Amusement of Despair OOC

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I'm going to actually get on a computer so I can properly research :]. I have most of them, but I do need to reread all the chars.
Michael would probably kill someone, well his voice.
And I you, BlackCat. And it is nothing personal, but I cannot wait to see your character, somewhere, with a lack of flowing blood in their heart.
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Yup, he's schizophrenic. They're actually cool people. (I had a schizophrenic friend). Michael has 3 voices. You'll see the 2 others later in the RP.
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Oh, worry not, Mr. Buttocks. Yours too shall end up bloody and rotting, one day.
I picture Michael helping the killer if he isnt.
I'm usually a lone wolf Mister fire. I'll put some consideration to it though.
All men must die!
Michael just wants to help D:
"He says as he's probably preparing his own list." I'll have to keep my eye on you Fire.
Precisely what Jack desires so badly. To live. You know, without dealing with all the blood and such? He's clearly gonna be like: "Guys, stop killing each other! I don't wanna be on the chopping block if you guess the wrong killer!"
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