Altera Novum

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Ansel, Kallard, and Aach-Ti, all make their way to the screaming. Sara had her hands placed on the table Star's corpse and the droid. She stared down at the operation, with his blood pouring everywhere. Sek was on his hands and knees hovering over a garbage disposal unit, "H-hey guuUGAH-" he convulsed, and threw up. The boy had the color wash out of his face, and could barely stand. "I don't know if he made it...I assume we made it out then?"

Aach-Ti could sense Star was conscious, and unaware of the situation. Star was pretending to be asleep to make a practical joke.
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"What the fuck is going on?" is all Kallard says.
"Seems like we're not being pursued anymore, yeah." Ansel watched Sek discharge into the waste disposal unit. "How's the boy?"
"Sek is fine, he just has an incredibly weak stomach. Star on the other hand-"
"Agh! What The Hell!"

Star laughed like a hiyena, and Sara fliped the table in anger at him as Star clanged against the floor, still chuckling like a child.
"Glad to see you are still you..."
"Heh Heh-hehe-haaaah... So, what did I miss?"
"Look down and see for yourself, rich boy"
"Oh sweet, you gave me a new suit!"

"Uh, not exactly..."
"Your friend probably went into shock before we began. Rich boy! You told us to put you in a robot suit."
"Wait what...?"
"Y-yeah... She put your brain into that one Robot we looked at. So uh..."
"Oh yeah... I did say that...welp I guess I am a cyborg now!"

Star shakily stood on his new legs, trying to adjust to them. In a moment the legs auto adjusted to the knew brain, and he started walking fine. He happily took a stroll upstairs through the elevator.
After he left,
Sek asked, "Guys..? Is it normal to just be okay with the fact that you're now an android...? I think that would at least be a little bit of an inconvenience."
"Not even a little. Some one at the very least needs to talk to him."
"Okay, just making sure."
"Sek, go talk to him."
"Me!?! I have no idea how to even start addressing this! Why don't you -"
She stared at him for a moment.
"Good point. I guess if I have to I'll say something... But I don't know how I would help. Maybe The soldier guy, Aach-ti, hell I think the auto pilot lady voice might be better than me!"

It was obvious how much self doubt he had over this situation.
"Well, count me out. I don't think I'm remotely suited to talking it out with Domo Arigato." Ansel leaned against a wall, already bored. "At least it seems like he can function."
Talk to him Sek, I will give you pointers if you get stuck.

Reading into both Sek's and Star's minds, he attempts to prevent Sek from putting his foot in his mouth.
"If you need me I'll be in the cockpit." Kallard says rather dumbstruck with the whole situation, and drained from the events of... however long it's been. He leaves the area and makes way to his previously stated destination. Despite everything, one thing was certain: He was somehow still alive, and that he was very tired. As soon as he plants himself onto the pilot's chair, Kallard drifts to sleep.
"I..uh...okay Aach-Ti I'll try."
Sek reluctantly followed Star after he left.

"So dude... How are you holding up?"
"Never better, you know I'll never have to worry about eating, sleeping, bathing, or any of that now!"
"Dude, your not okay..."
"Sek, I'm fine. Really."
"Your eleven percent human, and your just okay with that?"

The boy watched his friend tanker with his new robotic arm, installing a weapon in it. He wanted to start shouting the truth of the situation to his life log friend but Aach-ti interfered, "Perhaps mistress Blake can help him better than we can."
He hesitated at the Crinis's advice, but he eventually left Star alone.

a matter of hours past as the group continued to travel trueSpace. Each one of them separated into various parts of the ship.
Aach-ti' kept an eye on Sara, as everyone else in the ship took a well needed rest.

after a extended period of time Thomas the intercom started blaring,
"This is the Federation ship Guardian: Flame Sword. attention crew of the ship known as the Metal Bird, everyone aboard your vessel is under arrest for high treason against the Federation, and the Powers Academy. if you are going to comply, headed directly for docking bay 32a. our task forces will place you under arrest. if you take any other action, you will be destroyed."

The message was displayed on the intercom throughout the entire ship.
Ansel sat up from his reclined position in his bunk, confused. They had been acting in accordance with the wishes of the academy. Mistress Blake had been with them, guiding their actions the entire time. The very concept that they were under arrest was ludicrous. And not only because Ansel could destroy the presumptuous ship in moments.
Something is not right.

Star! What could possibly be going on here?

Attempting to read the minds of some of the higher ups on the ship, Aach-Ti tried to delve some information. In the meantime, he knew that the crew was going to need a few words. If they were all under arrest, then more than likely none of the crew would see the light of day again. His reputation would be destroyed, and his race would fall back into the same stereotype. If it were just a few aboard the ship, then there was no issue. Or perhaps it was because of the planet they attacked? Yes, that has to be it. Still, it does not hurt to check. Also, Sara is going to be panicking.

Everyone stay calm, we are not going to be imprisoned.

Ansel, keep an eye on Sara. She may try something foolish.
"Fine, I'll go get her." Ansel said to the empty air as he slid off his bunk and moved to Sara's location.
"The fuck? They shouldn't even know anything unless Blake sold us out. Doesn't the Academy compartmentalize everything?" Kallard says, surprised.
"That is weird...let me see the coms. I wana find out what's going on."
"They have enough fireowe to destroy us in seconds. Alerting them that we think they are full of shit may trigger that."

"What if we try telling them who we are? Grandma is bound to be looking for us."

The Federation ship creeped over top of the Metal Bird, charging the tractor beam.

Ansel marched a few corridors down to his sisters room, where he could hear her talking to someone, "And I am not going into prison again! ... What do you mean by that!?! ... That is retarted! ... We both know they won't go for that! ... It may be the art thing, but I won't allow it!"
She bursts out her room, holding a worn down teddy bear. She stares at her sibling.

[spoili]"With all due respect sir, do we really have to do this? We know what they are going to say. After all, he busted her out barely a few days ago." "I saw the footage myself, I know that boy is responsible. He means well, but he is far discovering the treaty. If we are going to have lasting effectual piece, then this is the only way to do it. Even if I have to arrest my own son." The Crinis could not get the fine details, but as he read the subordinate's mind he could see a deal made between him, a handful of Federation leaders, meeting with an array of species wearing their respective formal clothing, all of them siting at a table. At the end of this table was Luon, "So you stay off of our backs, and wheel return the favor so long as every so often you give us the necessary supplies we need. Right?" "Correct. so long as you stay out of our systems, then you can force as many systems as possible to choose to sign on with the Federation." The deal goes on and on, eventually they sign a contract. [/spoili][/spoili]
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Ansel grabs Sara's wrist and holds it tight. It's not really a familial gesture. "We're not acting yet, alright? We need to assess the situation before we do anything. If that means busting our way out five minutes from now instead of now, that's what it means, okay?"
Huh, the giant one does have a heart.

..Now this issue with Sek.
He broke the law.
By releasing Sara, he is now a criminal.
The Academy demands Aach-Ti to apprehend criminals.. so Sek must be arrested, and Aach-Ti must assist in his arrest.
It was simple. Sad, but simple.

Reaching out, he contacted the head of the ship. Using his powers to put an image of himself in their field of vision, it appears as if he stepped aboard their ship,

Greetings, this is Academy ??? Aach-Ti.
I understand that you wish to place one of our passengers, Sek, under arrest.
He is unaware that you are coming from him from what I can tell, though he most likely suspects something.
Sara is on board as well, though I have Ansel watching her as we speak. She will not come quietly.
I ask that you show mercy on the boy, though I understand that he committed a crime, and thereby is a criminal in the eyes of the Federation.
We are approaching your ship now.
Do you have any further instructions?

Aach-Ti speaks to the crew after the brief conversation,

I have spoken with the captain of the ship.
He is placing us under arrest, though it is a temporary condition.
Apparently there are some questions that need to be answered about the city we helped.. how do I put this.. level?
Sara, I have communicated your cooperation.
You will have my assistance in securing your freedom.
Sek, I understand you are in some hot water as well.
I believe I can.. as you say.. pull some strings to get you off the hook.

If we cooperate, then we will get out of this just fine.
Anyone who does anything foolish will earn the ill will of the Academy, and I will be forced to assist in arresting you.
"Looks like we ain't got much choice in the matter." Is all Kallard says
"Docking procedures are underway. For your willing compliance your sentence will be greatly reduced, so long as you continue to obey. Have your weapons inside the ship, and off your person when you exit the ship. Thank you for your cooperation."

Sara sets down her teddy bear,
"You don't understand bro, all they want to do is kill us! Me and the idiot! They think we're on to some kind of...something, and they want us gone! Watch they're going to be armed to the teeth, and open fire as soon as either of us let our guard down. I'm not going to walk into a fight where he decides the rules! *SIGH* for now, I'll stick with this. But the moment some one tries to hurt me, I'll do worse on them!"

The Metal Bird slowly floated up into the Fire Sword cruiser. The docking bay was mostly empty when Sek, Kallard, and Star, looked through the window. The ship lands, and the engines die down. "Wait...this is Admiral Daac's cruiser...does he really expect-"
"Damn it Dad! I thought we covered this situation yesterday!"He slams his fist on the console, denting some of the machinery on it. The happy stare he usually had was gone, replaced by a barely bubbling rage that seemed to build as he marched down to the docking bay. "I'm gonna kill him if he followed that report!"
He left the room heading down on his own as Star commented, "Whoa...I've never seen him that pissed before. Hell, I've never even seen him more than mildly annoyed...anyway I think we'd better- wait, did they say no weapons? Cause I can't exactly help that..." He asked, looking down at his arms.
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The crew of the Metal Bird make their way down to the docking bay, and the doors open. Where Captain Martin waited with a small army of Federation soldiers, aiming their weapons mostly at Sek and Sara, "The others are fine. Just worry about those two until I say so."
The soldier's marche past the others, and straight to the pair. Sek walks pasted the soldiers, and even lowers one of their weapons saying, "Keep your weapons down, you're not going to use them."
"Sek Jacobsen Martin, you are under arrest for-"
"Frank seriously...?"

The soldiers stop approaching them, and back off a little. Sek approaches his dad, holding his temper back and asks, "Dad, we've been over this when I talked to you before. What changed your mind?"
"The law. you broke a known terrorist out of federal prison-"
"Yeah, and according to federal law as well, you had her placed in a federal prison, not set to hold a meta of her power. Instead, you went behind grandma's back and put her in that cell!"
"Stacy is far too-"
"Gullable? Light hearted? Stupid?"
"No I-"
"Face it, you went behind the Academy's back just so you could keep me from helping people! They have a fleet that look an awful lot like the fleet that decimated Koruun Six in those history cubes!"
"Sek Listen! All that matters is that you broke the law, we have to place you under arrest!"

"Shut up and stop hiding behind the law Dad! These people we fought-"
"Sek Jacobsen Martin, you are facing up to life in prison, or possibly death for high treason against the Federation. Stand down now and your sentence will be lightened."
"Oh sure! Go ahead and just go ahead and silence me! Just like Mom when you-"

Mr. Martin used his suit's plasma cannons to strike with. He sent his son flying across the Metal Bird's docking bay. After crashing into the end of the ship, the boy stands up and says, "If reason won't work then perhaps punching will."

The two of them march towards each other, Sek has a heavenly golden glow around him, Mr. Martin activates his suit and the machine comes to life as he puts on his helmet.

The various security forces keep their weapons in the ready position, Sara keeps her distance from the to, but doesn't run away. Star joins her. Even though p couldn't show emotion anymore, it was obvious he was afraid.
"...What are the charges against Sara? I demand to know." Sek's confrontation with his father was not Ansel's business, at least not yet, and so he did not move to interfere at all.
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Aach-Ti switches minds with the boy, holding his body hostage. Holding up his hands and falling on his knees, he makes the boy's body surrender. Even if it does not work, he talks with the boy.

You think violence is going to help, even when it is justified?
Foolish child.

If you wish for your freedom and the justice that can come with it, I suggest you go with the man.
Perhaps me and Mrs.Blake can help you.
We have many strings we can pull.
You attack, and there is NOTHING I can do for you.

Do as you please.

Releasing his body, he allows Sek to make his own decision.
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