Angels,Demons or vampires any creature you like!!!

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Nightfang gave a nod."Yes they can." He replied. "The longest I stayed somewhere was only maybe a week and a half." He added. "I seem to find myself in the forest the most though.
Jade listened and gave a nod. Still rather shocked this woman didn't seem to pay mind to her appearance. "It's Jade.... Jade Serena Roth..." She paused. Then rubbed her neck and looked to the ground her tail seeming to wrap around her slightly. "But most really just call me Demon...." She finished not sure what this woman might use. She was really only use to strangers calling her Demon very rarely would anyone Jade or sometimes most rarely Miss Roth.
"Jade, hunh?" Sahira asked. Reaching into her shirt she pulled out a watch and checked the time. "That's a lovely name. Simple, but lovely," she murmured, dropping the watch and looking at her again. "I understand why they'd call you demon. You're not hiding it very well." She giggled. "If you'd like, I could show you how to change your appearance."
"A week and a half?" Valentine asked. The longest they'd stayed somewhere was about a month and that was a few years back. He couldn't remember the name of the place but he remembered the beauty of it and wished they'd visit it again someday.
"You certainly do a lot more traveling than we do." Chandra said. And apparently, most of that time was spent in forests.
"Jade, hunh?" Sahira asked. Reaching into her shirt she pulled out a watch and checked the time. "That's a lovely name. Simple, but lovely," she murmured, dropping the watch and looking at her again. "I understand why they'd call you demon. You're not hiding it very well." She giggled. "If you'd like, I could show you how to change your appearance."
Jade gave a sigh and a nod. "I wish hiding it was possible but sadly it is not...." She replied and sighed. "I was born this way stuck in between demon, dragon and some say maybe even human." She looked to the watch which had fallen but then looked more at the girl no longer the floor. "I've met others who said they could help. Not even a witches spell or curse could help my problem." She added seeming to had long ago stopped looking for a way to hide what she was.

"A week and a half?" Valentine asked. The longest they'd stayed somewhere was about a month and that was a few years back. He couldn't remember the name of the place but he remembered the beauty of it and wished they'd visit it again someday.
"You certainly do a lot more traveling than we do." Chandra said. And apparently, most of that time was spent in forests.
He shook his head. "Not traveling running." He then shrugged. "But yeah the longest I stayed somewhere was a week and a half. The reason mostly forest is that's teh hardest place for my parents to find me again it seems." He was honestly amazed they hadn't found him yet then again it was only really day 4 he had been within this town and like all the places he ended up something happened where either he might get caught or would need to move on. "Now the longest I stayed hidden from my parents was almost a month." He gave a smile. "They expect to much from me." He explained.
"Well, well," Sahira muttered. "It certainly won't be possible if you keep jabbering on like that!" She smiled. "Look, you don't need fancy spells and all that. You just need to hide a couple things. It'll be easy." The demon girl shook her head, "But if you really don't think it's possible, then I should probably stop wasting your time."
"They're blood tablets. Being part demon, she has a bloodthirst greater than the average Downworlder. They help to control her thirst, but they wear off after a while. She'll probably need a blood injection soon. I'll use mine." Pulling a seraph blade from his belt, he slices his wrist enough so it bleeds, and draws his blood into a syringe. He injects it into her elbow, and watches as her fangs disappear.
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John says oh thats understandable she did get that side from me but the thirst is not from me or her mother it was developed i think because she didnt have it before she ran away when she was younger. he watched and said wow you know alot about this thank you so much for helping my daughter! Aurora slowly opened her eyes and looked around and grabbed her shoulder and hissed in pain.
"Im a Shadowhunter. This isn't my first run in with halflings." He starts as Aurora wakes up, hissing at him. "Easy. He tells her. It's ok. You're safe. How are you feeling?"
John says that makes a lot of since have seen a case like hers before? Sweety your awake! She looks at levi and says i wasnt hissing at you my shoulder just hurts real bad but i feel ok now i had a weird dream that i woke up before this but that i couldn't see. she says and then the dream after that i was just so thirsty are we back at your loft?
He turns back to John. "Not this specific case, no. Helping halflings, yes." He turns to Aurora. "Here, let me bandage it." He wraps a bandage around the wound and says,"We are, and you did wake up. You tried to kill me and your father before I could disarm you and get you some sedative."
john just nods. she said oh my gosh im so sorry she said im so sorry levi and daddy. she says wait she stops levi from bandaging it and says thats not a wood its a symbol what is it from? how did i get this? she said wait get down she made her swords appear and she launched off the couch and teleported outside the house as anastasia appeared inside the house john had an angel feather in his hoodie. he says ana how are you here!?!?! aurora ran in and killed her mom saying i knew it she then looked at the angel feather and it lit fire and turned to ash. her hair on fire as a small flame was in her eyes she says dont hurt them mother dont ever come back!
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"Well, well," Sahira muttered. "It certainly won't be possible if you keep jabbering on like that!" She smiled. "Look, you don't need fancy spells and all that. You just need to hide a couple things. It'll be easy." The demon girl shook her head, "But if you really don't think it's possible, then I should probably stop wasting your time."
Jade shrugged. "I'll listen to the idea I guess. Better than having to keep finding the worst parts of towns and abandoned homes I'm sure." She replied but yet still doughted anything would help. She hadn't manged something since she was born. Her parents giving her up just because she was a monster. Well sort of her parents giving her up. She knew her mother had apparently died and her father abandoned them both. He was probable the true monster but she didn't think she would ever know. "Just if you have an idea that involves hiding my tail it hates feeling trapped I will warn." She added knowing every time she had gotten a new pair of jeans eventually she had to make a whole one way or another. Knowing what the kids she once met offered. Before she had done something to scare them off once again.
Chandra was impressed. Hiding almost a month from his parents. She'd barely been able to hide two days when she was adolescent. There was no way she would've been able to hide for even two weeks with her parents, older sister and help looking everywhere for her. "I was barely able to hide for a week from my parents. They viewed me as an utter failure and I hated them." She still hated them. "I can see why you would hide from them and I hope they don't find you if they're bad enough you'd run from them."
Nightfang simply nodded. "I only run cause I don't wish to rule. I'm sure the reason I can hide so long is my friends I left this time back at home." He replied he understood how it could be hard to run away. When he first tried he had gotten no where. It wasn't until is fifth he even managed to leave there hidden home. He could easily return when he wished now. Because of his rank as a prince and general his army or well part of the army of his father no longer will dare turn him in just like Rex's army wouldn't dare they still needed all of Tobias's now but that should come in time. "But they aren't considered to bad well not from a normal Vampire's point of view if you like the idea of possible war. Death to humans and such. Those who wouldn't die they mention thoughts of slavery..." He added with a sigh. "So yeah if I must I probable would run...." He finished. Soon they seemed to enter the forest. As they traveled closer Nightfang soon hoped not only tat they wouldn't meet something unexpected again while in the abandoned town but when they enter the forest outside of it.
Chandra nodded. Running away with friends, no matter how smart or trustworthy they were, only increased chances of someone being found. Going alone did increase your chances of other bad things happening but when you intended to stay away from something as long as possible being alone was the best option. At least to her it was. All she'd ever run from was her parents and whatever harsh punishment they'd give her for whatever little thing she did to disappoint or anger them. Nightfang was running because he didn't wish to rule and she didn't blame him. "I'd run from that, too, in all honestly." She said quietly. "Too much to deal with." She didn't feel like going into detail. "But, when you did get caught, how did you manage to sneak away again?"
Nightfang nodded then gave a smile at the question. "Rex" He replied. "Best liar I would say in our whole kingdoms. He too turns out to be a prince. But that doesn't stop him from helping me get out of trouble. He usually has a reason I can't do the punishment or says something to make it sound like I did nothing wrong. Then Tobias usually adds to the oh will make sure he won't again deal. Then by the next day I'm gone again. The longest it took to get me out of trouble was a year though." Nightfang then glanced to Victor. "But now just because I run off doesn't mean you ever um should. Your mother is a lot better than mine." He added feeling he probable shouldn't be explaining all that much about his running off. But Victor seemed like a good kid so he probable wouldn't actually run away or anything. Just that older brother kind of feeling or whatever Rex calls it when he suddenly seems to feel like he shouldn't say much to kids without telling them they shouldn't be like him seemed to kick in.
Chandra wished she had a friend like that when she was young. Someone to constantly get her out of trouble. Her sister would only do so much to keep her out of trouble or get her out of it."My sister would barely help get me out of trouble. I guess she thought the same way my parents did. That she was much better than me and that I was simply a failure." She was waiting, after that, for Valentine's response. She stared at him while he was quiet and wondered if he even paid attention to what Nightfang had said. "Valentine?"
"You wouldn't run away from me, would you?" She asked. She'd hoped to be a much better mother than her own. She'd sworn to herself when he was born that she'd never ever kick him out on the streets or make him feel like he was stupid or unimportant. No child deserved that.
"Of course not. What reason would I have to leave?"
Nightfang listened to Chandra he gave a nod. "I know it's hard to find good friends sometimes. I got lucky and happen to also be an only child I guess." He replied. Then hearing Victor smiled. "That's good to hear. Cause I can't see why you'd want to leave either." He replied.
"I have to admit, when I was younger I found myself stupidly jealous of only children." Chandra admitted. "I thought they were lucky to have nobody to live up to to gain their parents attention or approval. Nobody to try to be better than and no need to act out just to feel like you weren't forgotten because of the better, older or younger, siblings." She had certainly tried to be better than her sister but nothing she did worked. For a time, she actually hated her sister until she realized that her sister would likely be the only one she had.
Nightfang nodded. "I know others who were but being an only child doesn't mean you don't have expectations. I have to apparently be the prefect son for my parents but I'm not." He paused. "Oh and sometimes it hurts if your parents wish you were more like one of your friends. I'm often compared to Tobias more than Rex but I still don't see why they feel I need to be a bit more like him. Well they say that till he's doing what I did or doing something with me that gets myself in trouble."
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