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Males and females are separated for good reason.

right side: Loki- in his own room. Celio- in his own room. Rick and Joseph- rooming together.
Left side: Teir- in her own room. Kuran- in her own room. Kendall and Satin- rooming together.
So...I'm paired with the other guy who tried and failed to break out? *Glares at the wolf* Why didn't you wake me and try to come up with some ill-conceived escape plan?!

Wait a minute...I think you're missing a few in that list.
Avi dropped out and Kuran joined, I just switched them on the room chart since we weren't too far into the story.
You were right, here is the edited version:

right side: Loki- in his own room. Celio- in his own room. Shuan in his own room. Rick and Joseph- rooming together.
Left side: Teir- in her own room. Kuran- in her own room. Kendall and Satin- rooming together.

I've updated my post to reflect the new member and the change in Id # for Kuran this is the number list

Shaun:699 Fox
Teir-700 Owl
Loki- 702 Butterfly
Kendall- 704 Armadillo
Joseph- 705 Wolf
Kuran- 706 Snake
Rick- 707 Leopard
Celio- 708 Crow
Satin- 709 Ram
...Not sure how to jump in now. I mean, I'm asleep goddammit.
Don't worry. It will come to you. It's alright to wait.
Just posted. I kept up with my dream from the last post. How many hours til morning?
alright, so we've got to get this moving but I'm rigged to a bunch of machines and have yet to change much. Think Thalia, think!!
Yeah, and I'm asleep. I don't know where to go from where I am.
Sorry everyone. I thought that I could pull this from the ashes... but i've just been rediculously busy with other projects. :[
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