Animal Adventures!

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"Okay, now turn around," Kyo said, dropping his scythe and cloak to the ground.
Shade turns around and sits down. She braids her hair loosely to the side while she waits. "Just tell me when your done."
Kyo strips down the rest of the way and wades into the stream, blood already filling the water. He glances back at Shade, and then sits down to meditate. "You don't mind if I sit here a while, do you?" He asks.
Kumi breaks into a heavy sweat as she begins to wake up. "I'm so sorry" she moans in her sleep. Her body suddenly turns cold and her panting come to a slow shortened breath. From loosing a great deal of blood sharp pains run through her body. She screams while the pains get stronger. She feels the pain that shadow felt except this pain is worse. The pain of holding another friends death on her shoulders..or so she thinks.
"No, not if you don't mind me going off to hunt." Shade stands up, but doesn't turn around. She shifts and shakes her head, water droplets flying everywhere.
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Shade padded off her tail swishing lazily as she went. She caught a small rabbit and scarfed it down before catching some more food for everyone else. She headed back towards Kyo, after she finished.
Kyo seemed to be gone when Shade returned, a globe of darkness in his place instead.
Shade dropped her catch and walked over to the globe. She circled it a few times before finally reaching out a paw to touch it.
She leapt back startled. She walked back over to it and sat down, watching it curiously. "What is this? I've never seen something like this before."
The globe of darkness slowly dissolves, revealing Kyo, sitting chest-deep in murky water. "Put simply...It's darkness. No light can penetrate my darkened aura," He explains.
"Hmm, interesting. We should probably head back to Kumi and Will. We have been gone for a while." Shade shifts back and steps out of the water. She turns back around and walks a short distance away.
Kyo steps out of the stream. He walks up behind Shade and drops his hand onto her shoulder.
Shade turns looking up at Kyo, her eyes sparkling in the sunlight filtering through the trees. "What is it?"
Kyo holds his finger up to his lips and points off to the east. He motions for her to follow him, then shifts and silently pads off in the direction he indicated.
Shade shifts as well and follows Kyo. Her head tilted to the side slightly, out of curiosity.
Shade looks around before sitting down with a frustrated sigh. "Kyo." She hissed softly, letting a soft whine escape her.
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