Altera Novum

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The two of you continue on through the ship, moving past several soldiers and scientists. They move to an elevator and watch a couple of soldiers move into an elevator, "Are you at elevator 2? Right, we'll keep going. See you soon." While they walked past the elevator, Aach-Ti saw Wym marching down the hallway, adjacent to the hallway the pair were traveling down, heading into a different elevator. "But, I killed you!"

"I wasn't actually slapped together the same way you were. They did all the genetic manipulations while I was in the womb. Katal, Dad, & Wym all had a hand in creating, and taught me how fight and survive. What actually scares me is that both Wym and Katal are on this ship, and while two of us could kill Wym with little trouble, Katal is...something different. Trust me, if you and me are roughly equal, then we wouldn't stand a chance against him. If we start punching our way our now, they'd probably catch us if they don't have a distraction." Ansel turned to his sister giving her a deadpan stare, "You guys didn't kill him." The siblings and guards approached an elevator. One of the guards pressed the call button, and the elevator started to hum. "Yeah, we're here, but keep moving."

Kallard keeps moving to the medical storage, being ignored by the other soldiers and scientists. After a few moments of searching, he finds the wing he was looking for. Another group of scientists saw him enter the medical wing. One of them takes a look at Kallard, and gives a shrug. Kallard walks over to the medical storage to find three soldiers looking at the weapons and equipment. One of them was examining Kallard's pistol.
"Not like it matters. I don't know about you, but I'm getting stronger all the time, and before long, nothing will be capable of stopping me. They might have slapped me together, but it seems like the end result came together pretty well. For me, at least."

"If we're not gonna split, what are we doing?"
Kallard, using the PDA he took, attempts to hack the cameras in the room and have them play a looped sequence. All the while pretending to look for supplies. The device itself could access the cameras, and soon, the ones in the room were playing a loop.

The soldiers stare at him for a moment before one of them asks, "What are you doing in here?"

"Gathering supplies. This is the supply room." Kallard responds. "Some of that stuff you're sitting on looks pretty high tech." he adds

"This is from those Feds we killed in the gas chamber." Says the holding Kallard's pistols.

"One of them had this naildriver. Must've put a lot of money in it. Custom skeletalized trigger, heavy duty extractor and a laser printed pistol grips. Good for me he's dead, its mine now."

"Looks like a 20th Century design." He adds. "Surprised a Fed would want to use such a relic"

"Of course..." Kallard starts slowly edging his way closer to the men. "I would know... Since that pistol is mine." he says coldly before blasting the one holding his pistol with abyssal fire. The black flames reduces the man to a pile of ash. The other two immediate go into combat stances, drawing their side arms and firing. However, Kallard was able to predict their movements and avoid the projectiles. Grabbing another soldier by the face, he burns him to a crisp, filling the air of the room with a sickening smell of charred flesh, reduced fat and scorched hair.

The last soldier managed to hit the assumed scientist square in the chest. However, Kallard doesn't die as expected. The soldier wonders if he's wearing body armor, however, that thought doesn't last long as he too, is incinerated like his comrades. As the fighting stopped, Kallard are hear several scientists running out of the room in a panic. He goes about using his PDA to silence any alarm that went out, and though, while he was able to set the alarm as false, two soldiers kicked down the medical room door. The third move in and check the supply closet door, and were closing in on Kallard's position.

Quickly, Kallard turns off the lighting for the supply room, retrieves his sidearm from the ash pile, and takes an ambush position, and awaits his prey. As they burst into the dark room, many of them cover their noses and gag at the smell. Kallard took the initiative and blasts one of the soldiers with fire. Another burned corpse. The soldiers quickly return fire, but the wall Kallard took shelter behind proved to be more than adequate in soaking up bullets. Kallard burns one more, and uses his side arm to take down the last one. His uniform would be important. Looking at the cameras he didn't see anyone coming, so he took the time to put on his stealth suit and then quickly removes, and dons uniform of the soldier he didn't burn to a crisp. He has the helmet on just as the next wave of troops enter the area. Again, they are aghast at the smell

Kallard quickly looks distraught.

"What the hell happened here?" one of them asks.

"I don't know what the hell this guy is, but he wiped out my squad. I'm the only one left. All Ash. Even him." he says pointing to one of the piles. " Plugged him in the head with a round. Instead of gore, like a normal person. He just... turned to ash." He then turns to the soldiers and starts talking frantically. "How the hell did he even get on the ship in the first place!? Fuck. Otto owned me money... said he'd pay it back when he got big. Now he's fucking dead."

"Well, now we got an ass load of paperwork to fill out. What did he look like?"

"It was dark when we entered, just like it is now. Smelled awful. Then I saw him. Turned Otto to ash. Saw a lab coat, but, that's all I could make out."

The soldier regarding him nods and seems to report this up his chain of command.

"Okay, calling the cleaning crew down here... wait for what?... You got to be... Yes sir we will be here. Our mutated Crinis wants to speak with us. He thinks that one of our prisoners escaped. He wants to check the site out for himself."

Mutated crinis? Wym. Kallard knows that the crinis will be overly investigative unless Kallard can give him a reason to move on quickly. Using the suit's datalink capability, he accesses the PDA handsfree, and uses it to send a message to the mortician he spared. He instructs him to stage an event that makes it seem like the "escaped prisoner" elsewhere. Kallard waits around what seems like forever, but was only a few minutes, before one of the radio's lights up with activity: "Target spotted in the morgue."

"Well then, make sure Luon gets there." A familiar voice gave the order: Wym. He walks into the room with an aggressive heel in his step.

"Sir he's-" one soldier starts to say before being interrupted by Wym. "I understand. But that is not a concern for me. What is meaning of my attention is the thought of where that ash man came from." He looks at Kallard, "Tell me every thing."

"What about-" the soldiers attempts to speak again. "Katal doesn't need to be disturbed now. He has other things to attend to. Unless there is a major disaster do not call him"

"He was wearing a Lab coat... couldn't see much else in the dark. Showed up with my guys after hearing gunshots. Smelled like burned flesh. Broke down the door and Otto got hit with strange looking black fire... turned him to ash just like that. Never saw anything like it. Fought for another minute before I killed... well thought I killed him. Turned to ash when I shot him." Kallard says, doing his best to sounds like a shaken up simple soldier.

"Hmm... Interesting. Men! The spy is not dead! Hunt down every closet, vent, and hallway, but I want him dead! The rest of you, follow me! We're heading to the captured ship!" Wym orders. Kallard instructively follows.
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The two of you move on from Wym, as Sek pulls the distracted crinis into a storage supply closet, and closes the automatic door. He pulled his wrist communicator out and whispered, "Star, we're at the closet. Sara is right behind me. Are we ready to go?...Why not?...Are You...Fine! You know, why is it me who has to risk my butt all the time?!?" Before he could finish the conversation the door raised for a brief second, as Ansel was tossed into it, landing on Sek.

The two of you move up the elevator. Sara watches the side of the wall, weary of the other elevator going up as the siblings descend. Within a few moments the elevator stops, and she takes a sigh of relief, "Good, he's Wym isn't on to us. So long as we get to the ship we should be getting off scot free." The pair continued walking, being escorted by the two soldiers. They turned the corner, and Ansel caught a glimpse of the Mr. Star's ship. Before Sara could say anything, she turned swiftly and grabbed her brother by the arm and threw him into a nearby supply closet, where he landed on Sek, nearly missing Aach-Ti.

The three of you could barely fit inside the mostly empty supply closet as you could hear two voices talking, "Sara! There are spies on this ship!" "I know old man, I've been watching the prisoner's ship since I heard." "Well...good. Take these men and continue guarding the door. Kill anyone you don't recognize." "Well no shit." "Watch your tongue young woman! We can't have anyone take our ring!" She hesitated for a few seconds before finally saying something, "Ring...?" "Hm I suppose Balthazar never told you, but I don't have time to tell you the story now. Keep guard here, and In will return once we have found the spy." He walked off, leaving the soldier's with Sara. She waited a few moments before walking past the four guards. She stops to think for a moment before giving a command, "Put your silencers on." The soldiers obeyed without hesitation. With a flick of her fingers, she opened the closet where Sek, Ansel, and Aach-Ti stumbled out of the closet. Sek fell flat on his face, once he got back on his feet he charged the nearest soldier.

Kallard watched for any available opportunity he could to sneak away. The suit would have done the trick easily, but not with Wym watching them from behind. There wasn't even a lie he could make up that could justify him leaving. Even if he had one, risking getting caught by Wym was to great. Besides, they were going to the docking bay anyway. When they arrived, the woman the academy agents on Saseal fought was just leaning against the wall. "Sara! There are spies on this ship!" "I know old man, I've been watching the prisoner's ship since I heard." "Well...good. Take these men and continue guarding the door. Kill anyone you don't recognize." "Well no shit." "Watch your tongue young woman! We can't have anyone take our ring!" She hesitated for a few seconds before finally saying something, "Ring...?" "Hm I suppose Balthazar never told you, but I don't have time to tell you the story now. Keep guard here, and In will return once we have found the spy." He walked off, leaving the soldier's with Sara. She waited a few moments before walking past the four guards. She stops to think for a moment before giving a command, "Put your silencers on." The soldiers obeyed without hesitation. With a flick of her fingers, she opened the closet where Sek, Ansel, and Aach-Ti stumbled out of the closet. Sek fell flat on his face, and charged the nearest soldier.
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Kallard takes this as the cue to rebel, and quickly turns to grab the face of thr nearest soldier and proceeds to unleash abyssal fire upon him.
Ansel moved to grab the farthest soldier, smashing the unfortunate mook into another nearby.
Ansel take it off first, picking up one soldier in hurling him at the other. They crashed into the wall in a pile of broken and mangled bodies. Sek followed closely behind, with a single swipe, bisecting one of the soldiers.

After Kallard was finished with the final guard, The woman aimed a ball of magenta energy at him,
"Who are you?"
"He's that fire guy who helped me fight grey muscle monster back on Saseal after..uh-"
"I got my ass kicked. You don't have to be so coy... wait, how the hell do you know him?"
"I never forget something that cool!"
'Huff' "You're an idiot."
"Maybe, but I never forget things! Eventually I'll be super intelligent."
"What are we waiting for let's go dumbass!"
"Well before all that business with Wym and the guards went down, star was telling me that there are magnetic locks keeping the ship on the ground, on top of that the tractor beam they have is still charged and ready. We kinda need to take them both out before this ship can go anywhere. Do you have any ideas, since you basically lived here?"
"DAMN IT! I knew something like that would happen!"
"That means you have a plan?"
"You were the one who wanted to make a plan! I even suggested we tear a few holes in this ship, let them worry about that, take our guys and leave, but no! you didn't want to do it!"
"Then we'd have to worry about breathing and the ship line into the nearby blue giant!"
"Don't you patronize me SEK!"

In a blur of motion, she launched her fist into Sek's stomach. He reacted by wrenching back at first, but then firmly grasp her shoulders and looked her dead in the eyes , "I know you're scared, but we can get through this. Between the five of us we can overcome anything this ship has."
"I am not scared... Just pissed!"

They both take a deep breath, and separate. Sek handed out wrist communicators mistress Blake gave to Ansel Aach-ti. He displays holo map from his wrist communicator, "Now we have thee real objectives here, one don't run into Lord KitKat, number two and three, we need to take out either their power or take out the control functions for the magnetizer and tractor beam. As Sarah pointed out, I am an idiot so I don't want to come up with a plan. What do you think Aach-Ti?"
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"I can take out one of the objectives." He says coolly through the balaclava he looted. "Of course, this is going to attract attention, so why not simplify things and just disable the reactor. Would that not take care of both objectives? I could handle that as well."
tartarus-middledeck.jpg This is the very bottom level.Aach-Ti was in the top right block 11 cell. Kallard was in the top room six. Right now the party is right in front of the upper room 7, right next to the retractable ramp. For now, pretend the ramp is the docking bay that goes down one more level.
tartarus-upperdeck.jpg this is the middle of the ship. Ansel was in the upper room 6.
tartarus-lowerdeck.jpg this is the very top also ship. This is mostly wear its primary cannon is
Sek, never let someone tell you that you are unintelligent.
You believe what you tell yourself, and right now you are telling yourself that you are less than what you are.

Aach-Ti reached up and grabbed the boy's shoulder and did his best to make it seem like his eyes were 'smiling'. He personally did not understand, but the Crinis has used that little trick on many humans. Facing back to the others, he speaks quietly, but firmly.

As for the ship, well I think we can go two different routes.
One, is to be that of a shadow. Taking out both objectives in one fell swoop without being seen until it is time to escape.
The other option is that of a storm. We cause so much chaos that the enemy does not have time to recover.

For the first option, we would need to take out the security room, then the objectives. If we can do this without being spotted, then it will be the easiest route. Sara, you will be in charge of taking out the security room. We just need the man on shift to be incapacitated so he does not alert the rest of the ship. You, I shall call you codename Black Fire, as I do not know your name, and you seem to want to keep it that way.. you will be taking out the objectives. As for everyone else, well, we just need to keep everything calm until we have a chance to make a break for the ship.

For the second option, we would need to release the prisoners on the ship, rig the weapons lockers to explode when opened, and take out the objectives while the guardsmen are busy dealing with the issues at hand. This poses it's own problem however, as Wym will want to engage us in battle. Myself and Mrs. Blake should be able to handle it, but that will take us out of the fight. Black Fire, you would be in charge of rigging the explosives and then taking out the reactor with Sek. Sara will open the prison doors, and then Ansel and I will destroy the lifts once the guards have flooded down below. After that, we will meet up at the lifts, get to the ship, and get out as soon as possible. Ansel, you are in charge of clearing the path.

Does anyone have any questions or concerns?
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"I prefer the quiet plan. However, I won't pretend I have authority over this motley crew. I will go with whatever is decided. I'd rather not end up in Katal's morgue again over teamwork issues." Kallard asserts to the crinis, surprised that he's refrained from probing his mind, and silently grateful for it. He removes the magazine from his sidearm, and checks it's supply. Ten rounds plus one in the chamber, with two spare magazines. Sliding it back into the magazine well, he then affixes a suppressor.
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"Obviously I'd prefer to go in loud. My abilities aren't really tailored to stealth." Ansel looked at Sek. "What do you think? Quiet, or Loud?"
"Sek, never let someone tell you that you are unintelligent.
You believe what you tell yourself, and right now you are telling yourself that you are less than what you are."
"That was sarcasm though..."
"He probably knows that-"

Aach-Ti turns at the two to star for a moment. The young ones both looked away from the cirnins. He knew a stern look would keep the quiet for a moment. Aach-Ti knew what Sek knew what he meant, "They are almost no better than children." He thinks to himself before explain the plan.


"Uhm...I'm not sure...?"
"I want to go in loud."
"Sure, let's go with loud!"
The entire group stares at him for a moment, "What? I'd rather not stand here and do nothing. To be perfectly honest, if we all hid in that closet there, we'd probably get caught."
She shrugs, and turns to Aach-Ti, "He makes a fair point. If we just sit here, we're bound to be discovered by a patrol, Luon, Wym, Katal, or whomever else might be on this ship."
Kallard starts to worry that perhaps this wasn't being given proper consideration, so he speaks up to add his learned wisdom on matters such as this.

"We are at a severe numerical and power disadvantage with no realistic chance of reinforcement nor escape without first accomplishing set objectives. Sun Tzu would call this scenario Death Terrain. In other words, we're in a do or die situation. If we're discovered, they will bear down on us with everything they have. We will not survive that." Kallard states, taking a pause to allow the point to be emphasized.

"So, the two ways presented around that are the so called Quiet and Loud plans. Quiet Plan works on the premise of not being noticed in the first place. It gives the best opportunity for escaping without complication, but is at severe risk in that should it be discovered, it would be nigh impossible to adapt the plan for success. The Loud option is more able to adapt, however it's weakness is time. It would have to be executed with swift brutality that doesn't allow the enemy to resist in an organized fashion. If any element of the operation is bogged down for too long, the whole plan fails. Please keep these things in mind before committing to a plan of action." Satisfied that he's made his position clear, he awaits for the collective judgement.
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"So you're saying the quiet plan has less screwing up, but if it does, we can do anything about it...and the loud one is more risky but adaptable..."
"I like adaptability."

"If we bust open the prisons, the guards they have would have to be running around containing or killing them. At that point we'd only have to worry about Wym, Katal, and maybe Luon. Their personal guard might even be trying to secure the prisons, since they don't know the Crinis got out."
"The only issue I see is that Me and black fire dude would be a team, Sara and Ansel would be a team, but Aach-Ti is stuck by himself unless he gets onto the ship with Star."
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"He'll be able to make he own team as he goes along." Kallard states, hinting at the Crinis' psionic abilities.
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"I dunno what we're waiting around for. The plan makes sense, lets get into specifics and get started. I'm supposed to be clearing a path, right? Where, and when?"
The lifts are right around the corner, and the cells are not much further than that. I will stay by Ansel for the time being.

The key to this plan is to get half the guards down here, then destroy the lifts as there is no other way from section to section. Our ship is but a ship's hull away, and if I remember correctly, Ansel is very adept at making holes in hulls. This way, all we have to worry about is a group of guards being overrun by prisoners, and both Black Fire and Sek getting back to the ship in time. On second thought though.. Black Fire is right. We do not need to waste any time. Nevermind the weapon lockers, we just need their power supply destroyed enough to render their defenses useless. Where is our ship? We can stand just above it and punch a hole below. Wym will inevitably be there waiting, but priority one is to get to the ship and get out.

Unless we have more to discuss, Black Fire and Sek, you should get moving. Ansel and Sara, lets get back to the prison cells. We can feign being placed back in. We will await word from Black Fire and Sek, hereby known as Red Squad. Ansel, Sara, and I are now known as Blue Squad.
"Let's get going Sek." Kallard urges as he starts moving in the direction of their objective.
"Yeah, I'm with you Mr fire guy!" Sek shouts as he put his helmet on, completing the disguise and matching his partner.
"FYI, this that door right over there beside the closet that I threw Ansel into, leads to an elevator that goes to the docking bay. If we get there then we'll be able to clearly see the ship. If you want to break the floor to get to the ship, the viewing platform on the other side of this level who would be our best bet. Also, security is going to be a little wound up right now. If you want me to escort you to the prisons as if you were captured, they might calm down a lot."

The pair in disguise started moving to the elevators. They could see several soldiers moving all around this floor of the ship, as well as up and down the elevators. Clearly they were searching for something. When the pair moved to the elevators, They where joined more by a small group of soldiers, "We're with the N- 1, how about you two?" One of the soldiers asked.
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