Angels and Demons

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Tamara, back from her jaunt to the local jail house for her meal, examined the eight auras in the house. 'Oh deary, did they get in a fight?' she thought to herself letting her wings feel the air for the first time in days. 'They make such a big deal out of confinement.' she sighed and took stock of the time, knowing that her use of the shadows was about done for the day. Using them, she entered the house and went searching for the one aura that needed it's butt kicked.

"Well,well. Don't you just look pathetic." She said with little pity. Datenshi was a demon after all. She entered the room and closed the door. Her wings fluttered slightly giving a reddish black glint on the white feathers before folding nicely against her back.
((Sorry for any spelling errors! On my iPod XP))

By the time Alyss reached her room she knew she would not be able to sequester herself. Not now, anyway. Even if she did try she knew it would drive her crazy. The nagging thing at the back of her mind that Alyss had been trying to ignore because she couldn't deal with it. Not right now, not on top of being stuck inside this damned house! But it simply would not leave her alone. Every time Alyss closed her eyes, his face appeared. Snarling, covered in blood, and then the moment of shocked when she moved in front of him, her back to God and staring down at the Demon. That single moment when he looked up at her in complete surprise before disappearing. And now that she knew his kin was right downstairs... What was Alyss to do? Lock herself in her room and forget about it? Even now, as she reached for the door handle, she knew it was impossible.

Alyss sighed and leaned her head against the door. Damn. Damn, damn, damn. the word ran through her head and she found herself damning several things. That Demon she saved. Datenashi. This mansion. These stupid emotions that she had managed to do away with. A day in this place and they were rushing back and she absolutely hated it. There was a reason Alyss had gone cold, a reason she did away with all the silly feelings that came with being an Angel. They hurt. Everything about them simply hurt and Alyss did not want to have to deal with the pain. But she turned away from the door and slowly started downstairs. Each step seemed to moan beneath her feet, calling out the name of that Angel. The one she had promised to protect... Alyss shook her head violently, determined to do away with that thought. She was frustrated and angry and confused enough. There was no need to add her on there.

Alyss stopped in front of the kitchen door and slowly pushed it open. He was still there, his head in his hands. The position was not one of sadness or grief, or even anger. Alyss recognized it instantly for it reflected something she had felt for thousands of years. Emptiness. A big void inside. Nothing. How she wished she could return to that nothing. Simply place all her emotions in him and escape back to the black hole she had so carefully crafted inside of her. She wished to speak with him, to talk about his father. Yet... Did she dare do so now? It seemed cruel to bring her own troubles to him when he was clearly in a difficult place. On the other side, she did not feel right leaving him like this. In it's own way that, too, was cruel. After all, she had a connection with this Demon, although a fragile one. She was, in a way, the reason Datenashi existed. Alyss slowly moved towards the Demon, her movements stiff as she held out a hand and awkwardly patted his arm.

"I believe what people say in this situation is 'there, there'. There, there," Alyss spoke, her voice even and emotionless. She was standing by him, wondering if this was the stupidest thing she'd ever done and then promptly remembering that the head she was patting was the son of a Demon she'd saved right after he'd killed an Angel and realizing just how much of an idiot she truly was. Then the door opened once more and the girl from before entered.

"Ah. Well, looks like you have someone else to deal with these emotions now," Alyss said. She turned, quite prepared to leave them alone.
Datenshi stiffened as he felt Alyss's hand pat his arm gently. The last thing he wanted at that moment was any kind of contact. He didn't look up, didn't speak, didn't move. When he felt the dense presence of Tamara in the air, he stiffened even more, ready to pounce. He knew this girl was trouble. He finally spoke, his voice hollow.

"Thank you, Miss Alyss... I am sorry for overstepping my boundaries earlier. I should have just... let you handle your own affairs. And thank you for trying. What do you want, Tamara? Come to kick me while I'm down? Go right ahead because you know I'll be right back up."
Tamara barked a laugh. It was not a nice sound. "Nice to see you Alyss, do enjoy your day,I think you'll find some different books in the library." She said walking over to the table and sitting on it, totally disregarding the chairs. " What do you take me as Datenshi? A demon? No, don't answer, I don't want to know." she scoffed at the mere idea of kicking a downed opponent. "You need to stop moping and get up. Teach Alyss to find freedom, in more ways than one. Get up and stop trying to be a goody two shoes angel! You're a demon for crying out loud! But then, what do I care?" Tamara turned to look at him and shook her head.

"Why do I even try?" Tamara asked the ceiling "What do I have to gain if this works? Why don't you think on that. I know of all in this House, that you know who I am." She got up from the table and spread her wings wide. "I'll unlock the house when Alyss finds freedom. Not until then. " She added satisfying the need to make right her wrongs. "I'll be around." and she left again with nary another word.
Ornias sniffed, letting Ru'mel's hand caress his chin. His touch felt wamr against his skin that still dripped with cold water. Like the warm the fire in the chimney produced in his living room. He finished brushing his teeth and dried his face and mouth with a towel that hung near him on a tube. "If I told you it was nothing, I would certainly be lying. Truth is I'm getting annoyed with all the noise we are getting in the house from everyone. Just a minute ago, at least I think so, people were growling like animals downstairs. No offense if they were demons, but for God's sake, can't they at least survive a day?" He let out a breath he was relieved to let out and threw his hands in the air. It was noise something that had always made Ornias grumpy and, most of all, drive him nuts. Even when he had slayed certain demons he had gone marbles when listening to their screams, resembling nails screeching on a blackboard to even a fork been tapped on a porcelain plate and dragging over it.

He sighed and rubbed at his eyes. "Nothing of your fault Ru...I'm just not used to live with many people in a house. Not to mention in a mansion. And for a year!" Ornias had a certain level of patience; he would bear with anyone else, he didn't care who they were, he would either act indifferent towards them, not hating them nor paying too much attentino to them, or he would just get along with them, like in Ru'mel's case.
Datenshi smiled a bit as Tamara left, leaving the room empty save him and Alyss, who he looked at. He spoke gently as he rose, carefully taking her hand in a soft, gently trembling hand. If she was going to learn to posess, she would have to get over her fear of contact.

"Come with me, please, Miss Alyss. I have something to show you if you don't mind."

His voice was different, not hollow any more, but not as emotional as before. It was somewhere in the middle, more of a soft politeness and a hint of caring as he spoke to the sensitive hidden woman. His warm hand interlaced with hers, but he was shaking, hoping he wouldn't hit him or get angry with him.
"You know, this house provides anything you need, my dear ornias. If you need silence, ask." With that, the house made the walls soundproof. "Better?" He asked, adding a seductive tone to his voice.
"If you had not chosen to step in I would have lost control and that would have been... Regrettable," Alyss replied, her hand on the doorknob. He had spoken to her, after Tamara had appeared. Well, she assumed the girls name was Tamara as that was what Datenshi said and she had indeed responded. Her eyes flickered to the girl as she addressed her.

"Hello to you also, and I do hope you have a lovely day," Alyss said coolly before adding, "And thank you for the books. I am quite sure they will be just wonderful." Alyss turned her head back towards the door, once more preparing to leave them to a private conversation. But, it seemed, that conversation included a rather interesting topic. Her. Was Tamara attempting to cheer Datenshi up? That was...interesting. As far as Alyss could tell, Demons tended to be self serving. Yet here there appeared to be two who helped others. Although, to be fair, one of them was a mixed breed. Datenshi was a mystery, though. So full of emotion, bursting with passion, yet kind. It was odd, especially in a Demon. Intriguing, slightly. Although if it hadn't been for other factors Alyss would've simply ignored Datenshi. Now, though, she had a reason for a personal interest. As such she kept standing by the doorway, listening as Tamara spoke.

"Freedom. How wonderfully cryptic," Alyss muttered even as Tamara disappeared. She glanced at Datenshi, then decided that now was most certainly not the time. He was... Emotional. Well, not really. Broken. Alyss did not wish to intrude on this and she felt that despite her questions they were not important enough. It would simply have to wait. But just then he rose and took her hand. On instinct Alyss moved it away, but stayed where she was. He seemed to be understanding something she was not and it looked to hold great importance to him.

"Stop shaking," Alyss said, "Lead the way." Alyss removed her one hand from the doorknob, but kept both behind her back. She simply stared blankly at Datenshi, waiting for him to do something.
Datenshi retracted his hand quickly as if he'd been burnt, then sighed deeply and shook his head a bit. Damn, these people had some major issues. He led the way to the greenhouse and pointed to the empty space where he had sat before.

"Please, sit... I'm going to teach you to be free, Miss Alyss."
Ornias put a hand on his hip and chuckled without humor, finding it amusing that he kept forgetting that the mansion wasn't a normal building. He rubbed his chin thoughtfully, catching that slight seductive tone Ru'mel added to his question. Just for the hell of it, he raised an eyebrow in his best seductive way and smiled, showing off his perfect white teeth. "Much better, thank you very much, mate." He rolled up the long sleeves of his flannel shirt and then tried on one of the bathroom windows, just checking if this hadn't been a sort of joke from someone in the house. When he again found it impossible to open it he gave up and turned to look at Ru, an unamused look on his face. "Seems we can not get out. A real pity".
Alyss watched as Datenshi pulled back his hand rather quickly. What was so important about touching her hand? She simply did not enjoy the sensation as others might. It had been a while, after all, that she had been in physical contact with anyone. Alyss followed, silently, as Datenshi led the way to the green house. She looked around, relaxing slightly. This room was made of glass and it almost made her feel like she was outside. Then Datenshi sat and gestured for her to join him, speaking of freedom.

"Oh, good. Yet more cryptic remarks on freedom," Alyss commented her voice even. She stepped forward to take a seat beside Datenshi.
"It may seem so. But there is another person in this house. More than the 8 that are supposed to be here. Maybe that has to do something with it. I hope nothings wrong. So, what would like to do my dear ornias? It seems we have to entertain ourselves within the confines of the house." Ru liked the way that ornias put his hands on his hips. It looked too tempting. It seems I'm falling instead of doing the catching. Aint that something. Oh well. Then he let out a sigh, forgetting where he was. Lost in thought.
D smiled at Alyss and nodded a bit. She was at least listening instead of calling him dumb or crazy and walking out. He looked out the window and called two birds to him, one much bigger than the other so Alyss' soul would not be too cramped. He looked at Alyss and spoke softly, his eyes never leaving the birds as they glided into the greenroom and perched in front of them obediently.

"Spirit possession is psychokinetic control of the behavior of a living thing or natural object by a spiritual being. It's is a paranormal or supernatural event in which it is said that spirits, gods, demons, animas, extraterrestrials, or other disincarnate or extraterrestrial entities take control of a human body, resulting in noticeable changes in health and behaviour. The term can also describe a similar action of taking residence in an inanimate object, possibly giving it animation. The concept of spiritual possession exists in many religions, including Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Haitian Vodou, Wicca, and Southeast Asian and African traditions. Depending on the cultural context in which it is found, possession may be considered voluntary or involuntary and may be considered to have beneficial or detrimental effects. Scientific materialists also have opinions about the nature of the phenomenon. I am going to teach you how to posess the bird in front of you, so even when you are trapped in tight places, you may be free. I know this is a long shot, Miss Alyss, but I need you to trust me. You cannot be afraid or disgusted by my touch, because it will inhibit your thoughts. Please, do you trust me?"

He watched her expression, just as the birds did. He planned on showing her how by doing it himself, but he still needed her trust.
For over an hour, Kaethe screamed her heart out into the pillow, making about as much noise as a whisper to the outside world. She screamed until her throat was sore and her voice was gone, and then she flopped back on her bed and just stared at her dark ceiling. This was it. It was all over. They were all trapped in this mansion together because of some sick and twisted game that Jehovah and Lucifer felt like playing together. All of a sudden she realized that they were nothing more than pawns. There was no point trying to escape because they were all going to die here, one way or another.

It wasn't the first time that she had felt isolated and helpless, or even certain of death. Normally she got annoyed with herself for acting like some sort of overdramatic, overemotional idiot. Today, though, she couldn't bring herself to get out of the slump. She just crawled up to her pillows and burrowed under her blankets, laying in a little ball as she stared at the wall.
She sat on the roof of the house watching as the clouds puffed by. Her own thoughts though were wild, nothing like the calm clouds. What did she have to gain if this worked? What would she lose? Did the gain out weigh the loss? Did she really and truly want this to succeed? Her gaze shifted to the house under her and she watched the various auras dance about. Two seemed to be quite close and idly she wondered if a partnership was being made, while another two were in the green house, at this she smiled, Alyss would find freedom. She frowned just as quickly as she had smiled, her eyes flashing a brief black before returning to her usual green.

No, she could not get jealous. There was no reason for her to be, was there? In a way the eight reminded her of things she would never know; to be with others without fear of being attacked, to be sought after and perhaps loved, a way to end the eternal loneliness. Perhaps she was jealous.

Tamara shook the thoughts out of her head and returned to watching the clouds this time reviewing the plan and working out a second plan should this one fail.
The plan depended on the chosen subjects getting along as time passed, but should they not get along and end up killing each other, what then? She sighed and planned on staying close to the mansion for a year. She would step in if necessary and break up the fights even if it meant great harm to herself.

She stood 'Might as well try to get another demon to listen and think. The others seem to be doing fine.' and with that thought, jumped from the roof, her wings opening to let her hover. A headache was a small price to pay she figured as she unlocked the window she was after, silently slipping in
Kaethe's room and re-locking it when she was done.

"Now what's your problem? Confused as to whats going on? Depressed that your stuck in a house with seven others? I had thought you were made of better stuff then the rest. I had hoped on getting to know the one being in this house most like me, even if you only have a fraction of what I do." She said this remaining hidden and ready for an attack. She could and would defend herself of needed, a master of her chosen weapon. She did not get to where she was by sitting and doing nothing after all.
Ornias dug his hansd into his front pockets, shrugging casually. His stomach growled and he felt a small flush creep up on his cheeks. He had forgotten the last time he had eaten, even the day before he had not eaten a thing. He turned away, a bit embarrassed and licked his lips. He cleared his throat and started for the door, brushing Ru'mel's shoulder slightly with his and he grinned. "Mind going with me for breakfast? I bet the others don't exactly plan on having a 'group breakfast' down there. I don't even think their acquaintances have been done preoperly. Oh well". He turned to look at Ru as he walked out the room, waiting for him, expectantly.
Ru had followed. He wasn't much of an eater. "Well my dear ornias. It is such a pity for them not to have met your acquaintance." He smiled warmly.
Ornias had to grin at that, truth be told no one else had known about his presence, not that he knew of anyway. They walked casually to the kitchen, from where Ornias could tell there was a delicious smell coming from it. He didn't exactly had to eat, it was mostly just because he had grown used to it for being so close to mortals. He ran his tongue through his teeth, wings fluttering behind him as he thought about the different smells that reached his nose. 'Either someone made it or the mansion just likes to please us.'
"Oh ornias. I'm pretty sure the house isn't the only one that wishes to please you. Now, eat up." He said with a mischief look on his face, yet seductive. I'm going to try something, any suggestions?"
After a few minutes, Kaethe had slipped into a mildly meditative state that allowed her to get lost in her thoughts without bothering to sleep or even close her eyes. She didn't even hear her window slide open or closed, or the faint click of the lock being undone and redone respectively. It wasn't until a female voice broke her wonderful silence that she even realized she was alone. With a start, she sat up and jumped from her bed. A faint growl was already on her lips and her wings were half extended in a vaguely threatening manner. She glared around the room rapidly, then paused and did it slower since she didn't see anything. Sure enough, there was the faint outline of somebody against the wall. She stalked closer, listening against her will as the girl spoke.

"I am neither confused nor depressed. Right now I am irritated that you would dare to trespass in my space without so much as a knock to see if I am available to receive company," she hissed, then dove at the girl.