Animal Adventures!

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She whips around leaping on top of him growling. Her eyes filled with annoyance. "Was there a reason for that?" She snarls, baring her fangs.
"Nope," He said, hiding a laugh, "we can head back now." Kyo licks her nose.
Shade stays silent as she leans over his head nipping his ear harshly. "Don't do that again." She snarls once more, but her eyes betray her, showing a playful spirit. She gets off of Kyo.
Kyo shifts back. "I won't be able to make the return trip on my paw," He explains.
Shade nods and looks up at Kyo. "Ready whenever you are." She goes behind him and pushes her head against the back of his leg, urging him to start walking.
"Why don't we take a walk back? Kumi's not going anywhere, and she has Will there, too," Kyo suggests with a wink.
Shade shifts back, a small smile playing on her lips. "I like how that sounds."
Shade stands there a moment before running after Kyo, figuring there must be a reason for this change in direction.
Kyo hacks through a bush with his scythe, revealing a secluded clearing with several deer (now scattering from the noise).
Will managed to get over to Kumi, "Kumi...Kumi there's on one else but me here, who are you talking about?"
Shade watched as they bounded away, wishing she could one day feel as free as they were. She let a slow sigh escape her lips as she followed Kyo.
She glanced down as his hand brushed hers. As he pulled it away she looked up and smiled at him.
He smiled back at her. He looked away and put up the hood of his cloak to hide his eyes. They would have given away what he was thinking.
Shade watched as Kyo put his hood up. She sighed and walked forward into the small clearing. She looked around a bit, then back to Kyo, her eyes sparkling with excitement.
Kyo suddenly appeared behind her. "Whatcha lookin' at?" he asked.
Shade jumped a little as he spoke. She whipped around quickly. "Will you stop doing that!" She sighs, her eyes narrowing slightly, a slight growl building up in the back if her throat.
Kyo throws his arms around her and spins. When he stops, he stares into her eyes. "You wanna see how I do that?" He asks.
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Shade blinked a bit, reorienting herself. "No... actually I do quite a bit." She shurgs offering Kyo a small smile.
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