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Hope things are all well today, Silva'!

I got my Nuian to 19, had to crash early to be up for a mechanics appointment. Honestly I haven't looked, pretty sure it's not like guild wars 2 where people who you haven't added but added you are followers.
Thankya sir!

I've got my Firran at 8 right now. Im still half waiting for technical difficulties. I got one of my friends in game last night though, so i started the quest line with her.


White leopard firran with yella' eyes, that's pretty adorable. Half tempted to roll a male firran because I'm usually drawn to beast races, just can't bring myself to in this game.

Any idea what you'd like to make her class wise? I'm trying to find if I want to drop vitalism for something else, though I'm clueless for what I want!
*beams* thankyou very much for the compliment. Why cant you bring yourself to? I'll be making a fairy the second that patch comes out.

In beta, I had a ranger. I kind of want to do occultism instead though or something with traps. That'd be cool, use shadoplays lunge thing to stun them then trap them. But I might keep it open for a bit or change it because I don't know if we're going to need a healer or not.


frogot how to turn the interface off, but anyways! the pale haired one is the before mentioned friend. her name means snowfall though, and I thought it fit the toon she made pretty good. She managed to even make her face have some white.

No idea, just can't bring myself to make one, I'll have to be happy with my herb smoking tribalistic cat girl for now. I haven't even looked at the new races they'd add, fairly sure I saw the fairies though, not the generic anime eyed skinny girl with bug wings though. They look pretty alien if memory serves.

And that's a neat idea! I'm gonna try that tonight after work! Might leave early rather than spend hours here alone tonight.

And the name is adorable, really fits, you'd better choose a snowmane lioncat thing!

Mines... Well it's a major character from soul sacrifice...
It's okay, your herb smoking cat girl is cute. I havnt actually seen a picture of the race. It's a fairy, I dont care what it looks like. Its a freaking fairy. It'd be cool to get away from the generic look though, maybe something more towards an actual fae.

You're allowed to leave early? *is proud of having a neat idea*

I'll be sure to convey the message along

What's the character like?
I left the tab and my phone lost my whole post..

Thank you, making cute things is fun. The fairies resemble more folklore style I think. The warborn look badass as well.

I can leave as long as I've got the time to cover for it, which I do. Oh and as long as my duties are done.

Sortiara is cruel, cold, and uncaring. Willing to sacrifice you (the players) if it means surviving. At one point she's crying from the pain of the bloodlust in her right arm, the player comforts her, it's the only kindness anyone had ever shown her. He's the first friend she'd ever known. As part of The Ordeal one must sacrifice their partner, she accepts her fate, knowing she'll live on in their right arm. Though you inherit her bloodlust as well.

It's really sad too, because he can hear her sometimes and she apologizes for cursing him with the bloodlust. Even wishing the world had done it differently, thinking that they could have been lovers if fate hadn't been cruel.
Im sorry you phone deleted your whole post.

Are your duties done?

She sounds like an interesting character.

Im sorry you didnt get to play, Zeon
Eh, people like playing it. I'll start playing when the queue slows down.
Me too. Frustrating. Glad it wasn't a reply to an RP.

Yes they are. Just wrapping up the basics so the little monsters can function. I mean the teachers, the students aren't so bad sometimes.

And she is despite having a brief role, becoming a recurring theme as the story progresses.
That was a pretty mature response.

EDIT: The teachers are the monsters? *amused*
They're the monsters that control the minions. Somewhat. Some minions can be ornery and destructive, others can be useful and worthy of learning.

Teachers spill food on desks, busy trash bags by sheer weight, spill hole punch bits on the floor. Don't get me started on what they do to my beautifully waxed floors. ;-;
....*pestses the windsong and gives him chocolate* Im sorry. Leave polite little notes reminding them not to mess up your floors?
The time for politeness is long over. -pensively eyes the chocolate before devouring it-

They take offense when we do that anyway.
*makes the rest of the 230 piece supply readily available* Why is it over? WHy do they take offense?
Gosh you are both good at bribery and inquisitive.

We've been short staffed since school began this year, mostly we've been told how bad the school looks. There's only so much we can do in one shift when there's only 2 people on staff that night.

So we told them to man up and help take care of the school. Pick up trash, make students clean up after themselves. Etc etc. It's worked.
I wasn't aware I was bribing was mainly to be nice. But I'll take that compliment.

Why're you short staffed/ Is it a small town with not many people wanting to work there, or commuting to a larger town? (thats what my town is like)

Im glad it worked. But I guess they didn't appreciate being told to do so?

Thats what mine usually looks like. Butt generally closer to the two thousand range.
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