Angels,Demons or vampires any creature you like!!!

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he says im a demon but i still have my humanity unlike the things anastasia had sent after Aurora. Also sir were you able to save her grace and my wifes? sir she needs her grace back otherwise she will become a fallen angel or a demon neither will be good i dont want to have to kill my baby girl sir! Aurora slowly opens her eyes still in levi's arms she says what happened? her vision extremely blurry. she sees john and says demon another.... no please no more demons she began to shake in the fear she was feeling tears beginning to form in her eyes.
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Chandra was about to say no but then she look the look on Valentine's face and hesitated. But what reason did they have to go with him? He said he didn't mind and it also wouldn't hurt to have a little company for a while longer. As long as the company wasn't Aurora. "Sure, we can go with him. If he doesn't mind."
Nightfang gave a nod. "No I don't mind." He repeated and gave a smile then began to walk slowly. "Where do you plan to head?" He asked not sure if he should keep leading or perhaps let one of them he really didn't care which way he traveled just not toward his parents.

Sahira paused, looking down at what she had bumped into. A girl, or more likely, a demon. Not fully, she could tell, but a demon all the same. "No, no," she whispered, offering a hand to her, "I should have been looking where I was walking."
Jade took the hand thankfully and stood. "No I probable should had been looking I was running after all." She replied taking a breath it seemed. She glanced back to where other demons once where being slaughtered. "It seems I may be safe for now." She added.
Chandra shrugged. "In all honestly, I don't care. Where ever you go." Because anywhere he went had to be better than this excuse for a town. "Where ever you decide to go we'll follow. Only because Valentine will have a fit if I say no."
"Safe, did you say?" Sahira asked, tilting her head much a like a dog when it's confused. "Safe from what, might I ask?" She probably knew the answer, but playing dumb was an easy way not to give away her thoughts.
Levi says, "Its ok." He slips her grace back over her neck. "Come with me. We must leave. We don't know if any demons will come." He takes off a jog for his loft, aurora still in his arms.
John follows levi back towards the loft. Aurora began to fall asleep in levis arms her grace dimmed but she was just resting so she could get back to full strength. she was shaking slightly still. John says sir do you think she will be ok? im sorry that you got dragged into all this. also what are these and did you prescribe them to my daughter? He held up the small container that held the blood tablets aurora took to hold off the thirst.
"Yes,Yes,and yes. I've dealt with creatures of her nature before. I have them to her." He enters his loft. "Get in here. You may have your humanity, but I need to put wards up against demons." He slowly goes around the loft, drawing runes in the air with his stele.
John goes in and says can you tell me what they are sir? The black in his eyes faded and his horns and wings and even his tail disappeared he looked human except for the small fangs he had. he said wow nice place you have here. he said your magic is strong to i havent looked this human since a very long time ago when Aurora was little. Aurora wakes up slowly and looks around saying where am i? her vision to blurry to really see anything.
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"What are what? The wards, the creatures, or the pills?"
she looked at levi and john and says who is there? stay back! one of her swords appeared in her hands and she pointed it at john and levi and repeated stay back! her vision still really blurry. John says the pills sir. what are they ive never seen them before. he says shhhh little girl youre safe. Aurora said stay back im warning you both! she fell off the couch and weakly stood her skin tone still pale from not fully recuperating yet. her eyes start glowing red slowly. she yells who are you!?!?! she said in a mumble what smells so good?
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Chandra shrugged. "In all honestly, I don't care. Where ever you go." Because anywhere he went had to be better than this excuse for a town. "Where ever you decide to go we'll follow. Only because Valentine will have a fit if I say no."
Nightfang nodded then began to walk once more slowly. "Alright." He replied then more or less he seemed to be heading for the forest but that was usually how he begun his travel and with this town being like it is hard to tell which path was still even a path once you leave the town.

"Safe, did you say?" Sahira asked, tilting her head much a like a dog when it's confused. "Safe from what, might I ask?" She probably knew the answer, but playing dumb was an easy way not to give away her thoughts.
Jade looked at the girl. "Away from those who usually kill anyone who looks like me." She explained simply. "I don't look like anything friendly I'm sure." She added and sighed her pointed tail swayed still as if she was on alert.
"Mhmm..." Sahira mumbled, glancing over her shoulder. "If it helps, I don't think there are any others around here. For now at least. They seemed to have left the scene of their crimes... Crime, crimes.... Whichever make the sentence correct." She smiled. "What's your name, sweetie?"
With Shadowhunter speed, Levi disarms aurora and injects her with more sedative. She goes limp in his arms. "Damn. I didn't want to have to do that." He draws a clarity rune on her shoulder.
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Aurora fell limp in his arms john yelled what the... he is completely shocked how fast he moved. Auroras sword clattered to the ground then faded into a ball of light that disappeared. john says is she ok? will she survive having a rune sir? i know she doesnt have the nephilim blood that shadowhunters do sir?
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"She's part angel. The angels gave us the runes. She'll survive." He lays aurora on the couch.
john said you havent answered my question from earlier what are these pills and why is my daughter taking them?!?! Aurora began to get a small fever. and her hand went to hold her throat which had started to burn john looks at his arm which was cut from the building rubble alittle he covered the small wound with his jacket sleeve. Aurora whimpered her throat burning even more her fangs growing larger in her sleep she mumbles so hungry in her sleep.
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"Mhmm..." Sahira mumbled, glancing over her shoulder. "If it helps, I don't think there are any others around here. For now at least. They seemed to have left the scene of their crimes... Crime, crimes.... Whichever make the sentence correct." She smiled. "What's your name, sweetie?"
Jade listened and gave a nod. Still rather shocked this woman didn't seem to pay mind to her appearance. "It's Jade.... Jade Serena Roth..." She paused. Then rubbed her neck and looked to the ground her tail seeming to wrap around her slightly. "But most really just call me Demon...." She finished not sure what this woman might use. She was really only use to strangers calling her Demon very rarely would anyone Jade or sometimes most rarely Miss Roth.
Chandra followed close behind Nightfang, wondering where they'd actually end up. They seemed to be headed for the forest but past that they could go anywhere. She checked to make sure Valentine was following and that his pet was still with him. They lost the last crow he had and he wasn't happy until she allowed him to have another one. She did want to start a conversation, small talk, but she didn't know what to say to start one.
Nightfang walked slowly listing for any up ahead trouble. He still hadn't decided what direction to head once in the forest. He also glanced seeing Victor behind. "So I'm guessing like me you both perhaps have traveled quit a lot?" He asked hoping to add some small talk. Rex was usually the one good for that sort of thing but he wasn't here to help. Making Nightfang need to give it a try for himself.
Chandra was relieved that Nightfansg decided to start the conversation. "We have, yes." She answered. "We saw no reason to stay in one place for long. We might stay somewhere for a month, if we enjoy it there, and then leave for elsewhere. Even the most exciting of places can get boring after a while."
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