And Still We Rise: The Revolution (OOC/Signups)

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@Jessica2477 I was writing up more in my CS when I noticed that it may seem like I'm copying a tad. (fire-based, supportive attacker, swordsman) ._.
@Jessica2477 I was writing up more in my CS when I noticed that it may seem like I'm copying a tad. (fire-based, supportive attacker, swordsman) ._.
Heheheh C:

To be fair, I could use a different person. I was torn between using Vermilion Bird or Azure Dragon. If you really want the fire based swordsman, I can always incorporate my other person
Basic Statistics

Tristian Whitely



Race: (Human or hybrid)

Region: (Which region are they originally from)
Second Region

Class: (Upper, middle, or lower)
His family started in the lower class and worked their way up to Middle Class

Style: (Are you an Attacker or a defensive type of fighter? You can be both, but you must give a good explanation as to why)

Blacksmith Apprentice

Income: (How much money they have. Refer to the "Monetary System" tab to see what is okay for your character to have)
900 Silver Coins

He knows how to read and write
He knows how to survive
He knows how to fight
He knows how to make iron works

Siblings (if any):
1 His Little Brother Ty Whitely who is 13

Spouse (if any):

Children (if any):

Relationships (if any):

Physical Characteristics:

Appearance Picture or Description: (If you have something in mind, the appearance questions don't matter)



Eye Color:

Hair Color:

Skin color:

Distinguishing features:

He cracks his knuckles
Often plays around with objects

Working with iron works

Greatest flaw:
Can be too hard headed and not listen to anyone

Best quality:
Deeply believes in the cause and will do whatever it takes to achieve it

How did you obtain your Summon?:
Tristian had been saving his money ever since he was little. Any money that he could happen to find on the street or any money that anyone could spare to him, or any money that he was well able to just take. He saved it all up. When he turned 14 he became an blacksmith apprentice there he made good money learning to become a blacksmith. He saved up enough money to buy his summon.

A sword that he hand crafted himself

Great with a sword
Iron working

Can let his emotions run
Sometimes won't listen to people

Rich people
Letting people he cares for down
Letting the people he cares for Die

Motivation for joining:
He has lived both the poor and middle class life and sees how awful and unfair it is. How much his parents struggled to give him and his brother the best lives possible. This world is cruel and completely unfair Tristian had to do something about it. Do something for his family and his friends, he couldn't just sit on the sidelines anymore. The day he turned 16 he left for the rebellion. The biggest reason though is that his little brother Ty was kidnapped. He doesn't talk about it much, but he wants to do whatever he can to try and find and save his brother.

Tristian is a passionate, fiery guy. He believes deeply in the cause that the resistance is fighting for and will do anything to see it succeed. He is a very brave person, he has stood up to people who hold power as much as he could his whole life. He is also very ambitious as he wants to help bring forth change of the entire system this land runs under. He is very family based as he does everything he can for his family and friends.

Tristian grew up in a poor family from region two. His and his family's life was constantly a struggle, they struggled just to survive. They struggled to eat and to make sure that they weren't simply hunted for being poor. His parents struggled to provide a good life for Tristian and his little brother Ty. Tristian watched his parents sacrifice so much to make sure that he and Ty were always ok. Tristian soon came to hate the rich. He saw how they treated the poor and it angered him. He wanted to do something about it, but there was nothing he could do. Tristian would work whatever odd job he could to try and help his parents make some money, but he never brought in too much money and any money he did get his parents told him too keep it. They said to him he earned that money and that meant it was his.Then something happened that changed his family's life forever. His little brother Ty was kidnapped by mercenaries of the rich. This left Tristian and his parents in despair, they did everything they could try and get him back. They went to the capital to try and reason with the government, they were laughed right out of the capital. They tried every back channel/black market contact they knew to try and help, but nothing came of it. Eventually they kind of had to give up. This made his parents work even harder so they could move up in class so this wouldn't happen to Tristian. Eventually his did parents save up enough money somehow to make it out of the poor class and move into the middle class. They were definitely towards the bottom of the middle class, but life was a little bit better. Though the family was still very depressed, Ty was gone and they would probably never see him again. Tristian though never forgot and made it apart of his goal to somehow save his brother just like he wants to save everyone else.

Eventually Tristian was able to get a job as a blacksmiths apprentice and make a decent amount of money working for the blacksmith. Also he was able to learn how to craft swords and other iron works. Along with learning how to create swords, he trained himself in how to use them. He learned pretty quick and became a very good swordsman very soon. He heard about the group who wanted a revolution when he was 15. He told his parents about it and they said no he was crazy and that he would get himself killed. They had lost one child and did not want to lose another one. He told them the day he turned 16 he was leaving to join the fight. Thats exactly what he did. The day of his 16th birthday, he left his home to travel and join the revolution. He made one stop first. He had saved enough money and he was going to buy a summon scroll first before he made his way to the island. And thats exactly what he did.

Additional Notes on This Character:
Well, one thing: mine is actually fairly different in his own ways. And I don't think you should have to get rid of your current one for mine. it would just be a bit interesting to have two tbh And spoiler, mine also has a bunch of different summoner buffs. Meaning, he can't apply them to himself, only his summoner.
Basic Statistics

Name: The Little Warrior (Acepts name of summoner)
Age: 1679 years
Gender: 'Male'
Race: Shade of Battle
Region: Summons Realm
High Strength
High Durability
Skillied with any melee weapon

Style: Supportive Attacker
Siblings (if any): none
Spouse (if any): none
Children (if any): none
Significant Others/Crushes (if any): Crush on his former Summoner, bonded to The Tiny Fox

Physical Characteristics:

Appearance picture or Description:

Height: 4'7"
Weight: 2 tons, with enchantment 175
Eye Color: none
Hair Color: none
Skin color: none
Distinguishing features: Appears to be made of the same black and gold metal as his weapon, while shadow flows through each peice, coalescing at his head.

Mute, The Little Warrior comunicates through signals and body language. This body language can be rather excessive, sometimes involving dancing, arm-flailing, or jumping a foot into the air to name a few. Another way to tell how he's feeling is a faint glow from within the shadows of his head, the color reflecting his mood.

Makes little trinkets out of small pieces of his metal. He gives them to his summoner as gifts, blissfully unaware that they are as heavy as boulders.
Playing with The Tiny Fox
Tending to Summoner's every whim
Style (Elegant, shabby etc.): Has forever worn the same attire as seen above, and feels uncomfortable in anything else. He washes it whenever he has the chance

Greatest flaw:
Dumb as a box of rocks
Best quality:
Loyal to the bitter end
A war hammer made of the same metal as its user. Really a complex mechanism that can transform into almost any melee weapon. The weapon cannot exceed 5 feet in length and 2.5 feet in width.
Weapon proficiency
His pysical abilties cannot exceed those that a human can reach on their own

Summoner: To be determined

The Little Warrior is entirely solemn in battle, fighting without mercy, but acts very differently out of it. Quite emotional and rather shy, he desperately tries to please his summoner in any way he can. He has attachment issues and is reluctant to leave his summoner for a period of time, he also refuses to let The Tiny Fox out of his sight. Speaking of The Fox, he regards it as his best friend and will protect it unless its summoner instructs him not to do so or needs protection as well. The Warrior can get depressed quickly without positive reinforcement, but is elated to hearing any, even if the speaker is sarcastic. He's not the sharpest longsword in the rack but is certainly a loyal companion that is ready to follow its summoner to the end.

Background: See The Tiny Fox

Additional Notes on This Character:
The enchantment of the metal works only as long as the Warrior is touching it, as soon as he loses contact with it it returns to its extremely heavy state. The enchantment turns off if the Warrior is unconscious.


Name: The Tiny Fox (Acepts name of summoner)
Age: 1679 years
Gender: Undetermined
Race: Spirit of Battle
Region: Summons Realm
Support Skills (See Weapons)

Style: Supportive Attacker
Siblings (if any): none
Spouse (if any): none
Children (if any): none
Significant Others/Crushes (if any): Bonded to The Little Warrior

Physical Characteristics:

Appearance picture or Description:

Height: 1'5"
Weight: none
Eye Color: Gold
Hair Color: Snowy white and light red, with a bit of blue
Skin color: none
Distinguishing features: Two tails and a little black horn poking out of its forehead

Speaks through a telepathic link with its summoner, The Fox's voice that of a young girl unless its summoner asks for a different one. It can link with other human's, but only if the summoner says so and it can not link with other summons.

Whenever The Fox is feeling independent, it may play tricks; ranging from harmless jokes to its friends to minor inconveniences for those it resents.

Gawking over fancy clothes
Hanging out with The Little Warrior
Style (Elegant, shabby etc.): While it itself doesn't wear anything, it sees itself as a bit of a fashionista, and it makes sure it's supportive forms look great on the summoner.
Greatest flaw:
Best quality:
Worldly Knowledge
The Fox can enhance one of the physical attributes (speed, strength, exc) of its summoner past what is achievable by humans, although not by much. It can enhance a mental attribute like knowledge or bravery instead.
A nasty bite that will be somewhat irritating for a solid hour.


Summoner: To be determined

The Tiny Fox is comparable to a bookworm child. It has a well of worldly knowledge, but lacks the wisdom and cleverness to put it to use. Like a child it can be easily swayed, with the summoner being the final word on things. The Fox is curious and eager to further its knowledge, eager for 'adventures into the unknown' which often end with it fleeing from the first sign of danger. While a coward the Fox will not leave its summoner to A ill fate, unless it has been mistreated. The Fox treasures friendship and believes that there are no strangers, only friends it hasn't met.

For all actions, there is a light and a darkness. Battle is most certainly not a exception, so whenever a powerful human warrior dies, two things will appear in the Summons Realm: A Spirit of Battle, and a Shade of Battle. A Spirit is meant to embody the burning passion and glory of battle and a Shade the cruelty and coldness of it. Spirits of Battle take the form of large foxes that are wise and brave, Shades becoming hulking constructs of shadow and metal, devoid of emotion. The two are bound and will not part until death. Although somehow the death of a warrior has resulted in these two, much smaller and weaker versions of Shades and Spirits. Due to the power of these duos normally, they are highly sought after by summoners and put at a very high price. These two however are often sold at full price only to be thrown away by their sumoner once they realize they are much weaker then their brethren. They have gone through many summoners and have been mistreated often when not discarded immediately. The only true compassion they have been shown was from their last summoner, a young woman whose death still haunts them.

Additional Notes on This Character:
The Fox forms into a peice of clothing corespondent with its current buff (boots for speed, gloves for strengh exc) that are white and red while also looking AMAZING on the summoner.
I'm assuming those two come as one summon? Meaning, the summoner gets both upon use of the scroll?
Yes. Both their abilities amount to that of a Supportive Attacker.
Cool, I'll count them both as one Summon. Now I read
Basic Statistics

Name: The Little Warrior (Acepts name of summoner)
Age: 1679 years
Gender: 'Male'
Race: Shade of Battle
Region: Summons Realm
High Strength
High Durability
Skillied with any melee weapon

Style: Supportive Attacker
Siblings (if any): none
Spouse (if any): none
Children (if any): none
Significant Others/Crushes (if any): Crush on his former Summoner, bonded to The Tiny Fox

Physical Characteristics:

Appearance picture or Description:
View attachment 133407

Height: 4'7"
Weight: 2 tons, with enchantment 175
Eye Color: none
Hair Color: none
Skin color: none
Distinguishing features: Appears to be made of the same black and gold metal as his weapon, while shadow flows through each peice, coalescing at his head.

Mute, The Little Warrior comunicates through signals and body language. This body language can be rather excessive, sometimes involving dancing, arm-flailing, or jumping a foot into the air to name a few. Another way to tell how he's feeling is a faint glow from within the shadows of his head, the color reflecting his mood.

Makes little trinkets out of small pieces of his metal. He gives them to his summoner as gifts, blissfully unaware that they are as heavy as boulders.
Playing with The Tiny Fox
Tending to Summoner's every whim
Style (Elegant, shabby etc.): Has forever worn the same attire as seen above, and feels uncomfortable in anything else. He washes it whenever he has the chance

Greatest flaw:
Dumb as a box of rocks
Best quality:
Loyal to the bitter end
A war hammer made of the same metal as its user. Really a complex mechanism that can transform into almost any melee weapon. The weapon cannot exceed 5 feet in length and 2.5 feet in width.
Weapon proficiency
His pysical abilties cannot exceed those that a human can reach on their own

Summoner: To be determined

The Little Warrior is entirely solemn in battle, fighting without mercy, but acts very differently out of it. Quite emotional and rather shy, he desperately tries to please his summoner in any way he can. He has attachment issues and is reluctant to leave his summoner for a period of time, he also refuses to let The Tiny Fox out of his sight. Speaking of The Fox, he regards it as his best friend and will protect it unless its summoner instructs him not to do so or needs protection as well. The Warrior can get depressed quickly without positive reinforcement, but is elated to hearing any, even if the speaker is sarcastic. He's not the sharpest longsword in the rack but is certainly a loyal companion that is ready to follow its summoner to the end.

Background: See The Tiny Fox

Additional Notes on This Character:
The enchantment of the metal works only as long as the Warrior is touching it, as soon as he loses contact with it it returns to its extremely heavy state. The enchantment turns off if the Warrior is unconscious.


Name: The Tiny Fox (Acepts name of summoner)
Age: 1679 years
Gender: Undetermined
Race: Spirit of Battle
Region: Summons Realm
Support Skills (See Weapons)

Style: Supportive Attacker
Siblings (if any): none
Spouse (if any): none
Children (if any): none
Significant Others/Crushes (if any): Bonded to The Little Warrior

Physical Characteristics:

Appearance picture or Description:
View attachment 133407

Height: 1'5"
Weight: none
Eye Color: Gold
Hair Color: Snowy white and light red, with a bit of blue
Skin color: none
Distinguishing features: Two tails and a little black horn poking out of its forehead

Speaks through a telepathic link with its summoner, The Fox's voice that of a young girl unless its summoner asks for a different one. It can link with other human's, but only if the summoner says so and it can not link with other summons.

Whenever The Fox is feeling independent, it may play tricks; ranging from harmless jokes to its friends to minor inconveniences for those it resents.

Gawking over fancy clothes
Hanging out with The Little Warrior
Style (Elegant, shabby etc.): While it itself doesn't wear anything, it sees itself as a bit of a fashionista, and it makes sure it's supportive forms look great on the summoner.
Greatest flaw:
Best quality:
Worldly Knowledge
The Fox can enhance one of the physical attributes (speed, strength, exc) of its summoner past what is achievable by humans, although not by much. It can enhance a mental attribute like knowledge or bravery instead.
A nasty bite that will be somewhat irritating for a solid hour.


Summoner: To be determined

The Tiny Fox is comparable to a bookworm child. It has a well of worldly knowledge, but lacks the wisdom and cleverness to put it to use. Like a child it can be easily swayed, with the summoner being the final word on things. The Fox is curious and eager to further its knowledge, eager for 'adventures into the unknown' which often end with it fleeing from the first sign of danger. While a coward the Fox will not leave its summoner to A ill fate, unless it has been mistreated. The Fox treasures friendship and believes that there are no strangers, only friends it hasn't met.

For all actions, there is a light and a darkness. Battle is most certainly not a exception, so whenever a powerful human warrior dies, two things will appear in the Summons Realm: A Spirit of Battle, and a Shade of Battle. A Spirit is meant to embody the burning passion and glory of battle and a Shade the cruelty and coldness of it. Spirits of Battle take the form of large foxes that are wise and brave, Shades becoming hulking constructs of shadow and metal, devoid of emotion. The two are bound and will not part until death. Although somehow the death of a warrior has resulted in these two, much smaller and weaker versions of Shades and Spirits. Due to the power of these duos normally, they are highly sought after by summoners and put at a very high price. These two however are often sold at full price only to be thrown away by their sumoner once they realize they are much weaker then their brethren. They have gone through many summoners and have been mistreated often when not discarded immediately. The only true compassion they have been shown was from their last summoner, a young woman whose death still haunts them.

Additional Notes on This Character:
The Fox forms into a peice of clothing corespondent with its current buff (boots for speed, gloves for strengh exc) that are white and red while also looking AMAZING on the summoner.

These two sound like an adorable little duo
  • Thank You
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Any idea when the IC will go up?
Should be by the end of the week

Someone is going to be posting another Summon, so I either wait for two Summoners and have it be equal, or I wait for one and let one lucky Summoner get two Summons to get the IC up faster
So I saw this being advertised and read the introduction to see if I was interested, which I am, and I see that you need a spot filled. So I'll read everything that's important and get to making a character.
So I saw this being advertised and read the introduction to see if I was interested, which I am, and I see that you need a spot filled. So I'll read everything that's important and get to making a character.
Cool! Right now we need a Summoner/Summoners. After that I can set up the IC
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Reactions: Beowulf
Looks like you lot need a Defender. You're all ready to run in, waving your various pointy objects around, pretending like whatever it is you're attacking won't attack back. But tired now, make one tomorrow.
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  • Bucket of Rainbows
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I noticed a big lack in the male to female ratio, so Vermilion Bird is now a lady.

I have saved the Summoning History and will post it some time later.
Is the summoned history going to be posted with the rest of the info??