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Offered candy is always bribery.

Our new-ish latino non-english speaking guy hurt his back (despite being hired to help me move heavy things/do heavy lifting), so he's been gone, one lady has sausage-finger-syndrome so her doc told her not to work, and the other lady just TOOK VACATION IN THE MIDST OF ALL THIS.

Teacher's look down on us so hard it's not even funny, they'll act nice, but ask them to help out somehow and OH HELL NAW they throw a hissy fit cause they got a degree and shouldn't have to bother. It's their classroom where they spend every single day, if they can't help take care of it. So be it. Not gonna kill myself trying to maintain it if its an uphill battle.

Down to 1275. Lords.
Always, always? Or only some always's?

What is sausage finger syndrome? maybe she had a good reason for taking it? Maybe?

somethign my dad says: "Their shit stinks just as much as yours." Im pretty sure that's supposed to be some crude way of promoting the thought of equality among all humans....I think. You shouldn't need to kill yourself to keep something clean.

Copy n pasted from facebook
12 mins · Edited ·
Adventurers: Our CEO Scott Hartsman is happy to announce that we are adding more ArcheAge servers.

ArcheAge | The ultimate Free to Play sandbox MMORPG – Start now!
The ultimate Free to Play sandbox MMORPG
Always always!

It's just bad arthritis she hasn't been taking care of and kidney stones that she hasn't been taking care of. Feel bad for being mad about her ditching us when we need folks the most, but doctor's orders, and if they say she can't work, the school won't risk liability.

Your dad sounds like mine, though a little less vulgar I bet. He had the same views as head custodian of another local school, I took the same classes as him so I'm qualified, got a "degree" in it and everything. But there's a time to work hard and a time to really bust your ass. When a teacher leaves a mess every single day isn't one of them.

Hrm, I'm wary of new servers. Too many MMOs launch with too many servers and it leads to empty ones as people leave, and if the company isn't ready or capable of easily merging them together its a huge problem. No one wants to play on a dead server.

Edit: That giant bat thing in the picture? There's a level 30 world boss of that in the area I'm in named Taerian the Grim or something, he's labeled as Mythic and has about 300K HP..
okkkaaayyyyyyy *takes back all of my candy's then*

Does that mean they're going to fire her if it keeps up?

Daddy's not allowed to be tooooo vulger. He dosn't censor himself around the nephews. Hey, that's a degree. The teachers cant be too snobish. you're qualified!

Oh...I thought it would be good news because of all of the waiting.

Is it one of the ones you can catch? Because that would be bad ass, even a mini version would be bad ass.
They won't, can't for medical reasons unless she simply can't work ever again. But that's unlikely.

I'll be patient. I'd rather stay where I started.
And I've no idea on the boss catching mechanics, only ever seen it once so it's hard to guess.
Ohh, okies

you can do it! ra ra ra!

I still think it'd be cool. Maybe I'll go research on it. Maybe.
I've been playing Destiny to pass the time, tried my first group mission. Everyone is so... Average...

Down to 167 in the queue.
Is Destiny fun? I've been half hearing about it, but I don't have a console so I havn't really thought about it.

I'm not even going to try to play until later
I enjoyed it for the most part, threw it on the back burner for ArcheAge though.

Just logged in finally too! Cat or nuian...
Yay for getting in! I almost want to go try now

Which do you WANT to play?
I've no idea how long the free-player queue is right now..

KINDA wanna play more Destiny too.. Decisions decisions..
My friend just said it wasn't too bad, not sure how long that's going to last though and I want to finish the post Im working on before I jump in.

Flip a coin! head for ArcheAge, Tails for Destiny!...If you get Archeage, flip again, head for Nuian, tails for Firran. Or I could come up with a number and you could pick it.
I threw the box of dice around my desk, it came up with 59, so I went with ArcheAge cause 59 sounds like a good fantasy number.
Alright, Im jumpin in to. Maybe Ill see ya in game.

EDIT: im wauting. I hate waiting. My friend has lied. 2955
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It's one below sixty and one above 58, seems like a good solid crit number or something.

I'm on my Firran, Sortiara.
Ill just hafta take your word on that then. I apogize if my spelling takes a turn for the worst. Im on my cell now.

Psh, excuses! I roleplay entire posts on my phone! Step up yo' game~!

Oh goodness... So much for crossing paths...
*tries to step up game. trips. stumbles. falls off cliff. takes massive fall damage and dies on impact*

Im sorry. 2692! Whoo goin down steadily
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