Always looking for RP partners

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I am a seasoned roleplayer, and have been looking for some new partners.

I am a female IRL, and enjoy playing girls, guys and futanari characters in roleplays. I am also a switch, so there can be more fun.

I can play multiple characters, and would love partners that can if need be unless there is a really good story.

Lists of kinks/interests are here:

F-list - Warning

I tend to think up pairings or scenarios with my partners, but if there is any I have in mind or if you do, I would love to talk about them and see if we can make one happen.

Sorry for being so short on details

Hope to hear from you soon
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I would be interested in role playing with you. I prefer Fxf but can do Mxf and would be willing to do multiple characters for purose of the role play.
I have a ton of characters who still need stories and lots of ideas. I have an interest thread and would love to talk to you more about what we might enjot playing. Feel free to send a PM, look over my postings, or whatever.
*pokes head in* I would be interested and I am happy to explore FxF I have never played a male character though so I wouldn't be able to help with the M side of things if we were to explore MxF
I guess hit me with a PM if you are interested XD
Well I can play a few characters of various degrees ( Modern or of course fantasy like) Any rp is a goo rp with me and is just another step to improving my own roleplay capacity
I have a ton of characters who still need stories and lots of ideas. I have an interest thread and would love to talk to you more about what we might enjot playing. Feel free to send a PM, look over my postings, or whatever.
Sent you a reply

*pokes head in* I would be interested and I am happy to explore FxF I have never played a male character though so I wouldn't be able to help with the M side of things if we were to explore MxF
I guess hit me with a PM if you are interested XD
I would not mind doing a FXF RP as well. Message sent

Well I can play a few characters of various degrees ( Modern or of course fantasy like) Any rp is a goo rp with me and is just another step to improving my own roleplay capacity

Sounds good to me. I'll message you in a moment
Ok so my earlier reply got eaten. I'm up for playing a younger sister or cousin in some incest pairings, also teacher student affairs. I mostly have some scenarios in mind that I'd like to do, but not really any plots. Instant hook ups are kind of what I'm in the mood for right now. We can talk in pms if you're interested.
Hey there. I would love to get an RP going with you. If you're up for it, don't be afraid to PM me and we can discuss details.