Altera Novum

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Ansel out sped Burk, as he retreated to the ship, landing back in the docking landing pad of their ship. Burk followed, but Ansel threw Bruk's fist to the side, and with a solid punch, sent him flying to the other side of the ship. As the impact of Burk's landing commenced, the ship shook some more, with some of the soldiers in the back stumbling around.

"Sara, Me, Aach-Ti, Ansel, Star, all we're missing is-" Kallard jumped down from the ship's roof. Star joined the fight down stairs. As he walked past the others he shouted, "The ship is about to go!" With his arms lead out, be began layign down cover fire for everyone else. Kallard took the opportunity to escape onto the ship, use one of the lockers as cover, and return fire. As the doors started closing, Katal had his hand held at Star, keeping him in the air with his own magics. Before he could react, Star flew out of the ship and over to Katal. Sek set Aach-Ti down, and saw his friend forcibly flying out of the ship. "STAR!" He shouted as he started to bolt outside of the ship.

You keep your powers focused on Wym, and he is unable to move, or do little more than use his own powers to keep him from being crushed under Aach-Ti's grip.
"Can we fly the ship without him, because if we don't go now, its over!"
Kallard! Fly the ship.

Ansel! Go get star.

Sek! Release one of the escape pods for Ansel and Star's return.

Sara! Man the turret. Fire on Wym.

Ill take care of Katal.

Reaching out with his mind, he forced his psyche into Katal. It was a great risk to leave Wym alone, but this was the only way to save Star and the rest of the crew. Switching minds with the enemy, he used his newfound strength to pitch Mr. Star back towards the ship.
"WILCO." He shouts back as he rushes for the pilot cockpit. His time woth SFD9 saw him pilot innumerable ships. This one shouldn't be much different from that. Then again, Star was a strange man, and he built this ship.
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Katal held star in one hand, as a collection of blue lighting surged in his other. He glared at the ship just as he was going to strike. Before throwing his hand, he could feel a slight headache, swiftly followed by a migraine, and even quicker than before it was followed by a full blown mental attack.

"Aach-Ti, my have you grown into a powerful telepath. if I had not been taught by Balthazar, you may have overtaken my body."

Ansel was ready to catch Star, "If you want this one so bad, then take him!" He threw Star at Ansel, and for once, he was completely overwhelmed with the amount of power that came at him. The two of them kept going, and crashed into Sek. The three of them nearly crashed into Aach-ti. luckily, he saw the impact coming, and raised his forcefield to take the blow. This prevented him from continuing the assault on Katal, but the crinis did buy enough time he needed.

While not being able to switch minds with Katal, Aach-Ti knew that his target was threatened by the amount of mental power he was bringing to the fight, and used Star as a distraction

The ship took lifted off the floor and the engines charged. It began leaving the ship's docking bay, but suddenly stopped moving. Katal
had his hand held out at the ship, keeping it in place. Kallard had just reached the cockpit at this point. The ship was very slowly moving forward at this point, as he also noticed Star placed the coordinates in already. Kallard took the controls and asked, "BACK BLAST AREA CLEAR." and aimed the engines down at Katal. "Clear! Clear!" Sek shouted in a panic. The engines flared to 100% and ignited, right on their target. The second the engines activated, Katal let go, and the ship suddenly jumped out of the ship, and gently flew away, now that it was free. Kallard looked back at the ship, and saw the docking bay though the ray shield, was completely encompassed by fire.

As the ship flew, several one manned spacecrafts gave chase. Suddenly, the soldier realized what they were escaping from, a fleet of random ships, and what seemed like custom ships as well. It nearly resembled a massive collection of mercenary ships.

Ansel and Sek stood up, and the boy reached down to pick up Aach-Ti, "Sorry about crashing into you..."
Aach-Ti took a moment to breath, working at his maximum for that long left him exhausted. He looked over to check Star. His suit was torn apart, he had part of it that penetrated his stomach. Blood was oozing out as he coughed up more. He also had some residual lightning still in his system, sending energy throughout his body giving him sporadic spasms.

I made sure to talk to Andrew Gainer about this action.
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Does anyone have medical training?
Mr.Star, stay with us..
Someone get over here now!
We will not loose this man.

Damn you Katal. Damn you Wym. You will not take this man's life.

Coming up with a plan quickly, Aach-Ti searched the ship below for a medical professional. Using his mind, he swapped bodies with the medic, leaving a mental message and a sharp pain behind.

I am Aach-Ti, the Crinis who stopped the almighty Wym, and the leader of the ship that just escaped and destroyed many of the crew behind. You reside in my body for a very specific reason. I will make your life utter agony for the remaining time you have. That is, unless you use your knowledge to save the man before you. If he dies, you suffer. Those around you will assist you with the procedure.
"We've got bogies on scope! A lot of them! This thing have defense?" He says over the intercom, performing evasive maneuvers until he can get the FTL drive charged up.
"...I'm going out to deal with the enemy." Ansel began moving to the nearest airlock, not grabbing any form of protective clothing or suit.
"I-I can't...He has large portions of metal in his stomach! Even if I had the medical equipment necessary, I would need a team of surgeons, and some way to stabilize him as we operated!"
"Well I could stabilize him, I learned how to give a massive amount of energy to the body to speed up the repair time!"

"E-even so, I'd have to be able to remove the sheet of steel without rupturing any of the internal organs. Even if we could get it out, that hunk of metal is the only thing keeping him from bleeding out in seconds! Honestly, I don't see any way his body could survive this!"
"Maybe we don't have to save the body. Sara came down the elevator and kneeled down by the operation, "Remember that droid that you guys caught? Wym wanted to use sentient thinking to make our kill droids more efficient.So he tested it with a brain. This one has a human brain. If we transfer Star to that one, he can survive."
"Bu-but, we can't just-"
"Sek, it's the only way, his body can't survive this, not with the equipment we have!"
A moment passed as the three of them loomed over Star, "Do it..." He wheezes. Sek noded as tears started running down his face, "We're going to save you dude!"
"Sek I need you to do that cellular repairing thing, Aach-Ti I need you to bring Star to the dead brain in the droid and I'll help, Kal-erm, the soldier can get us out of here and my brother-" She looked up and saw him walking over to the landing pad,"...I'm going out to deal with the enemy."
"What? You may be tough but you still need to breath!"
Ansel smiled as his sister commanded, "Get out of the airlock, we'll need to start right now."
After the others left, Ansel cycled himself out of the airlock. He wasn't sure that this would work. But he felt like it would. He knew that his body was adapting and changing constantly, searching for the ultimate existence. And he was getting closer all the time.

How hard could surviving the vacuum of space possibly be? As the ship opened to the emptiness of space, Ansel leapt out, looked for the closest enemy ship, and dove through it headfirst.
Kallard looks through the ship's software for missile countermeasures, while maintaining evasive maneuvers. It had your standard flares for IR guided missiles and chaffe for radar guided missiles. These would increase the chance of evading hits by decreasing the number of missiles that got to terminal distance. However, what was really surprising to Kallard was that Star had a military grade ECM(Electronic Counter Measures) system that he apparently built and programmed himself. It could hack into oncoming missiles, reprogram them into flying off course or detonating at a safe distance. Kallard thought that with a few adjustments to the software, he could easily have the ships ECM suite reprogram hacked missiles' targeting parameters and send them back to their owners, so to speak.
Get his brain in the driod. I am going to make sure nothing goes wrong down here.

Walking about the ship in the doctor's body, Aach-Ti began looking for ways to further the prison's destruction and take a count of who is still alive.
'Aach-Ti' was in a panic room, and not exactly sure where he was on the ship, however he was in a conversation with Luon when he took over, "-Otherwise everything we've been doing is going to explode in our face." Aach-Ti noticed that himself, A soldier with a different uniform, and another scientist where listening to the conversation.

Ansel pressed the airlock button and the air vented to the oxygen reserves. Within a moment, the air was gone, and he felt the cold vacuum of space. Ansel simply held his breath, letting his natural energies sustain him. The first ship he saw, he charged straight through it. A very brief explosion came from it and quickly evaporated. Some of the fighters in pursuit of the ship started firing at Ansel, however most of the shots taken after him missed.

The ship wasn't something Kallard was necessarily used to, but it seemed to handle extremely well for something so bulky. Back and forth they were getting shot at, but through plenty of complicated maneuvers, twists, turns, barrel rolls around through large portions of enemy hordes. Kallard bought enough time for the FTL to charge to 53%. The ship's targeting the Metal Bird started launching missiles in conjunction with their standard lasers. Kallard took evasive maneuvers to avoid the five missiles currently following, but the moment they missed, they made a U-Turn and came straight back. Deciding he had enough of being shot at, he hacked into missile controls, using the ship's onboard systems to confuse the targeting on the missiles.

This is what a typical soldier looks like. At least what you guys having been fighting.
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Ansel turns, and begins charging through ship after ship, aiming to destroy the fighters pursuing their vessel. He payed particular attention to those ships that were already shooting at him.
"Agent Cea, the first thing is first. You will go to the Hulen System, and assassinate Queen Vemustari and her family. take whatever resources you need, you only have four days." The soldier nodded, and walked away. "I want the both of you too fixing up the ship. the crew is a secondary concern." luon says to 'Aach-ti' and the scientist next to him. "What about the escaped prisoners?" "Have the fleet destroy them, I will not have our plans uprooted because of your mistakes."

The Metal Bird and Ansel continued to evade incoming fire. The metal bird was struck him a few times by lasers, but it was never hit by a missile. Within moments the FTL reported it was fully charged.
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"Ansel, this is Daedalus. Return to the ship, out copy."
Ansel without hesitation flew straight back into the Metal Bird's docking bay. As soon as he was in, the doors closed and the oxygen filtered through the area. Ansel found the sweet smelling air a welcoming feeling in his lungs. The empty space was cold, but it didn't bother him whatsoever.

Aach-Ti nods in agreement as he returned to his original body, "Don't bother talking about this. You won't remember..." Aach-Ti says before wiping the doctor's mind, remaining in a slight trance.

Kallard punched the hyperdrive as soon as the ship was outside of the swarm of ships, he activated it. The stars in the stellar distance stretched and blended into one massive amount of light. The soldier relaxed in the chair, taking a sigh of relief.

Throughout the entire ship, the sound of Sara shouting at Sek filled the star ship.
Ansel wandered toward the sounds of shouting. It could be about anything, after all.
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