoulder and twirling the end between her fingers, ignoring Kurian's sudden territorial attitude.
suddenly gets up saying not in a mad tone but having an edge to the words. "I'm starving... I'm going to go get something to eat. since you two have zanna taken care of." he turn a walks out with out another word and you can hear his motorcycle rip down the street.
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