Akira High School

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Eli puts on a fake pout, "I said I sowwy." This is how he normally acts when he is overly tired.
Allyn stared at him and blinked, " You're... pouting..? " she said softly then laughed, " That's... just weird! " she said. " I can't believe you could act like that. " Lien stared at her as if she was crazy. " Maybe she drank too much coffee... "
"Hey! Your one to talk missy! You are acting loco!" he grins then yawns.
A red chip showed on her forehead showing she was annoyed, she got the can of coffee from earlier and threw it on him, " I am not loco! " she shouted while standing up on the seat, surprisingly it didn't fall. Some people were staring at her and whispering. This was just an embarrassing moment for her. " ... " she sat down on her seat normally and stared at the table looking empty and humiliated.
Eli catches the can, then look to see everyone staring at her. Eli covers his mouth, trying not to laugh again. Once he pulls himself together (Well... sort of XD) he gets up and looks at the croud. "Alright! Nothing to see here! Move along!" He says to all of them, which surprisingly they listen. He sits back down.
" Everyone.. saw me... that's so.. embarrassing. " she said while looking at the table upset, " Waa... Ellie! Hold on! " Lien said shaking her back and forth. " Wake up and be happy Ellie! " Allyn couldn't believe how much people saw her scream like that. She was absolutely sure her reputation would be ruined like that.
"D-don't tell me you are about to cry..." He looks at Allyn.
" Everyone.. saw me like that... " she said it once again, a single tear was shed as Lien kept on shaking her, " Don't cry Allie! Everyone looks ugly when they cried. " that just makes it worst for Allyn. " Lien and Eli is mean... " she said looking down the table. An arrow was struck on Lien's heart then nodded, " Yes we're mean! We admit it. Please don't cry! "
"You know I-" he started to say then he realized what she was doing and smirked. Eli take an lifts her chin up with his finger, and makes her look at him. I know she cant stand people touching her... He bends down and gives her a quick kiss on the lips.
[ i don't know what to put ; ^ ; i told my friend to help me. LOL. > _ < i'm a fail in this ]

Lien backed away from them shocked, " WHAAAT?! " Allyn sat there lifeless. " D.. DON'T TOUCH ME! " she yelled backing away then landed on her butt when she fell, " I.. I HATE YOU! " her face was completely red she backed away accidentally hitting the table behind her but still continued. " YOU JUST STOLE MY FIRST KISS! I'LL KILL YOU! I'LL REALLY KILL YOU--? " once she realized everyone was actually staring at her, some were whispering and the people not far away laughed at her.

" Look at her reaction. " " ' You stole my first kiss oh no! ' what's up with that reaction. " " If i was her, i'd never show my face in this school again. " " She's just a drama queen. " She sat there on the ground completely embarrass, humiliated. " I... I REALLY HATE PEOPLE LIKE YOU THE MOST! " she yelled at Eli and stood up running.

" Ellie! " Lien yelled watching her run, she walked towards Eli and stared at him suspicious, " Are you two dating.... How come you never told me! " she yelled sadly, " I was you're friend too you could have told me. " Lien really doesn't get the point of what had happen at all.
((LMAO! XD)) Eli's eyes widen. Her first kiss?! But... I didn't know! Eli stands up "We aren't dating. I didn't even know that was her first kiss! Look she cried on purpose because she knows I hate it. So I just figured that since she hates people touching her..." his voice trailed off. I need to find her! He runs after her. Man... I feel like an ass... "Allyn!"
[ xD Sorry at least i am honest > _ < having a hiatus moment sorry ; ^ ; ]

" Well then. You messed up big time. " Lien said chuckling watching him leave then she noticed some. " I'm all alone! " she yelled.

I hate it, i hate it, i hate it. Allyn kept thinking over and over again running away from that place. When she was about to turn a corner she tripped on her foot and hit the wall, " I hate it. " she said sitting on her knees looking down the ground. " I hate... everyone here. " she said, tears were already rolling down her cheeks but she didn't care anymore. She hugged her knees tightly looking like a small armadillo protecting herself. " I don't like it here... I want to go home. "
Eli senses her energy and teleports to her "Alynn..." he sits down and looking at her seriously. "I am so sorry... I had no idea... I don't blame you if you hate me."
Allyn hug her knees even tighter making her look smaller, her fist was clenched tight. " Go away.. " softly she said. She didn't want to talk to him, besides this was all his fault. " I don't like you anymore.. "
"Since when have you ever liked me?" he looks confused. He figured he wouldn't get an answer. Eli had to think of a way to get the people to stop talking about her... but- then it hit him. But would he really do it?... Yes, she owed her that much... Eli then used his mind to talk to Lean "Hey Lean. Its me Eli. Don't ask how I am talking to you. We don't have time for that. Come to the corner and try to support Allyn. I have an idea." he ran back to the cafeteria.
Lien wanted to shout ghost but then just ran out of the cafeteria, she walked around then turned to the corner seeing a protected Allyn. " Armadillo... " she said softly then kneeled down in front of her poking her, " Hey are you alright? " there was no response, " Allie, please talk to me. " Yet again no response. " Hey, i know it's you're first kiss but who cares?! My first kiss was also stolen by my dad. " then again the atmosphere darken as Lien got much more nervous, " I'm just joking.... "
Eli gets to the cafeteria panting. Everyone still talking about Allyn. Eli hops on a table and shouts. "HEY!" he shouted and everyone stopped and looked at him. I am sorry dad... Eli took a deep breath. "I have a secret I have been hiding from each and everyone of you!" He makes his wings pop out of his back and everyone gasps.
" Allie, so what if he stole you're first kiss, why do you care anywa-- ? " Lien stopped talking when Allyn raised her head up, " Lien... Can you kill me? " she said without hesitating while Lien just knelt there completely empty and confused. " Allie... please don't say that. " Allyn hugged her knees while looking away. " Lien... Carry me home. " Allyn extended both her arms expecting her to carry her home. " No way. " Lien said sighing.

" Let's go back, i'm sure Eli-- " once Lien brought up his name Allyn hid her face again and hugged her knees tight feeling much more upset. " Alli-- " " I don't want to see him. I hate him. I despise people like him. " Lien blinked and pat her head, " What do you mean by people like him? " then there was silence. " Lien. Go away. I don't need you. " she said such hurtful words towards Lien. She stood up and headed back to the lunch area leaving Allyn alone there. " I see.. I get it. " Lien muttered and smile. " I get it now. "
"Look! I am the son of Ares! So that makes me a demi-god! Now listen, spread this around school and not the incident that happened with Allyn! Understand?!" Everyone continues looking at him amazed, they nod. "Good!" his wings disappear in his back and he gets down. Everyone starts talking again. Except this time its about Eli. Eli walks out almost bumping into Lean. "What are you doing?"
Lien stared at Eli and smiled, " There's no used to talking to Allyn so i left her, you should leave her there too. If you understood her situation you would get away from her. " she then past him and walked towards the cafeteria, she heard some new rumors already spreading around. Now that was quick.