Animal Adventures!

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His soft warm fur brushed away the cold droplets of water that had remained in her hair and on her skin. She smiled and let out a small chuckle of happiness then just like will, fell back to sleep.
When Shade's blade touched him, it passed straight through his Han without injury.
Shade frowned as she looked at Kyo's hand. Not understanding what happened exactly.
Will would wake up and cuddled her even closer to him, sighing
"Hmm, interesting." She put her blade back in her pocket as she stood up.
She rubs her eyes then sits up looking down at him "What happened?" She asks curiously with confusion in her soft blue eyes. Braiding her hair to the side then tying it in a knot and then smiling at him.
Will smiled, "I carried you up here and we fell asleep together." He laughed and hugged her.
Kyo grabbed her leg and pulled her back down on top of him. "Shade...?"
Shade gasped softly as she landed. "What Kyo?" She asks softly, her green eyes gazing softly at him.
She hugs him back. "Oh" She giggles "Sorry for that. I was just sooo tired" She lets out a sigh. "Should we go catch something for dinner?" she looked at him with a chuckle "I'm starved!". She heads out into the forest and pulls a worm out of the group and wiggles it.
"Oh Kyo." She hugs him gently, resting her head on his chest, right over his heart.
Kyo reaches up and strokes Shade's hair. "We should probably get back..." Kyo mumbled. It only game out as a little groan.
Shade rolls off him and stands up. She offers him her hand, a small smile on her lips.
Kyo took her hand and pulled himself up, being careful not to pull her back down again. He smiled at her.
"We can!" Will said happily, "let's go now!"
Shade didn't let go of His hand even after he stood up, but instead started to walk back to where they left Kumi and Will.
Kumi grabs a dagger out of her bag and a small poison cup with poison to put on her dagger. They head out into the forest and start looking for a small animal to take down and bring home as dinner.

The sun began to set and eventually got dark. And the woods became creepier and creepier. With the twigs snapping under there feet and the wind rustling in the bushes, she leaps onto Wills back and hides her face "Maybe tonights not a good night for me" she says sighing while resting her head on his back. "Gomendasai. Im sorry." She closes her eyes and begins to draw on his back as they head back to the shelter.
Will smiled, "eh, there is no problem." He smiled, "you know basic Japanese?" He laughed and looked at the darkening wood.
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