Agents of Galactic Standstill

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
So as a bit of fun (and because I rather enjoy character building) I put together a sheet for the carrier concept that lost to Ana before it was realised. Figured I'd post it up for you guys to have a gander at. Soon as I saw Corvettes were a possibility and that they often had avatars of their own the concept took hold, then I noticed gunboats occasionally have avatars and the trio of secondary avatars coalesced in my mind.

As a side note; I also imagine rather than 'cruiser carrier ship' carrier would supersede cruiser in this case and her formal title would be 'Heavy Battle Carrier C-1171'

  • Designation: C-1171
    Avatar Name: Amelia
    Ship Class: Cruiser
    Ship Subtypes: Heavy, Battle
    Ship Role: Carrier Ship

    • Storage (Hangar) x3
    • Communications (Shared Information)
    • Support (Refuel)
    • Targeting (Enhanced Target Tracking)

    Length: 1040m
    Shields: 6
    Armament: 10
    Speed: 2
    Manoeuvrability: 2
    Hull Points: 50

    • Ship Storage Racks

    • 10x Quad Particle Beam Guns
    • 30x Missile Tube Arrays
    • 2x Triple Heavy Plasma Turrets
    • 1x Twin Medium Plasma Turret

    Hanger Compliment:
    • 1 Corvette (X-442, Katia)
    • 2 Gunboats (X-334, Elly) (X-335, Jessica)
    • 5 Interceptors
    • 12 Drones (6 Scout, 6 PD)


  • copgirl.jpg

    Personality: Often regarded as Cold, even among the nebula fleet. She tends to treat the Cheerleaders as her children and can be protective of them when challenged.

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    From left to right in image: Elly(X-334), Katia(X-442) and Jessica(X-335)
    Personalites: Katia tends to be a little more reserved than Elly and Jessica and is the 'leader' of the three in most actions in no small part due to her ship-body being of the corvette class. All three obey Amelia's orders when given but have a habit of 'playing' when not called for active duty. Usually on C-1171's flight deck so that they are not straying far from their ship-bodies should orders be given.
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Very cool. :3

If you had gone with that I would have needed to come up with info on how to customize corvettes, too. xD
I went on the assumption that I would be unable to immediately tell Ana was a Nebula Ship.
A fair assumption in your current state of mixed shock and panic, she is intended to appear as a human ship to casual observation and scans after all, particularly if you four did cut yourselves off from the fleet connection as was suggested.
A fair assumption in your current state of mixed shock and panic, she is intended to appear as a human ship to casual observation and scans after all, particularly if you four did cut yourselves off from the fleet connection as was suggested.
Hmm, Gat, it's probably your turn to go next, methinks.
I thought the same may be the case, I'm not entirely sure what to throw in however. I mean Ana would defer to Ayako as shes the command cruiser, but as she's not officially part of the battlegroup she's not going to be requesting orders or the like. There's not a lot more for Ana to react to at the moment really.
Ah well alright. I'll take that as a 'pass,' haha.

I'll post in the morning then, move the story along. Too sleepy now, headed to bed!
No worries, Sleep well. don't do what I've done and stay up 4 night in a row so that you only get 4 hours sleep each night.... I really don't recommend it, I'm basically ready to hook up an IV loaded with an energy drink at the moment :p
No worries, Sleep well. don't do what I've done and stay up 4 night in a row so that you only get 4 hours sleep each night.... I really don't recommend it, I'm basically ready to hook up an IV loaded with an energy drink at the moment :p
Dude, get some sleep! o.O
I plan to tonight actually. i cant seem to stay focused on anything for more than half an hour so its to bed early(ish) for me tonight.
Makoto is just dying. Once the story is moved along a little more or someone tries to contact her, I'll get back into the game.
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I'll probably continue the conversation tomorrow. I need to sleep, first.
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So noticing the lack of another post I put a little effort in and worked a couple of paragraphs out.
Yeah, I appreciate that. I was at kind of a loss as well. I want the team-to-be to get a little bit of conversing in first before just throwing in an external threat.
Hm, I may have to think a bit on how best to still hint and what's going on while pretending everything is completely normal and there's nothing suspicious here, not at all. ...Though, just being that blatantly cagey might be enough for anyone with the awareness to catch on.
Probably would be enough. Ana has had time to practice acting 'normal' and having been like this for a while now she has the capacity to spot the differences, where as an unaffected nebula ship wouldn't even be aware of those differences.
This is true. It's worth mentioning that Ayako is managing all communications using her avatar as a mediator, which isn't necessary when speaking to other Fleet ships, I'm certain.
This is true. It's worth mentioning that Ayako is managing all communications using her avatar as a mediator, which isn't necessary when speaking to other Fleet ships, I'm certain.
You are correct, for the most part. Most Nebula ships would just speak through their quantum network. Using the normal comms system and speaking through your avatar is not a standard Nebula Fleet thing to do. That being said, some ships do it still. It's quirky, but not damning by any means.

Now, that combined with escorting a human ship instead of immediately destroying it, well...
I'll be honest here, it hadn't even occurred to me to use the quantum network rather than comms....
I'll be honest here, it hadn't even occurred to me to use the quantum network rather than comms....
That's because you guys are different. :D And can't even realize how different you are but in retrospect. xD

Don't worry, some 'proper' Nebula ships will come along shortly to drive that point home~