Amusement of Despair OOC

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Michael would kill Jack. Or if he helps Jack he would testify on doing it on the commands of one of his voices whose reasons Ill get into later.
Nah, that's just giving us mercy.
Now that's just bad sportsmanship. Cat and mouse is so much more fun, eh? =^w^=
Good point, Fire. What if someone kills all the others before a trial?
A trial? It seems like that would be the most efficient way of doing it. No real chance of being caught unless someone survives, then it's you against one or a few.
A trial? It seems like that would be the most efficient way of doing it. No real chance of being caught unless someone survives, then it's you against one or a few.
So you mean all of us would be in a trial then get slaughter there.
Well you see every time that's on his murder there is supposed to be a trial of everyone that is still alive and if they figure out who is the murderer then that murder gets killed by the teddy bear guy if they figure out the wrong guy everyone else does but the murderer.

If one were to kill everyone, then there would rather be any way for them to do the trial, as they would be dead. Making you the victor.
Court stuff, Fire. The characters are the attorneys, judge, and jury.
Basically, we are all fucked (Except the murderer)
Mercutio would be the first to die due to his happy character but i think he has a chance.
The murderer could play with their mind, not only scarring them physically but also mentally.
Ahh, but even without much error, there can and will be evidence. Fingerprints, traces of blood only visible by dark light, improperly disposed murder weapon, something. Especially fingerprints, as we have no expert cleaners here.
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