Ancient Order of Angels: Volume One The Artifacts

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Gil saw the girl noticing the door on the side of the building. He quickly submerged himself into the shadow that connected them to each other. He traveled in the girls shadow as she entered the monastery. Once there, while the girl was starring out the window, Gil emerged from the shadow. As he slowly emerged from the shadow, he began to speak. "You must be kidding me. First you almost get killed by that arrow. Then you run into a building that is barely standing. What is wrong with you? Lucky you have me watching and trying to protect you. By the way any idea why a person in a hood would be shooting a crossbow at you from over 200 feet away and 15 stories up? Like an assassin would? Any idea?" He asked as he waited on the girl to respond. By the time he was fully erect he finished his statement.
He watched as the girl left the crowd, He saw a man looking at him, he stood up and ran after the girl, He ran through the crowd, He stopped at his place when the girl ran through the door way, He chased after there sliding through the doorway, when he finally reached her, he aimed his crossbow at her standing in place "Don't move girl"
Ukufutheka, red
Uku [you-coo] had spent a very long time in a very dark place wondering how best to pre-empt the portents. There was such a diverse library of lore on the subject of ancient artifacts that it was hard to sort through at times. However, like most of his kind Uku had the advantage of scaring the bodily fluids out of someone to do his bidding. In silence, did he wait until his minions brought him the good news; that the time of the book would soon be upon them.

This was excellent news, indeed, considering it had been more than a millennia since anyone had even whispered about the true artifacts. With such an incredible find, Uku knew that certain steps would need to be taken to ensure a jumpstart on retrieving the book before the fairies got their hands on it. Uku contacted one of the few like him that shared his zeal for disclosure; Alphus.


After a wonderful conversation which ended in both men taking their other forms, a settlement was reached and a target selected. A second discussion wound its way around a week or so before a compromise was found and an actual plan was set. Both men went their separate ways and did not speak again until after the attack.


Uku and Alphus had done well with the demise of the stricture and it felt good to watch something holy burn into nothingness. A slow grin crept over his face watching the ensuing carnage. Uku had intentionally manipulated the anger in several of the monks within the building's walls sending them on a mass spree. Their fear now turned to rage and blind survival; a large group of the people inside was slaughtered by their own before the structure collapsed.

With no time to waste, Uku vanished from the scene flitting in and out of the shadows until he reached a point where he could transport himself to the rendezvous point. A quick incantation sent him to the predetermined spot where Alphus was already waiting. The grin was charming and also hungry. His voice, even in human form, was ridiculously deep and sometimes it didn't fit the frail mortal body he had attached himself to. "Alphus….not bad for our first soul-crushing attack in over five hundred years. Not bad at all." Seeming to grow bigger, the grin never left Uku's handsome face.
Golden eyes flicked around the scene before him and he was drawn to a single area where an anamoly of energies held his attention. He had seen the girl. Felt the being who shot at her and the two that now hounded her into the quickly collapsing monastery.

With a chill breeze the man was gone.


He materialized in the rafters of the monetary and silently navigated his way around the building, the smoke and heat bothering him none at all.

He heard them. There was a commotion in the adjacent room.


Lucius disappeared and materialized in the rafters of that room.

"Don't move girl," someone was saying.


He shrank into the corner and watched as the darkness around began to envelop him.
Dang just missed him...let me see if I can get through to him....Heru had started to setup his link to Gil when he was abruptly interrupted by someone brushing past him. Heru lost his footing from the speed of the person. Who was that he seem to be in such a hurry, asshole no kind of common courtesy. Heru picked himself off and brushed off his coat. He tried to maneuver himself toward the front of the crowd. Whilst getting toward the front he noticed an arrow on the ground with a note on it. "Who are you?" the note asked. Who are you? hmmm wonder where this came from. Heru picked it up and placed it in his backpack.

Heru had finally gotten to the front of the crowd. He could now see the destruction up close. He could smell the stench of death in the air as he looked on. Heru started to see if he could sense Gil's presence at all, the only thing he could sense was the fear coming from someone so he followed it. Heru fixed his jacket to where he would become unnoticed and he slid up under the police tape.

Heru saw a door on the side and started for the door. As he approached it he began to feel very uneasy, he was feeling the pain and suffering that went on inside. He tried his best to shake it off as he approached the door but it would seem it was becoming difficult. Before he reached his hand out he made an attempt to read his surroundings to sense any impending danger.

Oddly enough he could sense Gil's aura and another that was in close proximity. Hmm... Heru entered through the door immediately masking his aura. Upon entry images began to flash in his head on what took place. These images were so vivid it was almost as if he were actually there. Heru shook it off once again and tried to establish a connection with Gil. To no avail Heru then pulled out his headphones. He put them on and commenced to shutting out any distractions. There it was Gil's aura had again fluctuated, and near him seemed to be unfamiliar presences. So he nodded and pulled out his phone and turned on the flashlight and began advancing deeper into the corridor. Becareful Gil...
"You must be even more of an idiot than she is." Gil stated as he turned around to face the hooded figure he had seen earlier. "Honestly, first you try to kill this girl and now you follow us in here? How stupid can you be. I'm not going to let you kill her." He informed the masked assailant. Gil then noticed Heru's aura along with an immensely darker aura near by. Happy for you to finally show up brother, but we are not alone and these mortals just don't know what they have gotten themselves into. Gil thought hoping that Heru was listening in. He scanned the room trying to locate the evil aura. "It must not be in this room." He started not noticing that he was thinking out loud. He then began to concentrate trying to allow the darkness to tell him where the evil enigma was. There was no answer. "A lot of help you are." Gil screamed to the darkness. "Something is here and trust me. Neither of you can handle whatever it is." He stated to the two assuming they were human since he couldn't feel a supernatural aura from either of them.
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An unattached voice came from the shadows. "Are you kidding me?...." Hadley instinctively pressed herself against the wall behind her. "Wh- who's there?!" she exclaimed. The voice continued.

"First you almost get killed by that arrow. Then you run into a building that is barely standing. What is wrong with you? Lucky you have me watching and trying to protect you. By the way any idea why a person in a hood would be shooting a crossbow at you from over 200 feet away and 15 stories up? Like an assassin would? Any idea?"

"I didn't know what to do...!" she blurted out under her breath. "I don't know why someone would try to kill me, let alone an assassin! I'm just a college student-" she didn't know why she was even talking to this stranger. Who was he anyway?

Just then a hooded man burst through the door. "Don't move girl!" he said as he pointed a crossbow at her.

"You must be more of an idiot than she is" the first man stated to the hooded figure. Hadley glared at him, seriously who are these people? "I'm not going to let you kill her." he continued.

Knowing there was nothing but rubble and debris directly behind her she backed up towards it, closer to the shadows. She knew she was trapped. As she got closer to the shadows she felt a heat that came from under her shirt. Looking down she noticed that the gem in her necklace that was once blue now seemed to emanate a deep red. Thankfully, she had put the necklace under her shirt. She didn't need anything else drawing their attention to her at the moment. At the time she was more concerned with escaping.
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Lucius dropped from the beam that supported him and landed silently behind the girl.

"No use going this way," he said coolly, his gruff voice seemed nearly calming.

Lucius looked at the two others in the room and cocked his head, his cowl slid to the side and revealed his golden eyes. They squinted quizzically as he eyed the strangers.
This place has been through so much then this? Why now? Why do something like this? Heru takes off his headphones and slows down his pace. He looked down at his phone and shot Soteria a message about her whereabouts.


After he did he stood there and flashed his light around a bit to see what he saw. One thing that did catch his eye was a weird picture on the wall.


He walked up to it to get a closer look. That's an interesting picture... Heru then took the initiative to snap a photo of it for a future reference. Whilst he was admiring the photo he heard what seemed to be chatter coming from some where. It sounded like Gil's and some other person. Heru took one more look at the eerie picture and then started in the direction of the voices. As he approached the voices Heru let out an eerie chuckle that traveled throughout the wall of the corridor. He then began to since an aura that had just came about.

He turned the corner and noticed a door and started for it. As he got closer he could sense Gil, 2 individuals and an entity. He reached out and turned the nob and entered the room. Upon entry he looked around and saw no one. This of course dumbfounded him because he was so sure of his direction of travel. Really nobody? But I just felt them. No sooner did he think that He heard Gil's communication in his mind, "Happy for you to finally show up brother, but we are not alone and these mortals just don't know what they have gotten themselves into." Heru then smiled and turned around flashing his flashlight down the dimly lit hallway and noticed another door. I'm sure of it that's where they are. Heru started for the door, he approached it with caution. This time instead of manually opening it he did mentally with ease.

The door slowly swung open revealing everybody. He saw the backside of a hooded person, Gil standing in front of some girl, and an odd individual standing behind her. Heru put a slight grin on his face, slid his hands into his pockets and commenced to entering in.

" Gil your in quite a fix aren't you? Seemingly since your a hard person to keep up with." He remarked.

Heru shifted his attention toward the hooded individual holding the crossbow and quickly remembered him from earlier. "Oh knocked me down back there, messed up my coat annnd made me drop my frappe and his latte." Heru commented. "Oh and I'd lower your crossbow if I were you I wouldn't want you to misfire...." He added. Heru then heartlessly threw his words over to the entity standing behind the girl and with out looking at him he spoke. "Well would seem you have inserted yourself into a bad situation huh?" Heru adjusted his coat and continued, "No matter I didn't come here to waste my time on you nor will I waste my energy on you. Sorry but you can dismiss yourself." More images started to flash before Heru's eyes. He couldn't get over the picture he saw back there. There was something strange about it but he had to shake it off. He then walked over to the wall and leaned on it and casually commented, "So, What's up?"
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Gil was happy to see Heru walk in. However he instantly got angry at the fact that his latte was gone. He walked up to the hood figure and demanded. "When we leave here mister, you are going to buy me another latte. I need my caffeine sir." He then walked over to the girl. "You might want to get over there by my brother." He commanded her. "Heru do you mind babysitting the kids. Mommy doesn't want them to get hurt." Gil giggled hoping Heru would catch his drift and the humans acting like little kids. "Now you sir." He started towards the mysterious entity that just jumped down. "What do you think you are doing on holy grounds? Are you searching for something?" He asked and before a response could be made he continued. "Might I ask what in fact are you looking for?" Heru if you can hear me do you have any data on this guy? And should I waist my energy on him if he decides to move? Gil could feel the darkness around him grow as the light coming through the window began to dim. Perfect I can feel the darkness growing stronger. I wonder. Gil flicked his hand sending a stream of darkness out the room to slam a for down the hall. He did this in an attempt to distract everyone. This was obviously part of some kind of strategy.
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Alphus looked at the other demon disinterested. He hated being apart of groups. It detracted attention from what really mattered. Him. His now blue eyes peered darkly at Uku. "You would do well to keep your enthusiasm to a minimum. You wreak of human emotion. It's disgusting." Alpus was never one for displaying emotion. Or doing anything mildly reminiscent of humans. He was above them all, just as he was above all other demons. He broke eye contact with the second Pencuri and shut his eyes. He could feel his blood moving in a frenetic manner within his veins. Something big was certainly coming. Uku didn't realize that despite the fun, the demons were still out in the cold. The book was not at the monastery, despite the echoe of unbelievable energy which had tainted every hall. They would both have to face the other demons without anything to show for their actions. The joy Alphus had felt dissipated, and in it's place was a feeling of wretched failure. "We must find that book. Every second those angels spend existing disgusts me." He looked over at Uku. "When the other demons arrive you will keep silent and I will navigate us both through the after effects of our failed venture." He closed his eyes once more and returned to his thoughts.
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"Searching for something?" Lucius smirked and cast a sideways glance toward the young woman.

"Perhaps you have found what you are searching for?" He teased, absently pacing back and forth.

"Or perhaps not," he replied absently. He hadn't spent much time lately in the human realm. His search had sent him to darker dimensions as of late, but the lure of a destroyed monastery, known for its relics, was too much to keep him from rejoining this plane of existence.

Lucius looked whimsically out the window, though in truth not even the sky could be seen through the billowing smoke clouds emanating from the burning monastery. He breathed in deeply, lungs filling with the ever warming air as the fire around them began to gather in strength.

His golden eyes glowed from behind his cowl as he bowed to the young woman.

"M'lady, I merely wished to see you spared from harm," he nodded in the direction of those who had hounded her into the monestary. His tone was once again cool, confident.
Azimuth's lip was raw from chewing on it. His lovely mistress, the Pencuri of Attachment, had requested--well, ordered with the promise of sever punishment if he neglected to do as she told--he go ahead and scout out the situation. She was above such things, apparently. But as her subordinate and what she described as "assistant", it was his duty to do the dirty work. So with a reluctant frown, he submitted with a "As you wish" and a sigh.

Azimuth despised going alone; it made him nervous, hence the chewing. He was not as strong as the other demonic beings and so he usually relied on Attachment to intimidate the rest but that wasn't an option today so armed with his shamshir, he headed to monastery...or what was left of it.

The crowd surrounding the wreckage relieved him. He could work in a crowd. He didn't even need his camouflage abilities to hide amongst the people. "Excuse me," he murmured, pushing past the confused spectators struggling to get a glimpse of the ruins of what once was a staple of faith in Barcelona. "Uy," he muttered, finally emerging from the throng of people in front of the monastery. The situation looked dire...for the mortals, that is.

A cloud of dust lay suspended in the air from the rubble, making it hard to see. What wasn't difficult to see, however, that, judging from the auras he could sense, a whole lot of beings were inside the collapsed monastery. "Well," he thought, running a hand through his crimson hair, "Better join the party." Azimuth retreated to a shadow and watched the pale skin on his hand go from flesh to something seemingly transparent against his stone backdrop. Only a discerning eye could pick up his movement. Of course, that wouldn't stop a demon or angel from noticing his aura but he tried to disguise that as much as he could.

With a satisfied, invisible grin, he began his venture inside, creeping around the rooms that were still open until he came across the room with the heavy concentration of auras. He figured it would suffice to wait outside the doorway and listen in. From what he'd heard so far, it was quite interesting. And his mistress had told him to gather as many details as he could. This seemed like the perfect place to do so.
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"No use going this way," came a low, calm voice from behind her. Turning sharply she first saw the golden eyes of the man standing before her.

"Where did you come from?" she asked as another man entered the room. He seemed to be acquainted with the rather rude man. This new man called him "Gil."

"You might want to get over there next to my brother." he said. Brother? Hadley looked back to the man with golden eyes. He appeared sincere, with no desire to harm her.

"Babysitter?" she said sharply while turning her gaze back to the man known as Gil. "I never asked you to follow me in here. I don't even know you! Or you!" she said pointing at the man with a crossbow. "What business do you have with me? Spit it out!" She said trying to be stern despite her high pitched tone due to fear. There was something about the man with a crossbow. His face was mostly covered by his hood, but his features were so familiar.

"M'lady, I merely wished to see you spared from harm," said the man behind her. -Who do I trust?- She asked herself.
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Uku, red
Uku narrowed his eyes at his peer. Regardless of how much it aggravated all of the Pencuri, deep down in the pit of their beings where a soul may have once lived, they were all equals. Uku understood this better than most simply because he had never cared about status. His true purpose was to sow discord through the spread of hate-fueled rage; this is where his pleasure is drawn. The babbling of his brother-in-arms went in one ear and out the other; no. It went clean around the attractive shell in which Uku hid his true nature.

"When the other demons arrive you will keep silent and I will navigate us both through the after effects of our failed venture."

Uku blinked twice bringing himself back into the present. "Don't blind yourself, Alphus. The book was never there. The destruction of the monastery was a means to an end." He gave the other demon a very haughty look. "I would've thought you had more vision than most but now I see you are small-minded." Uku spun on his heel and headed towards the far wall where a waiting shadow was prepared to envelope him until the meeting began. Though he had already said his piece, Uku did not want to lose his temper with another Pencuri. It wasn't for fear of a fight; Pencuri had fought one another since time began and none could ever truly best another. The pinnacle of anger had many other things on his mind that fighting would simply cloud and complicate.


Many, many years ago…

Uku found himself stranded in a cold place where the light, air and sound never came. A much more powerful demon, something so dark that Pencuri take pains to avoid an audience, was punishing Uku for taking a task too far. You see, being within the hierarchy of demons was a great deal like a coloring book. Color by number and you better stay within the lines. Uku had been given a simple order to rein terror and destruction upon an insolent village. This he had done with ease and joy but he had not stopped with the single community. Uku, filled with the power and pleasure that desolation provided, ransacked an entire country. For reasons beyond his understanding and well above his pay-grade, this sent the upper echelon into a frenzy that nearly cost Uku his life.

So here he sat; immobilized, powerless and bored. There was no time and so the amount of time he had been in this place was lost to him. Uku had no memories from before he became a demon. No one could tell him and he had seen most of the world's evolution so he was fairly certain he was one of the oldest. During the time of empires and men who played themselves off as gods, Uku fell in love with a woman who belonged to another man; a powerful man. At the time, he had been forbidden from interaction with the race of humans and was young enough to be a completely obedient to his masters. That face, the beauty that seared itself into his unconscious and subconscious, was playing on a broken slideshow in his mind. Uku simply sat and contemplated.
Heru stood their posted up on the wal just watching as the event unfold. He looked at the entity as it spoke, Rather intelligent being he is. "No Gil I wouldn't try anything just yet." Heru casually commented. He looked at the girl and casually smiled at her. "Hmph...well my friend I don't think its the best idea to hide outside when there is someone who has Esp. Come on out..." Heru announced as he dove his hand back into his pocket. Heru could sense the additional aura that had just approached. Although he knew he was near he couldn't pin point where.

"Oh simmer down no need to get upset he was just trying to help, and if I recall nobody to you to run up in here am I correct?" He sharply remarked. "Now your scared and confused and don't even know what to do next...typical." He added. Heru went back to his casual position. He was just observing the environment for any kind of problems. Heru pulled out his phone and went to text teri once more.


Heru shook his head and frustration reverted his attention back to what was before him. She never answers her texts. Heru noticed that the demon had indirectly spoke about them. He grinned at the idea of something even leaving his mouth. "Awe what a mistake." Heru chuckled. "It almost seemed like you were referring to us when you spoke of harm. Didn't think I would catch that?" He sharply added. "Listen girl I'm not about to let Gil waste time on you if your not going to have your own mind. It's completely up to you if someone is right or wrong." Heru asserted.

Heru had grown impatient with the girl. He was trying to get to anyone who needed help not sit around and have a tea party. Off in the distance Heru could hear someone yelling for help. His attention instantly went toward the cry. "Gil forget her we need to take care of this.." He sharply commented. The smoke had become heavy and visibility had become low. The walls had began to crackle as the fire got closer. Heru knew that leaving the girl would surely kill her but keeping her would slow her down. He quickly made a decision. "Come on...lets get you out of here." He declared. Gil we need to stay alert we don't need any surprises... Heru got off the wall and through on his headphones and prepared himself for what was ahead.
Small minded. The pencuri capable of only wrath would dare to call him small minded. Alphus scoffed to himself. The world had a funny way of making lesser, undeserving beings into far more powerful entities than they had a right to be. Small minded. Him. The Pencuri of Pride. He who had slain a hundred beasts in the realm of fire. He who had risen into the position of one of the most powerful and highly ranked of all demons. Small minded. Irony held no humour on this occasion. Just disgust. Alphus kept his eyes closed. Never once looking at the pencuri of anger. He wasn't worth Alphus' time. Or perhaps he could be my puppet in the absence of the snake, Alphus thought. The cards will fall where they may, but I'm almost certain they will fall in my corner. A dark smile tugged at his lips as his eyes glanced only for a moment at the other pencuri, who seemed lost in thought.
Gil stood still and crossed his arms as Heru began speaking. He is kind of right. I do seem to be waiting my time with a human. Really can she not tell that I am the one trying to save her? Gil thought to himself. He felt an aura slowly creeping up to the door. Felling this aura made Gil's anger begin to boil within him. However he did not let it show upon his face. Why the hell do I have to be cursed with such a kind heart? Trying to protect those who obviously don't want to be saved. Abuelo why did you leave me like this? Why didn't you finish your teachings before you left. He thought more. The anger inside was becoming too much for him to bear and by the time Heru stated to forget the girl Gil had already began to storm out of the door with his arms still crossed.

Gil could hear the echoes of Heru's voice inside of his head, Gil we need to stay alert we don't need any surprises... He turned the corner of the hall and then thought back to Heru, Nothing surprises me anymore. He then stopped looking at a door infront of him the seemed untouched by the destruction that surrounded them. It was a perfect wooded door in the middle of a small wall. It contained no burn marks nor any chips or scratches. It actually appeared to be freshly painted and almost brand new. The door seemed to have enchanted Gil stopping him in his tracks. The door demanded Gil's attention. He slowed began walking towards the door and reached out his hand to open it. Gil was astonished to see a small foyer on the other side. It contained another door on the other side untouched by damage as well. The whole room seemed untouched by the surrounding destruction. Gil was drawn to the pictures on both of the walls of the foyer like area.

The one on the left depicted a young woman. The one on the right depicted a young man.

For some reason Gil just couldn't take his eyes from them. Heru you have got to come see this. There is an entire room that was perfectly preserved. These pictures in here are marvelous as well. They both look so familiar. Hurry and find me. Gil screamed in his thoughts so there would be no way Heru couldn't hear him. He stood still looking to his left at the woman's picture then to his right at the man's picture. Switching between them and completely distracted from what he was originally doing.
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"We'll see about that you little wasp" Greed was known for his evil scheme but not all know that he has a soft side for this particular pawn or should he said father and child relationship, as Greed warped with her, they arrive at amusement park, "okay... not going to go there anywhere but there Vivi! how about Cafe?" Greed patted Vivi's head and smiled to her, of course who would have thought that a pencuri would do something kind to a centurion, "now Vivi remember don't use any power unless we need to since we come her to have fun right?" Greed began to run like a child though visually he's a lot older than Vivi, "let's go!"
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Lucinda slowly lifted her head after falling asleep in a place she couldn't remember. She rubbed her head sitting up looking around not knowing where she was. 'I guess I somehow made it here' She grunted standing up stretching while cracking her knuckles as well as her neck. Her body ached from the events previously last night that she could not remember 'Why cant i remember anything?' no matter how hard she thought nothing came up.

She went and pondered around asking herself what she could destroy today. That always seemed to be a question she asked her self a lot. When walking around something caught her eye. The front page of a newspaper she found in fount of her. 'disastrous earthquake strikes the city." She smirks to her self. 'Looks like someone already beat me too it.' She skim read the important details of the article and began running as fast as she could to go see this disaster in person. Everywhere she looked was newspapers and T.V's discussing the earthquake that hit the city.

When she finally arrived her main purpose was to find a way in so she began walking the perimeter of the used to be museum full of artifact's. walking around the broken pieces of debris,she found a way in all she needed to do was move a few pieces of broken building and she'd be in. Once she got in she began to investigate and look at some of the pictures on the wall. She quickly turned her head as she heard a noise. 'I guess there are already people in here.' She then quietly looked aroufn to see if there were others she knew or recognized.
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